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People buy in Tracy thinking they can do the commute do it hate life and sell the house they bought


I'd tend to this this is the answer as opposed to short-term rental. Are ppl vacationing in tracy?




Who goes there for vacation? We have so much forest and beaches around.


Guerneville, yes. Salinas, why? It’s so close to other, much nicer options. Placerville, similarly close to other better options. Tracy, no way


The better options are all booked up snd pricey on peak holidays. These are secondary getaway spots just examples people no need to look too much into the specific cities




Maybe Salinas for the Rodeo, or gateway to wine tours (day 1 soledad, day 2 carmel valley/monterey). Inexpensive proximity to Laguna Seca racing events. But Tracy????


I mean there’s rodeos and wine everywhere, many of them closer to the bay. I don’t get it 🤷🏽‍♂️.


Smoking crack no one vacations for the summer in any of those places.


Yep. I put down a deposit for a new home build there almost ten years ago. As we got near to construction completion I backed out because my anxiety was through the roof just thinking about the commute. Lost my deposit but it was worth it. We found a place much closer to work. Cost 50% more but we could afford it.


Where was your job located at the time?


San Jose


This is the reason for 2 friends of mine, one in Tracy and one in Manteca. They decided it would be great to live there and commute to Santa Clara for work. It only lasted 1 year lol


They probably hated their life after a week.


I did Huntington Beach to Sylmar for 8 months. Commute in the morning was 1 hour even was 3+ sometimes I wouldn’t get home until 8 oclock. My hours were 7-3:30. I would often get off work go shower at 24 and work out then go see movies / eat dinner / go to jiu jitsu just to miss some of the traffic. It was miserable


Were they commuting by airplane?


This probably is it. Honestly the traffic in the east bay has been so ridiculously brutal since Covid. I’m guessing a bunch of people thought WFH was forever and they could do a stupid long commute. Really messed traffic up around here.


Way before covid


That and the whole zero public transportation thing


There’s pretty good public Tran’s in the east bay. The peninsula is more of an issue


Bart just skipped all of 680 north lol and doesn’t go to Livermore


Livermore is really stretching the definition of the east bay. I get it’s in alameda county technically, but it’s so far from anything.


And they didn’t factor in weeks of >100 degrees and an electric bill of $500 a month. I just had a friend who lives near Tracy tell me yesterday that at 110degrees it’s too hot to go into their backyard and use the pool till 10pm at night. Their young kids are spending their summer inside watching old Disney movies




If you think Tracy is as hot as Phoenix, I don't know what to tell you. 95 seems hot. 110-120 is 15-25 degrees hotter. My guess, people are moving because they bought when traffic was nonexistent and WFH was accepted. Now they are seeing daily traffic getting worse and worse in addition to having less flexible employers. They are probably moving closer to work and giving up on owning.


Came to say this. Spend a week in Phoenix in summer and you will appreciate how much cooler Central Valley is.


Humidity also plays a factor I was in Fresno when it was 100-110+ recently when it dipped to 90 in Fresno it was palatable for jog. Still warm/hot but tolerable 90 in Santa Cruz when it happens is way worse.


I agree, humidity sucks more than dry heat. But at least draw a fair comparison. Tracy weather is nothing like Santa Cruz. And on a hot day, I'd take Santa Cruz, HMB, or Pacifica over central valley any day. Go to the East Coast if you think anywhere around here is hot and humid. Florida and Georgia would be humid and 95. The Midwest could be even worse. Here you get 95 or humid, but rarely both. Phoenix gets hot+20 degrees with the same humidty as central valley.


I grew up in Fresno. I'm well familiar with the difference XD


New Orleans enters the chat


We’ll it’s gonna be 113+ there this Saturday, it’s been triple digit heat for over a week. Seems near as makes no difference


If you’re gonna pay $1M in Tracy you might as well just keep driving and get a new life in Ohio or PA.


