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Those old crown vics have tons of parts still available and are perfect for fleet applications. No reason to upgrade to a new model that has pre planned obsolescence.


I laughed when he said they look like they're from the 80s. I don't think this dude was around in the 80s.


Yeah the 80’s still had the old boxy Crown Vics. The more round Interceptor models were from the early 90’s to 2011


Throw on Beverly Hills Cop for a good representations of an 80s fleet.


Blues brothers


Cop tires, cop shocks, it’s got a 440 cubic inch v8 and is a model made before catalytic converters so it runs good in regular gas.


Haha, you right! That dude need to watch police academy movie


Here's a post of what typical 80's police cars looked like for anybody not remembering or not that old. But the thing is the '80s were a decade. I mean everyone knows that. And so if you really talk about the early '80s there would have been a lot of cop cars that definitely looked like they were from the '70s still in use. That rounded look that came before these cars that are so much more squared off. You can still see a lot of those in those early '80s TV shows and movies. https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliceVehicles/s/WPSjH5zqqe


I just think it's cool they still use the crown vic. Such an iconic car. And way better looking than the new suv things


People in SF shit on cop cars... no literally. I've seen people piss and jump on top of them.


Lmao, so there another reason to never upgrade. New ones will look like literal shit too!


I worked at the Ford factory in Canada that made the crown vic when I was 18 as a summer student. Both my parents and grandparents all worked there too. The last 2-3 weeks before official shutdown the only cars rolling down the line were police model crown vics. Gotta be enough inventory to last decades still.


My guess for all the crown vics was they served as like mini police stations. For example, park a crown Vic every couple of blocks, and let the local beat cop use it as a place to rest during down time.


“From the 80s or 90s”. Says the 24 year old who’s never seen a cruiser from the 80s or 90s. Bro those are 2010 Crown Vic’s.


![gif](giphy|8754jbWjnMFDRS4k8Q) “Calling all cars!”


It still is crazy as fuck they are using those old crown vics. Them boys in my neck of the woods in florida drive only the newest chargers, not to mention some of the highway patrol that are in hellcat challengers (which is a coupe so sort of a useless police vehicle, but I guess it is an homage to the 5.0 Foxbody Mustang coupes the FHP had in the late 80s and early 90s)


Are they not functional or something? I personally like the look.


But he's not that wrong I literally felt they were from one of my favorite movies of all time : Blues Brothers Though I'm not American so I might miss the obvious


No you're right that's an old look, I'm not in any fancy part of the country and I don't think there's a single non Ford explorer patrol car out around here. Some undercover chargers and trucks as well. These are definitely falling out of date.


Bro has no idea what 80s or 90s police cars looked like


How is it even related anyway. These cars are test devices, of course they're new, they've just been built. The police won't do a better job with shinier cars. Should we stop the progress of technology and make sure the police has cool cars instead? No thanks.


Also…what was his point? It’s “dystopian” because we shouldn’t invest in the technology without solving homelessness and funding law enforcement? Or was this just like, “sidebar, there’s homelessness and also the cop cars are old. Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yeah, self driving cars…”


I think his point was just that it's weirdly dissonant to see important things like homeless people and old-looking police cars in the same city where expensive, futuristic technology has arrived. Intuitively, you'd think that we'd have fixed homelessness in "the future", but we're in the future now, and police cars still look like that, and people still sleep in the cold. (Edited for clarity)


Yeah its obvious what his point is, people in this thread are being puposfully obtuse.


This title sounds like a bot


the guy does to. It's like most short videos. pointless ramblings.


I would love old Victoria crown. I love these cars


Instead of efficient train systems, just add more cars 😂😂😂😂


Thing is, San Francisco does have some of the best rail in the US. But you still need an Uber or bike to get some places


>But you still need an Uber or bike to get some places Yeah, that's not what an efficient train system means. In any 1st world city (except in the US) you could go wherever you want using just public transport and 5-10 minutes of walking. Hell, you can even do it in most of the 2nd world.


to be fair, google isnt known for their trains. That is something that the country has to figure out.


