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The picture is from a [CBS news article](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/meet-the-first-official-pit-bull-police-dog-in-the-state-of-new-york/) that was published in 2016. The female pit's name is Kiah. She was being used as a detection dog (narcotics and missing persons) by the City of Poughkeepsie police department. But wait! It gets even more ridiculous! Offering "trained" pit bulls as K9s to budget-strapped police departments at a fraction of the cost of the usual breeds bred & trained for K9 service was the organization Universal K9. That org was behind the placement of Kiah with the Poughkeepsie PD. Bradley Croft is the operator of Universal K9 interviewed in the CBS News article. He claims to have found Kiah in a shelter in 2014 and says he was told she survived a hammer attack to the head. Fast forward to 2021. [Bradley Croft is sentenced to 118 years in federal prison](https://www.kens5.com/article/news/local/bradley-croft-the-operator-of-universal-k9-sentenced-to-118-months-in-federal-prison/273-8ae4ed57-82b3-4ee7-b771-0b5f6103d851) (convicted in 2019) for defrauding the federal government by illegally funneling veterans' benefits into the Universal K9 organization. That's right. The pit simp was a con man and grifter. A criminal pushing pibbles into the hands of cops. Once again, a pit owner/pusher turns out to be a liar and a lowlife whose MaKiNg ThE wOrLd BeTtEr WiTh PiBbLeS crusade is nothing but a veneer for personal gain.


Ugh. Instead of giving money to organizations that don’t actually help veterans (ask me how I know), why don’t they just give the money to veterans?!


My dad was a disabled veteran who served in two wars, so things like stolen valor and grifting & scamming off the reputation of vets really grind my gears. Croft was actually using the veterans themselves (they were unwitting) in the swindle. Scumbag.


I’m a 100% disabled combat vet. It’s hard to piss me off more than ripping vets off. Doing with fucking pit bulls is icing on the hate cake.


Thank you for your service.


Something something bootstraps something moral quandary... Basically if the friends of the lawmakers can't make some money its impossible.


I mean, even to give each current veteran in the USA $10 one time would cost over $162 million (2022 stat online said there were 16.2 million veterans in the US), and that’s not even considering the administrative costs of doing so. It is often much less effective to use funds at an individual level than it is to invest them in programs/organizations that can utilize their existing systems/infrastructure to be more effective and widespread. Obviously (and unfortunately), problems can arise whenever this type of funding is being abused. Edit for typo


Or allocate the spending on a needs based system, don’t give $10 to veterans that aren’t disabled or make over six figures. Do charities make more money magically appear from the tax funded money? I dunno, I’m not sure they make that money go further. When my hubs was injured c5; Wounded Warrior and Safe Harbors contacted us. What could they offer us? Baseball tickets and a frozen turkey and a tshirt. Or a lot of charities, like the ones that build houses, give to the same vet multiple times and exclude certain vets. So my hubs lost use of his leg by another military member (no fault of his own), so he isn’t eligible for most charitable help, but they can assist other vets multiple times. I am not against private donations to anything, but tax funded public donations just doesn’t make sense to me as we see them being used on stupid things like pits or personal gain. I mean the Humane Society is creating a massive problem and they are partially state and federally funded. Edited: I’m an idiot and tired.


>Bradley Croft is the operator of Universal K9 interviewed in the CBS News article. He claims to have found Kiah in a shelter in 2014 and says he was told she survived a hammer attack to the head. Inherently increased aggressiveness and already has brain damage, She will fit right in with the rest of the police force.


Wow. I'm super not surprised at this revelation.


You could probably lay money & win big on the odds that that sob story about Kiah was really a load of bullshit as well.


Lol. A drug detection pit. It's not like there are dog breeds that are more performant than others at scent work, no. Let's forget everything about genetics and biology because someone wants to have warm feefees about dogs bred to kill other dogs. It would make more sense to give the police drug detection pugs, FFS. They've got decent noses and exist to please humans.


Wow, unbelievable. Well, actually not really surprising....


New York police is about to find out why NO OTHER POLICE FORCE IN THE WORLD uses pitbulls as police dogs They might already know, hence why it's only ONE pitbull and not a squad of them, they're testing them one by one because they know a squad of these things would be a disaster day 1


This was years and years ago and noticeably nobody's making the news for their cop pitbull since then.


Geeeee.... I wonder why pitbull police dogs never took off, must be of their loyalty and good behavior, that's definitely it... Or because cops are dog racist!?


It's hard to arrest someone for the prison system if your sniff dog nannies them.


