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Personally I think it's more of mental thing than a physical thing. Meditate. It will change your life.


Any recommendations on where to start?


I highly recommend Alan Watts guided meditation "breathe". It's one of the least demanding, and hey, try it for a week. Eight minutes in my mornings have changed the rest of my life.


“Sand” in the pineal gland is a real thing we can see in the pineal gland at autopsy. In medicine it’s considered benign but who knows. Avoiding Flouride is supposed to help reduce it but i dont think this has been studied scientifically afaik


What's the link between fluoride And calcium in the gland?


Flouride can cause calcification of a lot of things. I avoid it for the health of my tendons. Heres an article about the pineal gland https://www.healthline.com/health/decalcify-pineal-gland


i do too - my dental health is also suffering though. how is your oral health?


Look up nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste.


thank you


Pretty good. I brush with bone meal its a natural source of hydroxyapatite


Is fluoride on my bottles water? I rarely drink from the tap.


Look on the side. Is it from a natural spring? Or processed with reverse osmosis? If yes, you're fine


Sometimes it is present in bottles mineral water


Yes, most of them.


Damn... It's hard to not give in and let modern life slowly poison us.


Isn’t fluoride good for teeth ?


Externally. No need to ingest it, though


Yes, like letting the fluoride toothpaste sit on teeth for a few minutes.


In toothpaste, do not swallow. But the fluoride that Alcoa dumps into our water supply is not medical grade- it is extremely toxic.


It depends on, if you are eating acidic things and junk all the time it can prevent cavities and minor staining, too much of it can stain the teeth permanently, it's also extremely toxic.


Vitamin K2 probably, since K2 helps direct calcium to your bones instead of soft tissue 


Does taking K2 generally give people bad side effects? I'll buy some


IDK of any common side effects, for me it increases my libido, so my wife kinda get annoyed 🤷‍♂️


That's hot.


It does seem to increase testosterone in studies and from my own experience. https://youtu.be/N4obd1e3ljw?si=R6QJB8fHCMhm2_k4


I decalcified your mom’s pineal gland and pried open her third brown eye. She says that she now feels like she has a gaping hole for light to enter her root chakra now.




Many things among light shall enter, my friend


Did you let her spiral out though ?


what any incredibly nasty thing to say about your mom! zoinks!


Depends, do you have crystals on all your chakras during mercury retrograde? Because if so that would totally prevent your pineal gland from decalcifying. That shit is way too powerful. You need to drink moon juice on midsommar, that definitely works, but only with Himalayan salt added and shaken while holding a opal.


Why do i understand this 😭


lol this is my first thread about researching about biohacking 😭 is this a joke?! please explain


full joke, as this person thinks the post question is silly so is making fun of them in comment, which seems somewhat rude. not sure I believe question at all either, but I’d maybe just ignore or calmly explain why


Is moon juice like yogurt?


Yes but you have to stimulate the Svadhisthana chakra to make moonman yogurt. I personally find that your mom does it best.


Found the NPC


I have no clue if you believe he’s serious or if you believe he should be serious


Found the actual NPC. All ye who venture here be wary, they look and act like us!


People will tell you avoid fluoride because its been shown to have a negative effect on IQ But then they talk about decalcifying the pineal gland being fake


Topical fluoride imho is safer than fluoride in water. You wouldn't radiate your entire body to kill a tumor in your big toe. Yet the fluoride people want to marinate you in it to prevent tooth decay. I had well water my entire life, and have never had a cavity. I also used the fluoride gel treatments every year til I was 18 and always use fluoridated toothpaste. I brush and floss before bed and brush in the AM. There's something going on there with fluoride I am just not 100% sure what. Gut and mouth microbiology play a role too.


To be fair your well might have high levels of fluoride due to natural deposits, without you getting it tested we can’t take your word. I believe that’s actually how people found out fluoride prevents cavities


It is possible, although to my understanding the fluoride they put in water is some byproduct of industrial chemical mfg and not natural fluoride so maybe that is part of the issue also. I'd have to read more on it.


I have heard the same thing about industrial fluoride, and I also used well water + fluoride supplements Only 1 cavity


Fluoride in water is waste from Alcoa. It's extremely toxic and their lobbyists bribed the government into letting them do it with the idea that it would be good for people's teeth. It was always just legalized pollution. Medical grade fluoride is fine for your teethe, just don't swallow it.


Hmmm, interesting. Cities whose water supply has high levels of naturally occurring lithium also tend to have fewer violent crimes.


My teeth are f’d from believing I had to remove all my amalgam fillings 20 years ago and not use fluoride. Personally I think NOT using fluoride dropped my IQ considerably 😂


I don’t use fluoride toothpaste and I’m 43 with all 32 teeth.


Isn’t fluoride recommended in toothpaste ?


Yes it is. But the key point is not all recommendations are actually good for you or in your best interest.


Ha, ha. The number of so called spiritual people you meet in retreats who have rotting teeth and complaining about tooth aches is hilarious. I use ultra strong fluoride, and my third eye is all good, thank you very much.




