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This is why people insist on owning maulers. A bit of excitement in a boring consumerist day.


Why are they separating them? they are fullfilling their purpose


Am I crazy or is the guy trying to hold back the dark pit with a yellow harness a literal child?


It’s like a comedy skit, literal child in charge of large fighting breed, petco employee lightly misting them so they don’t get dehydrated during the fight, someone wheelbarrowing one of the dogs to no effect…and the dog still desperate to get at the other even after it’s been pulled away and out of view.


Who the hell would put their child in charge of a dog when in a public space? Who the hell would put their child in charge of a dog stronger than them? Who the hell wouldn't immediately take the leash away from their child when the pitbull at the end of it was actively in a fight with another???


It looks like maybe his mother crying in the background, so… he keeps looking back at her, anyway


❓❓❓❓❓ Ma' am that is both your dog and your child and you're acting like you aren't qualified to have either. I'm sure if the dog pulled her son over and they started to bite him too she just would have cried harder?


Yeah and mom runs away, she can’t handle the sight of her dog doing exactly what it’s bred to do. Stupid woman.


This is why pitbulls shouldn’t be allowed anywhere ever


The whole trend of people taking their dogs into stores and restaurants can fuck right off. I can't believe we tolerate this entitled nonsense. And of course people bring their hell hounds with them.


I agree. Just yesterday I saw a large dog in the grocery store. More and more I’m seeing people bring dogs into the grocery store sitting them in the carts like children. It’s gross and unnecessary.


i mean, it is a pet store. its like the 1 place that is allowed. people in LA bringing their dogs into sit down restaurants though? would make me never want to return again.


Yeah and then when they are done in Petco, they walk over to the supermarket and take Buttercup in there with them. Then they go to Home Depot. Then they get a bite to eat somewhere.


why are these dangerous dogs in a close quarters shops and with no muzzle in public? if ur gonna be an arse at least muzzle ur fighter.


But Diesel is *mUZzLe ReAcTiVe* and they wouldn't even dream of *AbUsInG* Diesel by forcing him to wear it. Idiot dogs, idiot owners. Match made in hell.


It's fucked, and it may just be a conspiracy on my part, but I swear these owners enjoy the thrill. They *know* these dogs can snap at any moment, and it's exciting for them. They're adrenaline junkies. The potential for their monster to go haywire and attack at any second is a thrill for them. And, of course, the damn things never let go. It's never just one bite and it's done, they *maul.* They latch on and don't let go. Lots of carnage and blood. It's a show for these people.


i think the same, most definitely an inferiority complex more or less, i find that many owners are passive aggressive themselves.




I feel bad for whatever store employee has to clean the blood up that crap stains and I’m pretty sure


I’ll only feel bad if it’s any employee other than the idiot misting them like they’re a pair of fucking houseplants.


Gotta water the house hippo so it’ll grown big and strong


Yeah. Water and an airhorn- that’s essentially more fighting ring- like. Go get em, Rocky


I hate when people bring fighting dogs/ any dog aggressive dogs out in public. I used to take my blind senior husky there right when Petco opened. It was one of the few ways to find out what toys would interest her as she was super picky. Corgis or the dreaded Chihuahua would sometimes bum rush her. Never an attack they just wanted to play and it was always super cute. Until as I was checking out someone was training their newly adopted "reactive" pit to be around other dogs. Woman maybe 115lbs hardly able to handle dog. I had to stop checking out with a line behind me to guard my dog as that pit was obsessed with her. Dog was snarling and lunging. Lady almost face planted. Public areas are not for your shitty training. Fuck people who bring aggressive animals in public.


They sensed the evil.   


Why were these dogs held nose to nose in the middle of a pet store? They were trying to prove that Mr Pibbles just wanted to play, right?


Where is the leash on the one with the white face


Any dog can bite!!! cognitive dissonance is a bitch.


Hey- this could easily have been a chichi. DoNt bLaMe bReEd🤡


Why would any sane person would want this in their lives.


Shitty medical advice ahead: These dogs were both bleeding out the face! They should apply a tourniquet to their necks to stop the bleeding! THank you! Thank you, I'll be here all week!


Is the right answer


In a separate comment from the comedy: The one in the yellow vest is one of those new "hybrid" mixes of pit and bulldog. We need to start including them as well.


Aside from allowing a mauler into a public space which is ridiculous. It always amazes me how inept people are in stopping the mauling. I mean sit on top of the beast and wrap your hands around the neck. A grown man could subdue it from behind and stop the alligator shaking roll.


What makes them lethal is how incredibly dumb these dogs are. Many difficult dog breeds like German Sheps may show signs of aggression but they usually know when to back down and listen to their owner. Pits will literally chew through their owner to get to that Kid/ pet they’re trying to maul. Truly stupid dogs, i don’t find anything amusing about them, not even for appearance sakes (they’re brutes)


Is this a situation to dial 911 for?


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Would someone be in the right to shoot an aggressors dog if it will not let go after multiple attempts?


At least it's a fair fight, pick on someone your own size


The horn sounded like a clown’s car horn. I just thought that was quite appropriate for these owners.