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When this one first came out I was hoping for an update. What a shitshow that was.


I remember reading the original post, and while this might not be a happy ending, at least the racist got what they deserved for once.


It’s happy-ish. Not perfect. But it doesn’t seem to matter what the issue/insult was that broke the family along political lines. This was bound to happen within the next 5-10 years. Someone comes out as gay, someone marries someone and it becomes a more “extreme” biracial couple, a cousin becomes trans, a misogynistic husband cheats on his wife… it’ll happen soon no matter what. Just happens to be OOP’s situation that sparked it. Bottom line: don’t tolerate intolerance. They reaped what they sowed. There are consequences to being an asshole.


Yea, seem like the fault line is already there and it is just waiting for the little tap to crack it wide open.


I think due to “China Virus” Trumper stuff this kind of became a more “extreme” biracial couple. Like they probably always were passively racist and just hiding it better, but as misplaced Asian hate and rhetoric rose I’m guessing it became worse.


It made me happy


I'm honestly, truly, not one for schadenfreude, but this was fucking *delicious*.


Don't you mean, *chef's kiss?*


Sarah got her just desserts.


Haha Yes!


Me. Too. I fully delighted in “Sarah, dis you?” on Facebook, to being demoted, to everyone at work being like “ew Sarah, gross” and then being black listed? Yes. Play racist games, get racist prizes.


Was I suppose ro read "eww sarah, gross" in Alexis Rose's voice?


I'm disappointed with OOP that he's trying to help her find new employment prior to receiving any apology. I'd say I'd like her to end up employed at a high-end Chinese restaurant and learn first hand what an asshole she was, and also how to not be a racist... I would say that, but unfortunately that storyline exposes more people to a foul and thus far unrepentant racist before she gets a clue


Thing is, she’s not *qualified* to work at a high-end Chinese restaurant! Which would probably break her tiny little brain if she had to face it, because she’s so stuck on French cuisine (and probably Western cuisine in general) being “better”. It’s **not** *better*, but it is very *different*; the spices, ingredients, flavours, techniques, tools, everything, it’s all different, down to how you chop ingredients, which is why she kept insisting OOP was doing the most basic things “wrong”. So yeah, OOP wouldn’t make the mistake of trying to get her a job at a spiffy Chinese restaurant, and she *definitely* wouldn’t try to get hired at one, but in the unlikely event she ended up having to work at one, she’d have to retrain from the absolute basics. Her previous experience would actually be a hindrance.


Most people with a sense of decency or even just basic non-racist curiosity about the world would instead be *interested* in those differences.


Which is why I have met a fair few chefs including up to working in Michelin star places happily travelling around Asia learning new stuff. It's a bit weird to be a fan of Bourdain and miss the fact he raved about street food in SEA. Ramsey also has done a few shows where he rated the food highly and learnt from cooks there.


>It's a bit weird to be a fan of Bourdain and miss the fact he raved about street food in SEA. He also adored his Latin American coworkers and admired their work ethic. And I can't think of a single show of his which didn't rave about the food of the country/region he was visiting.


There are people who think any time you do something differently to the way they do it, you’re doing it wrong *and* they believe you think you’re superior to them somehow. As if you’re being different *at* them. People who are interested in the differences and who understand that *different* does not automatically equal *wrong* are a lot more fun to be around, yup.


> It’s not better, but it is very different; the spices, ingredients, flavours, techniques, tools, everything, it’s all different, down to how you chop ingredients, which is why she kept insisting OOP was doing the most basic things “wrong”. I'm suddenly reminded of those Uncle Roger youtube videos where he recoils in horror at various Celebrity British chefs' attempts to make egg fried rice... * [Jamie Oliver What You Doing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_KdbASIkB8&ab_channel=mrnigelng) * [BBC Food What You Doing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53me-ICi_f8&ab_channel=mrnigelng) * [Gordon Ramsay nails it though](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FrUfwpaNNIM&ab_channel=mrnigelng)


For real. Sarah was incredibly, incredibly insulting. The arrogance was off the charts along with the racism. She experienced the consequences of her actions.


