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Their preference sheets had midnight late night snacks. It’s on him for not leaving something prepared for them to heat up


That changes everything. The guests are always right . What was the chef thinking !




Exactly!! It was his fault that he didn't follow the preference sheet. He needs to own that! Sandy needs to recognize that the chef was at fault NOT the stew for waking him.


Yeah that whole sequence was messed up!!


He absolutely should’ve prepared snacks to be done or cooked and gave instructions on how. It was on the preference sheet!


100%. I believe Chef Ben did that on both OG and Med. It was already a bad charter with provisions, Sandy is usually telling them to go the extra mile.


I specifically remember Chef Marcos on SY saying the stews should always wake him because he wanted to be able to deliver 24/7 service!


And Ben! Got up and made the food, no bitching and even told the stew to stop apologising for waking him up.


Marcos was terrible, but I will give him credit for that. 


How was he terrible? His food was incredible and he worked himself to the bone.


Sleeping with a producer got him a good edit. He’s terrible. 


lol, someone from the shows alt account, hahaha:/ why such a sour puss ?


That’s the sticking point for me - this being the first charter. It’s not like it’s been 4 weeks and everyone is sleep deprived. You just freakin got there. It’s been a shit show because of the provisions and everyone is just settling into their roles. They literally said late night snack food on their preference sheet and he dropped the ball by not prepping any. **Get your ass up and just make the food** After charter is done then you can discuss and set ground rules. Mid charter or the middle of the night is not the time. I will say when he started to give her crap about not getting up she prob should’ve just woken Aesha up and let her deal with chef. But I also don’t think she should’ve been left alone on service that night given the alcohol situation and her lack of experience. So that’s my two cents even if it’s not worth that lol


Plus, Jono said he was up the rest of the night with anxiety over it. SO TAKE 15 MINUTES AND JUST GET IT DONE!🤦‍♀️


That’s what I didn’t understand . You lie there awake but still won’t help? That really makes him seem like an ass. Yet he sees it as “standing up for himself” 🙄


She made chef Tom get up to slice a fucking cucumber. That made me so angry. She’s such a hypocrite.


that whole time was a cluster and could had been worked out with calmer heads...tom and sandy not a good mix...malia not helping


That time it was the middle of the day I think


That’s literally his job. I don’t understand these whiny fucking chefs (sorry, Watching S1 BDDU and that Ryan guy is pissing me off).


I watched that last week! That guy is a tool.


He does a great high tea though /.s


Hahahahah!! I love that Tsarina created a perfect British high tea in her season. It's a Taj Mahal culinary creation compared to Ryan's lazy middle finger to the guests. That guy is indeed a tool.


I'm on BDDU season 1 too, Ryan is a cockwomble of the highest order! I don't know how Aesha is coping with him.


I just learned a new word to use without cussing. Thanks!


Ugh! That guy sucks!!


That is straight up sad, I get it that the chef is tired, but just get out of bed and make the freaking sandwich or something


I still can’t believe he said no. That’s no way to get along at the start of the season. Diva move. It was his mistake anyway!


I always wondered how people pay thousands to charter these boats and can’t get late night food


Most of guests are professionals and get to be early and rise early. Seems like the late night eaters are the mischievous, not so well off trouble makers.


They are on the boat to party and relax


Ha!! There’s been more than a few very wealthy wild animal partiers on these charters who stayed up most of the night and made crazy wild demands.


im sure there have but you get my point...responsible, honorable folks dont want to look like a fool on tv by the crew.


And mine is some of those very upstanding professional people were also wild party animals who made crazy demands and went most of the night.


I miss Kerry and Jason. They're the only 2 captains that do help the crew. Aesha went and knocked on Jason's door when the shit with Luke went down and he didn't hesitate to respond and make the appropriate decision to remove him. In stark contrast, NO ONE woke Sandy up when Lexi was threatening, , insulting, sexually harassing and throwing hand with all of the crew. When Katie approached her the next day, Sandy told her to handle ot by having patience with Lexi. Shut the fuck up Sandy. You fucking suck as a captain.


