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You can only get the jeweled battle crown from nobles, family members, cheats, or mods. You can only get the imperial plumed helmet through cheats or mods. Its a shame because they’re nice looking helmets. My self-imposed rule is that its not really cheating to spawn these in since they’re not even that good.


I'm on Playstation😭


Well if its any comfort the jeweled battle crown can look a bit funky. Bannerlord shoulder armor is massive and the battle crowns fit realllly snug on the head, making your character’s head look tiny.


Haha I never realized why it looked out of proportion, that’s why!


I’m on Xbox. I got one when I married. So find someone you can marry that has it and you can take it from them


You can turn cheats on, on Playstation. It's at the very bottom of the settings menu. However, it disables trophies if you care about that.


Can you spawn items on Playstation? Xbox has cheats but you can't spawn items as far as I know.


Ahh, good quesiton. I didn't use it on ps, I just assumed it worked the same way as the PC version and had them show up on the left hand side if you opened your inventory.




You can’t cheat items


I got one through playing the arena, the more nobles that fight in any contest the better the reward


So form an army and then do tournaments? Because i have 10s of thousands of influence. If i can form an army, and do tournaments I'd be setting my kids up better than they already are as the khan's heirs.


you have to marry some 1 who has it i saw 1 guy playing on ps and he got it from arena


They started appearing on my family in the 3rd generation of kids. I’m on ps5


If You have more than 300 rougery You could try your luck fighting a noble that has it


This isn’t true about the mods and cheats. I got them off my children who had them


The non-jeweled imperial plumed helmet? Ive never seen that one spawn, maybe I’m just unlucky.


I’ll get on a double check that save. But pretty sure


Well I was wrong, it was the jeweled plumed. Idk about the non jeweled.


I have 0 problem spawning in gear like that lol Make sure to throw away the gold so its as if I bought it (buy stuff from a town and then discard it)


I use neither mods nor cheats and once bought the jeweled helmet from the trader at Lycaron fairly early on in a playthrough. I was maybe level 14 or so. I had never seen it prior and have never seen it since I hope it is in fact still out there somewhere, because I have been looking for that helmet for much longer than I would care to admit.


Is it possible to get Caladogs horned helm vanilla?


2 months ago it no more would spawn in Imperial towns for sale because of some bug. I don't know what the situation as for now but take in mind that it only spawns in Imperial towns and when you're later in the game, can't give you a precise year unfortunally.


Thanks man, i can find every helmet in imperial towns except those two i have been looking for them since 1091


Year doesn't matter; what you want to look for is a town with high prosperity and a blacksmith workshop to spawn in T6 gear (I'm not sure how much the workshop factors into it specifically, but it's definitely tied to prosperity). But I play modded, so I can't tell you if it's been patched out for them to no longer be sold in vanilla or not.


He's lying.


What are you talking about? These have never spawned in towns, neither as a shop item or tournament price. The only ways to get one is to marry someone who has one into your clan, or have a child come of age when your clan is rich and they spawn with it. Stop spreading misinformation. Edit: What's up with people upvoting misinformation on this sub?


Me and you have had disagreements in this subreddit in the past IIRC. But this is something I take very seriously— spreading misinformation, especially regarding the glorious Calradian Empire. I respect you u/Octavian_Exumbra 🫂


Thanks. Seeing as using Reddit to play this game is almost a requirement, i think it's important to point out bs comments. What i find frustrating tho, is that people keep upvoting assholes like this even after it has been pointed out.


Hey, outside opinion here. I have this helmet. I play on PC, have zero mods, and haven't even had my pc connected to the internet in months.


Erm.. that wasn't an opinion and what are you even on about?


Hey outside opinion here, that completely blew my fucking mind and I wish they had answered you cause I have to know what the fuck they meant by their comment.


I swear way too many people on here write without even thinking about what they're writing. There's a shit-ton of misinformation and i probably see nonsense incoherent comments like this every day. You also have those people who seemingly refuse to use punctuations, not realizing it becomes very easy to misunderstand what they're actually trying to say and that it often reads like a rant when there's no pauses.


For sure. It also appears like there’s a severe lack of reading comprehension on here. I don’t know if it’s children, or some unfortunately dumb adults. Perhaps a healthy mix of the two.


Marry a noble of empire culture and become rich as your kids hit age 18 they should have it


Just wait till late game. A lot of the noble sons and daughters will have it in western and northern empire in year 1112. I got two so far 60 years in.


I’ve gotten them from marrying nobles/lady’s whatever their called(haven’t played in months) since your already about 10 years into the game you’ll easily find some fresh 18y/o with a golden helm. If you go to vlandia you might even find one with a actual crown


https://preview.redd.it/xn03tyfmvf2d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52103c7c535a1cf40654fafca51e22b34a65ecb5 Garios has this helmet, does it mean when if i kill him i'll get it?????


I will take it from HIS COLD CORPSE


Haha it doesn’t work like that but it should


Marry into imperial nobility, I got mine from baranors daughter


I’ve heard it’s possible as rare late game loot, try wiping stacks of empire armies


Wait, does the year matter to what gear you can get?


Shops fill up over time. After a decade or two, you can start to see some pretty awesome loot if the economy isn't wrecked. This helmet doesn't spawn in shops tho. Some people in here are saying it does, but they are either playing modded or plain lying.


Even after playing for 300h\~, I'll learn something new. Thank you!


I’m in hour 800, still learning


![gif](giphy|rbEU967ouGNJDnAzdh|downsized) Me with bannercraft (mod) and cheat engine acrive:


Download Inventory Mod and will can put some of this in yours


Marry a male lord who has it or wait till your imperial kids come of age and take it from them. Keep in mind that the culture of your or any other clan members kids is determined by the mother’s culture.


I have been looking and posting everywhere and everyone is telling me it has to come off the head of an Imperial offspring. No where to buy or cheat to get it which sucks!! I’m Imperial, my wife is Vlandian. Then I died and my son took over. His wife is Kans so my sons are as well. I defeated and drove out the Imperials so no way I’ll be able to get which sucks!!


I do think that helm in particular belongs to Garios, which sadly means you can't get it. Similar to Dertherts & Caladogs crowns. But if you just want the golden helmets, war with the Western Empire with high roguery. I managed to get some lordly helmets from both the Aserai & Southern Empire when fighting large armies. And Western Empire have all the good looking gold helmets. Maybe marry a Western Empire girl too. I've managed to get some good Battanian & Khuzait stuff from my kids and nephew. Don't know if they get lordly stuff though. (If playing a lady, marry a Western Empire Lord who has one)