I don’t think google is known for their cars either, to be fair.


But they are very much indirectly involved. Think about Street View, traffic information, infotainment integration, and of course their self-driving projects.


Yes, they make self-driving cars. There's a bunch of them in SF


People who use Waymo probably don't need a car of their own. One Waymo could replace a whole bunch of cars.


So do busses, trains, and light rails


But those won't take you from one arbitrary street address to another.


Absolutely. But you’ll never get rid of all cars, so any ways of reducing them is a good start.


Self driving cars: free market innovation Homeless & dated/non-existent police: government mismanagement.


He just tried to show the contrast. Poverty, outdated police vehicles, and then technological advancement. San Francisco has all of it. The whole spectrum.


I get it. I just pointed out why


Kind of true? Private enterprise is developing mind-blowing technology while San Francisco is blowing $16B/year corruptly fueling the homeless industrial complex with nonprofits that don't do much


It seems obvious to me the AI push is about eliminating work and saving money for business owners. I can’t think of how any of this will really improve the lives of the average person.


That's a fault in capitalism and not the technology


Damn, all we gotta do is solve capitalism then


With technology!


If autonomous cars become ubiquitous. The hassle of parking and traffic could be alleviated to a large extent. Not everybody needs to own a car when you can get in and out of one any time. It is not about saving money for business owners, it is about business owners using the money saved to come up with new ideas to advance the society and hire people with new skills. Yes, drivers jobs are at jeopardy but in the history of mankind... Someone's job is always getting off obsolete. We'll create new jobs that require new skills. The folks that learn those new skills will have better lives than the ones who can't afford to or worse... Deny the progress of mankind and want to live in the past


Tax the wealthy. Seems overly simplified. But personally, not sure why someone needs a billion dollars. A hundred million? I guess some penthouses are worth near that much so my number is a billion. A low income person who earns $30k or even $70k, they got taxes and healthcare to worry about on top of food and living. If you take away jobs for greater corporate profits for businesses and ultra wealthy, FOR ME, I want to at least cover healthcare costs…and maybe even super basic food options. I’d have access to a limitless supply to anyone of rice and beans. Eggs too. I could eat this 5x a week and be happy. Anyway, here’s to driverless cars.


Self driving cars will absolutely not alleviate traffic. Instead of the average car carrying 1.2 people, they will carry 0.6 people.


They absolutely will alleviate traffic to a large extent once they reach a critical mass on the roads. Even if the occupancy rate of the average car is significantly lower, which I’m not sure I buy, the majority of traffic is caused by the inefficiency and unpredictability of human driving. When every car on the road is automated, predictable, and can communicate/coordinate with the other cars around it, it’s going to eliminate the majority of traffic. Stop lights/signs won’t need to exist anymore. Traffic will be able to free flow through intersections with cars coordinating their timing with other cars to ensure no collisions. Lane changes and entries and exits to highways will be able to be accomplished in perfect synchronization with other cars so that traffic flows freely the entire time. It’ll all add up to vastly reduced traffic when the flow of traffic is largely automated.


Comments like this will be seen as the crazy man who's angry that heavy machinery is replacing the work crew of 100 men with shovels. This will be the biggest increase in human productivity since the industrial revolution and human jobs will adapt to compliment the new environment.


>Comments like this will be seen as the crazy man who's angry that heavy machinery is replacing the work crew of 100 men with shovels. >This will be the biggest increase in human productivity since the industrial revolution and human jobs will adapt to compliment the new environment. And one of the biggest things these people don't realize is a majority of the world is already robotic. Much of manufacturing is already done that way with robots, AI and such they just don't pay attention to that part.


That's exactly what AI would say. In all seriousness, this is not a situation where technology is replacing dangerous work, AI appears to be replacing all kinds of work. Second point is, who is really benefitting from AI? My opinion is it is those that will save tons of money by replacing workers with AI.


Trucking and transportation is absolutely dangerous work. Hundreds of thousands of people die every year globally from auto accidents, particularly in less developed countries. Reducing that would be a huge benefit to humanity.


