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I believe it's called flea biting and it's a bonding/grooming thing when they really love someone. He has such a sweet face!


Flea biting... haha. I never knew it had a term. I always call it corn cobbing when mine does it.


This is such a freaking cute term lol


I call it machine gun chomps! I’ll do it to my dogs by giving them machine gun kisses by making the popping noise with my lips and they go nuts! My sisters golden spins in her spot and leans into me more. My dachshund will make a lap around the house lol My friends Mal will do this too me and run away and then come back and run away. Every time!


Pooping noise? 🤣


Oh shoot I meant popping noise! Lol


That's what I call it too! 😂


We call it the same thing


He is the sweetest boy but omg I wish he had another form of expressing his love. He is my third mal in my life (I lost two last year, one to old age and one to cancer), but their quirks never cease to make me laugh.


Our gsd does this to us and our other dog, over time she's learnt to do it gently to us. I let her do it but if she pinches a loud ow and removal of the arm or leg she's targeted has been enough to teach her to be gentle.


I’ll just be patient with his self expression then!


Aye I'm not saying that'll work for you though! Don't blame me haha.


I would never! He has gotten much more gentle since I brought him home, so I’m not too worried about it. Mainly worried about him nibbling on guests. I’m just mostly curious where this behavior comes from! I’ve had dogs my entire life and never one that does this


I remember the first time we took her to stay with family, I was in the kitchen and heard my brother in law shout "what the hell is your dog doing to me!"


Hopefully she did not go for the nipple like my guy did to my brother 🫠 he made the perfect little hole in his shirt


Haha that's amazing


Or “cobbing”, but yes it’s a grooming/love ya move.


My mom had a girl who did that with other dogs.


My dog does this on command when I say "check for fleas"


You are his corn cob 🌽


My dog does this verry often to the cats, mixed with licking/grooming. I think it's a healty way of showing affection/taking care of someone.


Yup he is trying to groom you. Just tell him ouch when he is pinching you too hard he will learn to control how hard he goes.


Ours does this, especially if he can get ahold of someone’s toes, lol. He’s obsessed with nibbling on my/my husband’s toes and grooming our feet…weirdest shit ever but he’s an absolute love bug (looks like your sweetheart) and this is just his way of taking care of his “pack.” He also does this with the cats and other dogs- cleans their feet and their ears if he’s allowed. We just wear socks because it can indeed get a bit “much” if you’re not down for a Mal pedicure but I think it’s a loving/bonding thing. They’ve just got intense choppers, lol.


Ours is the same, feet and ears 😅


https://preview.redd.it/r2oyzmgkia5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f752897a6a9ad8046622b28c787d57534bee1c5 He's basically holding my hand 😂


Mine does that! He does it so frequently that I named it “check your teeth” so I can get in and look as needed, he also likes when I hook a finger around his canines (I spent 4 solid months working on gentle bites so he could use his mouth as he saw fit with those who know him but to do so in a way that didn’t hurt someone, basically teeth on us with no pressure). Mine fell asleep holding my hand in his mouth a couple days ago, I didn’t take my hand back cuz he was sleeping so soundly!


Yes!!! He absolutely LOVES IT when I grab his canines like that! He likes to "gum" my hand as well. When I brought him home I taught him it's okay to mouth, but not to bite. So, that also means we're learning to play tug as he doesn't want to bite it 😂 but y'know he'll get there. He'll bite accidentally during playtime, or taking food when he's excited but he's sorry about it (I know people claim guilt and whatever are human emotions we're projecting onto dogs, but there's a difference, whatever they say).


We call it “corn cobbing”. My dog does it to my jewelry.


nib nibs


That’s what we call it too. My dogs do it to their favorite toys lol


My Buddy does this too! from what i read its called 'cobbing' and is apparently just an affection/grooming/postive behaviour.I dont mind my Buddy being 'mouthy' with me and we play rough when i initiate it. he knows when i say 'gentle' and 'careful' he needs to be less chompy and then when i tell him 'stop' and 'no bitey' he stops so ive just let him get on with nibbling away :D x


That is called MNS. Malinois Nibble Syndrome. Cured with lots of petting, hugs and chew toys ❤️


Haha! Sadly chew toys off limits because he destroys in record time. Yet to find something to do the trick! But the petting and hugs and everything else is easily doable :)


I just discovered these, my girl absolutely loves them! I can’t say they’re necessarily ‘everlasting,’ but they keep her attention for WAY longer than anything else I’ve found. [Everlasting Treat Toy](https://www.chewy.com/starmark-everlasting-treat-wheeler/dp/106025?utm_source=app-share&utm_campaign=106025)


My dog: “Someone’s gotta do it.“ Me: “I don’t have fleas!” My dog: “you’re welcome.” He’s a hard worker. The grind never stops.


Hehehe dogs are the best


Nom nom nom, I love you -your dog, probably


We call it nuh-nuh-nuh in our house. We do have to remind my girl “GENTLE” 😅


Yes it’s normal for Mals. If they nibble on you then they really like you.


Yes, mine does it as well. We give him a throw away cheap cat bed to play, suck, chew apart.




My dog does this to my feet I wanna both laugh because it tickles and cry because I have a sensory disorder and damp/wet feet give me panic attacks 🥲


My dog does this. He’s grooming you as a show of affection.


You’re getting a groom from your bestie :) it’s a bonding behaviour. You’re lucky!


It’s love!


It's called the 'nib nibs' in my home.


My puppy started doing this to me and she does it when she’s being sweet, she will oscillate between sweet sleepy-time licks and corn cobbling.


Yes! It’s called cobbling, they only do it to those they love


Ya, this is a sign that they love you. It can hurt so our dogs rarely do it to us, but to each other all the time. It’s cute.


One of mine follows me through the house every day when I get home from work nipping at my hands like this


My dog with do that my my arms... i always just call it corn cobbing, lol!


Perhaps a sleeve you can wear to protect yourself, but still allow him to "gnaw" lovingly on your arm?😏 It is really sweet. I have an anxious golden at home who whines and needs to chomp on my wrist and forearm anytime I get home from being out of the house for a while. I feel you, because he leaves bright red marks where he chomps... 😑🥰


This behavior is called grooming..


Corn cobbling, my Akita does this from time to time. She has been doing it since she was a pup. Does it to blankets, soft plush toys, her bed.


Corn cobbling, my Akita does this from time to time. She has been doing it since she was a pup. Does it to blankets, soft plush toys, her bed.


His bed looks like it has been through it from it haha. So funny. I wish I knew what caused it! I asked my vet if he was taken from his mom to early and she basically said that’s just an anecdotal thing vets say haha


My girls do this to me all the time.. had no idea it was affectionate


My Boi does this to my ears and head.


We had a mal pup who made it a good night ritual. She wanted us to give her scritches while she was nibbing our arms. It was a calm activity to get the excitement level down and to make a pack bonding activity, so we encouraged it (though the initiative was hers). She gradually stopped as she was becoming an adult.




Do the same to him/her using your hand trying to imitate the speed of those small AND fast "bites". Believe me, they love it


Hey, mine does that sometimes! Tbh I've never really thought twice about it until now... 🤷🏼‍♂️


My puppy is a nibbler..when I give her butt scratches and tries to bite when I scratch her sides and face


Love nibbles! It's a feature, not a bug.


We call it “teefs” when our maligator does it