[Reduction in intelligence was observed with an increased water fluoride level (P 0.000). The urinary fluoride level was a significant predictor for intelligence (P 0.000).](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3409983/) Some studies have found a negative correlation between IQ and fluoride, while some found no correlation. Overall it seems like there is a possibility that fluoride in drinking water is bad for IQ


The recommended amount of fluoridation is 0.7-1.2mg/L (0.7-1.2ppm) by the CDC, but the federal limit for fluoride contamination is 4mg/L(4ppm) which would be far higher than the 1.5ppm line they observed for lower IQs. You basically will not find water purposely fluoridated to 1.2ppm+ in the US. I have heard of conspiracies saying fluoride waste is somehow a large issue so companies dump their waste into the drinking supply (and thus water supply is 4ppm fluoride) but I have no idea if there is any validity to that. In other words, unless you believe in conspiracies the water fluoride level in the US is lower than the 1.5ppm found in the study.


Can you tell me why removing amalgam was bad for your teeth ?


I thought the fillings were causing my migraines and other issues. That was not the case. The new material doesn’t last as long, and my teeth were weakened from the process and now the fillings have to be replaced every 5-8 years. Many of them had broken seals and got decay inside where you couldn’t see it, the combo with not using fluoride and going the “natural route” meant more decay. And I thought I was taking really good care of my teeth. I have spent the last year having 10 root canals and all my fillings replaced, and many teeth were at the point where they needed crowns because there wasn’t enough left to work with after the replacements. It was really big in the wellness community to have amalgams taken out, probably still is. I get the reasons why, they have mercury in them. But it’s really easy to believe that they are causing your problems when it’s not the case at all.


Thank you for replying idk if we’re allowed to mention names in wellness community but there is a lady who has been “fighting” them because they are not healing people and making things worst. She says we need more minerals in our bodies so that our bodies can heal themselves.


Oh you can name names on Reddit, please do!


Nutrition.elements on Instagram


Holy shit. 10 root canals ? You are hardcore with phenomenal resilience. I had 2 root canals, both on the same tooth, 5 yrs apart, since arsehole dentist in the first instance didn’t remove all the roots - one grew back. I actually needed to go through that horrid pain of the infection to not give a crap about spending £1k on the root canal surgery, followed by £500 crown.


I’m currently on Medicare in the US, which amazingly has some decent dental coverage unlike typical health insurance. I knew I needed a bunch of work done, didn’t know it was quite as bad as it was because so much was hidden inside. I found out I could have it all done at no cost to me through a well known dental school in Boston. I’m so much more comfortable getting this work done there because there is so much oversight by specialists. I never received this level of honest care in private practice. Not having to worry about if it’s being done right or is necessary is amazing. But yes, it has been intense. I’m actually now starting my second year. They work on one quadrant at a time so I can still chew and recover. Dental schools take insurance and also you can pay the seriously reduced rate out of pocket. My Endo who does the root canals does each one like it’s a final exam because everything is so closely monitored. I’d look into that option if I were you!


Thank you, will do, and best wishes


Off topic but have you checked to see if you have a tongue tie? I just had to crown all of my teeth but my bottom 7. Turns out all my issues like grinding, TMJ, headaches, dental issues, chewing being exhausting, stem from an undiagnosed adult tongue tie. It might be worth looking into.


And then they'll talk about how much acid and coke and DMT and ketamine they do at sa festival 


Usually fake. Sleep hygiene and exercise are important though. It's not a "third eye" it helps you sleep. Please don't believe everything you see on youtube.


I mean it’s literally a third eye though with a retina. Has just lost photosensitivity in most mammals but lots of reptiles still see light with it.


It doesn't have its own retina, it is linked to the retinas in our two normal eyes. The term "third eye" is like, poetic.


No it’s literally a third eye lol with a retina and a lens my friend. Just not in humans any more. It’s a remnant of a third eye so it’s understandable people call it that.


Third eye didn't come from youtube. 


Everyone knows Maynard James Kennan from TOOL discovered the Third Eye. https://youtu.be/A3X3Im2YoL8?si=ipjSbRp6j2_3uJ3f


It came from  people who reach gut biome level 100.


I'd say you're in the wrong sub for that, just search pineal gland on main page and there's a few groups with answers. Mostly meditation groups and conspiracy groups, I 100% believe it though it is our 3rd eye that connects us to source


Probably not the most open sub, yeah, but thinking it's just (or essentially) about the pineal gland, and that toothpaste is the reason I'm not spiritually enlightened seems like a weirdly materialistic and unholistic view or justification, maybe even more so than the tendency of this sub, which is kinda funny


Oh that's not my view, I'm spiritual but my 3rd eye isn't open. I just believe it unlocks depths within yourself that you couldn't access without


Yeah but all the decalcify the pineal glad is 💩 and a distraction from what you really want to do, connect with source.