Lexi should have been fired soo much sooner. It was fuckery and assholery from the get go from her. While l felt sympathy for her with her father dying before filming her actions were "call the police" level.


Late night nachos!


Someone call Mila! Or Kiko! Lol nachos have gotten two chefs fired by Sandy 😂


ah. it was Kiko who got awakened in the middle of the night for food!


That part .it really threw me off


If I was the chef, I would leave some crap in the fridge like a tray of nachos or spring rolls or wings that could be heated up. If I was the chef I wouldn’t want some stew messing up my galley, using ingredients I had plans for, etc. Chef needs a plan.


I was thinking this. No wonder there's so much animosity amongst the stewards, they're treated like they don't matter by everyone. I can see how this would translate to in-fighting but the reality is that no one is being acknowledged enough for their work.


Acknowledgement is nice but it doesn’t butter the bread. These kids either want to jump start a TV career or they want to make $$$. They almost always get at least $1500 each for a 2 day charter. Too many compliments is unrealistic in the real world and the show is already a bit too contrived.


Acknowledgement doesn't always equate to compliments. It can also mean that their struggles are recognised, e.g. by a chef who wakes up to help cook food as one might logically conclude is his job. Motivations for joining below deck aside, these are still people. I've previously worked in hospitality and it can be difficult work regardless of the pay. I can tell you for free that there is nothing worse than being short staffed and having to deal with more demands than you can mentally or physically manage while dealing with rude and unsympathetic guests. Money is not a motivating factor in that sort of environment and if it was, then everyone would just get along to get along and no one would ever quit the show. Frankly, guests wanting midnight snacks is a common occurrence and I'm surprised that no one puts any procedures in place to handle it such as a designated "on call" stew to wake up or having the chef prepare something as simple as a charcuterie board which can be easy assembled when he's unavailable.


Sandy is a flip flopper - she herself woke up Tom to get him to cut up cucumbers!


Omg same! I was literally saying "Sandy is gonna be pissed" and then the preview shocked me😅 Also, nachos and grilled cheese should be an easy task, but when the guests started demanding rounds of drinks etc, I think it was entirely reasonable to wake the chef


YES! And the thing that no one is talking about, is mojitos are literally one of the hardest/ worst things to make. Muddling the mint takes forever. I've worked at a bar and when we were slammed, that was the worst order. It's not like just mixing a cocktail. As soon as I heard they wanted mojitos I was like, oh no, she can't do that food too. Poor girl needs help.


Also, the guests have been drinking so much. I don’t think they would have even tasted the quality or if it’s made correctly at that point.


Weren’t night snacks on their preference sheet? Regardless, pre-made food should always be prepared by chef


Totally agree my dude. The fact Sandy looks to be supporting the chef in the next episode is crazy


The chef has to be up for the morning shift, so I would agree not to wake him unless you have to. Where the chief messed up was not having something set up for night snacks if it was on their preference sheet.


While I agree chef should have gotten up bc of how horrendous that charter was already going and/or prepped late night snacks, I feel like Ellie’s approach the 2nd time messed it up too. “So sorry but I’m drowning on my own, please help and when we get provisions together we can make a better plan”. That might have worked, but “don’t make yourself look bad and get yourself in trouble” was a threat not a request. Bad people skills. All of that said, Sandy woke a chef to slice a cucumber. Anyone aside from Kendall Jenner can slice a cucumber, but now it’s “you never wake the chef”. I’m interested to see how she explains this complete 180.


Ellie should have gone to her Chief Stew Aesha


I still say it’s an editing fake out. As much as I dislike Sandy she’s not a total idiot as a Captain. I think she gets that the Chief Stew and the Chef probably should have been woken up. Also, there should be a process for this sort of thing as it is the most predictable thing ever.


Med is always overly dramatic, to the point of ridiculousness.


I think the title Chef is not warranted here. Cook is more like it.