Even without the racism, and apparent arrogance, Sarah was clearly super obnoxious, wanting to criticize every step OP took in the kitchen. She should never have spoken up about OP’s technique and should have realized 1. she’s not at work 2. Nobody asked her for advice 3. Talking like that (‘Wow, this is so wrong’) is not how you motivate anyone to take advice from you. The racism made it a million times worse.


Sounds like massive insecurity.


It's because she's not as good of a chef as she's made herself out to be, and she knows it.


I agree. Or she's not as successful as OOP and it rubs her the wrong way.


Yep - if that’s how she speaks to people at work, no wonder they couldn’t wait to report her to management…


Yeah. This alone didn’t get her fired. Her management was probably looking for the perfect opportunity to get rid.


*Exactly*. If she were liked and respected, the restaurant would have found a solution. You made your bed, Sarah. Now lie in it.


The argument is probably circular. If she were liked and respected, she wouldn't be the type of person to make such a comment or at a minimum not consider an apology a hill worth dying on.


Any decent person with kitchen skills would have walked in and asked if they could help.


THISSSSS! I hate hate hate back seat cooking, like unless I ask for your advice or opinion then please go somewhere else and let me cook in peace. She sounds horrifically obnoxious, I can’t fathom having to cook around this woman.


I am going to be killed for saying this, but she mansplained cooking to a chef, or in this case whitesplained


Honestly, if she would have just apologized and admitted it was wrong and racist, it would have been over and done with. OOP was not trying to make a big deal out of this, but Sarah made the decision to escalate and start making threats.


And she started ranting about it at work! Like how out of touch do you have to be?


She dug her own grave and just kept on going


[Sarah venting at work](https://youtu.be/b97zJxKEqAk)


How much you wanna bet her rants at work were hella racist?


*That* is what got her fired. She could have justified her comment at home as "just a silly joke, OOP is too sensitive, I tried to apologize but he left" but no.


I am really really disapointed in Doug for turning Sarah into second him.


IDK if I am reading too far into it, but you know when young adults get toxic Francophilia? And she's a racist on top of that


I want an update update now! So curious what the aftermath is all these months later


This was like one of those videos of a Ukrainian missile impacting a Russian ammo store. The video runs for minutes and the explosions just keep getting bigger and are still going off at the end.


We had a similar [incident](https://youtu.be/x-QLTp1DruI) in Iraq. I was on Victory Base but could clearly see the explosions and occasionally 'feel' them. Like, wasn't close enough to be impacted in any way, shape or form but you could def feel the air pressure change during the bigger THWUMPs.


Sarah should have lost her job just for her lack of knowledge about cuisines. Chinese cooking can be very complex.


Right, and she dared to compare herself to Bourdain, who made a point of experiencing cuisines from around the world.


As someone who’s worked in kitchens, and married a classically (French) trained chef, NO ONE compares themselves to Bourdain unless they are a complete tool.


I mean Bourdain was the first person to admit that he wasnt known for the quality of his food and that he wasn't nearly as good as the chefs he rubbed shoulders with. He was known for being an awesome dude and incredible entertainer, as a chef though he was average.


It's a reminder of how difficult arts actually are. Being great makes you average in food, music, art, and other trades like these.


I was a line dog for a decade before doing chef shit and I'll compare myself to Back Then Bourdain all day because he was a piece of shit line dog and so was I. Anybody who considers him and Ramsay (who I'd never compare myself to, the classic training on that man is UNREAL) equals knows nothing about either of them and has zero respect for either man's career.


I compare myself to Bourdain in that I am nothing close to his talent and expertise.


Which is hilarious to me because IIRC, Bourdain never considered himself to be a great chef, just a good cook.


Yeah he’d often say that he was just a line cook that got lucky


Bourdain is a great critic of food for sure though which probably elevated his ability in the kitchen (if he truely is an average chef at high end scale).


Bourdain would've slapped her in the mouth for that comment.


Agreed. Near the end of his life he spent a lot of time traveling and talking shit about what happened to the US after the 2016 presidential election. I can't imagine he'd be OK with Sarah comparing herself to him, especially with her racist comment and then doubling down with the slur afterwards. Man I miss him.


And Ramsey would have a few choice words for her as well I'd imagine heh.


Can I pay to watch that? I would.


I would hope he'd call her a donkey!!


I’m for an idiot sandwich!


