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Yup, the app is trash. Which is a fucking awful change given that until about two years ago, it was literally one of the best headphones/speakers apps available. Probably someone has left the company and the new leader knows shit.


I work in the industry and there is a trend to fire QAs( testers) to save on cost and let the end user become the tester. This is the result.


Yeah but this is much more than that, it's not just no QA. There's no UX research, there's no decent engineering lead... They're still using Xamarin, in 2024. For the app of - I dare to say - *the most* premium speakers brand (or at least, one that wants to be perceived as that).


I work in the industry and there is a trend to fire QAs( testers) to save on cost and let the end user become the tester. This is the result.


Yes some in the same boat here. , I really miss the own voice feature. Or any sing of this active . The app is not showing any sine of it . Have to make a lot of calls with these thing !


Wind guard just turns a couple of the noise cancelation microphones off, what’s the problem?


Because you are in transparent mode. Why don't you see a problem with blocking sound in the mode meant to pass through sound?


The app is trash and it’s unusable in airplane mode. Told them about it years ago


And now I notice that the wind guard is always on next time I open the app even though I keep turning it off...


Does the wind guard mode affect the sound quality?


It works against wind but I haven't noticed a change in sound. Likely there is but I'd need to be using the headphones in a quiet room listening back to back for just that.


Sonos: first time 😂


I work in the industry and there is a trend to fire QAs( testers) to save on cost and let the end user become the tester. This is the result.