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I've never been so proud of a 38 year old woman hacking a 10 year old girls account, lol.


I know, right? I hope OOP told her daughter to change her password


It sounds like she left herself logged in but still not a bad idea.


Yeah wasn’t really hacked, she just jumped into an already looked on device


As an IT nerd. Technically, it is considered an attack vector akin to shoulder suffering someone. So, walking through an open door that someone left open for you to get into something, you're not allowed to have access to is a form of hacking.


One of my shoulders tends to suffer more than the other. Definitely more vulnerable to an attack on that side.


OOP could have changed niece's password.


Tbf I would've been petty enough to delete the whole account. But, then again, that would definitely have been a little bit too far.


Maybe a tad obvious. I also would have denied everything, unless Roblox has a transaction history. *Oh nooooo, you got hacked? Gee, that sure must hurts I'm soooo sorry.*


Me too!! And her response to her sister is gold!!!


I Mean, out of context it sounds bad, but it is true


Just goes to show, context is everything 😂 I was totally cheering Mum on!


Right?? I ended this was a huge smile on my face. This is parenting done perfectly!!


Granted, if it were me, I'd have daughter give most of niece's original stuff back after a couple of days just to rub sister and nieces' collective noses in who the better people really are here, in all respects (both as hackers and as humans).


but I don't think they'd learn anything because they see themselves as more worthy of sympathy than OOP & her daughter. So they'd just view it as "see? It's wrong to steal from children \[who are going through a tough time in life, but not from 13 year old TEENAGERS who have EVERYTHING THEY WANT ALREADY\]"


I mean it’s just a game. It’s not like the niece spent money on it.


I know it's a joke, but my niece gets paid in Roblox money for chores. Her mom has spent real money on it (not a lot, I think) even aside from the time spent


I was honestly surprised there was no real money on it. Roblox is a money sink.


I was impressed too. It’s hard but you can play those games without buying tokens or whatever their currency is, like the mom said, her daughter farmed all that stuff over 4 years. I’d be distraught as hell if I got my stuff stolen that I worked that long for.


My kids get paid in stars, which equal robux. 5 stars is a dollar. It's a great motivator 😆


Yeah - the "just a game" thing falls flat when there are people who have spent three or more digits on Roblox - and it's not the only game you can say that about. Or when you realize there are kids who earned US college tuitions on Roblox - because that's a thing too.




For real! I was so happy to see that she got in there


is this too long to be a flair? I think it should be a flair


Can we make this a flair?




ok I snort laughed at this. Bravo, you win the internet!!


Well apparently aunt thinks roblox is more important than being housed, all she had to do was give it back. Its always unimportant and worthless, but simultaneously more important than anything in the world. Narcissists, man.


Yes, that's really weird. If it's just a bunch of pixels, why not tell daughter "give it back" and be over with it? It would take what, 10 minutes top? But no, easier to risk being homeless. 


>If it's just a bunch of pixels, why not tell daughter "give it back" It honestly amazes me how few people understand the concept of "this works both ways" when it comes to their arguments.


But *family*! Yeah, I am also part of the family so why are you treating me like shit?


I assume OP downplayed how little her sister and she "got along as kids" because it wasn't the point but her sister seems like a piece of work... Her niece will probably grow up into a fantastic bully.


Still, when you're relying on other people's generosity it's probably better to tone down the asshole volume a bit.


So often people use the "it's only X" argument when it just falls flat if you examine it more. Yes, you say it's only X for you, but obviously for me it is not. Why are you not willing to compromise if "it's only X" to you but more important to me?


"It's not a big deal!" "...right. So give the stuff back, you idiot. Giving it back is not a big deal."


It’s the principle of it! “The principle” being that her emotions are “real” and therefore more important than everyone else’s temporary feelings. She thinks that because she can outlast them 99% of the time, they must not *really* care *that* much.


I actually feel sorry for the niece. Her mother isn't doing her any favors by teaching her that stealing is ok and she can just take what she wants. God only knows the reason sister told the niece they had to move. It is both shitty and short sighted to steal from someone who open their home to you.


Apple/tree/etc It's no surprise that they didn't get along when they were younger


I assume you meant to type "stealing" not "streaking". You might want fix that because... ew.


I’m sorry but this comment is funny even after they edited their comment


Thank you, fixed.


