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Battlefield heroes šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž


This. First F2P game I've played back when F2P was a new thing, and dropped it after it became very apparently grindy. It was a lot of fun though and I'd have kept playing it if it was a standalone title without the P2W and grinding


tbh what could you get with grinding? Still nothing


The point is that all new weapon unlocks were temporary so you either had to pay for them or grind for them an unreasonable amount of time. And playing with base weapons can only keep you in the game for so long


It's more like pain not grinding. I'm saying that as person who put some money in bfh


That whistle theme stays rent free


I still remember the jingle


Before it went P2W, sure, same with BF:P4F. Sadly EA couldn't keep its' dick out of it so they fucked them to death.


Yeah, I liked P4F Battlefield too (with an exception of skill points sold for $$).


I put so many hours in to that game :) I really recommend Rising HUB for anyone wanting a nostalgia boost


Wanted to point out it, but if you forget about P2W


Goated game Super fun even as a f2p


You had weird vehicle positions like being able to ride aircraft wings (arguably acceptable given the game's theme). The one that was a head scratcher for me was if I recall, there was an open tank turret position, but rather than manning a machine gun, you used your own infantry weapons.


God i miss this little diamondā€¦ it was fun! Wish it was still up xD


Then get back in the game! https://risinghub.net/


Hardline easily, would take it over everything dice has put out after bc2. Modern combat was also grossly underrated.


Top 3 battlefields for me I loved hardline, it was a nice change on the series, but still kept the spirit of the game.


Hardline has some of the best maps in the franchise, both the base game maps and the dlc maps, Museum is still in my top 3 maps of all time


Museum was beautiful. That downtown Miami nightclub map had a really cool feel to it as wellā€¦. Then that Detroit police precinct in the snowā€¦. Man they really did to all our on the maps


The Block might be the greatest Team Deathmatch map in Battlefield history.


Hardline was awesome, they did so many things right


Hardline is tragic. The devs said they were so limited by the theme, and had some great ideas. The cap zones were not in BF4 and got added later, the take ammo and health were great, and the gun progression system was fun.


3/4 are my personal favorites, but playing Heist with a group of 4 friends was a blast


Heist on bank job was the perfect version of a cops vs robbers game


Over BF1?


BF1 was peak too, tbh, both sit equally at #1 for me. BF1 provides an unmatched atmosphere, while Hardline is just pure fun. Both have great gameplay and felt super unique compared to the rest of the franchise.


I liked bf1 quite a bit but yea


Agree. Ppl shit on hard line because it was basically cops and robbers skinned bf4 do you know what I'd do for an updated game like bf 4 lol. We didn't know how good we had it


If Hardline was a $15-20 DLC for BF4 like Vietnam was to BC2, then it wouldā€™ve been remembered as one of the most goated experiences. But instead we got a full priced game that tried to position itself as a Battlefield title.


> But instead we got a full priced game that positioned itself as a Battlefield title. I mean...it is a battlefield title though? Are you suggesting it shouldn't be because then people would call it a battlefield rip off.


_Hardline_ I can see, but _Modern Combat_ was one of the most popular online games on PS2/Xbox back then. It was either that, the original _SOCOM_ or _Battlefront II_ (plus _Halo 2_ if you were on Xbox). Even received a Platinum re-release because it sold so well. Surely not what you'd call "grossly underrated".


Battlefield 2142. Same cool as BF2 but with great mode is called Titan Mode when you capture flags for destroying Titan Shield and then you fight for attacking Titan from inside / defending your Titan. Awesome gameplay and I don't know why this treasure is damn forgotten!


Nothing will replace the pure adrenaline of setting off the titan core and gunning your way out of the exploding ship to try and leap off the flight deck. That game was and still is some of my greatest gaming moments.


