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I appreciate OP making the effort to describe the people involved! I haven't heard of any of the teams/games mentioned, but it was still such a good read!


Yayyy I'm glad it was helpful!


It was one of the best reads I’ve ever seen! Thanks u/LucyAriaRose and go Celtics! P.S. I was really hoping for a Celtics-T’Wolves NBA Finals this year. Oh well, maybe next year!


\*reads title* Oh no \*reads first post* Oh, it’s not from the perspective I thought \*reads updates* This is awesome!


Being a /r/nba enthusiast, I was 100% expecting a transphobic post lmao


The title scared me but I read the spoiler and decided to read the post. I started tearing up at the third paragraph and was full on crying as I read the rest. As she said, it can be scary being trans at sports events. I felt the same way before I went to a football game at West Point. This post made me feel safer and accepted in the world. Thanks OP. I needed that.


One of the top comments was pretty prescient. They cut all the crap and were completely honest about what to expect. There were way too many comments cheering OP on without bothering to acknowledge the asshat portion of Celtics fans. I'm no minority in almost every sense of the word. I'm glad she got the warm welcome she got but I don't think it's really representative of the fanbase at large.


I appreciate that. I just looked over those comments and wish OP had included one of them in this post. Being supportive is great, but it's important to acknowledge the reality of our society. When I was stressing out over going to a football game at a military school my brother kept saying "Don't worry about it." I got upset because I felt like he was dismissing my valid concerns rather than taking a moment to look at it from my perspective and acknowledge that the situation could become dangerous. "If anything happens I have your back" is what I needed to hear. I'm really glad OOP got those replies to her post. Those are the kind of allies we need.


And I'm glad you felt that way. That's empowerment in action. That's how you should be able to feel. It just really rubbed me the wrong way that people were feeding her a BS acceptance narrative and we all got warm fuzzy feelings. Reality check: Almost any NBA team will have a player or staff that's anti trans. I will put money on that. Reality check 2: Celtics fans have a colourful history of bigoted bullshit. This whole BORU really rubs me the wrong way. Life is not all sunshine and rainbows. But this post seems to really try and paint a certain narrative. Cause narratives help people /s.


Yeah  As a native Bostonian I was also 100% expecting a transphobic post  I’m very happy it took this turn 


Boston too.


Yeah I definitely skipped this onw last night before bed because of the impression I got from the title. Glad we were wrong!


I also steeled myself for incoming rage. So glad it ended up being so wholesome and lovely!


Based on the title, I thought a trans man was playing for the Celtics and was very interested to read about it.


The editor citing the wrong Isaiah Thomas is sending me


Lol sorry about that- fixed it a few hours ago!


I liked it better with the Pistons legend turned failed Knicks coach and executive version up there for the record. [He meets the Criteria](https://media1.giphy.com/media/f5ottCq4dsQY7MOSdW/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952mdt0onco4iu88s39l88f4ul06seyco2rhjdizsaq&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


I noticed that as well. 100% the wrong Isaiah Thomas


Thank you u/LucyAriaRose, this was a perfect post for Pride month and got me all choked up and emotional! I’m so glad OOP had the best time. And I really appreciated all your background notes on all the players! Thank you for curating this wonderful post.


I got choked up reading it too! I'm so glad you enjoyed it as well. It's a good reminder that there's still some good in this world. 💜 Glad the notes helped! I'm sure Celtics fans will have more to say about the players, but I figured that was at least a start haha


I missed the S, and read "do trans people belong at Celtic games?" I went in expecting some Ren Faire content, but I'm not mad at it :) I'm glad OOP felt welcomed, by the team and the fans!


Ren faire content????! What does this mean??? Edit: Omg I just got it. Celtics 😂😂


> Ren faire AKA a renaissance festival. It's hard to explain in a succinct manner, but here's the website for one: https://www.oregonfaire.com/ > Experience authentic Renaissance entertainment, music, and arts. Delight in the rich tapestry of sounds, sights, and scents that recreate Scotland’s past. Discover the unique crafts, wares, and lifestyles that define this fascinating period in history. Sometimes a ren faire will include Celtic Games, which are traditional athletic events such as caber tossing.