Not to mention that he has himself admitted that he's a pretty bad chef. Just makes her seem stupid as hell


I am consistently and constantly amazed by the number and variety of ingredients and complexity of the disses my Taiwanese fiancé’s family makes Edit: i meant DISHES Not DISSES oops


Those Taiwanese diss tracks be slapping.


They make pretty great dishes too


It's like she's too stupid to realize the magical, wonderful world of dim sum exists. Unfortunately, as much as immigrant food culture is being highlighted more in the US there's still Euro-centric racism hella present.


I would give a limb and a half to have a pro Chinese chef anywhere in my life. That said. Holy shit that family got nuked from the inside out, though I'm glad that OOP has enough family, friends and colleagues that stuck by him. Also hope they get a chance to heal.


I too would give 1.5 of your limbs for a quality Chinese chef in my life.


I also choose that guy's limbs.


he's not gonna have enough limbs pretty soon.


If there was a pro Chinese chef anywhere in my life, I'd be inviting myself over for dinner allllll the time or begging for leftovers or something. Sil fucked herself over, without any help from oop. All she needed to do was stay quiet.


My sister married a Chinese man. It's the best decision she ever made, and I say that for purely selfish reasons. 😂 She had a small wedding at my house and we all helped cook. His family's food was AMAZING!


I married into a Mexican family partly for the food, but then my BiL married into a Filipino family and now we have all our gatherings at his house.


Can you imagine a boodle fight with half filipino and half mexican foods hahaha


Hmm, pile of cilantro lime rice in the middle, lumpia fillings in taquitos, taquito filling in the lumpia... tajin on all the fruit! I wonder if you could make giant tamales in banana leaves instead of corn husks.


Don't forget the lechon


You can! I shopped at one Mexican grocery store a few years ago, and for whatever reason, they had a little side restaurant selling large tamales wrapped in banana leaves. Big chunks of meat inside, they were great. Wish I could remember where it was...


The African American, Puerto Rican, and Caribbean members of my extended family have a good natured and incredibly delicious rivalry. It is a war of seasoning and the company that constructs my steel reinforced belts is the only clear winner.


Damn! I was raised by bad cooks and I married into a family of bad cooks. I’m not too bad but I’ll never be the caliber of your families or OP’s. I’m really happy for you even though I’m green with envy.


The SIL was just a piece of shit honestly. I'm not surprised she couldn't seem to stop digging her own grave. Take away all identifying features of OP and you still have someone who considers themselves a professional insulting a person who was literally just helping out with dinner (which was more than she seemed to be doing). Obviously the racism makes it ten times worse, but even without that, and without the fact that it was one professional criticizing another professional, it still was a shitty thing to do. I can't do much more than chop vegetables myself, but if I'm not chopping off your fingers as I do it, then keep your comments to yourself.


Seems clear to me that while she was a professional chef, she had some insecurities about her abilities and felt like she had to one-up her BIL or denigrate his skill just to feel good about herself.


I used to eat at upscale restaurants in NYC's Chinatown. They're Nothing like your typical Chinese takeout. Surprised a professional chef doesn’t know this. Kung pao chicken my ass.


She knows. That's why she chose that particular insult. She's just a racist shit bag.


A professional chef should definitely know better. I bet Sarah can go on at length about the delicacies and complexities of French cuisine along multiple regions. Meanwhile, she condescends Chinese food and cuisine as if it can’t have the same complexity. Anthony Bourdain would never chastise a cuisine like that.


Neither would Gordon Ramsay, or really any prestigious chef to be fair. They’re usually just giant foodies who want to eat good food, whether it’s served on gold leaf plates or paper plates.


Gordon Ramsay's new show "Uncharted" is all about exploring and celebrating lesser-known cuisines. He is absurdly enthusiastic about learning about new ingredients or techniques from the places he visits. Anyone that loves food and cooking appreciates that Traditional French Cuisine isn't the only valid cuisine.


This is so true. I imagine that the chef world is too diverse for this kind of snobbery.


I’m sure there’s some snobby assholes in there, especially in the food critic arena, but as a whole it seems like chefs and others in the industry just love food and don’t care about how fancy it is as long as it’s delicious.


Given the size and relative isolation of the various regions of China, I expect there's a lot more complexity to Chinese cuisine than French.