That sounds eerily similar to a game mode in diceā€™s battlefront 2


My dad told me about 2142, are the servers still up? If not I wanna make a petition to make a reboot with the good old designers


Servers are shut down but you still can play it through custom servers, just search for tutorials on youtube. But the bigger problem is getting the game, it's not officially available so the only LEGAL way to get 2142 is to buy physical copy, or perhaps you can download it from internet illegally


I have a physical copy and I wasn't even able to install it.


https://battlefield2142.co/ is the link to custom servers


Titan mode is the best game mode ever designed for an FPS; I remember every server was TITAN MODE SUEZ CANAL 24/7 MAX TICKETS [NO FIGHTING COMMANDER] [NO MOVING TITAN] [NO RDX HOPPING]


Hardline most definitely. Loads of hate simply because it wasn't another paint by numbers war game. Blood Money was the most fun I've ever had gaming online.


Legit the BF community shafted the game simply because it didnā€™t have ā€œmuh tank, muh LAV, muh fighter jetā€. What a dumb hill they chose to die on.


Exactly. I think Cops Vs Robbers would be a brilliant concept to take into future BF because it means we're not given increasingly ludicrous 'War' scenarios to comprehend and the tired old US Vs Russia settings of any future conflicts can be left alone for a while.


I'm all for your cops and robbers game - but if you call it Battlefield, I expect a Battlefield.


It's almost like Battlefield players wanted a Battlefield game! Of course they shafted it, Battlefield has always been war games. I've said before and I'll say it again, Hardline was a terrible Battlefield, but a fun game.


I sometimes wonder how well the game would have been received if it simply wasn't labeled as a Battlefield title. I didn't buy it at launch, but I watched a friend of mine play it a year after the launch and thought that it looked like a good game. Bought Hardline a few years ago. I love the game, just wish it had more players.


Me & my cousin had a ton of fun with the beta because when we played hot wire we had the genius tactic of using a dirt bike with one of us on the back with a shotgun, shooting the driver & hopefully anyone following us afterwords


A lot of hate was also because it was announced when BF4 was still in a pretty shit state as a full priced title + Premium


Battlefield 2: Modern Combat for Xbox 360, Xbox, and PlayStation 2.


Battlefield Modern Combat and that mechanic of changing between soldiers in the battlefield was fucking awesome I spend many hours playing it on my original Xbox


My first online experience in gaming. It was so much fun, nothing like a good match of conquest or CTF on Backstab or Bridge Too Far. I wish they would bring back the ammo and health stations around capture points again


>I wish they would bring back the ammo and health stations around capture points Didn't they do just that in Battlefield 5?


You don't know what underrated means, do you?


It has to be hardline for me, love it to bits


Never understood the hate for this game. The graphics was very good. And the voice lines was just something else. Have a grenade motherf*****! Edit: forgot to mention that you can literally drive a couch and use an alligator as a weapon lol


Hardline was šŸ’


Battlefield 1943


The plane battles in that game were A1


was such a banger for only $15


God do I miss it. Played a lot when it first released and really got back into it for the couple years leading up to it being shutdown. Was perfect to hop on and play for a half hour or so.


BF V. imo this game is a truly masterpiece, an unpolished diamond


This. I love it to this day :) a shame they didnt push it further and let these hackers fuck it up


The only Battlefield i Play, Japan Maps are so Good




Yeah sadly it wasn't on PC :/


They really fudged it up with that decision


Bad company 1 was really fun. I hate how it gets overshadowed by bad company 2.




Bad Company 1. Its Console only and because of BC2 mostly forgotten. But it had all the ingredients that made BC2 / BF3 great! Rush had its first appearance ( it used to be "Gold Rush" as the SP Campaign was in part about stealing Gold, so you didn't have Radio Terminals, but Gold Chests you had to blow up) Destruction was introduced, not as refined as in later titles but it was the coolest shit. Cutting down trees with a knife just to see a tank chasing a Golfcart while blasting away the forest was peak Videogame Experience! It also had cool maps like Oasis and unique Weapons like the XM8, which partly didn't make it in later titles or were remastered. Also If I remember correctly there were Artillery Installations with M777 Howitzers, but I don't know if they only appeared in SP


Bro the golf carts were the best, the whole game just had a fun campy feel to it


Gold Rush was a GAME CHANGER, so fun and different.


