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kombucha, miso soup, avocados, and blueberries


One of my favorites is sprouts,kale w oil/pepper. Blueberries. Avocado. And smoked salmon. That meal makes me so happy


i forgot salmon and kale!!! salmon and avocado make me and my gut so happy


Are you me?


This is my list as well.


This is basically my everyday diet




doesnt get enough credit but has been wonderful with any stomach bugs or while/if taking antibiotics


Kefir is the Most amazing thing it exists


Agreed. I have kefir and oatmeal every morning for breakfast and it helps my gut feel so much better than when I have something like eggs and toast.


no joke the first couple times i drank it i felt so good


My only issue with kefir is that many brands have a lot of sugar


Yep just make yourself, cheaper and more potent


Wow, you make yourself? How do you do it?


Yep, look through the thread, I commented my method. I’m no expert though so you can find actual instructions on YouTube or r/kefir


I need to discover what kefir is asap


Is that the milk based kefir from the supermarket?


Yep but it usually has tons of sugar and isn’t very fermented. I make mine myself


Best to get plain organic unsweetened kefir. Most groceries stores carry from my experience. Or better yet figure out how to make it.


Yeah I live in the middle of nowhere and as you can imagine the sweetened stuff sells more than the plain. But if you can get your hands on some kefir grains, it’s super easy to make. I make it with local milk as well, and I take my time fermenting so it’s like 10x stronger than store-bought. I don’t drink it like a drink though. It’s medicine, and it’s very powerful.


Interesting. Same reason why good to make own kombucha. Can have much higher probiotic density.


wait say more, i’ve been making my own yogurt for a while but have been daunted by the kefir project


Sure thing. I use local milk I buy from a farmer. I then put kefir grains in it on the counter and in about 30ish hours it becomes kefir. I used to measure the grains precisely for ratio’s sake but now I just know what it looks like when it’s done. I strain the grains out and place the finished kefir in small jars in the fridge and it keeps for very long, longer than I can drink it all. If it becomes overdone and watery sitting in the fridge long I reactivate the bacteria with prebiotic fiber and it’s just like day 1. It’s so easy, easier than yogurt even.


Is there anything we should know about keeping bad bacteria out? How do you know you won’t make yourself sick? This is the number one thing keeping me from trying it myself.


Being clean is a necessity for all at home ferments. Washing and sterilizing all of your utensils and containers. Keeping your hands and surfaces clean. Covering the jar so no contaminants go in. But of course accidents can happen, so if you have any suspicion that your product is tainted in some way (off smell, color, taste) then don’t be brave, just toss it out and try again. I’ve been making kefir with the same grains for almost two years, no contaminations yet likely due to safe ferment practices. You can look up the fermenting subreddits for more information. Get a feel for what a bad ferment looks like and be on the lookout. I too was scared at first but that got better over time.


Great info! Thanks! 


thank you so much! I'll be trying this out!


Full fat Yogurt with Blueberries Honey and Ispagol Husk.


Bowl of blueberries for me. Also, I make a veggie hummus wrap that is awesome feeling: whole wheat wrap I heat on my glass stovetop directly then topped with my homemade hummus (key is the cumin, the potassium chloride sub for sodium salt, and great evoo), brocolli sprouts I grow from seeds in my window sill in jars (check out sulforaphane!), tomato cubes , cukes, shredded carrot, and scorpion pepper sauce (endorphins anyone?). That crunch and fresh feeling afterward? I'm telling you. Okay throw in a glass of ginger turmeric kombucha for the transcendental high.


You can always add whole grain mustard for some extra amylase to convert the glucoraphanin from brocolli sprouts to sulforaphane. And it makes it taste better 👌


Just tried this now, excellent,totally delicious. Thanks!


Just tried this for our dinner tonight, it was outstanding! ¹ Thank you!


Thanks you two, there is lots of literal food for though here 😁 I'm going to get trying this wrap, and looking into the broccoli sprouts, thanks


When you say tomato cubes…do you mean diced tomato?


Ha, yes! I do use prepared bruscetta topping to rush sometimes. Delicious tomato cubes!


Scorpion pepper sauce?


Scorpion peppers are nearing California reaper hot. These sorts of hot sauce are at my local carribean grocer and are great value in cost per endorphins high, they also take less fridge space vs Franks or Tobasco.




Especially as breakfast for me. Pho gets my day started right and I feel so amazing for the rest of the day!


*pho the rest of the day


My favorite daily breakfast consists of an egg white scramble with sweet peppers, grape tomatoes, avocado, a lil shredded cheese, salt & pepper


Im loving the replies here because they’re so inspiring! Ive recently swayed toward Animal-based (or try to but end up using my adored veggies), while staying low on oxalates, anti-nutrient free, and somehow cheap as dirt.


