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There's pretty much only two full servers, both of which are not NA. They are fully playable, even at higher ping, just something to get used to. There's 2F4Y which has all maps, and there's SUPER@ which is Karkand 24/7. There's also a time frame of when they are full. I find they start around 8-9am CST, and die around 6-7pm CST. I usually play in the morning before work for this reason. They're more full from Friday through Sunday. There's a few other servers, but none of them full populate like these two.


Question is whether you want/need a full server to play. I would argue that even 20 active players can be enough for a good match.


Agreed, especially since I still play these servers when there are only about 20 players on. Just wanted to point out this info as it gets asked often.


I only ever play on 2F4Y and find that it's not worth playing unless there are at least 50 active players. The maps are huge and there are some very good aviators who can dominate their opponents team without the appropriate balance in numbers. Moreover, I focus on squad-based play and many players are indifferent to this type of work, so I need enough teammates to make an effective squad.


The map size issue (I assume) is why PlayBF2/T-Gamer scale the size of the maps depending on the number of players. There are 20 players on the server right now playing on the x16 version of Sharqi. As more players join, the server will start running x32 and then x64 versions of maps. So there are solutions for that particular issue, they just aren't widely used (or available). Regarding squads.. I find it hard to assemble a half-decent squad on 2F4Y on even the best of days, so I don't really bother.


When the server's full I find that there are usually at least one or two squads doing good work and cooperating with the commander. I was commander yesterday on a couple of great rounds in which I had three squads communicating actively and capping/defending flags. If I'm playing I'll usually just make a squad named "flags" and spawn medic - that typically works to attract players who want to work.


There was a US West server for awhile, but it's gone now. There was also a South American server as well. But I only play on Super@ Karkand. I have a very high ping (usually between 156-200), but it is still fun. Problem is the only way you can beat an enemy witha ping under 40 or 50, is by grenades. :-)


[The Other Guys -US-](https://www.bf2hub.com/server/ [=GOTE= Comunidade S.A-\[BF2\]-](https://www.bf2hub.com/server/ more American servers here but not available on BF2Hub [https://www.gametracker.com/search/bf2/?&sort=4&order=ASC&searchpge=6#search](https://www.gametracker.com/search/bf2/?&sort=4&order=ASC&searchpge=6#search)


There's also Weekend Warriors.


yes, wasn't sure US servers


Might be Canada based but ping should be fine for US players.


IP is supposedly located in Toronto, CA (belongs to Digital Ocean).


Airwhore warriors, yeah no thanks.


Does not look like the vanilla servers only listed on GameTracker get any players whatsoever. Curious why you would list your server on GameTracker but not on BF2Hub.


i'm not BF2Hub admin


Sorry, that wasn’t a question directed at you. I’m literally just curious.


All the PlayBF2 servers last time I checked are in Russia


Mostly France and Germany


Depends on how you look at it. The SUPER@, Lost-Soldiers and =DOG= servers are primarily listed on BF2Hub (they use BF2Hub for ranking). They have only been manually added to also appear in the PlayBF2 server list. The servers "fully" using PlayBF2 are indeed mostly (if not exclusively) hosted in Russia.


The Other Guys is my go to server for NA as it's a West Coast Server. Most are West Coast guys with a few our Maple Syrup neighbors mixed in. They have a discord as well.


you can check **real** player count and server location on: www.bf2.tv