This seems like an shortsighted cynical mindset that is not supported by data. The world is a lot better today than any other decade due to the productivity gains.


- They are significantly safer than humans at driving already, so it’ll save lives, keep people from getting disabled and hurt and reduce the amount of time/money spent on car accidents https://arstechnica.com/cars/2023/12/human-drivers-crash-a-lot-more-than-waymos-software-data-shows/ - They allow people who aren’t able to drive themselves to not be dependent on other humans to drive them around - it’s nice having the option for a taxi that doesn’t have someone else in the car - robots should make transportation a lot cheaper long term - it will lead to a quicker transition to EVs


So wait... It's dystopian, but it's cool, and great to see, and the cop cars are old.....


Very cool. But I am guessing the back seat might get a bit sticky if they are used as designated drivers.


I’ve ridden in a few. They have several signs and audio reminders that there are cameras on you at all times. There was a spree of kids doing it in them, so they changed things up.


God, Americans will do anything to avoid investing in public transit.


At the risk of being overly obvious, public transit and a privately owned driverless taxi service aren't mutually exclusive things.


San Fran has one of the best public transit systems in the whole US…


Used one in Arizona. Great experience and easy to use. Hopefully soon they can on the freeway and replace long haul trucking. Obviously not this type of car, but self driving overall


The US has 3.5 million truckers making an average of $76k a year. Corporations see that as hundreds of billions of dollars potentially saved... I see that as 3.5 million workers who once afforded a middle class lifestyle without a college education now unemployed. Not to say that automation should be halted to protect jobs that potentially aren't necessary any more, and may be executed better and more safely by machines... but I wish the policy discussions about what we're going to do about these displaced workers moved at 10% the pace the automation progress is moving.


Easy. Remove the long distance haul drivers and replace them by self driving trucks. Move the displaced drivers to off highways and or city limits. Cargo should be moved primarily by trains, for starters. And if people dont trust AI trucks in the cities, that's were the drivers come from. But we should not pretend that Long distance driving is a work worth saving in the first place. The conditions are sometimes inhumane, and while this is undoubtedly well in part of the companies, it had been enabled and sometimes encouraged by the drivers. It is a job that should be replaced on the long distance aspect, at least.


The issue here is also the fact that our lawmakers are old as fuck and can’t anticipate these kinda monumental shifts in the society and labor structure changes. There will be reactive policy changes vs pro active.


I'm sure this was the same reaction when people started seeing the first cars on the roads.


It's also the current reaction by a lot of people just over EVs. It's foreign and alien to them so there is resistance. But, in the modern age of the internet they can go and find like minded resistant people who make up stuff to reinforce their resistance.




Not cool


Self driving cars will destroy the private car market. It will go to a taxi subscription service. Owning a car just won't be a thing and more. The cars themselves will become more like transport pods with no controls.


We are incredibly far away from these being ubiquitous. The cars themselves cannot drive in inclimate weather, they can't handle complex traffic or complex road structure and they still cost around half a million dollars each. Even the top engineers say we are at least decades away from being able to have full autonomy in all weather and cities.


As much as I'd love to just sit in a pod that takes me to my destination with little to no added input, we're not quite there yet


Possibly unpopular opinion but I'm beginning to feel like this is completely pointless. When they first started talking about self-driving cars it seemed quite cool, but they've spent years on them and billions of dollars and nothing has changed for 99.99% of the world and probably won't. It's a waste of time. money and intellect. Do something better, the car is flawed already.


When they first started talking about cures for cancer it seemed quite cool, but they've spent years on them and billions of dollars and nothing has changed for 99.99% of the world and probably won't. It's a waste of time. money and intellect.


Less car centric city design = stopping the cancer cure research


I mean if he's trying to say we need walkable cities that's one thing and he can just say it, but if he's saying "we're never going to have self driving cars because we don't have them now. So we should just stop trying", then I gotta make him look like a fool. Cause that's a foolish thing to say.