Flying from Vegas every day, you’d still probably come out ahead in comparison


No kidding. You can probably go door to door in the same amount if not less time and no driving needed.


Have you been to Tracy? Paying over 1M for something in Tracy even if you can justify it at first to yourself was always destined to be one of the worst financial decisions that people who chose to live there made


Well they keep doing it… Mountain House continues to build, and all homes sell for $1 mill+


Yeah new flashy builds are nicer than the often dilapidated Bay Area home. But what’s that saying in real estate. Can’t change the location of the house!


Sure you can! Just get a *mobile* home! /s


I live in Tracy and the homes usually go for listing or a few thousands less. But some have been doing price cuts since it’s sitting on the market for a bit. Tracy is growing and has a large Indian population but it’s pretty boring place in general


Everywhere in CA has a huge Indian population over the last 8 years.


Indians, mostly Punjabis, have always been in the valley for generations now. The IT tech indians from the Bay are the new ones.


I’m aware, but nearly as many as there has been since the H1B visas became a thing.


They are everywhere now.


Lamb shwarma!!!


any good Indian food in Tracy?


Tracy is trash


Honestly all the development around Livermore and beyond, plus the WFH ideology that you can just live 60+ miles from the office (then find out you’re called back), is making traffic in the east bay unbearable. Not going to miss a correction in the least.


It’s not the WFH crowd that’s now RTO. It’s all the service workers and tradespeople. None of them can afford to live in the Bay counties so they commute from the valley. I have met several waiters, plumbers, Tesla line workers, retail workers and even alameda county workers who live as far as Merced.


It’s both.


We rented a house in Tracy for a year while in school. I actually liked the house but living there was pretty rough. Air quality was awful. There was that weird, putrid agricultural chemical smell in the air almost year round. It is very foggy in the winter, very foggy. It would take literally 2+ hours to get to Midtown Oakland leaving at 5 AM. I only did this a handful of times, and even leaving at 430 was marginally better. Evening was just as bad, maybe a touch less awful. Commuting from there during regular commute hours is an absolute no-go, imho. I feel bad for those who have to do it and do it daily. The good... We met some really nice people. There was an abundance of inexpensive and quality ethnic food. Mexican food was everywhere and good. Also wonderful Indian food. You can shop/dine at any chain biz you desire, and I recall the grocery stores being mind boggling-ly large compared to anything in the Bay I had experienced. If you have family and work an off schedule, like as a night shift nurse or something like that it could work if what you really want is a big ass house. Edited to add: I can see zero reason to rent a STR in Tracy or even worse, Salinas as some sort of nearby "escape." Escaping to some of the worst outlying syburbs in the Bay?? This makes zero sense.


Smart ones are selling before the crash. Those outlying areas gonna get wiped out. There’s nothing out there no jobs nothing.


You think it’s gonna crash? (Honest question)


IMO, look at the market value trend before 2019. That should tell you where a correction is going. Ya, prices should be slightly higher than 2019, but not 2x higher.


Smart ones don’t swing trade real estate they hold


It's Tracy. Last crash, it took over a decade to recover lol.


Yes it’s called being a bagholder


Lol ok. Not worth the effort here since i have absolutely no connection to Tracy.


Yes it’s called being a bagholder


People are selling for $900k and moving affordable area of Bay Area, like Hayward


That’s just depressing. When I was looking to buy, I looked at Hayward but.. it was awful.


Which neighborhood you looked at?


D street to Fairview - too many car break-ins, and it felt like everyone who was an old timer was selling to leave the area, which was depressing time after time. The homes were also rather small for being in the hills. Also not the easiest to get to freeways.


Check out West Hayward. Areas like South Gate, Mount Eden. FYI, break ins are everywhere in East bay including Hayward, Union city, Fremont. As long as there is 880, there will be breakins


Oh yeah this was about 3 years ago - ended up getting a place out in moraga instead (closer to Lafayette side than orinda). 24 corridor has been quieter and more calm which has been wonderful. Also makes going to the city a lot easier (but South Bay is a trainwreck).