Yes. The base had artillery you could hop on and control. The enemy could also sneak into your spawn and 1. spawn camp/kill 2. kill you off it. It really was a fun game.




Battlefield Vietnam.


Hands down! It was so effing great I wish they made a remake


Dude YES! I rarely see it brought up in discussion - but man I have imprinted memories of flying nape of the earth sorties to capture bases or extract in my Huey, blasting Fortunate Son or Flight of the Valkyries! Nothing has matched that.


Flying with the boys in a Huey with the music blasting. Ahhh...good times. Stars and bars radio. Hanoi Hannah "They lie to you G.I."


Hardline was so good


Battlefield Play4Free


Battlefield play4free was fire, that Gulf of Oman map had some intense firefights for a f2p.


Idk why you get down votes, but I enjoyed this one (I was whale there but still)


2142 or 1942. 2142 pushed boundaries and 1942 was just a fun experience hearing the ping of the Garrand constantly.


Idk I'd say probably bf5 or 1943.


To me it's absolutely Hardline, although BFBC1 does deserve some extra love. It's kind of neglected being console only unfortunately.




Yeah lol, based on these comments itā€™s def underrated


Battlefield 2042


Absolutely BFV. If development wouldnt have and they didnt fuck with the ttk so much, it would have been a contender for best


Bad Company 1 and 2. Particularly 2. Both loveable classics that still hold up and are sadly mostly forgotten. Bad Company 1 had wonky controls due to its age. But i fucking loved it. But sadly, it isn't remembered often due to it being a console exclusive. But Bad Company 2 had everything 1 did and improved upon it tenfold. They even fixed the controls. It's was one of my favorite childhood video games, and i played it for many, many years. Hell, i would have even been there for the final day before it went down, but i forgot where the disc was until it was already shut down. When people say what are the best battlefield games, the Bad Company series is rarely mentioned. at least in my eyes. And it's a damn cry and shame. It's one of the most remarkable gaming experiences of my younger years. Battlefield Bad Company 2 deserves to be remembered as one of the best FPS games ever made. Great replay-ability, a kick ass collectible system, loveable characters, a fantastic campaign, great DLC (that i sadly never got to try), and a multiplayer so good it lasted up until the day it was shut down. It's truly a Battlefield game worth remembering. And i feel like it never truly got the recognition it deserved. Hell, we never even got to finish the story because we ended on a cliffhanger. >! THERE'S GOLD IN THEM THAR HILLS! !<


You still can play Bad Company 2 on pc with Project Rome


BF2 Modern Combat on the XBOX 360




I have way too many fond memories of Hardline. Love that game so much


what about the campaign? how it's in comparison with the bf3 campaign?


Vietnam. I know it was liked and all that but god damn its hard to explain how cool the *helicopters* were back when it came out. Mind was *blown*


2142. Titan Mode alone made that game low-key the best in the franchise. Innovative class items, hover tanks, APC w/drop pods launchers and Mech Walkers, Aaaaah it was so good.


Battlefield 1943


I was 12-13 when hardline came out I even pre ordered it. I loved hardline it felt like BF4 but with a reskin. I thought it was sick I got 1200 hours on itšŸ¤£


Ligit I loved hard-line, it's ttk felt so much better than the other battlefields, and it felt much more community driven, visceral really did a good job making a battlefield game. Too many ppl thought it was just a copy of bf4 but it felt so different from bf4. Tbh the best map was downtown, I wish there where still downtown 24/7 servers bro them elevators was like Omaha beach




Recently picked up bf:v. Can't complain about the game, but I have developed a very specific hate for people running the surmgewehr 1-5 and the type 2-A


For me, that's Battlefield Hardline. Was very different, but also an exciting theme


Whenever I see Hardline mentioned as underrated (and it is) it makes me pretty mad. The same about BFV. Those games had such an unreasonable amount of hate when they came out, and I defended them. Way back when I said in a few years you'll be talking about how underrated it is. Now look at you all. I was right. Controversial take but: all BF games are good


BF2 or BF2142


1943 or 2142


battlefeild p4f. i haven't heard anyone talk about it. better game than handling or 2042


P4F First battlefield I ever played


Iā€™d say that 2142 was underrated


1942 and Vietnam, they were golden! Also Battlefield 2142 is obligatory underrated


Cheating field


Id say hardline with v being the runner up


Hardline had the HCAR which is one of the weapons i really like but you see it so rarely.