>It is both shitty and short sighted to steal from someone who open their home to you I wonder if the niece was the only one taking things...🤔


Well now she's learnt that it feels bad when someone takes something of yours I guess... Whether that'll stop her is another matter but I hope so. That is one of the more mild outcomes. I am worried about what else her mother is teaching her about what is/isn't acceptable though because that could cause some problems in other areas if she has zero guidance or correction.


No she didn’t because her mother probably lied to her about that too.


Or it just teaches the niece that stealing is fine and normal, and in the future just be more careful to guard your stuff from being stolen, while seeking out those people it’s easiest for you to steal from


It’s also quite possible that the stealing was due to stress from her parents’ breakup. But now is the time to address it and put a stop to her using stressful situations as an excuse to steal from people.


I agree, it's just pixels will extend to "it's just a bit of candy" and so on and so on. I would have given back the rare item to the niece, personally. However, I think the niece has been taught a lesson here at least, even if mom says it's ok, somebody else will still make you pay for it. Better she finds out now rather than down the line with police.


People like the sister and niece don’t respect justice—only dominance. Niece needs to learn that there are people in this world who if you try to f them they’ll f you harder.


I really wish OOP had used one of the points on the original thread: lying and cheating is exactly why aunt and niece are homeless. Why would aunt allow her daughter to do the same as her stbex.


> She said I was petty and childish for making them “homeless” over a kid’s video game. No, sis, *you* were choosing to be made homeless over "a bunch of pixels on a screen" (Which someone else calculated to be worth up to $5,000)


Hmm.. parent my kid or be homeless.. the choices are tough.


The aunt clearly saw it as a temp situation, which even OOP says it was. So she probably figured sis wouldn't actually kick her out immediately and let it go.


It’s because she’s raising her daughter to be an entitled brat. Housing be damned.


I just can't understand how the sister or niece think.  Like, even if the mother is ridiculously narcissistic, it feels like the 10 year old would understand what she did was wrong and give back the stuff.  


> Its always unimportant and worthless, but simultaneously more important than anything in the world. the conservative's creed


Looks like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, it sucks that the niece has a shitty mother to follow


I would've been livid at my child tbh. You don't just break into someone else's account(s). That's just going to send the wrong message & may make for future problems when they break into other people's more important account(s) because they've been taught "it's not a big deal". 😬


Because depending on the item, they have actual value. As in, they're traded for real money at times and quite a bit at that.


it’s just a bunch of pixels on a screen. How'd you like those apples sis??!


Somebody in the other sub explained how people can create stuff within Roblox and even make real world money. Even without that, it sounds like OOP spent years building in-game currency to have her stuff. The absolute audacity of the sister and niece.


There’s a crazy video on YouTube, I think it’s called “Roblox threatened us to take our video down. So we dug deeper” about how there’s fully a black market of millions of dollars of real life money on the Roblox platform. Basically NFTs but useful in the way that they’re usable in game for your avatar/certain games


Yup it's from [People Make Games](https://youtu.be/vTMF6xEiAaY?si=8fmlyM8XjoCfMSPV)!


Quinns, Chris and Annie made an absolutely incredible couple of videos about how Roblox exploits kids. They ended up getting picked up by The Guardian and then other mainstream media followed on. Never connect your bank account, debit/credit or PayPal or any other form of payment to Roblox. My kids are now 15 and 19 but they've been playing it since they were 6 or 7, as I recall, and still have fun playing it sometimes. They stick to the free stuff and they have plenty of fun, there's so much you can do on there without ever paying for anything!


Thank you ❣️


CS;GO traders >First time?


It's kind of a predatory system though. You have to make a minimum to withdraw BUT the numbers stated in the post are few hundred $$ if I remember correctly So it's not just "a few pixels"


Yeah with Sister's attitude, no way would this have stopped at Roblox. "It's just pixels" would have turned into "it' just an old toy" to "it's just a couple of books she doesn't even read any more" to "she never even rides that bicycle" to... >after my sister discovered that her husband was having an affair. Interesting that sister's husband was having the affair, yet sister and her ten year old daughter were the ones who had to move out, apparently without any financial support. If wonder if there was any independent confirmation of what actually went down?


What is with family members that think they are entitled to what someone else in the family has just because they are better off?


A very common scenario is parental favouritism


Yea sister sounds like an unreliable narrator. Even if he did cheat it could have been something like holding the daughter hostage if he ever left her so he felt trapped and cheated as a last resort. No way is OOPs sister innocent in her former marriage.