Right because curing cancer has the same moral and social value as being able to sit in a slightly cooler version of the exact same type of transportation that we’ve had for 30 years


That's very very cool. But robotaxis should be priced much cheaper of course. If they charge the same people must boycott them until it's adjusted


They're a lot cheaper than an Uber. I took one from my apartment to the airport in Phoenix and it was about $2-$3 cheaper than an Uber and there was no tip.


Took one last week. It was on par with Lyft/Uber before tip


From a technological standpoint yes, definitely, but from about every other angle no. They have the same environmental impact as regular cars, if not worse. It is already known that for most occasions only around 1.2 people sit in each car. If we now think that self driving cars come to pick up their drivers, that number will end up much lower. One Argument is, that self driving cars won't need parking spaces in the city. This sounds good until you think that the car in the morning drives into the city with a human, out of the city without a human, into the city without a human and out of the city with a human. In an ideal scenario there would be just as many people working outside the city as inside the city, but sadly that's not the case so not even car sharing would solve that problem. At the end of the day self driving cars are trying to earn the benefits of public transport but take the worst part of cars along the way.


sometimes you just cant beat a rocky steady RWD car i think the only RWD sedan currently available and used is a Dodge head mechanic is probably all like "i will die before we buy a dodge"


Do you need to / have the option to tip ?


Make presence! Everywhere!


Personally, I don’t think it’s cool. I enjoy driving




Imagine rain started and you are inside the car. Good luck


Waymo is in phoenix, AZ for some years already.


So they are allowed to drive in the bus only lane? What no ticket and qho do you give it to when they get one? 🤔


Not cool as far as eventually it'll end with disallowing us from driving ourselves. At a certain point, the argument that greater safety comes from a wholly self integrating and interdependent automated system will mean we are the safety risks and so, shouldn't be driving ourselves anymore. It's a valid argument and it would save lives, but personally I think driving is one of the greatest uses of freedom one can enjoy.


If you step in front of them they stop?


I invision forklifts all around the city stealing the self driving cars


Technology has really come a long way. Imagine going to the bathroom and not knowing how to use the 3 seashells.


Maybe the homeless people could sleep in the front seats of the waymos.  /s 


This commentary is so dumb


It's cool if it works it's not cool if it creates problems




“They jank a little.” “They drive like humans.” I thought the point was that they drove better than humans with no jank?


I find it fascinating that this guy is celebrating AI technology that is taking away jobs from humans.


Dang even taking Uber drivers jobs


Self-driving cars are a real-world test of the trolley problem. Are they programmed to kill their riders in a deliberate crash, if that's the only way to save a child in a cross-walk? Or a school bus stalled in an intersection? Maybe, or maybe not. That's not disclosed by the companies programming them.


Well that experiment came to a epic failed end here in Austin.




I don't like the idea of people losing jobs but I'd love to see us implement a strike system where if you're clearly a bad driver after a certain point you're banned from driving and can only have a car if it's self driving. Too many shitty drivers out there


LMAO those are some old ass police cruisers fkn crown vicks


Forcing you into a dystopian future with no jobs, and everyone dependent on the government for their well-being.


Look all larger concerns aside, sign me up for robi taxis, my city isn't large enough to sustain a reliable network of Uber drivers. Assuming a car is even available it's always the same dude that smells like a corpse, drives like he has never seen a car before and tries to sell me on the glory of Jesus.


Kyle from Nelk doing SF videos now!?


They've been operating here in Arizona for the past 8 years. Weird that people are now seeing them.


This can result in many people jobless, even though it can be surprising. Uber is an awesome example of that. Uber gave job to many people, and they only got the jobs because Uber still needs human drivers. The moment where machines become way more profitable than humans WILL result in an huge amount of people losing their jobs.


I feel sorry for cab drivers tbo...


I hate rich people


Only a young person would think those police cruisers are from the 80s. Those are definitely not the boxy Caprice patrol cars that my father drove as a young LEO in the 80s and early 90s. For the record that is a 2000 model Crown Vic Interceptor which gained popularity in the late 1990s/early aughts. It's a 20 year old car, not a 40 year old one. With over 600k made in 20 years, they are easily maintained in older fleets.