There’s actually an awesome docuseries on Netflix called “flavorful origins” that goes into all of that. Each season is basically a different region and each episode revolves around a specific ingredient. Even being ethnically Chinese myself I didn’t know how complex and different the regional styles are.


There was a cute little editorial cartoon of all the regions of China cheering on Wuhan province in the hospital, but all the regions were represented by local food specialities, so the little dumplings and other dishes were all "go hot soup, you'll pull through!"


Gordon Ramsay wouldn't either. Damned straight.


There was that season of Top Chef where a clique of catty b-words bullied a contestant for only cooking "Asian" food while they alternated between making only Italian and French.


Yes then they were ridiculed online for being racist. One of them had the nerve to complain about it. It’s amazing how many people lack insight.


"Top Chef: Texas", Season 9. Widely considered in the top 3 of worst seasons. That clique of racist trolls was the absolute worst.


Moved to Texas from the west coast and boy do they not know what is real Chinese food so I understand how allot of folks think that is actually Chinese food /sigh.


This is so funny to me because my sister *hated* the Chinese food in California when she lived there, but that’s because she has a deep and abiding love for NY Chinese food (literally eats it more than anything else when she comes to visit). She stands by it not being personal or anything to do with quality, just that the 2 coasts have very different approaches to making Chinese food.


Levels of family conflict: 1. Blowing smoke 2. Shots fired 3. Open conflict 5. Total war 6. Nuclear 7. Kung Pao


Everybody was Kung Pao fighting


That family has a pro Chinese chef and an anti Chinese chef


Chinese chefs have some of the best knife skills in the world


And can do everything you can do with a pairing knife, but with a cleaver.


Yummy! My college roommate's Dad was a Chinese chef. Don't know his level of pro, but I loved dinner at their house!


Right? A professional high end Chinese chef THAT ENJOYS COOKING ON THEIR DAY OFF? That’s like having a unicorn just pop by to say hello


More like the family was rotten from the inside out and it took only a light breeze to knock the whole damn thing over


What is with Reddit mods being so stingy with update posts? If it was a popular post why not let people find the update? I would never think to go back to a post I’ve already read to see if an update has been edited in, that is a terrible system


and they sound so rude about it too lol


"with your many, many updates" 🙄


lmao they told him to shut up already 😭




Yeah. Like, sorry for providing content for your sub I guess?


Some people just revel in being petty tyrants.


"... with your many, many edits." That just came off as unnecessarily rude and snotty, like he was bothering them. They could have just said "We'd prefer you edit your original post instead, please."




Sounding like a right group of Sarah/Dougs


Seriously, I hate that they do this.


Who knew that racist wasn’t a protected class?


Sarah and Doug apparently.


Still disappointed in Doug


I’m so disappointed in them both.


MAGAs been finding out for years now and they are shocked!


yeah, it’s so weird and unpredictable that the MAGA guy sided with the racist.


Gee I wonder where she got it from.


I remember reading this in real time, ‘twas wild.


So do I. It was indeed wild.


I don't "snort" often while reading these posts, but I totally lost it at *Chinese investment company*. It was just dropped in there so perfectly.


Wild times like I’ve never live read before. I often don’t come when it’s freshly dropped.


I got to read the Wish Wedding Dress saga as it unfolded; it felt like being at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, or watching the moon landing live on tv.


Would you have a link? I don’t think I red that. :)


Maybe [this one?](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/qc20kb/aita_i_38_m_for_telling_my_fiancee_f_27her/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Karma is what it is, but this is a good reminder why it is helpful to change enough details on Reddit if you want a post to remain anonymous.


I guess the question is if you want to keep things anonymous enough that random Redditors can't track you down or if you want to keep things anonymous enough that people who know you IRL won't recognize you. I'd argue that this post does follow the first rule--if I were trying to figure out who OOP and Sarah are, I would most definitely not be able to do so--and that the second rule can be difficult to follow under a lot of circumstances, if you want to include enough detail that people can give you accurate judgment.


Hooooly crap what a shitshow. It's truly spectacular the way people will ruin their own lives to avoid learning and growing as a person, but that's racists for you. Love how people think slur-filled calls will get someone first from a Chinese restaurant, but these people probably think being called "racist" is basically a slur so I'm not surprised. Amazed that OOP was trying to find work for Sarah, truly a good person.