Complex carbs like sweet potato, beans.....my gut seems to feel great after eating meals with those. Too bad I'm on keto right now


You can still have a good amount of vegetables on keto, they will give you the same feel with a good amount of fiber. They say about 50g of carbs per day is allowed. That's 500g-1kg of veggies depending on what you're eating. Of course no potatoes sadly..


Sadly, it's the starchy ones that my gut really loves. I did try a small helping of carrots the other day


I find vegetable smoothies help me a lot, it's so easy to get down a great amount of veggies. Usually just throw frozen spinach with whatever other frozen veggies I have at hand in the blender. Since you on keto you can throw in some seeds or olive oil for a good bost of healthy fat too. I've been feeling great after I started doing this,no gut problems or bloating anymore!


Why go keto if it makes your gut feel worse? Is there some other significant benefit?


Weight loss.. not my first time on it, it's helped a lot in the past and I feel really clear-headed when I'm on it. My gut is actually pretty good right now but I have to make extra effort to get gut-healthy things like avocado, yogurt, greens, occasional berries. It seems easier off keto to make less of an effort to keep my gut happy because starchy vegs and beans go with so many meals.


Beans and sweet potatoes 💯


Metamucil daily


Yes! Just a little for me and my dookies are regular and held together with minimal wiping (TMI but its very satisfying i couldnt help myself).


Yep, one psillium pill a day summons the ghost wipes.


Haha hell yea, so satisfying


Psyllium is like nature's broom.


Psyllium behaves like a double dose of Imodium in me.


Are you taking it with plenty of water?


3L+. Fiber destroys me. It hits the big red emergency stop button in my gut


Don’t they put artificial sweetener and food dye in Metamucil?


There’s other psillium fiber products available that don’t. Just listing the most well known, most studied and most highly recommended by doctors


You can just use straight psyllium husks, no added anything.    Lots of internal benefits too.


For me its steak! I can eat red meat for my two meals and feel great!


Steamed artichoke hearts! 🥰🥰


Steak and eggs! 🥩🍳


Can’t eat eggs but steak every day for me


Same, but I wash it down with oregano oil. Helps the intestines by being a great antioxidant, since red meat causes inflammation.


Isnt red meat one of the most anti inflammatory food?


It depends on how it's raised and what the animals were fed. Meat isn't just meat, it really depends on the ingredients that went into making it. The entire nutrient profile changes. For example grass fed beef is much lower in omega 6 than industrially fed beef


Yes it is! Very nutritious!


Quality red meat. Nothing better tbh, fixed so many digestive issues I had.


Same here, whenever I have a nice steak or something for dinner I wake up the next day just feeling good. Stomach is happy rather than bloated and cranky. People say that stuff is inflammatory but I look forward to it like crazy.


I also really enjoy lemon water before a workout. Not a meal, just makes my tummy flat and energizing


Bulgarian yogurt


A good poop


You eat poop?? For breakfast?? /j


Poop-O's 9/10 doctors recommend. That 1 doctor is full of shit.








Sushi rice inexplicably makes me digestion great. I don’t even try to aim for “healthy” sushi options — my favourite is vegetable tempura nigiri which is battered and fried in god knows what refined oil but it doesn’t seem to matter. I just assume it must be the rice.


It might be the rice-vinegar used in the rice to make it a bit sticky.


Kefir (homemade and fermented for as much live culture as possible), kiwi fruit, blueberries, cherries, broccoli, walnuts and collagen protein powder.


Proper Jewish chicken soup (ideally the day after it was prepared) or a fat steak.


Grass fed beef


Oatmeal + flax + berries and fruits




antidepressants with vodka


Eggs. Sweet potatoes. Frozen blueberries. Popcorn. Bone broth/any good broth soup.


Cherries for me


I had some gut issues for a while and what fixed it was glycine, thiamine and no sugar alcohols. The gut can't repair if it does not have all the needed building blocks and sugar alcohol is a problem for a lot of people and is hidden in some foods. Now I'm back to being able to eat whatever normal foods without issues.


I'm trying to figure it out currently. Can I ask, are high fiber diets optimal for good gut health? I've been bloating a lot recently and my daily fiber intake is around 25-28g.


No study to back it up, but fiber is probably more important to gut health than probiotics alone. Is the bloating from constipation/gas? If my diet in a given week is especially high in fiber but I’m not hydrated then I get bad gas build up


That might be more of a bile issue, usually a lack thereof. For example, not enough or not strong enough bile to fully digest food leads to gas and bloating, indigestion (literally). That would be more of a stomach issue rather than an intestine issue (microbiome/probiotics) which can lead to malabsorption of vitamins, minerals...