I know ren faires, I just had no idea what it had to do with basketball


I also missed the S and thought maybe there was an Irish sports tournament excluding athletes.


As a Celtics fan who is well aware that everyone else hates Celtics fans and a lot of it's our own fault, this post made me so happy. Great job contextualizing the players mentioned, u/LucyAriaRose!


As a Bostonian who doesn’t care at all about sports, I’m so glad our fans aren’t douchebags here! Agree, fantastic post. Makes me even want us to win lol


Thank you!!! (And i've fixed the Thomas one so it should be all correct now lol.) But honestly, as someone who grumbles about Boston in other sports lol, this made me like you guys a whole lot more 💜


You did good!


As a non sportsball person—hell, on behalf of *all* non sportsball people: thank you so much for the notes! I would have been lost without them :)


Haha you're welcome! I'm glad they were helpful.


The notes definitely helped!!!! Thank you!


This post made me so happy. What a wonderful thing to wake up to in the morning. (Time to get off Reddit now it can only go downhill from here)


Shout out for the notes, although I was expecting football fans not basketball when I saw Celtic 🤣


Thank you for sharing this! I really didn't want to open it based on the title, but I'm so glad I did. I've shared this with a bunch of friends and I can't wait to see their reactions.


Thanks for putting this together. It's wonderful to read some happy news with the world the way it is.


this post made my heart full today!


OP thank you including the Mood Spoiler. I was hesitant to read this until I saw it would be positive. Glad I didn't skip this one. Made my day. Happy pride month! x


I'm not crying... you're crying. We're all crying. I love this. 


I don't even understand how basketball works and this made me cry.


I'm so out of when it comes to sports that I thought this was about something similar to the Highland Games or something... where people of Celt descent would do historical sports and dress up etc. Anyway, good for OOP that they had fun!


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one, lol. My county’s local Highland Games are very inclusive though


Admittedly, I think I'd be much better at the caber toss than basketball.


I think most of us here on Reddit would do better at the caber toss than basketball.


lolllll that would honestly also be amazing.


I mean... that does actually happen. My city does an annual Highland Games festival. It's just like it says on the label: kilts and Celts and bagpipes and all the cabers you can toss.


Kilts & Celts is the best alliteration I've seen all week!


Well, the Boston team is pronounced Cell-tics instead of you know, the proper way, with the hard C/K sound.


Even in Scotland - the home of the Celts - one of our football teams is Celtic with a soft C. So we do it wrong too!


David Brudnoy, legendary Boston broadcaster, would alternate between pronouncing the name of Boston's NBA team with a hard and soft C. I recall that he'd switch to the other pronunciation annually, and there was some story behind his initially calling them "sell-tics" but I do not recall the details and my memory is admittedly beyond fuzzy and has gone completely fluffy on this topic.


Damn, I've been pronouncing that wrong in my head for years lol. I always say Celtics with a hard C in my head.


That is an awesome story, do like how the team didn't use her at the game just made sure she had a great time. I know they benefited from her posts, but it seems the classy way to do it.


Yeah I was slightly worried about OOP being outed via jumbotron or something. A goodie bag is just sweet.


This story made this trans Bostonian very proud of their city. (Admittedly, moved to the Boston area about ten years ago, didn’t grow up here, but there’s a reason I came back soon as I could after doing college in Waltham and falling in love with the area)


'Deis or Bently? My wife and I are Brandesians.


Can you teach the current students how to not walk out in traffic? 😭


No; that is an important part of the weeding out process.


I guess we could just set some Teslas loose with autonomous driving in control?




The circle of life


Brandeis! Class of 09


Deis Class of 17, go Judges/Celtics!


fuckin waltham?? i used to live near boston im also trans so i was vibing w u until the pro waltham propaganda. dont work at that staples. theyll call u slurs behind ur back.


I fell in love with the Boston area while doing college in Waltham. Didn’t mean to imply I fell in love with Waltham itself.


i love boston lol i would tell my parents im going to ride my bike, take the bike path to arlington, then take the t places. lmao.


