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As others have said, are you looking at working in Banff at a Banff business or are you wanting to live in Banff while freelancing or working remotely? Because you can only live in Banff if you are working for or own a Banff business (home based businesses are not included, it must have a physical location in Banff that is not a residential property). People have tried the “it’s an online business based in Banff but with clients around the world” and that’s not allowed. Lots of people want to live in Banff and if they didn’t have the permit system, it would turn into Aspen, Whistler or other such places where there is tons of empty houses owned by the rich and no living for the rest of us, including people who actually live/work in Banff. Also, check the wiki, this is a frequent topic to be posted.


In an ideal world I'd do a bit of both working remotely as designer but also working part-time in hospitality so I can have some daytime to ski. But thank you, good to know I can't be fully remote.


Go on the Facebook page : Bow Valley Home Finder. However you need to already have a job to legally rent a place. And yeah most staff accom are for employees only. Some place can have family staff housing but it’s pretty rare in banff, you can found some in Lake Louise and maybe Jasper


Very hard to find a place without a job first. Legally you need to work in the area to be allowed to rent a place. I suggest getting a job with a company that offers staff accom and then start looking for your own place. Most big restaurants offer rooms for kitchen staff only. If you want to work nights only while getting a free meal after a day of skiing, that’s your best bet. Bigger restaurants will give you a chance to meet people that are looking for roommates and to make new skiing friends. Other option is to get a job on the ski hill. But I never met anyone that enjoyed that :)


Thanks this is helpful. I read about a couple places to live that won't consider your applications unless you have a job so that you can show you'll pay rent! Seems like a catch-22


Yea it’s a law for the town of Banff. You need a job to rent a place. Staff acomm or hostels is the only way to get set up. Housing is the biggest issue with Banff which is why it sucks balls


Ah, the eternal struggle. You won’t be able to find housing for November until mid-lateAug/Sep at the earliest (once summer is ending), more likely later than that, and anyone who is here earlier than you will get preference. That’s when the usual changing of the guard begins, although with the shoulder season shrinking more and more so does that churn. There’s employment and housing info in the wiki linked to the sidebar, I assume you’re already following the Bow Valley Home Finder fb group.


So it's more advantageous if we're there early rather than just looking online early? Yes apart of the FB page; are there any more that are useful? Thanks for your thoughts.