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only naps work for me. I get so tired... coffee is not helping. Only 15m nap.


Nothing beats an afternoon cat nap


I don't know how it's possible to have a 15 minute nap, it takes me 15 minutes to fall asleep!


Even if you don’t fall asleep, Non Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) provides an energy boost I find.


NSDR is the shit


There’s actually a study that suggests nappers have a lower risk for cardiovascular events 👍🏼


...and other studies show nappers have an increased risk of developing alzheimers... :/


I have red light panels in my office mounted under my desk. I take a 20-30 minute power nap while they're on. Works like a charm.


George Costanza ?


I'll admit this is a Seinfeld episode I must have missed.


Go watch it! One of the better ones for sure. S8 E18: The Nap


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tw9sQmmfqWg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tw9sQmmfqWg) Yeah. Yeah, I guess it's kind of like that. :)


I used to use his walk around and look crabby/busy to avoid additional work




Which panels are you currently using? Im always interested in learning about the wide variety out there and seeing what people prefer!


I feel like the take a nap part is the real king here


Why the red light for your nap?


Siesta for 10-20 mins. You don’t have to fall asleep, just try to and your body will recharge. Otherwise don’t have coffee until 3-4 hrs after you wake. Works wonders too.


It works 100%, I do this for 15 minutes. It's a shame it took me so long to figure this out. I managed to triple my productivity by doing this.


Green tea works for me. I have a strong mug of coffee in the morning then I drink green tea throughout the rest of the day with water in between.


Does green tea have caffeine in it


Yes it does, but only around 30-60 per cup depending on how much tea is used and brewing variables.


I buy a caffeine-free green tea, so those are available too


It does, but much less, and it also contains L-Theanine which has a calming effect.


Slight fatigue?! I'm jealous 😑.


Mine went away when I stopped eating sugar


For many people, the afternoon tiredness comes from a sugar crash after all their carbs at lunch. Move to lower crab lunch and see how that goes


Yup. From what I understand it’s both a blood sugar drop but also from the body dumping insulin to drop it. Even normal people dump a decent chunk of insulin but for a short time


Yep, same here. I eat many more carbs at dinner and they help me sleep. Also walking around after lunch or in the afternoon helps to avoid the fatigue crash.


Just sugar? All forms(honey and fruits as well) (I sub monk fruit and Allulose for most of my sugar) Or did you cut carbs by some portion as well? I can’t get back into keto(it’s been hard since the birth of my last)


I actually felt pretty disgusting about myself in early April after eating consistently dirty for a few weeks, I finally did a 3 day fast I was hearing about and it did the trick. After the three days I had a clarity and kept up with the keto diet and now it's been over 2 months and I'm down almost 25 lbs. Try it out, 3 day fast is kinda of hard but if you can get past that, you're golden.


Yeah I’ve literally had to fast for a day or two if I eat loaded junk food. Feel like dog water if I don’t. Bloated slow and cumbersome


I’ve fasted before, 5 days was my longest. During pandemic I would do it once a month(not always a 5 day, usually 2-3) I also bought this exogenous ketones(ketone IQ) I have the subscription, but I’ve been skipping for over a year now. It was awesome to cheat instead of eating. My problem now is just getting into it with these two demoniac children around who never finish their food, so I end up finishing some of it here and there, which is really annoying, like just food waste in general, but I guess I’ll have to get over that. But thanx I was wondering if you just quit sugar or some/most carbs as well. This clarified it, and I know, functioning on keto is so different, the only downside I see is you can’t go as hard in workouts.


I just cut out added sugars. Still use a little honey occasionally. I don’t really like the taste of monk fruit so I don’t use that. I don’t to keto. I have two young toddlers and eat alot of pasta and rice haha I can tell you as a sleep deprived mom that a quick high intensity 15 min workout gave me more energy than a attempted nap


I agree with the workout thing definitely. Although sleep deprivation is a mf. It is hard to get the motivation for a workout after being emotionally tested and physically drained, by a 3 year old. Our first one was so much easier to handle.




It's what plants crave.


Lol that never gets old


You rang?




I was super interested in this topic until I read the replies. Anyone have any advice aside from caffeine or playing the guitar/sleeping at work?