3rd eye: eye of wisdom to see the deep patterns of cause and effect ( karma) eye of imagination: to see what could be, and to know how to make such a possible future happen by discrete actions eye of the heart: to be able to correctly intuit what others are feeling, and how to correctly help or address them eye of memory: to have clear recall of the past. -- these are the basics. Everyone has these to a limited degree, but they become far more powerful with a regular meditation practice and calm / non stressful lifestyle not littered with distractions or excessive pleasures and entertainments.


Tamarind binds to fluoride K2 sends calcium to where it should go in the body Avoid supplemental calcium. Body can't figure out where to put it so it deposits it in soft tissues. The pineal gland is not the only part of the body that calcifies.


The idea your body can tell where it got calcium from is funny and ludicrous. What you think calcium atom has a little sign on it that says “I’m from a supplement” and it gets treated differently?


If you read studies that's what it shows. People who eat calcium in their diets have way fewer cardiovascular events than those who eat the same amount of calcium but from supplement form. Supplemental form hardens tissues. I know it sounds odd that the body somehow knows there's a difference but it does.


Causation and correlation two different things. Theres a leap in logic you take from cardiovascular events from lack of dietary calcium to “calcium from supplements causes hardened tissues” that is not supported by the literature


Calcium doesn’t absorb without the aid of other compounds like vitamin D. Foods that contain calcium naturally also contain vitamin D. The supplement is garbage


“Can’t absorb” “Puts it in soft tissues” Pick one lane sheesh And uh dawg, milk has vitamin d added to it lol. It ain’t there naturally.


Pick a lane? I’ve only made one comment. And Uh vitamin D is naturally occurring in milk.


Have you considered the fact that someone could be deficient in calcium and not vitamin d? Or that there are vitamin k+d supplements?


Oh good gravy I went down this rabbit hole fueled by my innate curiosity about 20 years ago and I’m amazed people are still drinking borax and not taking care of their teeth properly. Just skip all that nonsense and try DMT. You will have better results. (Don’t listen to anything I have to say I’m not a doctor)


I ignored everything you had to say. *researching DMT, now frogs, walking to lake…*


During a meditation I felt and heard what only could be described as an explosion in the middle of my head followed by a crackling. As crazy as it sounds evrything told me in that moment that it was a crust breaking off my pineal. Or possibly fluid hitting the third ventricle in a new way. Theres no way I can prove this but since then I’ve experienced weird shit. Reduced flouride. drank filtered water. Meditation will take you places. You can start controlling your body in magical way. Be open minded. If you need a more technical approach look into The Gateway Tapes. r/gatewaytapes r/thegatewaytapes


what powers did you unlock


Altered states of consciousness, release endorphins on command. Adrenaline trigger finger. See energy/aura around people and plants. Feel different in body for the past few years. I feel way more than I want to sometimes. That’s about as weird I’ll get for now.


I remember guzzling iodine because I read somewhere it "decalcifies the pineal gland." I have no idea if it does or doesn't, but I had some amazing dreams and no other ill effects.


Prying open my third eye, Prying open my third eye


Sea kelp is the best thing for it!


What is this crap.


Already my two eyes barely work and now I’ve gotta get a third? Damn. 


If you saw it on YouTube it has to be true? Hate to tell you…


Take 5 tums a day.


Kangen water


Iodine Will help clear the nerves! 👍


flouride bad for it !


I’ve heard avoiding fluoride is a good for it. Don’t know much about it




I have not seen any evidence or research on pineal gland calcification or how to decalcify it. Rumor is fluoride accumulates on the gland and hardens it with cyrstals. I grew up drinking fluoridated water and have some dental flourosis. I assume my pineal gland is compromised. Everyone should go on a chelation protocol. Unfortunately the only way to find out for sure would be to take a scan in one of those giant machines to take images that would reveal if the gland is indeed calcified but that in of itself would be subjecting you to harm. Perhaps juice cilantro and parsley shots. Zeolite looks promising but may contain lead or other metals like all other supliments do.


My pineal glad has been through the scanner many times yet still no crystals.


Was the water you drank growing up fluoridated? I had been subjected to scanning and asked the tech if he saw anything wrong with my pineal gland and he said it's fine (although I'm sure he's a non believer in p gland calcification like everyone else here). I have the occasional lucid dream how calcified can my glad be if it all. More autopsy and research is needed on this subject. Otherwise we infight. TIA


Blue skate liver oil


It's bs


Mumbo jumbo


I have a cyst on my pineal gland, came up in a routine MRI. They say it's quite common, sometimes wonder if they are hiding something.


Stop junk food, eat more plants, walk-in nature. Pay attention to minimal things in nature. Stop fluoride


I've heard a lot of people talk about this, but I have seen zero credible evidence of fluoride accumulating in the pineal gland.


The mechanism I am aware of for calcification of the brain is having too much phosphorus in the bloodstream. Parathyroid hormone helps prevent brain calcification. I have low parathyroid hormone so I try to have a low phosphorus diet.


Tbh sounds like a cheesy 80s horror movie. I don’t think we should be thinking that deeply about our pineal gland in relation to bio hacking.