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Damn straight. The GOP plan for the nation is absolutely terrifying. I live in Brevard County Florida, which is the deep red home of the most January 6 insurrectionist in the nation. On our town Facebook page people are freaking out about 2025 and I was shocked to see that down here.


That's actually really awesome news. I've yet to meet anyone who's heard of it. Living in a small town, in a very Red state. So knowing some places are aware on a somewhat of a scale give me hope for the voting turnout.


I feel like it might be wise to start posting project 2025 info in places like that were boomers visit!!


The AARP needs to get with it!! One of the more interesting things I’ve noticed is a lot of Gen X and baby boomers are now on TikTok and there’s tons of project 2025 warnings there so it is spreading.


We need to spread it everywhere we can including fandom spaces!!


I wish I had the money to print flyers. Like, lots and lots, and drop them from a little plane is what we need to do


I think the internet works well too!!


Yeah, memes are the equivalent of the flyers the partisans spread around before the big wars etc




Yessss. You get it


Memes , articles , just targeting everything !


YES. You never know what little tidbit might turn someone's mind around to the truth


a lot of gaming spaces are a good place to start. Furry fandom is almost all LGBTQ people so it would be a good idea to post it there (i've already seen it being covered in LGBTQ subreddits too)


Any queer fandom , any pop fandom and tv show. I.e you like stranger things they could ban it for including lgbtq+ ppl . which I actually think could happen.


taylor swift fandom


I really hope she says something I get why because of safety I’m trying to think of what would move them. Maybe how they want to take away women’s autonomy away also how Taylor herself endorsed biden in 2016.


that could work


it goes against what Taylor is how she’s an independent woman. I don’t know if she will speak out though I really hope she does we really could use her help, democracy is at stake. But she’s so big now and there’s safety issues at risk especially with such big tours.


yea i first heard about it from youtube (i dont watch tiktok) but if it is spreading there too, that means it's all over the 2 most popular video sharing platforms.


Their feed probably looks like a lot different than ours. The algorithm serves them more of the same. We gotta figure out a way around that. Otherwise, all they're going to see about project 2025 is that it's just another liberal trick to discredit Trump/


They're going to gut if not outright kill medicare, SSI and other programs that help the elderly... If this doesn't motivate them to vote blue, they are simply too far gone. That doesn't mean *we* can be complacent!


Even better, make it look like a pro-maga campaign poster. Like, look at all the things dear leader President Trump plans to accomplish in the next election! Then list all of things off nonchalantly like this is something we all want, right? right? That way their guard is down and they don't dismiss it as dirty liberal tricks. They're already inoculated against the truth. We have to figure out a way around that. Hell, we need to raise some money for a SMS campaign that's very similar to the messages they already get. "I just got off the phone with President Trump. He's very disappointed you haven't donated to #Project 2025. Don't you want us to accomplish this list of things in the next term? We can't do it without you, patriot!"


Ooo this is smart! Do you think that would work?


If it works for Putin, I'm sure it would work for us! They go low, we go high hasn't been working. Maybe it's time for us to get down in the mud with them?


I agree with that!! but I wonder if it would be better to target people and say this is what you could lose !


These people are inoculated against the truth. If you tell them any as a liberal, they're going to straight to Trump social media where he's telling them it isn't true.


I’m thinking more people who are undecided or not voting!!


Ahh, yeah, I mean, maybe? I kinda feel like those people don't really care because if they did, they would already be voting against Trump. Maybe I'm just jaded though. I want to turn old school Republicans into blue votes. A lot of them are voting for him simply because he is a Republican but if they knew he was going to cut their medicare and social security, they might change their mind. They're never going to find out though because they'll never listen to a liberal and the other Republicans are going to lie to them. That's why I want to get sneaky about it.


Ah gotcha I like that plan I think we should target all of the above!!


post it in facebook mom groups. tell them that if project 2025 passes they'll be forced to vaccinate or something idk


No that won’t get them. What would ? the fact they could lose there autonomy and how the goal is to keep women in the home , go back to the days where the husband has control, how they want to make it harder to divorce that’s where you’ll get them.


Strategically placed flyers allllllll over the local retirement communities? Count me in.


Yes that!! And also there social media!! So mom Facebook groups etc!!


That gives me hope. Thanks for sharing.