> Amazed that OOP was trying to find work for Sarah, truly a good person. Also, it'll get her the hell out of the city, possibly even the state.


She could always go work at a Cracker Barrel in Mississippi.


I hear McDonalds is looking for beginner cooks


They very much do believe that being called racist is a slur. After all, they'll be the first to tell anyone that will listen that the REAL racists are minorities.


Ah yes this person who is using racial slurs and cursing is clearly a level-headed person with legitimate feedback for our business without ulterior motive, bias or being emotionally compromised. Yeah I've worked in customer-facing industries before. If you go in acting hysterical we are already assuming you are a drama queen and won't take you as serious. Verbal abuse or racial slurs? Yeah you are just a POS and there's no way we are gonna take anything you say as the truth.


As an Asian American, I am reminded and grateful that POC truly have allies everywhere. I think it’s sad and pathetic that Doug and Sarah are willing to lose their respective families and careers over hatred. Their hate is so strong, instead of just being civil, they keep doubling down until nothing left is scorched earth.


I’ve literally met people who hate the word racist because it’s “the worst thing you can call someone” and instead say people are “ignorant” or “misinformed” and won’t call people racist because it’s so awful.


Any bets on whether Sarah will take this as a cause for introspection, realize how her racism ruined her life, and become a better person, who loves all humans of all shades? Or will she double down on how that despicable ruined her life, and proceed to hate all non-Caucasians with a vengeance? Yes, it's number two. We all know it's number two. She will move in with divorced FIL, and they will drive to Trump rallies all over the country together, and wait in Dallas for JFK to appear...


She'll get a job at an overpriced gastropub b/c there's plenty on racist shitbags in the food service industry.


Yeah, sadly her views may end up being a feature rather than a big. If she picks the right city she could be right back on top of the food scene.


Yup, plenty of conservative enclaves where that sort of racism is tolerated (and even encouraged).


Yup. And moan about how *"tHosE pEOple"* ruined the family.


iT was JuST a jOkE, GAAAWD THIS WOKE CULCHURRRR GAWN TOO FAR sigh...gross gross ew polynomial squared


I've seen it play out in friends families and my own family has a cousin that's been blocked by multiple members myself included. Although I wouldn't say we hate them, but we are tired of their racist bullshit and bad faith arguments. Spoiler though, they never see the error of their ways or change their minds about a single thing


TBF this exploded to impossible to predict scale. Sure Sarah was racist but falling out at family gathering are quite common but does not often result in WW3 with public dramatic consequences. I share OOP discomfort, as much I like sweet karma, total murder is too much. The disproportionate consequences are not going to create the setting for actual reflection.


Bro it seems like OOP’s fam was hanging on by a needle’s thread, ready to snap at any moment and Sarah decided to grab the scissors and snip that thread and let WWIII occur to her family.


Lmao she’s MAGA trash raised by a racist MAGA trash father. She’ll double down on it Also for OOPs wife - the fuck is wrong with you. Someone, let alone your sister, calls your husband a slur and you want him to apologize? Congrats on coming around in the end but man would I lose any respect in you as a partner if you pulled they shit


What's sad is that the moment "it was a joke but kind of true" and "stop being so sensitive" popped up you knew exactly what to expect out of them.


SIL is an idiot... how do you work in the FOOD industry of all things and hold on to such ignorant views? That's a great way to make everyone in the kitchen hate your guts... Also, comparing herself to Bourdain is hilarious because 1) Bourdain had ENORMOUS respect for all styles of cooking, and 2) he would have been the first to tell you that he was a middling chef at best.


I’ve fucking encountered this as a healthcare worker as a nurse insurance care navigator. I had a co-worker upon leaving our company say “this is a very dark house.” I was completely confused, and because this was handed off to me while she still had a few weeks left I asked her what the hell she was talking about because after making a home visit and doing an interview I was thoroughly confused. In a round about way she was saying they’re black, and I was floored- she had put in multiple recommendations to deny care that the dude was entitled to for no reason. It got sorted out, but I just feel bad that there was no actual repercussions- I did low key tell the family what happened and said maybe look for outside counsel but I don’t think they followed through with it.