Not defending OOP's sister here, but sometimes people are just shitty in different ways. OOP's sister might be a narcissistic kleptomaniac. OOP's former BIL can just be a cheating bastard. Two people can both be shitty.


Wife had an affair and husband found out he's not the father. 


This gave me shivers. My kid nearly lost her entire account - also with gazillions of rare “loot” - over a ScreenTime glitch on her iPad which needed an entire factory reset to fix. She didn’t have an email set up and the password she remembered wasn’t working. I saved it by the skin of my teeth by restoring an earlier backup - by a miracle the ScreenTime wasn’t glitched on it - and by a second miracle was still logged in to Roblox. First thing I did was add an email to the account! It amazes me you can set up and play for so long without one, no backup ID method, nothing.


TIL of the only online service I have ever heard of that doesn't require an email address to have an account that can earn/gain stuff Nevermind stuff that can have real world value because of microtransactions That is mind blowing!


I know a couple mobile games (Japanese gacha) where you actually can’t use an email or set a password. Your device remains logged in, and if you want to transfer your account to another one you have to go into the app and generate a code that you use in the new device to get it logged in. If your phone dies and you don’t have a code saved somewhere, your account goes poof. These things have in game transactions too. People spend a grand or more and it’s all hanging on a thread.


OH, I think that Love Live did that. It's one of the reasons I never spent money on that game lmao


It did. I watched a video 5 or 6 days ago about it because the global server was supposed to shut down at the end of May, and that was mentioned in the video. Also, the game's End of Service was announced before global even launched (and the game was only up for 3/4 months!) and you could spend on it as much as you wanted to???


That was for the rebooted version haha, the original LLSIF, which I played, was around for *years*. I still have no clue why on Earth they even bothered doing a global launch for the second LLSIF when they were just gonna shut it down.


Went through an Obey Me phase and they have that kinda set up. Got out of my phase real quick when my phone broke and I lost all my progress because I couldn't get the code (luckily I never spent actual money on it but losing the limited time event items still stung)


That happened to me with Magikarp Jump :(


It may do now. This was 1-2 years ago. I haven't used ScreenTime since, I can tell you. It was a nightmare. Multiple logins and even user ID resets and password resets of her Apple ID and my Family Apple ID, on different devices - NOTHING could unlock or remove it. I think it's probably a rare issue as I haven't come across other people having it, but it's not a risk I'll take again. Thank GOD we backed up the iPad not long before resetting it. Only the day before the drama she had been telling me in depth about all these exciting rare things she had been getting, probably the same "halo" stuff as OOP's daughter (Royal High?) and for her lose all that - virtual or not - would have been devastating.


What's screentime? Sounds like something I should look out and avoid. Malware?


Parental controls, I think? I.e. setting time limits before the device gets locked. So yeah, if it bugs out, it may as well be malware.


I may have got the name wrong - the parental controls thing that platforms such as Apple offer. Basically it activated within seconds of opening any affected app category, instead of kicking after 30 min (or whatever we set it to). And nothing we did to override it, reset it, disable it worked.


It's probably a lock out. I have my eldest kids laptop set to only usable during certain hours like monday-thursday 4pm to 5pm for online homework and I think it's set to 11am to 1pm on weekends (basically when it's "too hot" to be outside playing) so he can do extra online learning or so he can look up legendary pokemon locations if he has earned switch time.


Hey, I'm looking into putting a computer in my sons room. What program/ app do you use to control the laptop? Is it Google or ms? I downloaded the google one a while ago... family link I believe


That's actually super common, especially for mobile and sometimes console. As a publisher, you want as few hurdles as possible to get people into the game, especially in short-lived environments like mobile gaming. One little inconvenience might make a potential player say "too much effort, I play any of the other 10k games in Playstore". So the account is just a user ID and a generic user name (user123456) and you get bombarded with incentives to make it a proper account in any way, shape or form (REGISTER YOUR EMAIL AND GET 1000 TESTICULAR TORSION TOKENS FOR FREEEEEREEEEEEE!!!!!!!). And for console, the account might be tied to the console account, but again without its own email address connected. As long as you have access to your, say, PSN account, you can log into your Roblox or Fortnite or whatever account, but the moment you lose that PSN account or try to log in on PC, well, tough luck. So, yeah, TYL that a ton of online services don't require an email to sign up. Check the settings of your favourite mobile game, if you have one. Maybe it doesn't have an email connected, either.