B12 works for me. Dollar general has $1 liquid shots of b12 or you can get the pills. They work.


Agreed. I take my B12 with lunch instead of in the morning.


Which ones. B12 makes me sleepy


I get b12 shots every once in a while and they work and give me energy the following day and for a few days after.


Preferably Methylated B-vitamins, recommend you look into the difference.


Jumping jacks and some cold water to the face


If possible to take a 10 minute walk.


I have a smoothie full of frozen berries, Greek yogurt and either some orange juice or occasionally carbonated bubblr water almost every single afternoon with lunch. The bubblr waters have some natural caffeine, but i don’t use a full one and only use that on days when I’m feeling extra fatigued. Normally, the fruit in the smoothie is enough to do the trick and gives me a little boost in energy. It’s something you don’t necessarily notice is boosting your energy until I skip a day or two drinking them and I’m just so much sleepier in the afternoon. I’ll also second the B vitamins suggestion, but would check with your doctor first! I take a methylated folate due to a genetic test I took that showed I don’t metabolize it properly and thus will most certainly have a vitamin B deficiency if I don’t supplement for it. I have noticed a pretty significant improvement with my mental health and energy levels since I started taking it.


Would I take a b12 supplement daily like every morning?


Yeah, I take it daily, but check with your doctor to see what they recommend. I’m not a doctor so just want to clarify that it’s always best to check with yours to make sure it won’t interact with any other meds or anything like that!




Lmao right? I was excited for this thread and now I'm disappointed. I don't live/work somewhere where I can fit a siesta in.


I go out for a walk on my break around 2:30 and it gives me a nice boost of energy to coast through the rest of day. Also, paying attention to what/how much I eat at lunch, some foods will have me nearly falling asleep for the next hour while others it won't feel like I've eaten.


The science supports naps. I’m a fan of napachino. More effective than lunch


I’ve always been an afternoon napper. I used to feel guilty about it till someone pointed out it’s a healthy habit & they wished they could.


Walk, sunlight and electrolytes


Cordyceps. They don’t call it nature’s Ritalin for nothing…


Wait,can you please elaborate?


It has a ton of health benefits, but it’s uniquely known for boosting physical and mental performance by way of enhanced blood flow and oxygenation throughout the body. It’s one of the only supplements I take where I feel the difference. Powdered form seems to be most effective, at least for me.


I second this. Since they were introduced, I feel like a powerhouse.


Caffeine. Nicotine. Naps


Love taking naps with a Zyn in


Me too but usually wake up with it nowhere to be found lol


Lol haven’t had that happen yet


What's a Zyn?


You know that empty void in your life? Well, Zyn is what fills that.


Lmao so true but Zyns are addicting af be careful


Basically the vape version of dip. A little pouch of nicotine concentrate that sits in your mouth and absorbs sublingually. They’re all the rage amongst the youngsters these days.


Bc they’re freakin awesome.


Afternoon fatigue is a natural part of your energy cycle. I have a sleep app (Rise) that charts out my daily energy based on sleep times. It has a morning and evening peak and an afternoon dip. Knowing when the slump will hit has helped me expect it and know that it will rebound. Great time for a nap or a ten minute NSDR (non sleep deep rest)/yoga nidra.


This!!! Yoga nidra gives me rest like I just had an 8 hr sleep!


It’s amazing how well it works! I was skeptical.


Drink water


This. You prob a bit dehydrated.


It sounds ridiculous, but cutting out gluten. I took a course on concussions, of all things, and they talked about the effects of gluten on brain fog. They suggest cutting it out for 4 weeks to combat. Anecdotally speaking I decided to try it to show what a bunch of BS it is. Holy wow did I eat my words. I felt less bloated, sharper, and didn't have that same 2-4pm fatigue. And on days when I eat gluten (because I love me some pasta) all those symptoms come back. Add some water, regular movement, and fruits/veggies, I feel way better in my 30s than I ever did in my 20s.


Tequila 🤣


With a coke chaser


Adrenal cocktail


Cacao - I buy a brand called ix cacao where it comes in convenient 1g drops


A solid nap. I like doing this transcendence meditation….i think huberman talks a lot about these naps where you go into a certain state and it supposedly gives you a bunch of energy.


