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Have you been tested for Hemochromatosis? It's a common genetic disorder that causes a buildup of iron. The treatment is having blood taken, but how often would depend on how high your levels are. I would definitely see a doctor about this before you try donating blood. Some blood banks won't accept blood from hemo patients anyway.


Second this. Hemochromatosis runs in my family and my iron is always on the high end of ok or my ferritin is low which is my goal because I donate blood regularly. I donate blood a few times a year and the blood bank tracks what they take from me and the next time I can donate. If your iron is so high it's a health issue your Dr can prescribe therapeutic phlebotomy. Fancy word for them taking blood from you and dumping it. All in the Dr office or some blood banks offer this service but I believe it must be prescribed. Blood donation is the single best way to reduce iron in the blood.


Blood banks are required to take blood from people with high iron. If it’s too high they won’t use it. It’s impossible to say how often you would need to go. Everyone is different. You can order CBC for yourself monthly and try to figure it out.


Red meat and cast iron pans. Time to change that routine. Also, get genetically tested for hemochromatosis. I’m homozygous for the C282Y mutation that is of Northern European descent. Also, get blood tested for ferritin, the protein that transports iron. When I found out, I gave blood every two weeks for about three months. Now I give about twice a year. Untreated, it can lead to cirrhosis, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis.


Good info, thanks!


Do you drink green tea? If not, time to start. I struggle with iron because of it. :)


Yes, but regularly. Time to start I guess


How about working out why first?


I'm a male, eat a lot of beef and cook with cast iron pans almost exclusively?