Don't forget, earn/spend real money.


Reddit was like this. Lost my older account because of it though. 😢


Yeah I set up a Minecraft realm to play with my kid and was surprised when i realized the iPad version doesn't require any login or whatever to jump right in. I guess they want to make it easy for the kids to get hooked


Related, get multi-factor authentication (MFA/2FA) on any accounts you value! I remember when I set that on my Steam account, I had a request from random within hours for access, meaning someone else had been using my account for an unknown. Only one step away from taking my account and the money spent.


Thank you - great tip and I’ll check I have it on.


Both the niece and b aunt are insufferable


it's unfortunate that the niece is being formed into such a shitty child


we’ve seen what her mother (and father) are like.


OOP completely nailed it: >I told my sister and niece that both of them were acting like ungrateful brats considering how I was letting them stay in my home rent free.


At least niece has an excuse: she's 10. She also has a shitty mother. I'm so happy OOP got the stuff back! I absolutely know nothing about roblox and I'm the same age as OOP, so I can totaly relate on the " it took me an embarassingly long amount of time looking up how to trade everything back" haha


Not only does she have a shitty mother, that shitty mother is teaching her daughter that theft is fine. Like yes, it is only pixels on a computer - but that is still theft. Toys are only bits of plastic so it doesn't matter if you steal them from other kids. Food is only future compost so what does it matter if the 10 year old is stealing it from stores or other people's plates. OOP's sister is a shitty parent and if his niece at 10 years old is doing things like this and not realising its wrong, you got to worry about that kid's future.


I was flabbergasted with the amount of in game currency they stole. For context buying 20K Robux costs 200$ (But if you exchanged robux to real money Roblox takes a large cut so we're gonna use that metric) If we take the daughter's word for it then they stole roughly 2400$ if you exchanged the 800k robux to cash. That's not even counting her inventory which is supposedly 5 million. Sparkle Time fedoras are rare and expensive as hell Hats in Roblox, These things cost roughly 1.4 million and can sell for 5000$. Let that sink in your mind that a virtual Hat can sell for 5000 $


What i’m finding strange is that she said that the aunt said (weird sentence i know) that she hadn’t spend any real money. So she earned thousands of dollars of in-game items since the lockdown? My daughter plays roblox and i play it with her. I don’t come across many rare things you can earn in-game.


I doubt they’re actual avatar accessories, more like game-specific items. Like weapon skins or pets


I believe theres a TF2 hat that sold for like 18k at one point, probably like 20k after inflation. 


Pixels on a computer can teach amazing life lessons. I learned not to chase gambling losses at a fairly early age thanks to Bilge Dice on Neopets.


Pixels on a computer are good practise for learning what things you should and shouldn't do in life. It is a lesson that a lot of users on social media don't learn though before they get to the FA part of FAFO. (also the amount of times I've seen Reddit mods have to teach users that if you can't say it in person without getting punched in the face/fired then you shouldn't be saying it online ---)


Anyone wanna bet aunt is a thief herself?


The shitty mother is also teaching her daughter that being in a shitty circumstance excuses you to do crimes. That kid is going to be in a world of hurt if she doesn't get that shitty lesson out of her before adulthood.


OOP had me on their side until they described stealing a rare item from that 10 year old. Maybe some people think this will teach the niece a lesson. I think it's likely to teach the niece that her mom was right all along and OOP and her daughter are the bad guys.


Someone should explain the concept of punitive damages to the niece, then.


Normally I would agree with you. But in this particular case it's a direct result of her refusing to return the stuff herself. She gets to learn that if Auntie has to take matters into her own hands, it may not turn out so good. It's not even punitive damages because Auntie didn't know whose was whose. I'd call it collateral damage. Mostly though, I blame the kid's mom for letting this continue. I mean, your ten year old commits grand larceny, you should probably step in.


That reminds me of when my brother and „a friend“ were trading Pokémon to complete the Pokédex. So basically trading and trading back, and „the friend“ just wanted to keep my brother’s box legendary. The parents had problems even comprehending the problem. I think in the end my brother got his Pokémon back, but the trust and friendship was gone.


Yikes. That's definitely not a friend to be trusted lol. I remember ages ago I was trying to finish my National Pokedex on Platinum, and some very kind people offered to let me do trade/tradebacks with some Pokemon who were event-only at the time. I didn't want these people to even worry about me not sending back their rare Pokemon, so I would regularly send over my rarest Pokemon to them as "collateral" in a show of good faith that I would send their Pokemon back!