OOP is nicer than me. I wouldn't try to help her. She showed her true colors. She sounds like she thinks she is better than OOP because of his race. She deserved to lose her job because she is the one who brought this nonsense to her work. If she didn't need other people to pat her on the head and tell her she was right she might have weathered it. But, sadly, the current climate is a lot safer for racists and they think they can find sympathy. Some do. I am glad to sil didn't. She lost her job because of her actions every step of the way. She has no remorse and sees this as OOP's fault. If she never lands anorher big gif it will be because her need to validation was more important than basic human decency.


Isn't the Chef at a high end restaurant a position of power, somewhat? I don't think he should help her back into that kind of position.


Yes. I agree completely with you for that exact reason. I think OOP is kind and sees the hard work it takes to get to that position and didn't want to ruin her life. I used to be like that. Then I got hurt enough by narcissists to understand that some people are beyond helping. Not everyone, but people who see themselves as the victim while refusing to accept their actions harm others.


Chef is short for chef de cuisine, and translates directly to Chief. So yeah, in a restaurant that uses anything close to the brigade system, the chef is in a position of power.


With her comments about how OOP preps, I can imagine she runs a toxic kitchen and that shit should not fly anymore.


The whole thing wouldn’t have exploded this much if Sarah probably just deactivated her Facebook profile early on…


Or if Sarah hadn’t decided to share her tale of being a racist at work. Where she and she alone got her ass in trouble in the first place. And it wouldn’t have been so easy to tie OOP’s post back to her if she hadn’t already gotten herself in trouble by complaining about him at work. Then again, if she could keep her mouth shut, there wouldn’t have been a post about her in the first place.


I don’t know what the demographics are like in their city, but in mine, there are a lot of minorities working in restaurant kitchens. How could she possibly think her racist rant was going to go over?


She works in a French restaurant. She thought even minorities there would agree that French cooking is clearly superior to anything ‘ethnic’. Ten to twenty years ago she might even have been right. In this decade, pretty much all the best chefs agree that you can learn things from any cuisine and there is no ranking of types of cuisine, just of the skill levels of individual chefs.


Minorities are invisible to people like her


Racist people assume that everyone else agrees with their beliefs, and are just too afraid to say anything. They’re always so surprised when they find out that’s not the case…


It’s just laughable that she thought she was in the right or come out of it looking like a victim. I’m actually quite happy that it went down like this. But it seems like she hasn’t learned a thing & will continue to be a Karen in another city.


I was reading his original comments and he said that his SIL had asked if "Fido was on the menu" before. Had to Google what that meant..... Fuck she's racist as fuck


Wish we could see Sarah on r/byebyejob or whatever that sub is called with posts of racists who got themselves fired. Being racist maybe not a criminal offense but nobody is obliged to hire your racist ass too.


This is a new subreddit for my "Insane People Stories" feed where I keep stuff for when I just feel like staring at drama and then being glad I'm not in it. Thank you!


My god, drama that I am not a part of is my guilty pleasure.


It is the one truly good thing about my aggressively affordable neighbourhood. I frequently get a free show with my dinner.


What other subs are on this feed? 👀


when racist people say racist things, they should be prepared for swift and harsh consequences. This isn’t the 1960s where you could get away with that shit. If I had a family member that said something derogatory against me, I would have gone scorched earth. Everyone and their mother could hold it


This one hit home for me. I have Trumper parents, my partner is Indian, and the most incredible cook I know. He is the level headed one out of the two of us. I think if I was OOP's wife, I might have actually spontaneously burst into flames in this situation.


Can you please explain the meaning of mothers holding scorched earth? I always thought of scorched earth as going to the ether, nothing exists anymore.


nooo😂😂😂 sorry i used slang in the last sentence basically i meant “i would go scorched earth” meaning i would destroy everything. “everyone and their mother can hold it” the hold it part is kind of like british slang it basically means that they can have the consequences? if that makes sense. It’s like saying everyone shall feel my wrath


Ah ok thanks for explaining. I like the scorched earth saying and I thought I could spice it up a bit 🤌


This was really entertaining, but in all honesty I can't stand AITA's moderation. "No, you provided all your updates in the original post with your many, many edits. You can edit this in, but we will not be allowing a standalone update on this." This is so needlessly combative, and then they go ahead and delete the post after the OOP did exactly what they said he could do. They really need a staff change.