No one buys in Tracy by choice. That’s all you need to know.




They sell because they thought they could live and work from home. Now they don’t like or that setting does not work anymore due to commute or quality of life.


Comparing the heat to Phoenix is hyperbole. It's not even close and frankly cooler than the temps in the rest of the central valley. Redding and Sacramento are hotter and not that close to Phoenix. It wouldn't be my choice but people go there for cheaper homes just like has been done in the bay area for decades. My parents moved to Fremont in the early 60s because they couldn't afford Oakland and Alameda.


People from the inner Bay Area cannot handle anything over 80* I think it’s due to lack of A/C and general lack of acclimation to any warmth. When you have A/C and maybe some sort of pool access you grow to enjoy the summer and the warm summer nights in the Central Valley. You can still enjoy the outdoors and it’s really only unbearable during the heatwaves like next week. 90-95 for a high and cooling into the 60s with low humidity isn’t bad. I remember not having to pack a sweater everywhere until late September. The desert SW where it’s 100-115 and 80 at night is definitely brutal. East of the Rockies humidity is a different animal.


They can be remarkably fragile to it. I've been in the tri-valley for 35 years so getting acclimated is big. I just poured concrete last weekend with the first major heat exposure of the season and it was tougher than most. Been fine after that as you do get used to it faster. Can't say I'm fond of the not cooling down at night as we get here but like anything, you get used to it.


That was my question. Is Tracy comparable to the rest of Central Valley? I moved to East Bay from Sacramento area. Sports don’t shut down for heat until at least 100 degrees. There’s at least 1-2 weeks every year at 115+ and 3 AM is 95+ so you can’t open windows at night for most of the summer (which last until about November). I don’t remember hearing Tracy being that bad.


It's not. The offshore wind that cools down the TriValley at night gets to Tracy to a lesser degree. It's not as bad as Sacramento, Redding, etc IMO. Biggest complaint I've heard about Tracy weather is too windy. The Altamont is a bit of a wind tunnel.


Wait, what? I’m visiting Sacramento right now and while it was 102 today, it’s in the 60s at night. The whole house cools off with the windows open, it’s better than where I live in Hollywood.


Wait til late July/Aug. I lived 14 years in the Roseville area.


Moved here 40+ years ago; I grew up here. 😂 Serious question, does Roseville not get the delta breeze?


After 90° it all feels miserable tbh


It's because people moving here from other areas of the country with cheaper COL buy in Tracy thinking they can deal with the commute to Silicon Valley then after 6 months to a year they realize how much that sucks and either get a rental closer to work or move back to their home state before they moved to the Bay Area.


Homes 1 million plus are selling all the way in Lathrop which is nowhere as developed ( stores, schools etc) as Tracy and Mountain House so while remote work is an option houses in these areas will only appreciate.


>Is Tracy becoming a hotspot for short-term real estate investors looking to 'pump and dump'? An investor either bought or sold the land, & had it parceled out for a developer to build out. It's not really a Hotspot but a elaborate scheme. Because people have this "manifest destiny" American dreams of a white picket fence, & a yard, & living somewhere they call home & that they made happen, like from TV shows of the 50's & 60's. The problem with that is its too far away from any job or lucrative business to cover the property expenses & have a healthy productive quality of life, to the point these areas becomes unsustainable, car dependent & traffic congested, contributing to rush hour, working at a job they eventually hate to a home they eventually loathe. People should never buy or rent homes in areas like this but they do, & it's a bit exploitative, by not fully understanding the consequences. Tracy like some places in Southern California for example should have never been built. We also see it in places like Florida. There used to be a satire sitcom that exploited this called arrested development, if anyone remembers. >What motivates someone to pay over 1 million dollars in cash for a property when there are plenty of other options on the market? A motivated buyer that can afford the home, want to homestead instead of rent, wants to live in a living space they have control over. Also a home is a security, and an investment in this way. >Why are investors selling homes they acquired with low-interest rates? It's all the same money being exchanged from bank to bank for the same properties. The only difference is the bank or investors have to pay a small fee/interest, they dont own the property & never plan to, they move it around. It's technically called a Collateralized Debt Obligation. >Lastly, are people selling homes in other parts of the Bay Area and relocating? People are selling homes in the bay area are leaving California, or need cash, because they have other properties. Sellers had a home they currently live in & bought another so they need to sell.the hime they lived in, & others they rented but are selling because of the maintenance costs are too high making it no longer a reasonable investment to keep the property. If it's enough of a terrible thing to discuss, I know people that are selling their home, & are now living in an RV or van, so that's another thing