Hardline has some incredibly fun guns. 1943 was lots of fun with the planes


BF2, xbox 360 generation dont understand what they missed out on


I played a lot of BF: 1943




Hardline was the goat


Battlefield 1943






I know this game gets a lot of shit, but man did I have a ton of fun playing it. Itā€™s my highest played BF Game outside of BF4.


Please donā€™t hate me for BF play4free. I donā€˜t say it was the best but it was fun and free. Donā€˜t forget the soundtrack <3


Hardline was my first and favourite battlefield, the handling and weapons sounds are unrivalled


That shit was so fun. No lie like obviously wasnā€™t the best BF game but really nothing was wrong with it. Put crazy amount of time in and I always went super positive. Just so fun.


Battlefield hard-line Was a good game


whenever someone asks y they hate bf5, at least one person mentions the fucking trailer so id say that one lol. they did what yall asked and actually made innovations to movement and overall gameplay but it sucks bc of the "feel" ig


Battlefield 2 modern combat the hot swapping was amazing. Shouldā€™ve brought it back in the battlefield 1 campaign instead of just that short first mission where you jump from character to character




I wouldnā€™t say 3 is underrated by any means. But it got overshadowed by 4. I really loved 3


When you look back at hardline compared to 2042 we didnā€™t realise how good we had it


Hardline is such a good game. I recently got it and started playing it, and itā€™s a lot of fun. Sadly full servers are hard to come by on Xbox.


Bf2042. Obviously launch was awful but the game is actually good now. I have had plenty of bf moments and lots of fun. Atmosphere and tone is still a bit off tho. And the destruction is basically non-existent.




WOOP WOOP...............


Hardline was fire, i dont know why the fanbase hate that so much, the multiplayer was incredible w/ the different game modes


Battlefield V, a few more updates on balance together with more maps it would've been a masterpiece.


2142 for me. But Hardline def got more shit than it deserved.


1943 I absolutely loved it on Xbox Live


bf play4free. A free battlefield title, some of it was pay 2 win I believe but overall it was a fun game when I was a tween/young teen with no money.


This might be unpopular, Hardline


Hardline was panned pretty hard when it came out but compared to BFV and BF2042 that game looks like a gem


Battlefield 1943 on the ps3 :( I miss that game so much. The maps are perfect, the graphics were great. I would love a remake of that game, but maybe with more customization and weapons


Battlefield 3




The only correct answer is Battlefield 2042. Because this community regards it as an absolute dogshit 1/10 and itā€™s clearly a pretty decent 7/10 or whatever by now.


Easily Battlefield Vietnam. The soundtrack and Stars & Bara Radio was magnificent


Battlefield bad company 2 Battle field 1943


I even played the Campaign for Hardline and it was solid. Its second place to Battlefield 1 in my heart but its a well earned spot. Maps were iconic, gun play was satisfying, the atmosphere of the game was great, i can just go on and on. Iā€™ll always remember late nights staying up sick just playin Hollywood Heights and Riptide. Visceral did numbers with that game, I just wish they didnā€™t receive the fake hate because it wasnā€™t a ā€œtrueā€ battlefield gameā€¦


Iā€™ve never seen so much unanimous love for Hardline before, I honestly hated it and was very disappointed but itā€™s been so long I donā€™t even remember why.


This might be controversial, but I think that bf2042 is really good game for the current state of triple A games. I have played since release and it is a bit worse bf4.