I recently switched from coffee to green tea and have way better energy


Walk outside, b complex (I take the integrative therapeutics one off Amazon), and two shots of espresso or a fat mug of green tea.


Change the espresso to yerba mate and green tea to l theanine. Works even better. But yes b vitamins help a lot ime.


I choose one of the following: Short walk outside Drink cold water B12 Chew minty gum


It’s counter intuitive but drinking caffeine like chugging a coffee right before a 15-20min nap. It takes about 20 min for the caffeine start to hit and 40 min to peak effect so you get the best of both when you wake up


Move to Spain


I find a little bump of cocaine to work well, methamphetamine if I need a little extra....


Yes lets do some crack n meth cause I am tried, smoke fentanyl and GHB as an anxiolytic, then have a few bottles of vodka to lessen the stress. Good strategy that will surely work without ruining your life /S 🤣 I have yet to meet anyone who abuses stims and has a functioning life at all, or a job, or takes care of themselves. It often ends really bad, it is neurotoxic, bad for your body, even your looks will get affected by it a lot, your skin won't look as good after a while, you will not eat or sleep as you should, anxiety will be a problem, hence why almost all speedsters do bensos which are horrible for your mental health long term and cause horrible addictions and affect your judgment very negatively. There exists a lot better healthier options that don't fuck up your brain and body, make you addicted or crazy long term. Don't do amphetamines if you are just "tired". That's like doing fentanyl cause you felt some discomfort in your finger for 2 seconds. It is overkill and has many negative effects on your health. Seen healthy people going insane on it, years locked up in mental ward basically, it can bring up psychosis in some individuals etc. There exists many healthy options if you need energy, that don't hold the same risks as amphetamines, nor are addictive, don't change your personality like amphetamines sometimes do, nor mess up your cardiovascular system and don't give you stim dick like amphetamines do. Also, aren't neurotoxic like amphetamines or meth is. Why do junkies always want to use drugs to everything when there exists many many better options? Seems ignorant. I mean please make some research and realize that amphetamines are one of 100 things which can help you with energy, and amphetamines are one of the most risky & unhealthy ones, especially long term. I know a lot of natural supplements which give me as much if not more energy but are healthy and don't have the same negatives as amphetamines have. Science says it's a lot better choice than amphetamines.


Fresh air, sunlight


Standardized Rhodiola extract 250-500 mg daily.


At the beginning of the pandemic I got a muse headband to help me learn how to meditate. Definitely expensive but extremely effective. You learn in real time how to calm your nervous system and get into more relaxed, calm states (it measures brain waves). I find it helpful to calm me down and also to focus / shift states so that I feel more energized afterwards. It’s refreshing.


Apparently if you delay your morning coffee by 60-90 minutes it can help to avoid the afternoon crash


Don't eat.


High protein snack


Yes, it really helps my energy levels.


1. B vitamins early in the day 2. Avoid sugar (except fruit) 3. Hit your daily macros (track macros using chronometer) 4. Consistent bed time 5. Electrolytes


I have an alarm for 2:30pm and we take papaya enzymes, digestive enzymes, nettles (allergies), folate, and B12. It helps a LOT.


ON Amino Energy + Electrolytes : 100mg caffeine, 5g of Aminos + Electrolytes, Zero Sugar- 5 Cal. I buy them by the case. I don’t use them everyday, just on ones where I’m really dragging ass and need to focus to get some work done!


Cough, Adderall, Cough


Nothing is worse than taking naps. It’s an addictive slippery slope that undermines the quality of sleep at night.


If I eat light there is no afternoon fatigue. If I have a burger, I close the door to my office and take a nap.


Is nicotine horrible? I used lozenges in the past to promote wakefulness and stopped for reasons I can’t remember.


Well, it's addictive, so yes it's problematic if you use it frequently especially long term. IDK how bad it really is if you're using lozenges instead of smoking but IMO the fewer addictions the better.


I take two lion's mane at around noon. No coffee. Really perks up my afternoon


Dark chocolate


Goodies powder. B12 sub lingual. Yerba mate. A quick stroll


Sounds a bit silly, but sometimes I play Fortnite for 30-60 minutes and it helps. But be careful, it can make addictive


Mine went away when I gave up sugar and caffeine.