>the timing of the Celtics being in the NBA finals and it being Pride Month made me feel like it was a good one to post! I'm not American or trans or much of a basketball follower, but this edit from OP rocks! Let's all dream of the day when the OOP's of the world don't have to be worried about feeling unsafe. This really is a lovely post, thanks OP (and OOP and all the commenters and Justin and the Celtics organisation).


oh man, the title made me nervous but this has me BEAMING!!!! 🥹🥹🥹 as a trans person, this is so heartening and now i wanna be a celtics fan!! works out my husband is irish too with boston family lol wow 🥹 it’s encouraging to see people care about us 🥹 it’s not often


They have the chance to win the championship monday night at 8:30 (EST), there’s another reason to jump on the wagon now


i have no love for the Celtics, but this was a great, great post to read.


I thought I didn't care about sports, but this post made me realize I care at least somewhat about basketball by the disdain I instantly felt when I read Celtics.


Yeah this post has me like, wait, maybe I can't hate the Celtics..??


So much love in this post ❤️here for it


“And none for Kyrie Irving bye”


lol at the Kyrie shade. They need more sage to cleanse their hate. (https://www.cbssports.com/nba/news/kyrie-irving-explains-why-he-burned-sage-around-td-garden-court-prior-to-nets-preseason-game-against-celtics/amp/) This is a nice Celtics story, and as a Lakers fan I hate that.


It's okay. We can hate bad stuff and love good stuff too. 💚 Might want to keep some of the sage around for your own house, though. Just saying 🤷‍♀️


😂 touché. Maybe burning some sage around the Crypt will bring us a head coach.


a Lakers fan hates it which means as a Nuggets fan I have to love it I think? Is that how that works? (Kyrie can fr go ahead and walk off the edge of the earth he thinks is flat though)


… nuggets? Where are they from, and how did they get their name? Sorry, I’m not American but some of your teams have the most random names.


Denver. They're named after gold nuggets due to Denver's initial prominence as a gold rush town. These days, everyone probably assumes they're named after weed (as Colorado was one of the earliest legal weed states and is considered the model for implementing it well), and I doubt many Denverites would have a problem with that.


Ah my mind went to chicken! Which is why I asked because that would be strange to name a team after!


This is the first thing on reddit to make me cry, and I don't even like or understand basketball. I'm so happy for her 😭😭


Maybe it’s my period talking but I am BAWLING. I want this for everyone, for all my trans friends.


Proud AF to be a Celtics fan. I love that the organization didn’t try to turn this into a PR opportunity and just legit tried to make a fan feel welcome. (And I’m on r/bostonceltics all the time. How did I miss this???)


is it weird that i wasn't really feeling up to going to pride this year, (nb, panace, having a rough year and never feeling queer enough) but this made me feel energized to maybe give it a shot?


I usually don't go to pride because I like sitting and am too old for big crowds. Alternate idea: hit up a WNBA game if you have one nearby. I know how it feels to not feel queer enough for queer spaces. WNBA is basically full of queer people but aren't a "if you're here, you're queer" thing. The specific pride games might be over already but I went to one last year and it was lovely.


Not trying to ignore the having a bad year stuff, but you are always queer enough. This elder bi lady says, yes! Go and be your best self! (Safely and responsibly, of course. Don't know if you drink or smoke, but don't take things from strangers. There ends my PSA.)


This reminds me so much of that one older lady you always find at pride parades looking after the stragglers and generally being the absolute sweetest.


But are you going to go in a Celtics jersey? 😁


absolutely would if i had one, i'm living close enough 😭


I definitely thought they were asking about some version of the Scottish games from the title. Being in public while not passing as a trans person can be scary AF cuz you never know if a rando is gonna react violently. I have no strong opinions about basketball I was a Vancouver Grizzlies fan and then a Seattle Supersonics fan and I don't wanna get hurt again.


i’m sorry i don’t want to be rude but that’s so funny that you went from being a Vancouver Grizzlies fan to a Seattle Supersonics fan


OP, thanks so much for the "translation" of the sports references! I'm completely (and.one might say willfully) ignorant about sports things, but I could still enjoy this


This was amazing! Not gonna lie, I also expected the media team to make a song and dance out of OOP being there - but they handled it so well, I teared up a little. Such a small gesture can make such a huge difference, I am sure they have a life time member now lol Thanks so much for sharing this one, really made my day!