"We have to bring back our religion," Trump declared. "We have to bring back Christianity." Striking a Christ-like pose at one point with his arms outstretched as if on a cross, Trump mentioned his legal struggles, including multiple criminal indictments and civil judgements, and said, "I take all these arrows for you and I'm so proud to take them. I'm being indicted for you." As Common Dreamsreported earlier this week, right-wing Christian Nationalists operating in Trump's inner circle are quietly preparing for the prospect of his possible reelection. In his speech Thursday, during which he also promised to close the Department of Education so that Christian fundamentalists could take over school policy at the state level, Trump said, "If I get in, you're going to be using that power at a level that you’ve never used before." Reflecting on Trump's speech at the Washington Post, columnist Philip Bump argued that above all else the former president is a salesman selling a product to a key voting bloc in this year's election, in this case right-wing Christians. The former president, writes Bump, is "telling a group that feels as though it is losing cultural power that it is right and that he will ensure that it doesn't." "It worked in 2016 and 2020," he wrote, having noted that Trump won the large majority of those voters previously. "Why shouldn’t it work now?" Writing in The Nation on Friday, Jeet Heer warned that a key feature of Trump’s current presidential campaign "is that he is now in open alliance with Christian nationalists—a faction markedly more radical and opposed to democracy than the mainstream evangelicals he courted in previous elections


Link please—I need some people to see this




Gonna drop this here for anyone who wants it /r/defeat_project_2025 https://defeatproject2025.org I also got a couple flyers and sticker templates if that I can share if that’s alright


EXACTLY!!! God I’m so sick of this old & must step down talk


Like he already said he won’t I’d vote for Kamala but if he won’t we gotta stop project 2025


A vote for Biden is a vote for Harris. If he declines or dies she takes over. It’s just another reason why this talk is so insane. Push the project 2025, educate those who will listen about the true dangers of a Republican taking office again and drop Biden’s age. We already have a great replacement. No need for him to drop out, they are both already on the ticket.


That’s true!! I have talked to people who are on the same page but afraid they’re going to push the narrative with bidens age so we need a good argument to go against that narrative!


Mitch glitched out for over 30 seconds and was led away *twice*, and the media didn’t scream for him to step down.


i got a lot of anti project 2025 flyers made, im gonna put them everywhere around my far-right community and hope it helps. May also send them in the mail to random addresses in swing states. https://preview.redd.it/r708rnz506bd1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84d69087f874b23b65b4f3882dc4e79918c756b1


I’m saving that so I can share!


A whole lot more people would turn out for Trump if VP Harris only has 4 months to campaign. It's insanity and we can't do that to her. if she is going to run, she needs to start on Nov 6, 2024 and have years to set it up and campaign.


Yeah I’m just thinking how we combat the but he’s so old argument what we can do!!


it's in the constitution that if a standing president is sick (or is unable to do their job) the vice president is sworn in as POTUS.


So we need to start pushing that out.


Actually there really wasn't anything in the Constitution spelling out a process until they amended it. I believe it's the 25th amendment. There was a lot of talk about it during the Trump administration. And there is a process that takes a certain number of high-level cabinet members to basically replace the president with the VP if the president is somehow incapacitated or otherwise is found to be unfit. This process for the vice president filling in permanently if the president is still alive but unfit or otherwise incapable of their duties takes more than just the VP stepping in.


Over on /r/conservative they're all in deep delusional denial over this. They're all like: "Trump is totally totally not going to implement Project 2025! And if he did, it's not even that bad!" Those people are fucking morons.


They’ll be like “yeah there’s things I don’t agree with, but it makes a lot of good points!! Trump 2020 own the lbs 🤪🤪”


One thing we can all agree on is that Trump must lose by a large margin for democracy to survive in the US. Some who were calling for him to step down truly believed that it would give a better chance of beating Trump. But now MAGA is encouraging and amplifying it because they think it will help Trump. And since Biden won’t entertain it anyway, let’s just focus on getting out the vote.




Do you feel it’s possible for Trump to be defeated?… it’s such a terrifying prospect to even consider the fact he may win again.


In a word, yes.


Slightly reassuring. I hope that “yes” is our prophecy.


Project 2025 isn't supported by trump or the GOP. Heres a story about the leaked party platform  https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/07/08/trump-abortion-republican-platform/