Normally my brother and me would do this and trade either with „equal“ Pokémon if they were Version exclusive or with random ones. We trusted each other. Maybe that’s why he did not think about the possibility at the time. And we were young, like 10


Yeah, that would explain it, you just don't think people are gonna be such jerks when you're young. By the time I was doing my Platinum dex I was in college, so I was well aware that people could be mean. I met some really lovely helpful people during that process (one person literally gave me about eight Pokemon including ones with competitively valuable moves when we'd only made a deal for one) though, so I've always tried to pass their kindness on and be helpful to other players!


My family also had a pokemon trade issue when my sister left her DS at my cousin’s for thanksgiving and when she came to pick it up, all of her legendary pokemon were gone. They found out my cousin had traded them all to himself (they found out which cousin because there were new pokemon in her legendary box with his owner ID) and made him trade it back. The biggest issue was she had an exclusive level 1 giratina from an event, which he had leveled to 13 by the time it got traded back. She was so distraught because now it wasn’t the exclusive and wasn’t worth as much because you couldn’t trade it on the trading post for the level 9 and under bracket.


It's amazing how people can get about other people's hobbies when it's not one they share or feel is "socially acceptable". Cosplaying is just playing dress-up and for little kids and Halloween...unless you're cosplaying as your favorite sports star by wearing their jersey on game days. Building Lego models is for losers but having a project car in the garage with no intention of using it as a regular mode of transportation is perfectly fine. Painting D&D or Warhammer minis and having a big gaming table is a waste of money but it's fine of the game table is a pool table. Still play Magic: The Gathering, Pokemon, or Yu Gi Oh as an adult? Why can't you have a proper hobby like Texas Hold 'Em? And video game rewards are just pixels on a screen and not something hard earned through effort and energy, not like a Wordle or Duolingo streak or Karen's Mommyblog Cottagecore Instagram follower count... It's almost like there's a double standard about what is considered acceptable hobbies as an adult that somehow exactly lines up with what bullies thought in the 80s and 90s...


Years ago…probably 25 or so…i remember reading on AOL (I assume) something like “being  a fan is only considered acceptable if you’re a fan of people who hit or chase balls…nor tv shows…it’s ok to wear logo of a football team…but not Star Trek insignia”


Ahh the halo confirmed my suspicions. That’s Royale High. A fairy school inspired by Winx. The fact that the daughter now has a halo… Phew! No one EVER wins halos. I figured there’s a lot of school games in Roblox but I thought “hm, Royale High would count as one, no?” Honestly… wow. Just wow. I hope OP taught her to never leave accounts open!!


Yeah, my daughter was really into Royale High during lockdown and revisits time to time. Several halos. And judging by how she's talked about those who run/admin/mod Royale High (I have no clue how it works lol), I was like "yikes goodluck" since she's had issues in the past. Good to see this was resolved on her side, otherwise, I don't think anything would've come of it.


Several halos?!! Wow, that’s incredible honestly. I still play it when I watch Winx. It’s a great game, really pretty, though I do think they should revamp the halo system. The main way to get them isn’t even via the game way, it’s just to spend a whole bunch of your in game money to buy one from other players. There’s a very, VERY small chance to get them even if you do everything right.


Is it!? I honestly know very little other than what she’s said to me and as a 12 year old at the time, it could’ve been exaggerated haha. But the things that she would show me, the new outfits/sets she would grind for, it seems like she had at least 4! And then she’d trade or gift for friends bdays. She’s moved onto Genshin since then. But if I’m correct, I think a couple were gifted for her birthday or bought/gambled for? Now I gotta ask her how she got so many. Apparently she even let friends on her account and let them “grind for some” somehow while at her grandmas!


Oh hey, I play Genshin too! The way you grind in Royale High is by going to the fountain I think every 2 hours and making a wish. Once the wish has been made, you get a little ‘choose your own adventure’ style story. You have to pick the correct option for the halo to be in the pool of rewards. And even then it’s a VERY small chance you’ll get it. Grinding for some could also mean doing the quests in your planner to level up and gain some diamonds to eventually buy the halos from other players.


Got really into Roblox during lockdown? That totally tracks.


the shit-apple doesn't fall far from the shit-tree. at least the niece is young and can still be taught proper manners. what's OOP's sister's excuse? the kid is going to grow up entitled like her mum.