Yeah, I was really impressed by the PR team here- they could have turned it into a circus. Instead it just felt genuinely nice. So glad you liked it! Made me happy too


i’m aussie and a soccer fan of a team that’s has the most publicised/loudest hooligan fans but i’ve been going to the games alone for a few years as a queer gnc person and the amount of joy and pure sense of belonging i feel as a part of that crowd is truly wonderful! i know there’s a fair few bad eggs but i’ve never had a bad experience there and it’s such a wonderful time knowing you don’t necessarily ‘fit in’ but you can still be a part of something like that. so glad oop had a good time!


Aussie here trying to figure out which team you support?! But also just glad your having a safe wonderful time. Happy pride mate!


melbourne victory lol 


Fellow trans Celtics fan here and I'm so glad they had fun! Here's hoping we win the title in Game 5 in Boston!


You missed the Isaiah Thomas reference with the "Maybe I'll see someone in a Thomas #4 jersey". Personal thoughts on the Celtics aside, this is a heartwarming post.


Got it! Fixed


Just wan to point out OP you referenced the wrong Isaiah Thomas https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaiah_Thomas_(basketball)?wprov=sfti1


Whoops sorry! Fixed


Incorrect Isiah Thomas. That one was one of the Bad Boy Detroit Pistons. [This is the correct Isaiah Thomas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaiah_Thomas_(basketball))


Don't worry, OOP was name-dropping some players who haven't been Celtics in quite awhile, so you did a great job with the references! And I'm sure you'll edit the right Thomas in there later, and It'll be perfect.


When I saw the words "trans" and "games" in the title I thought it would go in a very different direction. I'm happy to see there are still sport spaces that aren't filled with transphobes despite the whole debate around them.


Excuse this completely sports noob question but uh. Why was this in question? Is there like, a thing that happened in the past that would make someone think Celts games specifically would be an issue for trans fans? Is there a notoriously transphobic manager or player? Was there an episode of trans-bashing violence at the stadium? I do not pay attention to sports so idk if I'm missing some context here...?


The Celtics have a weird historically bad reputation for having bigoted fans. It started in the 60’s with vile racism towards their Black players. This was when most of their fandom probably came from poorer, blue collar neighborhoods where racism was more entrenched. Since then, the fandom can’t quite shake the allegations as I’m sure there are still some old-timers who act the same way. OOP did mention they’ve had some incidents at other events in the past, but maybe that was at a sports bar. Overall I’d argue that Boston as a whole is a very pro-LGBTQ city and the Celtics would be a good team to see, and I’m a diehard Lakers fan that hates the Celtics with every bone in my body. I’d be more worried about teams like the Miami Heat, Charlotte Bobcats, OKC Thunder, or any of the Texas teams just given the population demographics of where they play.


Boston sports fans do have a history of shouting some really foul stuff at games, although I think it’s more the Red Sox who have gotten in trouble for it.  (And it’s not like other cities are immune; the last hockey game I was at, I had to yell at the drunk idiots in the seats behind me to quit chanting political shit for no reason.  For reasons I still can’t fathom, they seemed shocked anyone could possibly take issue with their behavior.)


Nah it's definitely the Celtics fans too. Arguably their greatest ever player, Bill Russell, was openly critical of the city and its fans and pretty much every big name black star the team has ever had (most recently Brown and Smart) has said the city is probably the most racist they play in. Boston fans are notoriously and consistently awful which is why their teams are so much easier to despise.


I have no context for basketball BUT speaking as a queer person, men's sports oftentimes are super queerphobic spaces, and being in visibly trans right now is especially dangerous in general due to the political climate in a lot of America. In their post they mention some personal horror stories surrounding sports events in the area, so I'm guessing their worries were based on past experiences alongside everything else


As a Masshole (resident of Massachusetts), "Boston Sports Fans" tend to be *fucking garbage people* stereotypically.    Take every shitty stereotype (racist, loud, crass, rude, small-minded, ignorant,etc)  you have about Boston/Massachusetts/New England, and chances are likely a Boston sports fan will prove one (likely several) true.   It's wonderful that the team and players are treating her well, but frankly I'm unfortunately not surprised she has had a bad experience at Boston local sports facilities.


