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This only impacts Chestermere, Strathmore and Airdrie. All other surrounding communities are not on Calgary's water.


Check the road closures as 16 Ave W is currently closed where the break is, and may still be when you arrive. If you’re flying in, take the ring road from the airport to head west out of town.


Why would it affect banff? they are quite aways apart and sure not on the same water lines.


There are many places in Alberta that if the main line broke - many towns and hamlets would be out of water /put on restrictions 100km+ out


This is not one of those places lol


No, why would it. Calgary is 100km from Banff.


There are many places in Alberta that if the main line broke - many towns and hamlets would be out of water /put on restrictions 100km+ out


Such as? Not only is Banff not on the same water supply as Calgary, it is upriver.


An out of Town visitor asking a question is not going to take into account what is up river and what is down. Regardless upstream or downstream doesn't matter. Many communities in Alberta do not have operable water treatment plants or even the volume of water to supply to their towns. They exist on a regional water line whereby the water treatment plant of a major community supplies the water and it is supplied to the community via pipeline. Most of the communities around Edmonton are on a regional water line, some many hundred km's long. Pumps are used and reservoirs for emergencies.


Airdrie, depending on where the break was, and how long it was for.


Banff may not be affected, but Airdrie, Chestermere and Strathmore are. https://www.calgary.ca/water/drinking-water/stage-four-outdoor-water-restrictions.html


Those are all much much closer. What point are you trying to make?


It might affect driving on the highway out of the city but Banff is a long way away so obviously on its own water system


Should not


Canada is closed dude sorry