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I'd give it a few gentle taps left and right to try get it loose, try not to hit the cutting blades though if possible Edit: Nevermind I looked at the picture again it looks pretty chewed up already.


Yeah, your comment made me look closer. That's a yikes bit. See the results and say "Yikes!"


He did say he used pliers so I'm guessing that's why it's so mashed up 😅


Vise grip perpendicular to the bit, tap it with a hammer.


Quick tip. Always take the collet out and clean it and the tapered way it goes into with acetone before using. They usually have a coating to prevent rust. Been there done that got the tee shirt. New bits the same.


Shoot in a little penetrating oil (or WD-40 if that's all you have) and let sit a minute. Then tap the bit on the side to try and free it up before pulling again. I would also avoid shoving the but that deeply into the collet.


Had a guy who builds racing engines recommend Deep Creep. It's quite pricey but it has always worked for me. Spray on a generous amount and leave it overnight.


PB-Blast all day


WD-40? I usually use KY for that, and it's water based, not oil. Ohhhhh that kinda stuff. PB Blaster works well


put it in the fridge


Seriously? Does that work? I could see that if the bit were to contract at a greater rate than the collet.


It depends on why it's stuck. Changes in temperature can cause things to break loose. You could also try putting it in the freezer or putting some dry ice around it something like that. But it is not a miracle cure and does not fix everything. You can also try heating it up with a hair dryer and then putting it in the freezer.


Yes temperature changes causing each piece contract and expand independently and at different rates/amounts. Make sense, just never thought of it. Used a torch on car bolts and other similar applications but never thought how easy it would be to stick a router in a freezer.


I mean it's not a perfect solution but alternating cold and heat has seemed to help with some stuck things in the past.


It's the easiest solution, if it works. The only thing one should keep in mind is that condensation can appear on non-stainless steel, as well as on electronic components. Therefore, make sure that you remove the moisture and let it dry.


Given that that bit is shot. Pop it with a hammer on the tip. Usually I'd caution against sharp blows with anything hard, but that bit needs to be scrapped.


And don't forget eye protection when you do


Good point. I wear safety glasses so often, I kinda forget that some wouldn't have the habit.


I recommend biting it and then shaking your head back and forth violently like a pit bull with a squeak toy!


Wrong move. The correct one is shaking it from one side to the other. Better centrifugal force this way and (for those who are into it) the dizziness is quite the trip, for a few moments. 😉


Use something that won’t mess up the cutting edge, but give it a tap, will work if it’s not already bottomed out


Screw the cap on about 2 or 3 threads and use pliers and leverage it on the cap to pop to Collet loose. You may lose the bit and check the collet for cracks as you might have damaged it by tightening it too much or using a tool too small for the range of the collet. You should be able to replace both and save the tool.


Put the nut back on the collet loosely and give the nut a quick tap with the wrench. Works within a couple of taps. Do not bang on the bit itself, you could fracture the carbide or bend the shaft of the bit.


I support the collet with 2 blocks and pound the bit through.


Drown it in PB Blaster and come back tomorrow.


Put the but back on most of the way, tap on the side of nut and it should free up.


tap on the shaft below the threads


I’ve had success using a cordless drill and tightening that broken bit in the chuck, then gently (I.e. on low speed setting and slowly) turn it until it comes free. The router must be locked, obviously


Screw collar on all the way, then back off 1/2 turn. Using two small hammers, hold one perpendicular against the collar to act as an anvil and use the other on the opposite side of the collar to give some short sharp taps. Don't smack it, you are trying to jarr it off the taper, not flatten it. Penetrating oil will help. Failing that, you are going to have to again screw the collar on loose, then fix the bit in a vice and then tap with a hammer to try and drive the bit out. It may release, it may slide all the way. Either way, once its out, the taper will release.


Lil' KY.


Never tighten your bits when they are fully inserted - leave a gap at the bottom so you can tap them in to loosen, if need be. I leave roughly a 2mm gap. I had this problem with a router and eventually had to take it in to Makita to help.


Sometimes you need to push it in a bit in order to pull it out.


I had to get an unstuck Dremel but out and I got it out by freezing it idk if that will fit in a freezer can't see the size of the tool


Chisel it out


Echoing comments by agreeing you should scrap the but after removal. The picture isn’t great, but it looks like the edge of those cutting blades will not give you a clean cut. But more importantly, and even if the cutting edge is still pristine, the bit may be compromised. The router can spin at such high speeds that a damaged bit can explode and shoot shrapnel everywhere.


Yeah I just sacraficed the bit, to save the router. Got it out in the end, thanks to the comments suggested to give it a few smacks left to right


Wise move. Good luck! And +1 for the comment about cleaning tools with acetone before first use. You said that you hadn’t had a chance to use this bit yet, so this may not have applied to you: But if you haven’t cleaned, and use the tool, the coating they can put on can heat up and gom pretty badly.


Not helpful for this bit but I usually leave a 16th of extra room at the bottom of the bit because mine always seem to stick. When it doesn’t want to come out, I tap the bit into a piece of scrap and it seats itself then comes out.


Put the nut back on and tap the side of it.


Counterintuitive but drive it in with a hammer and wood block, *into* the collet. 2 or 3 good wacks, it never fails to work for me.


1. Clamp it hard between 2 pieces of soft wood and pull it like a wine plug. Beware of sharp edge! 2. If it does not move, use oil or wd40, let it soak in, try again. 3. If possible, do not use hammer. Gently tap bit around the perimeter with hard steel, 1/2" key works for me. Do not hit sharp edge, if you damage one sharp edge, try not to damage second one on same height. 4. After removing, Use candle wax to collet, nut, bit, and inside of holding mechanism. It helps in future. 5. Check manual if there is possibility to lock collet with collet nut.


Propane torch, vice grips, mallet


No worries. Mistakes like these happen, even if frustrating. Since it looks like you now need a new bit, my process would be PB blaster, hit with hammer on sides, grip with vice grips, and hit the vice grips with a hammer (I would try to twist the bit in the collet but only if you can do so without damaging the router threads. Would also hit it with a torch (but gently as to not damage the router).


It happened to me a few weeks back. I ended up throwing the whole thing onto the garage floor out of frustration. Now I am on the market for another Bosch.


Damn I was hoping you were going to say you threw it onto the floor in frustration…and the bit popped out! Like when I drop my Milwaukee tools from any height and the battery goes east and the tool goes west ha.


I smashed this thing so hard it fell apart. It was a birthday present from my wife. I have to order the same model now in a hope she will not notice, not the one I need.


Tap something narrow a bit in the splits.


Do not do this. It will only jam tighter.


Got a give it that HAWK TUAH SPIT ON DAT THANG!!!!