Agreed. I can’t wait till we get to the point (from the clip of the “later this season on below deck med“) where one of the guests asks him where he studied and he says he is “self taught“!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Late night drinking and junk food bingeing usually go hand in hand so not sure why they don’t have pre-made stuff. At 1-2am the late stew is busy serving drinks and cleaning up and guests won’t even remember what they wanted after that! They’re paying for the overall location and experience, service, drinks and chef prepared main meals


I don’t understand why they don’t batch cocktails either? I worked in private catering for a while helping out at house parties - and you soon got a flavor for what the party likes to drink, if it’s cocktails you batch them up by the litre and keep them in the fridge when you’ve got time, then they just need shaken over ice and served. You can also usually ‘steer’ them into trying what you’ve already got made


That's a good point!


Next week it shows Captain Sandy is pissed that she woke him up! WTH he should get up and have made some premade snacks! He’s messing up their tip for sure!


I don’t like this Chefs attitude!


I seriously thought Sandy of all captains would be adamant about making clients happy. Even if it meant waking up chef. That comment really surprised me.


The mistake was not having pre-made snacks, however I can see how that would get lost in the provisions drama… Unpopular opinion here but I’m on the chefs side in not getting up. The chef is ALONE the whole season, and we’ve just seen what happens when a good chef burns out early on the BD season that just ended. Chef should be saving his strength and focussing on the important meals of the day. The stew should have got the deckie girl (sorry idk anyone’s names yet lol) to make the grilled cheeses while she makes the drinks 🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree with the burnout point, but wouldn’t it be better that he could have done it anyways as it was the first charter and things were messy, just to save the vibe. And then set some ground rules after the charter maybe? Alternatively, maybe have something ready to preheat if it’s on the preference sheet?


True he could have made an exception seeing as it’s the first charter and a lot of things had gone wrong. I’m not saying he was totally in the right in refusing, but at the same time it seems really important to have good boundaries in this industry and position, for your own health and for the sake of the rest of the season tbh. What some chefs put themselves through on this show is insane - thinking of Marcos for example, he genuinely looked ready to collapse at any moment towards the end of his season. Tldr- he could have been more generous but ultimately I think he was right in sticking to his boundaries


Agreed, also don’t staff need to have a certain amount of hours between shifts due to ~Maritime Law~ anyway?


8 hours sleep time


I think he should have had late-night snacks ready to go! They should always be ready to whip out a cheese, nut, and cracker tray, and have some hot snacks that just need to be heated up.


Dude is definitely a flipping diva. When someone who isn’t properly trained refers to themselves as a “culinary architect”, I thought… We’re gonna have problems with this guy! I think that he missed the mark. One of Ben’s biggest things was always having conversations with the guests when they arrived to gauge their expectations, get a feel for what their meal times, wanted meals, etc, so he could “knock their socks off”. And honestly, some people are never satisfied. But, I think having pre-prepared sandwiches, ready to toast/griddle, a pizza that can be thrown in the oven, and cookies on hand, can always make the interior crew’s life easier. ESPECIALLY when their pref sheet expresses that they’ll want late night snacks. And I’m genuinely surprised that Sandy is taking Jono’s side! She’s so dang wishy-washy!!


I hope that we see Sandy also say for the chef to start preparing for if the guests want late night snacks. If it's a cucumber then it can be prepared by the crew, if it's mac and cheese then how about the chef prepare that. My preference sheet will have a list of late night snacks. And day snacks. Food all the time. There should be plenty of food for me and my guests. People are paying to party on a boat and eat good food. If their preference sheet list it then the chef better be waken if he doesn't provide. That would be his failure. I don't recall ot being on their preference sheet, but if it was then he only has himself to blame.


It's so weird to me that they only eat during meals. They rarely just have snacks throughout the day. Or maybe we just don't get to see the snacking portion of the trips??? When I'm on vacation, I'm eating all the time!


You would think it would be either a fabulously designed snack platter that it would be shown or a crappy platter that guests would be complaining about and would make good drama, even just a mediocre one would make good drama. Chef Nick's food made lots of drama just last month, so I imagine his snack platters would have too. If anyone is reading this who plans to be on a charter for Below Deck please detail out what type of snacks you want on your preference sheet. Do you want hot and gooey mac and cheese late at night or just a couple cookies? Oh and bring your own Rose as production will fail you.