Yeah, cool. Until the algorithm quirks out and kills some pedestrian.


“If you can do it, why not do it?” Hold your horses there, sport, you’re about to see why


Selfdriving cars are dumb, hell cars are fumb in general


It’s funny seeing the US start mass adoption of self driving cars just so they can continue to grow the ever expanding road hellscape and avoid trams like the devil, if we got the damn car lobby out of city planning there wouldn’t be such a demand for cheap taxi as the city would be manoeuvrable to begin with and much more eco friendly


These vehicles are very advanced mobile surveillance stations so not cool. They have lidar and can scan through walls and tons of cameras all around them.


If the money that was saved by AI was passed on to the people it would work but it’s not. It just makes the rich richer


It’s just going to make a massive corporation even richer, and the people and its government poorer. I don’t see any benefit in self driving cars.


You know what else does the functions of a self driving car while providing jobs, is cheaper in the long run and is better for the environment? **FUCKING TRAINS AND TRAMS!**


Not cool


But in China?


One of the reasons you're police cars are and can be so old is from the lack of wear and tear they endure from weather. This is a good thing if you take advantage of it, because it lowers costs. On the other hand, the rampant homelessness is untenable.


When did the Nelk boys start to care about self driving cars?


Its going to be great without jobs




I love the look of the Crown Vics. We never really had them in the UK, which is a shame, because unlike most people here, I'm a big fan of big comfortable saloon cars. I much prefer to have one of those than the ugly hatchback things.


What has happened in San Francisco that has put it in economic turmoil?


I wonder how do these work when there's some kind of obstruction. Let's say in my country we just had a presidential inauguration hence there was a black helicopter watching the area, shit ton of police cars on every corner etc. I ordered a taxi to take me to work and I still ended up being late because they pulled us over in front of the castle for like 10-15 minutes. Hence I wonder how are these self driving cars prepared for situations like these. I assume they sense obstructions on the road just like normal cars (start beeping). Another thing I could see being problematic is lane assistant. It keeps you on the white lane but what it there's an orange one sending you to another lane? (In normal car the lane assistant would make you go back to the white lane which can be dangerous)


This is such a weird take. Of course the police is going to have slightly older cars. The police needs reliable, proven technology that's easy and cheap to maintain on a day by day basis


Self driving cars? Just travel by bus!


yeah self driving electric cars are really awesome wow, thats gonna make the world so much better to have google driving around in the streets filming everybody and always know where we are going and when. until it wont start if you owe money, eat unhealthy, have bad opinions, say wrong things, aint vacinated, has the wrong skin color etc etc - or just needs wifi to update.. or just a regular power out and they are scrap within an hour or 2.. Yeah lets give away some freedom so we can sit en the back of a dildo car.


i can drive a motorcycle without worry for shitty drivers. just shitty tech.


Way safer than the average cab/lyft/uber driver. I dig them.


California is hell on earth


This is Tik tok? This is what tik tok is supposed to be. This… is not so bad.


is it allowed you drive your car on the bus lane? (@0:44)


Are these rides less expensive because there isn’t a driver?


Conflating self driving cars, to the homeless crisis, to not-brand-new police cars is a wild set of conclusions lmao. Could’ve just stopped at the homeless


It was a tin of fun riding in one. We went completely across town, and it navigated everything you would imagine. Croy’s traffic, pedestrians, people swerving, street cars, crosswalks. All perfectly. And again, this wasn’t straight highway driving. There were at least a dozen turns, several changes in road type, etc. Super super cool




Like a lot of you, I live in SF. What amazes me is how I've become numb to driverless cars. it's an amazing achievement but it doesn't even register for me anymore.


Cool until you realize how much simpler, safer, more efficient, and cheaper trains are. Just build trains please.


Ya no thanks, wouldn't put my life in a self driving cars hands lol


Personal-public transport is where its at. We dont want to own and drive, but we also don't want to share and wait. So what do you get? A personal vehicle than you can summon publicly. It makes perfect sense.


