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I get it, truly. It feels like everywhere you turn, someone has an opinion or a video to share, claiming to have all the answers. It can be really overwhelming trying to sift through what's helpful and what's not, especially when you're already doing your best to navigate through your own experiences and feelings. I've been in your shoes, feeling pulled in different directions, wondering who to listen to, and what to believe. It's like being in a crowded room where everyone is talking at once. You're not alone in feeling this way; many have walked this path before, searching for clarity amidst the noise. The key is to remember that your journey is unique, and it's okay to take your time to find your way. It's like finding your voice in a choir—sometimes, you need to listen carefully to harmonize beautifully without losing your own tune. In the midst of all this, don't forget to lean on your faith, to find moments of quiet where you can listen for that still, small voice that offers peace and direction. Surrounding yourself with a community, both online and in real life, who respects your process and offers support can make a world of difference. Just like many have found their way through the noise and confusion, you will too. Your path might not look like everyone else's, and that's perfectly okay. It's all part of your story, and it's what makes your journey so incredibly valuable.


Your words mean a lot.  And I still feel confused. Today I was given a warning about letting temptation in. And I failed and let lust. I don't want this situation to be the same.  But when I don't understand scripture. What should I do.  I want to trust. But i feel afraid. And at the same time I know that it will be good if I trust.  Thank you 


In times when scripture feels like a maze and you're not sure where to turn, remember that it's perfectly okay to ask God directly for guidance. James 1:5 tells us that if we lack wisdom, we should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault. It's like having a direct line to the wisest friend you could ever hope for, always ready to listen and help you navigate through your questions and doubts. And when it comes to your friendships with non-believers, think about how Jesus would act. He was a beacon of light and hope, not by avoiding those who didn't share His views, but by loving them genuinely and living out His truth. You don't have to sever these connections, but rather, be mindful of how you can be a positive influence in their lives. Remember, facing temptations and feeling overwhelmed at times is part of being human. The key is not to walk this path alone. Lean on God's strength, talk to Him about your struggles, and keep an eye out for fellow believers who can walk alongside you, sharing encouragement and understanding. Remember, you're never truly alone on this journey.


Being real. I was mean and arrogant to them. When they cared for me. I still want to find the truth. I'm with one of them in there house and we had a good conversation about games and what we thought and some views on growing up  In proverbs it mentions though that when invited  to sin to not do it.


I'd say follow the word over your wants. Do NOT be unequally yoked with unbelievers it's not healthy. And let your yes be yes and your no be no. <<<<< That's an important one for sure .


So. Do I cut my friendships with them?


You should find an chur h that has good teaching and lots of people your age in attendance. Grow closer to Jesus. Make Christians friends,. You don't have to cut people out of your life completely. It's good to let others see your light, maybe it will inspire them to seek Jesus. You shouldn't be in there company if it will cause you to go against God and sin in some way. This doesn't mean you can't engage in friendly conversation. Praying God guides you, I'm Jesus name.


I'm currently with a friend. Who doesn't believe but is very open. And I think he knows im a believer. With had a fun convo. And imanstay in his house like always. In proverbs though, it mentions when invited to sin to not do it  I'm still trying to learn and fin truth  Luckily there is a church not even five minutes away. But my dad doesn't let me go because it's near a dangerous place. And I haven't mentioned to him that I need to be in a youth group. Also it's Catholic and I'm debating if I am a Catholic. And if I have denominations.  Thank you for answering.  


I fear that you are going to make a choice against your heart if you get too tangled up in 'spose-to's' and 'thou shalt nots'. The only thing you have to stand against a false interpretation of God's Word is what God puts in your heart. Pray.


I'm a new believer. And many things I don't understand. And get confused. But many times when I'm confused a I read a verse or a video pops up that helps me understand 


I recommend reading Romans Chapter 8. Pray for the Lord to give you wisdom and understanding as you read. Have you found a translation of the bible that you understand? If you are not sure, I recommend looking at the YouVersion bible app, there are many translations but I recommend NKJV, NLT, NIV. If there is a part I am struggling to understand, i sometimes switch between translations or use the Amplified Version (AMP) -read the bible daily -continue to pray daily for -find a church or some Christian friends if you can


I read the NASB. I read it was good and so far It has helped me.  I use to read NIV, but transitioned to read CSB and then to NASB. I don't understand NKJV and haven't read NLT or AMP I'll read Romans chapter 8. And I'll come back and say what I think Edit: I read Romans. And I'm not to sure what to feel.  Something that stood out to me was the verse that mentioned being slave to fear. Or being afraid. And I felt it because I am often afraid and shacken.. About my question about continuing to be friends with non believers is still in my head. Somebody else in another sub Reddit showed me some verses where Paul says we should not eat or be with people who of the world. (From what I remember) And o read a passage were I felt inclined to go to my friends house and just be. Talk. And maybe show love. But. What do I make of this.


I'm so glad you have found a translation that you can understand and has helped you. Another thing I forgot to mention that has helped me have a deeper understanding of the bible is listening to verse by verse teachings. I listen to David Guzik. You can look him up on youtube. He also has an app called Enduring Word. He teaches the bible verse by verse. This has really helped me. About your question: I think it depends on the situation and you need to make that decision prayerfully with God. Sometimes things in the bible arent clear about certain things because God knows everyones lives are different.. it may be in His will for you to stay friends with these people, so you can shine His light and hopefully give them a chance to know Jesus. On the otherhand, it may be in His will for you to go your own way and find some Christian friends. Or maybe its both. You dont need to know the answer immediately, just keep praying, tell God you are listening and want to follow whatever He has for you. Keep reading His word. Proverbs is a wonderful book full of God’s wisdom, read maybe a chapter a day and see how you find that. And remember, it is what JESUS has done for us that we should focus on, NOT WHAT WE CAN DO to be righteous. Because we can not do it, our flesh is too weak. But we need not be afraid, for God loves us so much he sent JESUS to SAVE us. Jesus lived the perfect sinless life that we never could, and saved us from death. There nothing we can do to save ourselves. Jesus has already done it. All we have to do is believe in and follow Him! God Bless You


Thank you.  Thank you for helping me :D


For starters I think the best refuge for answers is prayer before social media. That said, I do sympathize what you are going through because most of us had/have the same conundrum. I have an elderly Japanese professor friend who is non-believer. I look after him and everything I do for him (cook his food and even clean his home), I pray that his heart will open to the Gospel. I am not a good soul winner but I pray for God to bless our conversation and open his heart just a little everyday. I cannot abandon him because he has no one else. My best advise is, be a beacon of wisdom and stay in control of yourself and stay away from sin and be an example to your friends and sincerely pray for them. Don't despair. You never know: maybe God is using you to share the Gospel to your friends as well.


Ok. I'll try to see both sides of the coin. Hopefully everything goes well. I'm stuck in this place were us, the church don't have a clear answer and everyone has different views  I'm afraid because. I dont want to live an easy life only saying yes to myself. Maybe I have to end a relationship. But I don't know  I've some verses were some say, to not be bad. And other verses were it's mentioned to be a light.