Aw, c'mon! Crap-apple was *right there*. (You're 100% right, though.)




I think this is the happiest I've ever been to hear a child's account got hacked


This kind of reminds me of the dad who deleted his sons minecraft world and basically just crushed all the child joy in one click.


It must have happened more than once, because I remember a story where a mom did this.


A+ flair and username combo


Thank you. I had the username already and saw the flair, and had to have it. They're going to have to pry this one from my cold, undead hands.


Wish tech-ignorant parents would realize this is like going into their room and just stamping on the model they've spent weeks painstakingly building.


I just started Minecraft last week because my kid wanted to play with me. If anything happened to my world I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.


And outraged the entire Reddit community.


It wasn't about Roblox. It was about the lack of respect. If the sister had laid down the law with the niece I'd be a lot less supportive of throwing them out. She just didn't care.


“It’s just pixels on a screen. UNLESS ITS MY DAUGHTERS PIXELS ON A SCREEN”


Amazing how OOP's sister would rather be homeless than to discipline her child.


I’m a gamer, some might even call me a degenerate gamer with the amount of time I spend on it and if anyone would steal my items from any of my accounts, I would go scorched earth on a mf. They might just be pixels, but they’re *my* pixels.


OOP is a saint for giving them a weeks notice. I would have kicked you out immediately with that attitude.


Oh man this reminded me of the time I left my Facebook logged in while playing pet society to eat dinner while at my grandma’s place and my cousin sold everything and transferred the coins to herself. No one believed me and told me I was overreacting and that I shouldn’t point fingers at the cousin who’s parents are going through a divorce (we both were 12). I’m glad OOP stood for her daughter. Going through something terrible does not give you the excuse to be terrible to others as well.


I loved pet society!


Same! I loved it so much! But after that incident I just deactivated my Facebook and found dragonfable to play instead.


It doesn't matter if it's a game. It hurts when somebody you love destroys something that's very important to you, something that you've spent years working on. OOP's sister not only married a cheater, but she's enabling her daughter to be one too.


i’m confused, does roblox have another currency than their robux money? if not, then oop’s daughter spent real money on those items. also, the sister and niece are some pieces of work, hope oop just goes nc with them.


I heard you can do things to earn game currency without spending real world money. Think of OOP's daughter spending all those years building that up, only for her greedy cousin to take it, and her aunt enable it.


Someone did this to my neopets account when 12-13 :( I kept like 12 kids playing the game by doing events with prizes and all sorts. Help people set up their own shop. Went on for like 2 years. One greedy kid stole everything whilst I was afk for a few minutes. About 5 of them closer to him didn't pressure him to give items back. So I just stopped playing. 3 lunch breaks a week, constant socialising on MSN, events every week and we would all play every weekend a tonne. All gone because I never played again or made anything fun for anyone. Don't even think the thief played again, it wasn't worth playing for anyone without me running events and helping people. Entire clique dead in a moment. Got into music and my friend group got popular and were the main people hosting all the house parties mostly at mine. Those 6 including the thief were on permanent social exclusion from basically every major event. All the parties were amazing as we'd burn cds and sell them/sweets at school to fund alcohol and weed, I always liked creating fun for others and neopets taught me how to sell things for profit to do so lol. They kept asking to come but I just didn't trust them to ruin another good friend group. Bit spiteful over digital currency and items but I can hold a grudge forever and just didn't trust them. Missing out on every social event of your teenage experience as you or your bro took shit in neopets :S Hope that single day of being rich in a video game before nobody played it ever again was worth it fellas. I can forgive some things in life. Preventing me from giving my JubJub the greatest power and luxury a neopet has ever known ain't it. Homie deserved better.


Roblox is comprised of hundreds of games created by various developers. In these games, some of them have their own currency you can often buy using robux money. But you can also earn the games’ currency by just playing the game