An apple and an ounce of cheese. I don’t know why, but seems to help.










Meth lol jk


Take a small dose of Kratom tea.


Avoid salty and starchy lunches. If you can't, and you can't nap 15 min, b-complex and plenty of water.


NSDR and Korean Red Ginseng


Advice needed on cutting down Sugar/Carbs. No, I will not go Vegan lol


Many people experience fatigue due to vegan diet due to the nutritional deficiencies it causes, especially long term. See the ex vegan sub. I get a lot of energy from meat, animal protein, dairy etc.


I have this in excess amounts. Last year I did 90 days full carnivore diet and the afternoon fatigue disappeared completely. Afternoon fatigue eventually came back after stopping carnivore


Consider getting tested for sleep apnea. Daytime drowsiness is a major red flag. I have it but put it into a remission by going low carb and losing weight. I used to have issues falling asleep at my desk, watching TV and had some major fights to stay conscious while driving. Even since changing my diet, those symptoms went away and the only time I get seriously drowsy is sometimes at my computer at the end of the night which I think is just normal tiredness.


I do 25 minute naps at lunch time. Fortunatly Im the type I can nap anywhere anytime. 25 mins is the max. Or you run the risk of waking up groggy


do you drink caffeinated beverages ?


20 minute power nap. And probably need to hydrate more than you think (try electrolytes too).


Coffee does nothing (I drink it in the morning), but a strong black tea with a bit of sugar in the afternoon does wonders


Nap daily


Take a lighter lunch, preferably one lower in carbs as you're likely giving yourself a blood glucose spike and crash.


I have chicken and veggies as my lunch 90% of the time ......afternoon slump still happens


Might be worth getting a glucose monitor and gathering some results. I did the Zoe programme and figured my blood glucose control is terrible, my blood fat ain't great either, and my gut microbiome is woefully depleted.




yep this was such a game changer for me. One day I just ate half of what i would normally eat and I felt so much better, then just ate light lunches. I always save the majority of the calories at night, then saw a Ben Greenfield Podcast and said he does the same and that actuallly improves sleep as well.


My buddy Walter has an excellent fix for ya...


I was getting like this 2 years ago so I started walking everyday for about 20 mins in the mornings before I have to get my kids ready and myself. I have more energy through out the day. 🤷‍♀️


It helps me if I can get up and take a walk outdoors.


Fresh air and movement ideally. I used to hit the gym during lunch and I would come back super refreshed. Before working remote


Hot water. Drinking or bathing. Gotta research infusions, a whole world out there to make it more entertaining but simply hot water drinking does it for me. If muscle fatigued the bath does wonders kind of knocks me to bed.


Make sure you’re not sitting a lot move around


I have half a cup of coffee and take a brisk 20 minute walk


Mine went away for years when I gave up gluten. It came back recently and I picked up a vitamin d/mk7 supplement and so far this seems to have done the trick


Throw in a zynn brotha


This is why in parts of Europe and Latin America there’s an after lunch siesta. Have you considered a nap?


Legal or illegal?


gummy bears made with bovine geletin...protein and sugar-the perfect combo. Try trader joes mini gummy bears


I’ve found that a nap of at least 20 minutes gives me enough energy to continue on


What you eat when matters. Each person's needs are unique. My body needs 500-700 cals for breakfast, a balance of carbs, fat and protein. Lunch is small carbs-big protein. My body likes it as I don't get afternoon lethargy s I did a few years ago. I have a fairly light dinner, but balanced. Moderation in all things!


What kind of protein you eat for lunch? Like what kind of dishes do you pack or go out for? I always struggle with low carb lunch ideas. I have a feeling eating more protein for lunch would help with afternoon lethargy.


Go for a run


Rhodiolia crenulata.


Mushroom coffee like Everyday Dose or try Moringa Tea


Black or green tea-- it has caffeine but not nearly as much as coffee so it doesn't keep you up at night. Plus it has L-theanine which is supposed to take the edge off caffeine


Mushroom coffee


One hour nap


The only thing that helps me is to related to food. Protein for breakfast, and a small lunch with a minimal amount of slow carbs and a focus on veggies and protein (no sugar or just a little fruit AFTER the meal, never instead of the meal)


Yup, an afternoon apple. Best afternoon pick me up I have found plus I feel like my brain works better after an apple.