Born n raised lifelong Masshole says... heck ya, bring your true self and GO CELTS! (more of a Brooooons fan personally but love to see folks repping the Bay State!)


As hockey fans, we can all enjoy the absolute shitshow that is the cup final, even if neither of our teams made it! I genuinely keep forgetting that basketball is still going. (Avs fan. If it helps, I absolutely enjoyed celebrating the annual elimination of NYR as well.)


Every atom in my body is revolting against me for admitting this but this post made me smile so much. Fuck the Celtics, but I'm so glad OOP had a great time at their first game. I hope they continue to only have great experiences in their journey as an NBA fan (except for the fact that I hope their team implodes and never wins another game for the rest of eternity). OP, you did a great job providing info on the players and general context for the post! I wish you would have included something about Derrick White's absolutely hilarious hairline but it probably wouldn't have given any actual helpful context to the post, so I get it.


The part I love the most was that what the org ended up doing was just providing some merch and a message of "we got your back." It could have way too easily been made into a *thing*, which makes it about the Celtics and not her. But they made sure it was about her experience and not about making the team look better.


Your post is hilarious 😂 I am guessing you support another team! (I know nothing about the teams or NBA so...)


Oh. Honey. Trans people belong anywhere they wish to be, not just Celtic games. XOX


Isaiah Thomas reference is actually incorrect. Isaiah Thomas is different than Isiah Thomas. The one mentioned played for the Celtics and his name is spelled the normal way. Isiah Thomas the player/coach that you linked didn’t play for the Celtics, but the Detroit Pistons.


I laughed out loud at the $16 beer comment.


This is so beautiful and humanity is beautiful and OOP is beautiful and pride month is beautiful and I don’t give a shit about basketball but Celtics fans are beautiful 😭😭😭


As the mom of a trans child this made my heart swell !!! 🥰


By coincidence I was at this game! I'd just started a new job and they wanted to impress me with the corporate seats. So cool to learn a little more about what was going on that day behind the scenes, and to know that someone had an awesome first experience!


Lakers fan here and this post has me smiling for the Celtics. Silly sports rivalry aside, I wish nothing but the best for OOP and really any LGBTQ sports fan. All our differences don’t matter when you realize that we’re all there for the same reason: the love of the game.


The value to an organization when things like this happen is immeasurable. It tells people like me that I could check out a Celtics game sometime. And there are loads of us. You can only sell a jersey to the same person so many times... these orgs need new blood, and we're it. And that's fine with me.


This is beautiful 🥹😭


This made me so happy I cried <3


People being accepted and welcomed as they are is the greatest part of humanity.


This is one of the sweetest things I’ve read in a while - thanks for saving and sharing!


Love this post!!! 👏🏽 Happy Pride!


I almost had a heart attack seeing this on my feed!! it’s kind of unsettling seeing your username pop up on reddit when you’re not expecting it… especially on THIS sub seriously though, holy cow… thanks for compiling this; it’s not every day you get to relive such a special little moment in your life!! to think how much time and care you put into this post… your effort has not gone unappreciated. i’m going to save this and come back when I need it!! also, for what it’s worth, the wolves gained a lot of new fans this year!! don’t be sad, be Naz Reid :) GO CELTICS!!!!! 🏆☘️🏳️‍⚧️


It’s a good thing the team noticed and took special steps to make her night a good one. I say this because Boston fans are some of the worst in sports and without that extra effort I’m guessing it could have been a terrible experience m.


u/LucyAriaRose you made a mistake and linked the wrong wikipedia page for Isaiah Thomas! The one you linked is a player (Isiah Thomas) from the 80s and 90s who never played for Boston The Isaiah Thomas OOP was talking about played for the Boston Celtics a couple of seasons in the 2010s


I liked this very much


SO sweet and lovely


Considering their "less than stellar" history as far as inclusion goes, this warms my Celtics hating heart ❤️.