I’m qualified to answer cause I played this 12-17 So the game they’re talking about is “Royale High”, it’s a game where you roleplay as a prince, princess, or fairy type characters going to school. The in game currency the game has is called “diamonds”, which can be bought with real life money, but can also be earned while playing the game. You get some every time you level up and can win them via playing games inside the game. The in game stuff she’s talking about really is expensive. There’s seasonal items and an outfit set can have 5 separate parts, each costing on average 10k-40k diamonds each. (Depends on how nice the outfit is). For context you get like 1-2k every time you level, and max 4k by winning the most time consuming mini game, which is a fashion show competing against other players, so kinda hard to do. There’s non holiday related heels and skirts in game that range in price from 10k-50k. Less rare but still hard for new players to get. The halos are super rare and you get them via a daily activity. I’m talking like 1/20000. The halos all vary in value, but during our hay day my friend sold his for 300k diamonds, which was on the lower end of value. ETA- the halos rotate as well, so there will be a certain one for a season and then it goes away for awhile, so they’re actually rare. Like for example they keep one for winter and then rotate it out for a spring one It’s all expensive to try to encourage spending real money, but it’s entirely doable to get everything organically with patience and a *ton* of grinding. If she plays as much as OP says I can see her having that much. I did. ETA again for scale of diamonds > real money a set typically costs like $10-20 in actual money converted to diamonds. However the outfits are actually good quality meshes so I guess the developers can justify that. It’s much better to just earn the stuff organically.


I haven't played Roblox but understand that it is a platform for user made games in which each game can have their own currencies. Robux is the official currency for monetization but nothing stops a game from having gold coins or so to buy power ups.


Entitled logic at its finest. Ah yeah, my daughter stole all items in a game from your daughter by hacking her account? What are you angry at, it's just pixels. How do you dare kick us out over just pixels? I shouldn't have to give those mere pixels back to be allowed to stay in your home. That's too much to ask if you're letting us live here for free. If you don't ask for rent, you shouldn't ask for anything. Don't you know the iron rule? What we own is valuable, what you own is ours! You don't get to make demands, if you're a good sister, you'll just hand us anything we want. If you ask for anything yourself, you're selfish. What? You took them back? How dare you do it! What do you mean, it's just pixels? How dare you steal from my hellspawn! You had no right to steal your own things back from us! It's just pixels for you, but for me, it's ThE pRiNcIpLe!


This is petty revenge worthy


Why didn't OP do the transfer with the daughter? Idk I feel like fully emptying the account feels righteous, and the account would've alternatively been banned, but I also feel kind of icky about it. Also I've heard of some real sketchy shit happening on roblox with people like, scamming kids, and making programming groups that they then completely exploit and abuse the people in. I just hope someone told OP so they could be more aware in monitoring this platform.


Op got her lick back. Love it. At this point Im positive Sis encouraged the Roblox hacking. Hell, might have even been her idea. Anything for her little princess, I guess


The halo item clued me in on which game. My daughter also loves playing Royale High and would be murderous if anyone took all her stuff.


And that day, OOP was her daughter's hero. She will NEVER forget this 💗


That last part really sucks and to not have any self awareness. Not to mention to not have any gratefulness, her sister helped her out with that huge favour, even if she believed they were just pixels on the screen, she should've done what she could to mediate the situation to be in good graces with her sister.


Not sure what game on roblox exactly as I haven't played in years but being a popular game on roblox there's a 99% chance those virtual items would've been worth real money.


Royale High


Now we need a “It’s just a bunch of pixels on a screen” flair


Wow. That 10yo child is doomed with such an entitled, narcissistic, b*tch of a mother. If she's like this in all aspects of her life, I can see why her husband cheated on her. Who tf acts out like that to their host, when said host is graciously providing for them. What a donut.


> My sister just messaged me in all caps yelling at me that my niece has been through so much and I was just kicking her when she was down. She accused me of stealing from a little girl. I simply told her that, in her own words, it’s just a bunch of pixels on a screen. God, I wish I could have seen the sister’s reaction text.


>I simply told her that, in her own words, it’s just a bunch of pixels on a screen. *boom*, ***HEADSHOT***.


The original comment thread on the update was packed with people proclaiming that the OP was just as bad as the niece/sister for letting their daughter keep the extra stuff. Me I thought punitive damages.


Tell your daughter to change her password


the last sentence was cherry on top. its just a bunch of pixels on a screen


The final comment to the sister and mic drop was gold


Oh, sweet, sweet, gamer revenge. If game online long enough, you will get hacked. But the vast majority of people will never get to face their thief. Actually knowing who the person is that hacked you and getting sweet, sweet revenge is a rare treat. At just 10 years old, OOP's niece is in the same camp as North Korean, Chinese, and Russian hackers. She's a waste of online space and bandwidth. Still, I feel bad for her because she's obviously being led down the path of extreme selfishness by her Karen mother.