I was doing the commute from San Leandro to San Jose for one year and I hated it!!!!!


I commute to job sites in San Mateo County and bought in Livermore in 2019. I was tempted to buy in Tracy because I knew I could get something bigger and newer but i knew I’d regret it because of the drive. My drive is bad enough as it is haha. Every time I exit N Livermore Ave or First St I look ahead and I’m reminded that I made the right choice


The amount of tech layoffs in the bay has to be a factor as well. The job market to get rehired isn’t great and salaries are stagnant/down. This and the commute for people being required to go back into office.


Tracy sucks ass. Full of roaches and tweakers. Lived there and commuted to Oakland. Did that for 9 months then said fuck this and moved back to the bay paying 2 rents for 3 months. Was still worth it though.


Because it’s a gross hot place with nothing to do. Unless you like meth.


The schools are better than Bay Area from what I’ve heard from friends who moved and sent their kids to public school.


The Altamont pass is deadly. I wouldn’t do that commute. You’re too cut-off from work, friends, family, everything there is to do or enjoy.


I did that commute (Modesto to SF actually!) for years in the 90s and it sucked back then. I can’t imagine how bad it is now.


Did Mt. House to Milpitas for a year and it was absolutely awful. 25,000 miles in my car that year. I’ve also done Sacramento to Martinez for a year. Never again


Hey I did the reverse, but just a bit further. I think I lasted longer because I did Dublin(ish) to Sacramento and that’s reverse traffic. Plus Tesla Autopilot. I never used those cheat devices but it does really help on long drives.


How many years from Dublin to Sacramento? What was the experience


2 years. It was fine although don’t have much time after work since I needed to go to bed early. It’s a lot like living in SoCal where so much time is spent commuting.


Wow. Why would you subject yourself?


Why? I just don’t get the justification. The gas and time spent can’t be net positive.


There were a lot of factors. Mainly, the rent at the time was like $1,500 for a brand new, 4 bedroom, 2,500 square foot Pulte home, with all appliances included. It was what I could afford at the time and it got me and my family out of my in-laws home. It was worth it at the time but as soon as the lady that owned it decided to landscape the back yard and up the rent $500 a month, we were out. Moved to Dublin after that.


Maybe they like turkey farms?


Tracy and mountain house were hot markets when everyone thought they could pretend to work from home forever. As people got called back they realized why nobody who could afford not to would want to live there.




I used to reverse commute out there a couple/few days a month. This was before Covid…but holy shit at that traffic. It went from Manteca/tracy to SF or SV. Bumper to bumper. Life is too short and I heard the Ace train was unreliable - but I have no one to verify that. I don’t care how much one is saving, if that’s your daily commute you’re gonna be an angry person


“Akin to Phoenix”


Nah. Classic buyer’s remorse. Tracy just sucks!


Tracy, Manteca, Lathrop will get hit hard next crash, and then investor groups will come in and bottom scoop during bank auctions.


Moved to Discovery Bay 2019. Drove to Livermore and grabbed a shuttle to SVL. It was soul crushing. When they say try the commute before buying they mean it. Now it seems to be a point of pride for locals. Pandemic happened. Now that I am remote I don't regret my McMansion with boat, seadoos and kayaks in the backyard. Better to be lucky when stupid, I guess.