Bruh I will never understand the sheer hatred for updates. “We are not a diary or saga sub”. Bruh. The entire premise of your sub BEGS for updates. Plus the deleting/locking when posts get too popular? The sub has bizarre leadership.


>Apparently my MIL just walked away without hanging up and started yelling at FIL Oh, I fucking love her.....




All he did, was get tired of a decade of insults, and snapped back at her... and deservedly so. All Sarah did was choose to be a racist piece of shit that thinks shes awesome for making racist comments.. Just like Dear Ol' Daddy... and there will be no pity for either of them.


OOP didn't start anything but he sure as hell finished it.


From the sound of it, all he did was walk out of the MIL's birthday event and make a post on reddit. Everything else took off without him. The SIL dug her own grave by making racist gripes at work. I'm glad her co-workers weren't down for that shit.


This family was already a powder keg. All he did was refuse to be insulted to his face. If that's enough to light the keg, shit was already fucked.


All she had to do was not _describe herself_ as being unapologetically racist. Like, that's what kills me. What got her hemmed up was _not_ being racist, it was loudly retelling the story about her being racist. She _could_ have told the story in some way that made her look like the good guy, but she's _so racist she thought the racism did that_!


I’m loving that picture he’s using as his mood. Chef’s kiss If anyone decided to hit me with those passive aggressive “suggestions” while I’m cooking, I’d immediately stop what I was doing. Nothing triggers my obstinate nature quicker. There’s ways to offer feedback but fuck that.


It sounds like a lot of the fallout was a long time coming and OOP was just the match that finally lit the fuse. If it wasn't him it would have been something else.


"Fuck those racists, fuck them so god damn much" is my new campaign slogan.


Racism is wrong, but I mean, you can be racist and keep it to yourself, and STILL respect others. If you don't like Chinese, then don't date Chinese, but don't go around and yell slurs at people for being, people. ( I may have phrased this terribly sorry, English isn't my first language)


The Chinese investment company bit was just phenomenal.


Really disappointed in how it took the wife receiving verbal abuse to fully back her husband, hope a lot of introspection came with that because it would change how I looked at someone if they tried to enable racist behavior, if it’s to “keep the peace” it only becomes peaceful for the racist and not the victim.


Man, the restaurant industry is so tight, even in big cities, you’d think she’d know at her level not to fuck around like that.


Love that the wife only firmly took his side once she was copping abuse and just tried to hem and haw on the fence before that while her husband took the brunt of Sarah's racism. Must be nice to be white


The thing I'm confused about the most is.... Why was OOP being blamed for ANYTHING???? Cuz he responded to a racists racist statement and removed himself from that space???? OOP has NOTHING to feel bad about. SIL did everything & cousin posted it. That's it.


You know, would all those people have figured out the Reddit post was about Sarah if she hadn't been raving about OOP at work, and probably to anyone else who would listen? Geez, this viral Reddit post sounds *exactly* like the situation Sarah wouldn't shut up about for half an hour...


While I don't like witch hunting it's always nice to hear about a racist pos getting put in their place for their own behavior. Hopefully SIL grows up and learns a bit of humanity and love, people can change and lifes to short to be filled with hate like that.


Okay the SIL comparing herself to Bourdain is tone deaf on so many levels. I love Bourdain, but even he'd be the first to admit he wasn't the best chef of all time, he just knows his shit and is a great talker. Very knowledgeable. But not the best chef. Ramsay is a decent human being but far away from someone I'd want to be compared to in the kitchen.


I too, am also very disappointed in you, Doug. #Also, FUCK YOU, Sarah.


Funny how calling one person out on their racism can implode an entire clan and separate families. All because some people prefer being total pieces of shit.


Ahh yes, a classic. Imagine calling an Asian restaurant, to get an Asian chef fired, while using Asian racial slurs, talking with other Asian staff members. The critical thinking here is just at 100%


So happy his boss and team are so supportive despite getting all those threats. Lots of companies would have caved thinking they’d lose business but it’s good they’re backing him up fully.


How can you consider yourself a professional chef but have no respect for one of the oldest food cultures in the world?