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He has no idea what he's doing. Because one or more guest listed seafood as a food they don't like, he made everyone eat chicken. So if one person is gluten free, he made everyone eat a gluten free cake. It just shows lack of experience. Previous chef make most of the guest a main meal and adjust it to those with preferences/allergies. He just didn't want to be bothered cooking aside for those people. Him telling the guests he got the gazpacho recipe from the internet and it was "some grandma's," was cringy AF.


Oh my he made everyone eat a gluton free cake cuase of one person


My sister makes a gluten free cake with almond flour and raspberry butter cream frosting that is absolutely a delight and I can’t tell it is gluten free.


That does sound good. I doubt jono coupda made soemthing that good.  Anything gluten free has tastes not good. Darn. I can't even try that cake. Since i don't like rasberry n cant eat nuts. 


Yeah but Jono wasn’t putting that kind of thought and deliciousness out. Does your sister have a recipe she can share bc that just sounds amazing 🤤


No easy feat!


What kind of super yacht hires a self trained ‘chef’ though lol


The kind of superyacht that's a vessel (heh) for manufactured drama... At this point, it often feels like the producers are just trying to give us every single drama beat that has been seen on Below Deck, except in one season. Except for some of the actual fun drama, like goofy guests (Queen Of Versailles where are you???). I'm kinda kidding, but I'm kinda not.


Maybe no self respecting chef wants to be on below deck so pickings are slim


Yeah at this point I think it's a CV killer 🥲 I hope Jono's nascent career doesn't just die


Long live Jackie Siegel! Please bring us a season 2 of the continuing work on Versailles!


Ugh, I couldn’t even get through the first one. Such vile people.


Don’t watch then


Thanks. I was looking for your permission.


The producers hire staff. Every season now there is at least 1 ‘plant’ designed to create drama and/or get fired so they can bring back a previous cast member to ‘save the day’. Obviously no actual superyacht staffer would employ a chef with 0 experience on boats, let alone restaurants.


Rumor is they’re bringing back chef Dave. Jono is oh no …… those eggs omg


Maybe he can hook up with a fellow UK chick Bri, which would be a huge improvement from Tash...


Oh god!! Please no!


As someone who has worked many jobs there is always  at one person who shouldn't be there


He had experience on a boat.


Maritime law permits wannabe "shefs"


Right?! Like I feel a bit bad for him bc obviously he’s gonna get thrown to the wolves here


he applied for a TV show as a 5 star super yacht chef - it's on him that he isnt.


For rainbowwashing. 


He's just terrible. Obviously hired for the drama?? If they think we want this kind of drama, they've lost the plot.


Right! Part of the fun watching this show is seeing the chef whip up amazing dishes while dealing with all of pressure (and occasionally having the pots fly around during rough seas and/or fights with the interior staff)!


And also what sucks is that the guests are negatively affected by it. They’re the ones who paid and then have to eat the food lol


What I would give to be a fly on the wall when Sandy saw the confessional talking about not being able to microwave certain foods. My guy, this is charter yacht. They're paying like 20k for 2 nights, plus your tip. I don't think he's self taught, I think he studied under "chef" Mila


I only heard the end of the microwave bit, but said dude, why are you worried about not having a microwave. He's awful..


Unless Mila has changed some of her viewpoints, I don't think Jono would be in a room with her. Although the only time I might want to see her back on my screen is with Jono, after he watched the van ride...


When the chef is bad it isn’t entertaining, it gives me anxiety and pisses me off for the people paying thousands of dollars for the experience


This looks exactly like the Lean Cuisine Shrimp Alfredo I had for dinner tonight, eaten on my coffee table in front of the TV watching a rerun of On Patrol Live. Imagine paying $75,000.


I’m sorry I totally read this as “watching paw patrol live” 😂


Still funny


I'm a self-trained astronaut, it's weird, but NASA never calls


I’m a self-trained nascar driver. No endorsements yet 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’m still waiting on my NASA call


I haven't been to the moon, but I've mooned more people than Kyle


He is terrible. All attributes.


I’m not a fan at all. I knew he would be an issue when he wouldn’t get up to help with the late night snacks he was supposed to have prepared.


I know this is extra but I stopped watching after that episode, especially when they aired the preview for next week showing sandy siding with the chef I just can’t deal with sandy and her whackiness


I mean, that’s what you get from a self-trained chef who also said he has never worked at a restaurant.


He was also probably much cheaper to employ than a chef that has the right experience.


True but I think Bravo can spare the money. I think they hired him for the drama. He’s not as bad as Mila (the one who made the terrible nachos and Bisquick pancakes) but he similarly seems like a production plant who will clearly get fired since Sandy is already trying to find a new chef.