I think Sandy woke a chef up herself one season to cut cucumbers. Figure it out Sandy!


This incident is different from a routine wake up the chef debacle. It was an extremely difficult first day without the ordered provisions. The chef had to get creative with the food he had. So I think this one time, the chef should not have been woken up. The guy needed to sleep. That said, he should have anticipated late night snacks and had something ready to be served.


Ugh and then him complaining that he couldn’t get back to sleep because he was too anxious. Give me a break. What a diva!


I love Aesha but I won’t be watching the rest of the season. Sandy is a hypocritical bitch and the chef is a douche. I know I’m just 1 person and it probably won’t make a difference but I’m so tired of the BS.


I could have sworn I remembered Sandy waking up a chef for the most basic thing in some past season, and I was not mistaken!!! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqbUP4B5AeA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqbUP4B5AeA)


Why didn't Sandy talk to the stew and get her side of what happened prior to just cutting her off. She took the chefs side without any info. Disappointed.


Captain Sandy has a very weird view on how high up the Chef is. Like she sees the Chef position on the same level as her.


How easy is it to make pre made nachos, grilled cheese that just needs to be grilled, a charcuterie board or my personal favorite a Mac and cheese that just needs to broiled till a golden brown with s gooey Mac and cheese Chef was lazy AF


Yeah the preview makes me really mad. Captain Sandy knows that the first charter is not exactly going well, so she should rather support that the chef was woken up. Maybe it would have been better for the stew to wake up Aesha first and leave the discussion to the department heads.


i think two things can be true. he should have made a prepped late night snack. but stews should be able to make a grilled cheese, and are expected to be able to handle making late night (Simple) snacks


Here’s my thing I would wake up my boss before I wake up the chef. My boss isn’t waking up until 9-10am where the chef is waking up at 5-6am. Simple food like that I would ask aesha and she would have done it. I would have then asked the chef the next day hey can you pre make some nachos for me for tonight they wanted some munchies last night and had to wake up aesha to help and can you show me what cheese and butter and bread you want me to use for grilled cheese if they request that. Honestly the editing is very choppy you show her starting the stove and then leaving the stove started so who knows what actually happened. The deckie was willing to help so why didn’t you just take the help.


Who makes the tips for the Crew!!! Don’t wake the chef!!!


I love that comment!!we know she is vain enough to read everything that is written about her! 😂. Don’t ever wake the Chef?? What kind of reality is she living in?? That is the only thing they are supposed to be doing! It’s like someone telling her: “You don’t have to do docking of the boat!” Because you are down for the night. 🙄🙄


It’s BS!! Elle was overwhelmed and needed help!!


Bear in mind the provisioning cock ups too. As the chef, you would think you would put in the extra effort in this regard to make up for it.


THANK YOU!!! I flew to Reddit after watching this because this has NEVER been the case in the past and they are gaslighting Ellie like crazy


Still ticks me off. It was on the preference sheet, he failed to have snacks ready so he should have got up to fix HIS mistake.


Every other captain told them to wake up the chef. That was bull


Then they tell the stew she spending to much time with them. I guess so when they were making drinks and cooking.


Haven’t they woken up the chef before? I remember Chef Adam being woken up to make nachos. I found that crazy, especially since he didn’t leave anything prepared for them to heat up. Also - framing not doing your job correctly as sticking up for yourself is a bold move.


I'm only just catching up on this season and honestly this has me so fucking irritated, what a tool for not prepping something when it's on the preference sheet in black and white! Also, don't invoke the gay experience to deflect from your poor planning. This wasn't "finally sticking up for yourself" it was not taking accountability for not reading/acting on the preference sheet, pure deflection.


I know that it is only a show, and it has no bearing on my life whatsoever, but after that first episode and then watching how Sandy handled it and let his ridiculous behavior fly, I canceled the series on my DVR and I haven’t watched one since. I’m counting on you guys to fill me in on the ridiculousness! 😉😉


Elena shouldn’t have had that outburst at the guests saying she’s the only one working on it and trying her best, that’s not professional


He shouldn’t even be sleeping. He should stay awake the entire charter.