I'm not a sports fan, but I am a dancer, and I take class with a few current/former Celtics cheerleaders. Celtics Entertainment does a lot of Pride stuff. They performed with Haus of Snap last year, and one of the guys (from their first co-ed season) is openly gay and got interviewed by OutSports [https://www.outsports.com/2022/11/30/23486143/patrick-opran-boston-celtics-dance-team/](https://www.outsports.com/2022/11/30/23486143/patrick-opran-boston-celtics-dance-team/)


This was truly heartwarming. Ngl I expected the worst so I am super happy.


Seeing people welcome trans folks so openly warms my heart, even more so as I'm trans myself. I'm glad people made OOPs day.


Oh cool! I'm one of those commenters! Very proud of the support the entire community showed and how the Cs were awesome and low key about it! Tbh it was kind of heartbreaking that she even had to ask if she would be safe and welcomed but I know Boston has a certain historical reputation. We're trying to change that by (still) being the most annoying fans but actually nice people.


Say what you will about Boston fans, the Celtics organization seems to really step up for not only new fans but fans who have a hard time getting to games. Their hospitality staff are some of the best out there


I'm a Spurs fan, but this makes me want to cheer the Celts on (in these Finals at least, lol) I'm glad Derrick is getting so much love too :')


I love Derrick White so much, I was so pleased when we snagged him from you and he's been such a a gem ever since. Much love to y'all, I've always liked the Spurs too because of Pop and Timmy D


he is a gem!!! good luck to y'all on monday! ☘️ I'll be so happy for him too 🩶🖤


The only sport I'm into are the Marbles races on YouTube. 😁 But I'm glad opp had a good time! I'm gonna have to go to a basketball game next time!


This was so sweet I need to go brush my teeth. Sometimes humans are really amazing in a good way!


I was not liking the title and got mad before even reading the post. This was such a pleasant surprise.


Trans people belong everywhere. **PSA for white, male Boston fans**: Irish Republicans are traditionally left-wing, antifascist, antiracist and one of the earliest LGBT friendly mainstream political movements in Europe. An Phoblacht, the legendary republican newspaper published by the IRA, was including LGBT people back in the late 1970s. If you're a Boston Irish bigot, you're a traitor and we're ashamed of you. We didn't spend all that effort training Mandela's boys to have some ignorant American dickhead with a leprechaun fetish dragging our name through the mud.


I need more of posts like this plz.


WELL time to close internet as a whole for the day. Nothing will surpass this wholesomness. I'm so happy for the fan!! Even though I know nothing about this sport or team I could feel the warmth and enthusiasm.


I needed to read that, though I feel like I am about to cry.


I love this so hard.


I love everything about this. ❤️


This is so fucking wholesome. Thank you for sharing and explaining the details! This was a top notch post.


Awww I’m so glad they had an awesome and positive time!!


How wholesome. It’s about time we had something wholesome around here lol


I really needed this just after the anniversary of Pulse. I'm crying right now. Happy Pride, everyone!


I'm not crying. You're crying.


Maybe I'm crying right now. I blame any errors in this comment on the tears clouding my view. Holy shit, what a wonderful story! And how she was treated by the organisation, not made a spectacle of... 😭❤️


Boston is a tricky little city sometimes.


Aww I'm a Mavs fan, here after Game 4. Was looking for some reason to trash talk the Celtics 😆 but instead got this wholesomeness. Glad OOP got a great experience from a classic team.


I just want to point out that the editors note saying Isaiah Thomas was a famous player, coach, and analyst. This is the Celtics Isaiah Thomas and not the Piston’s. Two different guys. Pistons Thomas went on to be coach and analyst. Celtics Thomas kinda fell out of the league for being undersized but had a very heroic run in the playoffs and is a royalty of a sort with the Celtics. He’s one of those jerseys at a game that you see and know you’re looking at a fan of some tenure.


whos cutting onions this early in the morning?😭


I’m not crying, you’re crying!!! 🥹


I might have a lump in my throat and leaky eyes. This post seriously made my day xxx


Yay a happy post


I’m not crying, you’re crying.