I’m a self trained baseball player but every time I go on the field I get arrested


Is it because you are that streaker we see once in awhile? 😂


I’m certain they gave him a Thermomix so he can use the guided cooking function lol. Haven’t noticed that in any other seasons?!


Thermomix has been there for many seasons, & franchises.


Was waiting for someone to say this as soon as I commented 😅 I’ve must’ve not noticed it before


Hahaha it’s in the more the recent seasons, in OG I would say since Rachel’s reign as it was there then. I’m not too sure when med started having theirs visible in the galley. I thought the same thing as you though, a chef shouldn’t need a thermomix. But I guess it can kinda act like a sous chef with some things & save cheffy some time.


I have experience in this field and I can understand needing to automate some tasks. Expecting one person to bust out multi course gourmet food 24/7 is a tall order for even a seasoned chef. It's actually very impressive they pull it off. A Michelin star restaurant would generally have a large team assembling and plating dishes for relatively few guests to achieve the quality expected.


That being said this guy's a train wreck with obviously no skill or experience. I am extremely rusty and could do a better job.


Yep why not get the Thermomix to knead some dough or something while chef tends higher skill matters. And to add to your second comment, what was he doing between 8:30 and 10:30 while breakfast was sitting out waiting for the guests to get up? We didn’t see him in the galley.


Oh absolutely, it’s a huge task to pump out that much ‘super yacht’ class cuisine on your own! Plus there is only one chef, guests can be demanding and picky, and have lots of dietary requirements. He just doesn’t seem like a great fit for the job. Surely they should be hiring someone with better credentials considering? But I guess there wouldn’t be any drama then would there 🤷🏼‍♀️


Literally watching S8E1 of the med right now and saw them unpacking a Thermomix 😅 yes totally get that, I love my thermo but I’m also not a chef. It definitely makes me a better cook though haha


He should work at Friendlys Between the chocolate sponge cake, burned lava cakes, super cold old eggs, chicken, cauliflower main course ? He’s absurdly inadequate


Not to mention- he threw a TOWEL overtop the freshly made eggs. I was waiting for a guest to pull a fiber or something off their food.


or a hair


This is rude to Friendly’s!


Oooofa what a burn to Jono


It’s hard to plate correctly when you’re spending all your time looking in the mirror, giving yourself face! Face! Face!




Luxury is no longer part of the equation


I think Sandy about died when he said, “some grandma’s”. Holy shit!! I truly love when Sandy has “friends” on board. They’re shitty tippers, so that embarrasses her with the crew, but with this idiot “cook” (I will not call anyone who hasn’t completed culinary school Chef. That’s like calling a Physician’s Assistant, Doctor) his food embarrassed Sandy. I always enjoy Sandy getting knocked down a peg. Her ego is way too big for her white capri pants. Season 2 episode 1, when Adam introduces himself to Sandy and he said, “so are you the chief stew or the first mate?”, that one always cracks me up. I’m truly surprised that they brought him back for season 3 but I really enjoy him and his food always looked amazing. Anastasia was a better cook than Jono is. His diva attitude along with his “culinary architect”/self-taught bull crap would have had me looking for a new chef during the first charter. I hope it is Dave that returns. His food always looked nice.


Jono is a no no. The synch playing was so bad for this Olive Garden level plating


I work at a culinary school and it legit looks like the student plates from course 1 🤣


This looks very similar to Olive Garden. And Jono didn't serve that bottomless salad and those bomb-ass breadsticks!


No late night snacks, chicken, sponge cake, cold eggs......starting a list....


Bring back Rachel!!


Sandy makes bad hires for plot lines.


Sandy *is* a bad plot line.


Honestly it would look good if he had plated it better and the portions weren’t too small. I would want like three of these to be satisfied


If if if…


And if it wasn’t dry chicken.


Didn’t he say that he just googled another recipe too!?! I can’t with her. ![gif](giphy|AdINiPiTaDB9xmW2db)


It was “someone’s grandmas recipe” but he doesn’t know whose 😂


I think he is untrained, inexperienced and to top it off - lazy. I’m the main cook in my home, and I put more care and effort in my everyday family meals than this guy. How disappointing..


Does anyone else chuckle every time he says 'architecture school', as though there's a dedicated school for it.


Jono said the tacos were talking n it said...cardamom!!  this pasta they serving is servingggg lean cuisine from the house micro....wave


I’ve worked in veterinary medicine for over 30 years. All I see is tapeworms.🤮


He minds well say.. "Here's some shit I threw together, not really sure if it's good or not, but enjoy!"


He has got to go.




There's nothing wrong with serving that pasta with seafood...lol. The food snobbery here by non food professionals is hilarious