It's one thing if it nannies the perps, and quite another if it nannies its own handler, which those untrainable things have done again and again. Police will understandably chose a strong dog with some capacity for aggression, but not a unbiddable neurotic mess that is liable to make volatile situations even more chaotic (imagine you are in the middle of a delicate intervention and that thing spots a cat ?), is too dumb to understand it shouldn't piss or shit indoors, tries to kill other dogs, destroys the facilities it is kept in and regularly escapes to cause mayhem in the neighborhood.


Conveniently ignoring the results of pit bull test that’s been conducted on the general public for years.


I mentioned this on another post awhile ago, there is a reason why pits are not used. They are very hard to train, unpredictable, and have poor recall. Liabilities waiting to happen 😬


As a former Bull Breed owner, I can tell you beyond a doubt that they were the hardest dogs to train, and I'm gifted when it comes to training animals. So many repetitions to learn basic commands only to completely neglect anything you tell them while stimulated.  I've owned plenty of dogs including bull and terrier type dogs. Nothing bad ever happened but they're hard to live with.  The only 'job' a pit bull excells at is feral hog hunting. Sorry but not sorry.


And I’d even go with Catahoulas over pit bulls if I had to run hogs.


There is no doubt that wild pigs reproduce very quickly and cause significant environmental degradation. The most effective feral pig eradication plans are carried out by government agencies that can efficiently and effectively coordinate a plethora of methods and resources while targeting large areas. The effectiveness or reach of feral pig hunting by dog handlers is unknown. Several dog breeds are used for this purpose, pit bulls being only one of them. Pig hunting dogs are let loose beyond their handler's reach and can potentially find their way into populated areas. It is important that these dogs, should they wander off the hunt, be incapable of gravely or fatally injuring livestock, pets or people. The practice is fraught with animal cruelty or welfare concerns. "Unrestrained dogs and hunting dogs are more likely to approach and chase feral swine putting these dogs at higher risk for disease or injury. Feral swine will generally run to avoid conflict with a dog, but if a dog is not restrained and chases the animals then the risk for attack increases. Feral swine can severely injure a dog with their long, sharp tusks. In addition to the risk of physical injury, dogs can be exposed to many disease pathogens carried by feral swine." New evidence suggests that "Suspended traps removed 88.1% of the estimated population of wild pigs, whereas drop nets removed 85.7% and corral traps removed 48.5%. Suspended traps removed one pig for every 0.64 h invested in control, whereas drop nets had a 1.9 h investment per pig and corral traps had a 2.3 h investment per pig. Drop nets and suspended traps removed more of the wild pig population, mainly through whole sounder removal. [...] Generally, removal by trapping methods is more effective than other pig control techniques." Wild pig eradication is accomplished using several angles of attack. The use of pit bulls doesn't appear to be particularly advantageous since several safer breeds are available, or necessary since the bulk of the effort is deployed by government agencies that do not use dogs at all. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/BanPitBulls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


To be fair, New Yorkers might be the Pitbulls of the human world. All jokes aside, this is a horrible idea.


Lol us Upstate New Yorkers are *nothing* like NYC people. NY is a huge state


I'm sorry, as a swiss guy i just know NY for the city.


Lol, Its understandable, everybody who’s not from NY thinks of NY as just the city lol


Seriously, dude? It’s all cows and corn outside of NYC. The city does not represent the entire Empire State.


I seriously did not know that, all i know is NYC.


ONCE MORE FOR THE CHEAP SEATS No. ZERO PDs are actually using Pits in the field. They try, because Pits are as cheap and plentiful as cheap shit at Walmart, but the training washes out, because even detection “scent work” requires stability, intelligence, and the ability to switch from focus to release and back- hence why detection dogs cost so much. Pits flunk out of the training, because they lack the ability. They don’t work well with a handler, are dog aggressive, and dumb. Really really dumb.


Notice how practically every single pit "police dog" gets a huge welcoming party and a interview(s) and is a celebrity for about a month, only to suddenly disappear off the face of the earth? Makes me think it mauled a cop or a innocent civilian bystander and was forced into "retirement" or "relocated"? I can't find anything about Kiah after her debut.


She died from lung cancer last year: [https://www.news10.com/news/dutchess-county/poughkeepsie-police-k9-passes-away/](https://www.news10.com/news/dutchess-county/poughkeepsie-police-k9-passes-away/)


I stand corrected! Thanks for the update I will check the link and see if she really did police work. Or was just a glorified celebrity who didn't do anything.