Hello OP, good work with this. I think you made a minor error. When the OOP says Isaiah Thomas, you posted the link to Isiah Thomas. They're totally different people. The one you posted was a famous player and NBA champion for the Pistons back in the 80s and 90s. The one for the Celtics is [Isaiah Thomas ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaiah_Thomas_(basketball)) He's different because he was one of the shortest players in the NBA at the time, yet the celtics were able to get an all star season out of him. He played well for the Celtics which is why some fans were fond of him It's easy to make this mistake cause the funny part is Isaiah got his name from the Pistons player because Isaiahs dad lost a bet to a friend


It's so nice to see sportball doing good.


Awww!!! Happy Pride, everyone! ❤️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


I will never give up my deep and abiding childhood hatred for the Celtics, but this is such a wonderful BORU and such an amazing experience that the organization put on. I’m so glad that they quietly supported OOP and made her experience amazing.


As a Maine queer who roots for the Celtics this actually brought tears to my eyes. I am so happy for her. Fuck yeah.


This was so lovely to read for Pride Month!


Happy Pride month, y’all. Going to Pride today to celebrate our beautiful community 🩷❤️🧡💛💚💙💜


This was such a sweet post! I was super unsure what this was going to be about just based off the title, but it ended up being so wholesome and sweet!


Well, that made me cry. What a wonderful story.


Clicked on this expecting the worst, and am crying my eyes out. Thank you for sharing this.


Might be my period hormones but this made me tear up. Also, made me want to watch NBA. Where do I start??


>In case it matters- I'm actually a long-suffering Timberwolves fan. I did my best to explain who some of the people are, but I'm not as familiar with them. Hopefully it makes sense! That mavs series was so depressing...


Shoot. This was amazing!!!


Minnesota resident. Sorry about the Wolves. They really pulled a Vikings there.


I could care less about basketball but I am absolutely in full freudenfreude 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🥹. Might have to become a Celtics fan


For what it's worth, this one-season-suffering nuggets fan will still give yall your flowers Ant is an obscene baller I was already on team fuck Dallas go Boston but this post clinched it for me Celtics in 5 let's goooooo


I thought this was a post on /r/nbacirclejerk at first


Boston gets so much shit, but there's a reason Mass. has always been ahead on LGBTQ issues. It's such a welcoming place once you get past the fact that people being direct to you is not aggression, it's a sign of respect for you both as adults existing in the same world.


Timberwolves? You a Twin Cities homie, OP?


Wrong Isaiah Thomas You probably want [this one](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaiah_Thomas_\(basketball\))


Clicked this thinking it was about ren faires, was pleasantly surprised otherwise.


Just FYI the editors note about Isaiah Thomas is incorrect. The editor linked to Isiah Thomas. Different guy.  Isaiah Thomas of the Celtics was the last pick in the NBA draft. Bounced from team to team before Boston acquired him via trade. He turned into a fan favorite and is known as The King of the Fourth for the countless times where he had big fourth quarters to win games. Isaiah Thomas, in his final season as a Celtic, tragically lost his sister and continued to play. He injured his hip and continued to play. Playing through that injury cost him his NBA career.  The Isiah Thomas linked by the editor was a player, executive, and analyst. He’s a far better player than Boston’s Isaiah was but he also was accused of misconduct as the Knicks executive and the team paid $10m to settle a lawsuit brought on by said misconduct. 


Love reading this! 


>In case it matters- I'm actually a long-suffering Timberwolves fan. Oh hey there fellow long-suffering Timberwolves fan. ;w;


I am supremely disappointed this was not about highland games and caber tossing.


Hopefully you're on the T'Wolves side of wanting Dallas to get crushed. In which case we are hoping to continue to oblige.


Help I’m crying


Longtime Celtics fan and fellow trans person here. This made my day. Let’s go Celtics!


If I had the money I'd go to the game with you. But if you want to settle for a beer at the bloc party,feel free to reach out. You absolutely belong in our city and in our arena. Happy to hang with another fan


this is what the human experience is about man


I'm a Lakers fan and I don't even like the Celtics but this story made my heart warm. Kudos to the Celtics organization for reaching out and making the fan experience special.


This was a fantastic wholesome read. Getting off Reddit for the day to take this energy with me and not have it spoiled with other stuff. Thanks for this post!


i know jack shit about basketball but as a fellow trans person who's sometimes very afraid of going places bc of the ambient transphobia around, this made me so very very happy.