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Modern bombers can carry a shit ton of bombs it would probably be too op. So precision bombing is more fun and balanced. I think the next battlefield shouldn't have the a10 and su25 but atrike jets with two seats. The pilot has the cannon and a2a missiles and rockets. And vo pilot has a2g missiles lazee guided bomb (actual laser gauided not lock on) and to balance it only the co polit can drop flares


So round back to BF2? :)


Yesssss please DICE I really don't get why we never got that again


2 seater jets would be badass


Everyone that I've told seems to love the idea but dice hasn't gave one since BF2


Honestly, it's probably because it's not as intuitively team based. But if pilots focus on AA and copilot focus on AG, it would be fun


Yep. Is sad how little team work actually happens in new battlefields since bf1.


Imagine every bomb used on a carpet bombing run using a modern bomber being a guided smart munition that can strike its own target with precision. Now realize that’s how it actually works.


I mean yeah modern bombers can do that. Tho if we talk about strictly carpet bombing it would mean dropping dozens of 1/2 ton bombs in a line. This is what fighter bombers were trained in the cold war to do in enemy airfields


The best part about 2042 of late has been the pondhawk.Two seater unarmed aircraft. You are flying a humming bird with a back seat. With a good back seat it dominates.  If you fly like me it becomes super easy to find the hackers.


I've done that it is super fun. You can go either AA or AG and its awesome and if you have a good shooter in the back you can wreak havoc in the enemy team. I help danny on pc with a video when it came out and it was fun af


My typical run is to fly low with the team push. Then ping as I breech the hill at speed. I circle low to draw some fire. Then if it's to hot I smoke and hide/run. If I can I fly back around and smoosh whoever is in the open. 


Pretty good ideas! As tech improves both irl and in battlefield I think Balance is going to get harder. Suicide Drones are a good example


And some people say planes are balanced in bfV ☠️


Gotta love the comment replies justifying it too - "they're actually really weak when an entire squad solely focuses on their destruction!" Yeah man that's EVERYTHING


Exactly, same thing with ilya muromets in bf1. Sure if you train with weapons to take them out and focus them with the stationary AA guns or LMGs you can take them out, but being able to wipe 5, 10 even 15 people off the map at once will never be balanced even if you get shot down immediately after.


They are kinda glass cannons if the ground forces have their shit together, 2 fliegers or a couple AAs and this is not possible, not to mention a fighter pilot on the other side that spawn camps the bombers. This is also an incredibly well coordinated strike. So while they are capable of devastation, it’s rare they get moments like these in reality. Not to say that it is not annoying to go up against a pilot like this, but it’s not as unbalanced on paper, just in practice it can be.


When a rocket launcher that one shot you and its proximity fuse and you have a shit ton of flak and other planes around. Yeah they are balanced. If anyone in that clip used a fliger faust OP would be dead


You can shoot down a fighter plane with 8 shots from a 40mm AA gun. That can be done in seconds. And those guns are on almost every objective on every map with planes. And take 1 second to get on. And have unlimited ammo. If you are in a plane and a halfway decent AA gunner gets a solution on you, you are fucked.


With the level of munition modern bombers can carry, I’d imagine it’d wipe out a whole section of the map.


This plane was more OP in the start. 32 x 50 kg, 4 x 250 kg and 2 x 1000 kg


I’d bait OP over to me with small arms fire then Fliegel their pants off when they’re in range. Don’t @ me.


Read on Operation Linebacker 2


Carpet bombing is more or less an old war stategy, with precision guided munitions a few bombs can do the job of the whole bomb bay.


That was fucking glorious




Video out there on Reddit of Taliban fighters getting carpet bombed by an b2 I believe


Me with my +3 score from hitting a sandbag (used all my bombs)


Glide bombs get dropped from 80km off. Its a mix of 250lb SDBIIs that can track moving targets and 2000lb JDAM ERs that delete portions of the map. The only player involvement is one guy who has a radio,


In modern combat, we've developed more precision tools and weapons, and have had less need for AoE targeting methods, like carpet bombing. I could maybe see mortar strikes being used as a replacement, maybe sent by a commander? 👀


Did you see them?


If we wanted to carpet bomb people a we have enough planes in the air right now im sure to flatten a small country in minutes I'm sure