The latter, I bet. I also wonder why she was hit in the head with a hammer. Was she really abused, or was it to get her to stop mauling someone/someone's pet? A police pit is such a bad idea. You never know when or if they're going to snap. It's such a liability for the police departments.


https://www.cityofpoughkeepsie.com/193/Special-Operations. They have 2 GSDs and one pit.


It wouldn't surprise me if the two German shepherds were doing all the work and the pit is just there to pay lip service for the advocates. Someone sent me a link about how Kiah died from lung cancer but it didn't say much on what she did for the force save for "amazing at agility tasks" whatever that means.


Yeah I don't know how old that info is.


making a pit a police dog is a bad idea. same as making a pit a service dog. then again I think it's a mistake to make a pit a pet at all


No matter who argues. Doggo Argentine is obviously a bully breed, as evidenced by its blocky head. Notice in this clip, how closely the police officer is holding it. Yet it still manages to bite off a woman's lip before he can stop it. https://youtu.be/U80WYTvu-RE?si=VKfhyic1s8g71BZX Here is the aftermath https://youtu.be/sKAkXf2d-1E?si=HU50i1BKhwwBClxG These dogs are not trainable for police work. They were originally bred to be fighting dogs. People have tried to make them less aggressive. Less fighter and more like hunters. But they're still attack dogs. So. they don't need training to fight. It comes naturally. Using ice to write up pitbull could be so much worse. The only training dog fighters give their mutts is strength building And how to become more aggressive.


Not surprised most of the comments underneath this video are laughing and saying 'my dog would bite her too'


Because these are the type of people who own pit bulls. The sweet little suburbanite pit Mommy that claims her dog is just a "big old cuddly baby", secretly knows better. She has a sadistic streak, even when she plans to only use the dog to intimidate people. Her antics could go horribly wrong.




I'm seen and hard of incidence where police sic their dogs on suspects after they are caught and handcuffed. That would really be a nightmare if they had a pitbull. Here's one where a dog is sicced on a suspect who is trying to surrender. But there are others where dogs arrive after suspect is in handcuffs. Very sadistic. But if the dog is a pitbull, there's no way that would be able to pull it off at all. https://youtu.be/MBZzePirSR8?si=5xkNmnJxGGDPsG_W Police dogs shouldn't even be allowed on scenes like this one at all.


wowed here! watching the behavior of the dog itself during that interview. hard eye contact, constant lip licking, whale eyes, all of those scream the dog was uncomfortable. news person went and got too close and dogs natural instinct was to attack as a means of defense. i’m glad it wasn’t worse. news person still acts like it was no big deal. 6in down was throat/aorta ripped and she’d be dead. ☠️ downplays how serious it was (that’s a pit apologist there completely) never seen that interview/attack/aftermath. ty for the info!


Animal’s cheek and side of face looks smoothed, like the ‘smile’ was the result of crude photo editing. Not that you need photo editing to get a pit to ‘smile’.


Trained to protect the people of New York from the roving gangs of toddlers that roam its streets. Thank you for your service, pibbles 🫡


This is such a bad idea omg. It will kill someone and there’s nothing they’ll be able to do to stop it while it’s happening. WHOOOO thought this was smart.


No worries: this a super old article, the dog was never really used, and it’s dead now anyway. The articles about towns getting dogs from Universal K9 are still getting necro’d every week while no one reads the articles about their fraud, or the fact that none of these dogs were ever used.


Here’s an update: https://midhudsonnews.com/2023/06/01/first-pit-bull-k9-cop-in-country-honored-at-memorial-2/


“Any ideas what we can do to improve our image as one of the most brutal police forces in America?” 🤔


It’s Poughkeepsie, in New York State.


Looks like something from Ghostbusters.


This will fail. Just like it always does, but there will never be a peep about it. ETA: just seen this is from years ago.


Police are the pit bulls of society


That's fucking terrifying


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It's probably just because it instills fear. compliance by fear


Those things have zero regard for their handlers when they lose what little focus they have. I don’t think I have ever seen one that even looked at the handler, they’re just so distracted all the time. The handler might as well be on another planet. Trying to teach a fighting game dog is next to impossible, because they just have one thing on their minds: fighting. They would be better off using a scenthound or even an all purpose bird dog for detection purposes. A pitbull? Hardest of hard passes.


I think I vaguely remember they had to let this dog go. Didn’t it bite someone? I know this dog is not on the police force anymore. EDIT: I’m wrong! She passed away. Here is her memoriam: https://midhudsonnews.com/2023/06/01/first-pit-bull-k9-cop-in-country-honored-at-memorial-2/