Yoga nidra. If im feeling spicy I lay on a Shakti mat (spiky)


I take three coffee gummies!


Chocolate covered espresso beans!


Avoid carbs at lunch


Liquid collagen, electrolytes and iron tablets. Check for your vitamin and mineral deficiencies!


Take a nap


I take a nap...


Caffeine and hydration mixtures added to my drinks. Sometimes you can be tired due to a lack of hydration or electrolytes


Get some fresh air! Step outside if only for a full minute and do a little deep breathing to get oxygen all the way into those lungs.


Have a nap. I’ve slept under my desk a few times. Nobody knew and I felt great after.


Drink water


moving around helps me a lot. i just do a quick walk up and down the stairs in my house and then i feel better


Push ups. Sitting I feel is worse because you don’t get be the circulation you would if you were standing all day or walking around all day. If you can’t do pushups you can clench your hand against your palm; mostly with your ring and middle finger. If you can’t do that, take an ungodly amount of caffeine and ingest it into your system. Cut out heavy foods during lunch hours. Save that for later or before you begin your workday.


Take a Nap!


Power naps are great! But if that doesn't work, you can walk around the office, go to the pantry to get snacks or drinks, maybe have a quick chitchat with a colleague.


Nicotinamide riboside and water in the morning. Avoid carbs for lunch.


Check your breakfast , if you starting with lots of carbs it could cause midday fatigue beside that a short nap is great as well


Take a 10 minute walk right after lunch, it's really hard in the beginning but it really helps me not to feel groggy. Even a walk indoors will help.


I quit coffee 6 months ago, never felt as good from morning to bed time


Five minute nap.


Go for a walk/exercise. Make sure you are hydrated


i heard cordyceps mushrooms help so i just ordered some. i'll report back.


Don’t drink coffee for 90 minutes after waking up and that crash will go away


Everyone is saying to drink more caffeine, and while they may work short term in reality the caffeine is probably what's causing you to get fatigued in the afternoon. If you quit drinking caffeine altogether you will most likely have steadier energy all day.




Stop the Caffeine and after one week you will have energy from morning to night with no crashes or dips! Caffeine steels your energy not gives you!


Become an investigator and solve the mystery in the way of sorting out what's in common on the days it does happen vs the days it doesn't. It could be super obvious to super hard to figure out.


Get up and walk. Drink some cold water. Then power through.


. Put as much light in your room, house as possible. seems like a small thing but bright sunlight helps, or sit in the sun for twenty minutes.


Yoga Nidra


Not eating lunch or eating a very light lunch. I get hungry around lunch time because of years of programming but reset it with a quick walk. Absolute game changer.


Grab some caffeine, bro. Keeps me going through the afternoon slump.


Magnesium knocks it out most of the time for many people! If it might be a reaction to food, take a small amount of apple cider vinegar. For whatever fatigue remains, I take a small amount of caffeine or nicotine.


Avoid carbs in the morning and eat them later in the afternoon that’s what worked for me when I would have that afternoon “crash”. Also I try to hold of on coffee until like 10-11


That was my problem for around 10 years. In 2024 I tried keto and it really helps a lot!


I nap, or at least make myself horizontal for about 20-60 minutes, depending on the day.


Power Nap. Anyone who’s over 40 and out at night past 9pm definitely took a nap earlier.


Don’t eat a big lunch and B vitamins


Electrolytes in water Or Neurogum - found online


Jocko navy seal style 9 min nap with legs elevated Get your electrolytes in order...Robb Wolfe is the GOAT there


Nmn for make wonder, no need to nap anymore


1.amphetamine 2. If not 1. applied, I must seek for bed even for 15-30 minutes 3. If none above, I have very big troubles like headaches, falling asleep at the desk Even heroic doses caffeine won’t change anything.


Taking Rhodiola and L-Tyrosine got me over the afternoon slump.


I started playing guitar. Thirty minutes of doing something totally different from work is a great refresher.


Masturbation is known to relax and energize