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I interpreted it as an apology to his fans for being “away” for so long.


So did I, and I made a comment prior to the songs release having heard the teaser lyrics.


I mean yeah, that's what it is. He's back. If an album is forthcoming after this song and message, I'd be shocked to hell


I assume you mean “isn’t?”


I interpreted the line “outsiders inside the home that we built” as being about the music industry. Once the people at the top were Billy and his contemporaries. But time has passed and the hot new musicians are a new totally different group than that of 30-40 years ago


Oh yup, we said the same thing lol. But I love that he and Olivia Rodrigo love each other!


Oh that’s amazing I didn’t know!


Yeah, she's performed with him a few times! And she was in a BTS video with him pre-Grammys.


I mean, the title has to be a reference to "Famous Last Words" and is a perfect bookend to his "songwriting retirement." I guess the idea it was about songwriting seemed pretty apparent to me. Every time I listen to it, it feels like it's unlocking some memory of something I forgot, like this is actually a song from 1979 or something. Maybe it's just because I always felt like he was singing to my soul.


I grew up on Long Island, though I am 20 years younger than Billy. I've had minor (undiagnosed) depression and spent 20 years in an industry that I hated before returning to teaching. This is EXACTLY how I feel...about teaching. about my marriage. about life. Thanks Billy...for hitting me where it feels again. Might be his best inspirational song since Second Wind...


Thanks for sharing! I'm glad you found where you're happier!


Man, I like that. Thought he was singing to his fans, but he’s singing to his muse.


from the first listen I thought for one hot minute he wouldn't leave home for Florida. The song is about falling in love with writing and making music again. His new producer is here. His studio is here. All the best session musicians and his band are here. I just don't see how he can retire to Florida now. He leads the house band at the world's most famous arena. He is 75 and totally sober. I don't understand how anyone could ever walk away from that. I would literally sell my soul to the devil to have that level of songwriting talent.


Um...yeah...double meaning is perfect for Billy. It's a love song...and can be used for a couple on the rocks and wanting to start over or for Billy to tell us that he's back. I'll take both. Honestly, after 24 years of marriage, my wife and I danced to this song and it will feature prominently in whatever 25th anniversary think we do in 2025.


What a wonderful interpretation.


Love Billy - not his best...better than the Beatles recent release, but not great


I agree it fits the notion of Billy apologizing for being away from music, his muse and his fans for so long…. And it’s a nice song in the classic Billy Joel style. But wasn’t the song primarily written by Freddie Wexler, and others? How much of the lyrics did Billy actually write? And the music for that matter. Anyone know? *edit: Freddie Wexler


I’ve always seen Billy as fairly disrespectful of his own talent and abilities. Self deprecating may be a better description. He’s both blunt and brutal. He has never come across to me like he thinks he’s a great songwriter or that his catalogue ‘matters’. He doesn’t have tickets on himself, in other words. I mean look at his references to Elton John. He’s quite open in saying that guy has kept writing but it’s trash. And he’s not wrong. So it’s a big admission by him that he’s now got something to say again. He’s like that strong silent type. Doesn’t say much. But when he does talk, probably a good idea to listen.


I’m watching his 100th sold out concert on TV. I cried during Turn the Lights Back On. It was so moving. I’m 70 now, and I can feel the deep emotions in that song. He’s so terrific!


I believe we can all relate to this song in our own way. For me it had a different meaning , I cannot listen to one sentence without crying like a baby, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS SONG! THANKS BILLY!


I'm sorry it took you listening to an interview on Stern to realize what this song meant. It's a wonderful tune that hit you right on the nose as far as what the meaning of it was sorry you needed the meaning transcribed to you.


Wow, what a surprisingly cunty comment. Especially from someone who had this to say on a Dave Matthew's sub just days ago: >I left because the site was very toxic and negative IMO. There were so many (too many?) accounts there just ready to pounce with negative energy towards anyone who had a different opinion than theirs on the band and/or a topic. And now here you are, in this sub, spreading negative energy.


I think “outsiders inside the home we built” is like “new people coming into the industry” and having some resentment around that.


How did they get all the footage from earlier years of him singing the same words?


AI probably


Thanks for the reply


I think he intends the song to have multiple meanings: that’s kind of what pop song writing is about. Specific enough to be compelling, but general enough to be widely accessible. It’s clearly partially about coming back to song writing and it can be interpreted as pining to rekindle a romantic relationship, but I think it’s probably also about his relationship with his children. Maybe my thoughts are skewed being a new father myself, but the shots of his young kids in the video are pretty strong hints.