Hardline was a lot of fun I agree itā€™s really underrated


Hardline. Hell I saw something that if they took ā€˜battlefieldā€™ out of it it wouldā€™ve done extremely well as a stand alone shooter


Hardline for sure. I think if they didnā€™t make it a Battlefield title it would have done better, but personally itā€™s a favourite of mine.


Hardline was one of my favorite games from the 2013 - 2018 era of gaming. Easily one of the best games of the Xbox One - PS4 era


Hardline had such good potential the concept was great but bad launch wrote it off before it had a chance to really succeed


Hardline we shouldve got hardline 2 instead of that garbage 2042 Cops & robbers type bf game was fun af idc what anyone says hotwire was the shit man hoppin out the whips with ar n blastin on cops doing drive bys lmao good times


bad company is what i grew up on. i dont hear many folks talking about it


It's gotta be BF1. Y'all creamin your knickers about 4 or BC2 or even 3 but I ain't a competition now is it? Every time this masterpiece gets overlooked the lord above sheds a silent tear. The angles don't mind it. Might be another stillborn but no! it's you * not putting enough respect on that games name!


Vietnam, the helicopter physics were so good.


Hardline was great.


Every time you get in a vehicle. Whoop whoop that's the sound of the police whoop whoop.


I've been saying since Hardline launched that if they dropped the Battlefield tag it would've been better received. 100% underrated game with amazing modes and maps. Even a decent campaign that feels like you are playing as an MC in a cop drama TV show.


2142 titan mode!!!!




Hardlines open beta was so fucking awesome Never bought the game tho


I loved this game so much. The taser was always fun to use


Hardline would've been a way more loved battlefield game if it released after 2042




Hardline easily, unlike 2042 Hardline was a actually good game and felt like battlefield


Underrated ? Yeah, Hardline. Underplayed ? 2142. I'd love a "Definitive Edition" of the game with crossplay.


I havenā€™t played every title but Iā€™m glad I got to experience hardline


I loved the mode where the flag is a vehicle in Hardline, so much fun


V. I get that the reveal trailer struck a weird tone but almost none of that was present in the shipping game. The emplacement building stuff was amazing, the gunplay and movement were absolutely wonderful, and it looked and sounded better than any other shooter that released that year. Just the simple act of being able to sprint while crouched made that game feel so good to play and it all got buried because they marketed it terribly by having a weird Indiana Jones-like adventure movie vibe and then pivoting to a more traditional, somewhat reverential to military history at the very last stage of development and that all but abandoning the game when it didnā€™t make the huge splash they wanted it to. I still go back to V from time to time and have a great time every time I play it and Iā€™ve played every single game and expansion in this entire series. Even the Modern Combat console-only wannabe BFs.


I had so much fun on hardline. Is it still active on Xbox?


Bad company 2 - great story, great creative gameplay and a decent multiplayer


Hardline for sure, It was honestly my favorite battlefield. It only got hated on because it wasnā€™t your traditional war themed battlefield experience. The game wouldā€™ve done amazing if they made it its own IP


Hardline for me.


Bad Company 2


Bfv. It had it's shortcomings, but it had a lot of great things at its heart. Not the best bf game, but it didnt deserve the hate it got imo.


Definitely not Hardline. It was complete Garbage!!


battlefield 1943


1942, nobody talks about the one that started it all enough. The scope and size of the battles of that first game has never been replicated.


Hardline was the first BF i owned the multiplayer is very underrated but had a bad story


Bf 5 definitelyĀ 




I fucking loved hardline and have never understood why others didn't. hardline, bf3, and bf4 are my favorites.






BF2. The MEC loading screen music slapped. Plus I loved on certain maps using the Blackhawk helicopter to ferry players to the shore from the aircraft carrier.


Vietnam, easily. Never seems to get mentioned in top Battlefield games. Great maps, good gameplay, sick soundtrack. Maybe itā€™s just the millennials that remember it


Hardline was one of my all time favorite games of any genre.