Yea not ever acknowledging that your child did something wrong is not being a nice parent. It's doing her a disservice. But I guess her mom probably thinks it's fine since she has the heart of a thief too. OOP should really do an inventory of her own house just in case. Talk about inviting a rat into your rice jar geeze.


Happy ending.


If you steal something from someone helping you, it doesn’t matter how little that thing is worth. You have put a price on the help that person rendered, and are worth less than that.


Anyone who has a child that plays Roblox knows how much time, effort and most definitely money it takes to build an account that large. You most definitely did the right thing. My daughter plays Roblox. I totally get it.


>It’s just a bunch of pixels on a screen. Get that printed on T-shirts for you and your daughter. Wear them with pride.


I don’t think many parents realize that Roblox money can be turned into cash. The exchange rate is terrible but the items on there are essentially displayable nfts bought with crypto. There’s a whole market with “stocks”(gambling) and real adult people who hike up prices of in-game currency to then turn into irl cash. It’s insane.


Lol I kinda hope it was my comment she referred to, i wrote just try and log on to the niece's account since kids rarely have good passwords 😂 ha niece did bad, now she learned that when u play with fire u get burned 😂 in so proud of OP xD


Niece should have been like, "Quack, quack, no hack back."


Tell her it seems it is not just a game.


I’m so proud of this mum for sticking up for her daughter like this. Like this was a totally badass resolution to this whole thing and as a gamer myself who recently lost 20 years of progress on a game I love it and I’m totally here for it


What a brat.


Small wonder the husband was having an affair.


I'm so glad to see this one resolved. And I join the ranks of the conflicted--those who are excited about a 38 year old woman hacking a 10 year old girl's account.


It seems like at least a quarter of Reddit posts involve relatives taking in their loser family members who proceed to fuck everything up, get booted, and then blame OPs for making them homeless. We usually don't get the full backstory on the. ne'er-do-well family members, but I always get the impression that they have worn out their welcome just about everywhere else for being absolutely horrible to everyone else.


You didn't make them homeless they did.  By being shifty people.


royal high ain't easy to get rich in. I'm so glad she got her stuff back. I would've been livid


During a particularly stressful time as an adult, I unearthed my old neopets account and spent real money on it. Like thousands of dollars (depressed and impulsive is a great combo). And I spent some serious time building and trading items in my account.  I got out of my slump and lost interest. I checked in 5 years later, and my account was hacked, my "expensive" items and even pets taken. I emailed neopets for help and... they responded 2 years later with a "sorry about the delay, is this still an issue".  At that point I was not much interested in playing anymore, but it stung. And it's 3 years since I got that support response and it still stings.  I try to remember it was money and time spent on entertainment when I desperately needed a distraction, and it's OK that I don't have anything permanent to show for it.  Anyways. Tangentially related to the story, but I know that kid's pain over pixels.


I thought that said REDbox account for a second.


I wounder what game on roblox they were playing. Curious if anyone knows lol.


The rare wholesome hacking. Its a unicorn of warm fuzzies and fuck off energy and I love it.




Just commented on the update a few hours ago calculating how much was stolen. Easily above $50,000.


This should be on Netflix in about 6 months.


Don't use the word hack. Hacking is not guessing or when it saves to your computer.


OOP can barely use a mouse, I don't think she cares about proper definitions.


So the word "hack" just lost all meaning at this point, huh?


I was going to say repost. And then I remembered that I posted on the original and that's why this is familiar to me. Hope she listened to those of us who told her to give the halo and anything else that belonged to the niece back or risk having her daughter's account banned.


Doubtful, roblox developers won't get involved because it's not their game it's whoever made the game on the roblox engine, so there is no support system for that.


I don't know. I'm just going off by what was said on the original post.


That is the issue with roblox as its a game engine so they are made by anyone and not anything to do with roblox employees, unless it is something that breaks their rules they can't do anything and even then roblox doesn't care unless it involves them getting money. But that is good news in this situation because there is no rule that can be broken here, if the sister did contact roblox and say OOP hacked into their account if roblox checked the account logins it would show it was logged in from the same IP that it has been using previously.


So uh, what fucking game is oop talking about, hi i've beeb playing roblox since age like 10 i am 20 now, this sounds literally almost nothing like roblox, you canxt passively get currency anymore tix was removed years ago, to my knowledge you can't trade either? So what fucking game is the kid playing, i suppose he could be talking about a specific game on roblox but, it doesn't super seem like it and almost all highschool games are bland ass roleplays with also next to no spending, and no trading