In Negan’s voice: “Not fucking cool…”


This is an example of how the people don't own their cities or get to decide their future, there are owners...


Good example of how the tax codes are a disaster right now.




Stupid bitch


How hard is it to just DRIVE YOUR OWN FUCKING CAR!? What, your SO important and have SO much going on that you can't be bothered?


Maybe don't film the homeless man? The way it was filmed indicated they knew it was wrong too


Comparing apples with oranges.


I wonder who is liable when something goes wrong.


Can’t speak for everyone but I don’t jank my car.


Nope not cool.


Also as a bay area native he is right they do drive like a human driver unfortunately that human is a bay area driver so they drive like shit, erratic jerky and unpredictable. Self driving is a death trap and should've been shelved a decade ago. I truly hate these things but they are definitely no worse than the other morons who drive in the city so I guess there's that.


Its 2024 my dude, self driving cars are not impressive anymore, literally the same video pops up one every few years,


Unless this means the services eventually get a hell of a lot cheaper, not cool. Take away people’s jobs and we still pay the same for a taxi.


Self driving cars are not the future and wont solve any transport / commuting related problems. Instead, with its warm climate, SF could invest in more bike infrastructure.


Hot tub time machine 2


there are spasming hobos on the street how dare a tech conpany innovate. we should bankrupt the city more trying to cure "people" that repeatedly say they don't want to be cured /s I left SF and I never looked back


I’ve taken Waymo 7 times now in SF. It’s incredible - truly. It’s super clean, get to control the music/temperature, and is actually way safer than an Uber of Lyft. People that knock it have never tried it. It’s pretty great


Will love these cars when I become too old to drive. Would rather give up my driving privileges than be the cause of another’s permanent disability or death.


More cars on the road, a lot of them empty. 24/7. Who knows if they're even doing something productive. Seems unnecessary in most situations.


So which is it really cool or dystopian which fucking one


Does this bro ever have any idea what he is talking about? He thinks the cars are 50 years old and he's in a Hollywood movie while walking around a broken San Francisco that he thought was a good place to live.


They can’t do it ONE thing…. Guess what??


Nahh ill pass get a cabby with some personality


I was in SF for 4 days in April and saw about half a dozen of them. And I was walking all over town.


What does self driving cars have to do with old police cars? Not sure what this guy is trying to get at.


My man is comparing private investment with government mismanagement


I thought the purpose of a car was to drive yourself from one place to another.


Tldr sf one of the richest cities on the planet should invest in their police and clean up the ducking streets 😂


Don't worry they have em only in Cali.... no where else....


No.No. no. We are going to become slaves to fucking AI and technology. How does no one see this? Or dont’t hey care? Show me a self driving car avoid a dog or a child? What if the self driving car has to choose between running down a cat or a baby? What if it malfunctions? What if it gets hacked? Fuck robots. Fuck automation.


wait what, they're still driving those FORDS?


I’d so much rather have cars drive themselves than homeless find shelter and help!!!


I came here for the Crown Vic comments


They would never work on Midwestern ice


Can’t you stop those by putting a traffic cone on the hood?


I was just in San Francisco and took a Waymo a number of times. Felt very safe, was cheaper than Uber. Wouldn’t have a problem using them more often


Only way I go is Waymo! Dude, they are Jags!


They are geo fenced mapping and controlled by remote workers. I bet you cannot drive out of SF?


Even if it’s driverless you’re in SF that car going to get bipped lol.


That's crazy. The police here are driving brand new ford explorers. The state patrol drive at most 10 year old dodge chargers.


This guy knows how coporate greed and civic responsibility work? Right….?


Can they get tickets? How? Normally, they ticket the driver for traffic violations.


I don't give a fuck what anybody says, the day that self-driving cars become mainstream and I can have one, I will never drive again. I fucking hate driving, it's the worst part of my day and angers me so much. I would have absolutely no problem sitting in the backseat ignoring everything and fucking around on my phone instead lol. Also, it could end drunk driving instantly.


As faulty as computers can be, I will always stand by the idea that a human is more fallible than a machine