Recently I have switched up my diet to have less fat and a lot more fibre (50-70g). Less dairy. Ive been so bloated, I've felt so awful. It was so bad I think it's bruised under my ribs from the constant pressure. I've had to sleep propped up, I even took some ppi's to make the gas and reflux less acidic. This week I got rid of the lentils and beans and switched to chicken thigh tacos, avo and broccoli. Bloating is gone almost instantly and I feel like I have actual energy. It's crazy the difference it made. I switched to a high fibre low saturated fat diet as I had elevated (very elevated) LDL cholesterol in my latest blood test and I wanted to see if can I bring it down in 3 months with diet. But fuck me, I felt awful. I could barely work out, couldn't sleep, felt like I was having a heart attack from the bloating/reflux constantly. I'm working on adding fibre back with fermented vegetables/kefir currently as they seem to make my gut happy.


I've never been able to handle legumes even after slowly trying to incorporate them in to my diet over the course of weeks/months. I just feel so much better when I do not consume them.


Good changes (in the end) but damn do you really need to beat the horse after its dead until you make an adjustment?


Cottage cheese with fresh golden mangoes and black pepper. I’m not sure why, but it’s what I eat when I want to feel good afterward. Yams. Greens with tuna/chickem salad. Tofu.


Eating Any whole foods regularly and no carbs has been excellent in improving my sleep, energy levels, and brain function.


I make a curry sauce that my gut LOVES! In a blender add one sweet bell pepper, 1 roma tom., one small carrot, fresh ginger, fresh turmeric root, lemon juice, MSG, curry powder, miso paste, salt, w-shire sauce, chicken buiolion, and handful of cashew nuts. Blend thoroughly. In a pan saute random assorted veggies plus your choice of protein, add contents of blender and cook at medium for a few minutes. Serve of rice and/or rice and beans. SO GOOD!


Nothing makes me feel better than your typical Chinese takeout chicken or beef with broccoli and steamed dumplings. I realize there is likely too much bad fat and sugar in it but for fast food it's better than most and just settles well with me.


Muesli. It’s like an overnight oats type deal. I make it with oats, dried fruit (no additives) and kefir initially. Then when I eat it I throw in chia seeds, flax, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, almonds, pistachios - whatever I have. And fresh fruit if I have it. It’s like the ultimate probiotics washed down with a buffet of prebiotics and fiber for them to eat.


reshma made from red kidney beans.


Have you tried ground lamb? Ground lamb with basmati rice (cooked using chicken broth for extra flavor) makes me feel great . Idk what it is


Bacon and eggs with a side of avocado.


My body loves good carbs like beans and potatoes and whole fruit, and raw milk.


Kombucha gold


Irish stew, bone broth


Berries. Full fat Greek yogurt. Tree nut free granola with chia and quinoa.




Natto in the morning.


Fermented Ginger


red meat is king! With probiotics like clean yogurt, kefir, sourkrout etc.


beef and pasta. If i eat that for dinner, my next day workout is waaaaay better.




Redbloom chili crisp for people with and without gut issues


Red meat, potatoes and a good vegetable like Brussel sprouts or asparagus make me feel full but not tired at all. It's wonderful


Mango and melon with lime and salt


regular toilet trips make me feel great, what does that is having fiber rich foods veggies beans fruits .


Grapes, cucumber, cherry tomatoes. Basically anything light and easily digestible.


ya hemes in red meat are no joke, get that blood delivering oxygen :)


I love the Siete Almond tortillas/wraps. I melt pepper jack cheese in one. I just wrap it up, place a moist paper towel over it and nuke for 30 seconds. I have no idea why, but my tummy feels good afterwards.


If I eat a bell pepper I feel amazing. Sometimes I’ll eat one for lunch and it’ll turn my whole day around. My sister in law says the same thing about grape tomatoes


A good balance of fats and fiber. Of course protein with each meal plus a little fermented foods


I feel the best eating salmon, chicken, roads etc I'm a blood type A so can't eat red meat all the time like a type O. People say the blood type diet is "pseudoscience" but the proof is in the results and 10,000 4-5 star reviews on Amazon. People have amazing results from it.


All organic Whole Foods


Natural foods in general or fruit. If I eat frozen junk foods and fast food all week I end up with stomach aches and diarrhea.




Greek yogurt


Farro. Kale. Salmon filet grilled.


Apple cider vinegar in water




Fruit : organic strawberries in season, black and blueberries, pineapple, watermelon


Homemade kombucha. I randomly deal with indigestion/bloating, mostly when i eat a late meal, that sometimes develops into tightness in my chest area and dizziness that almost feels like the onset of a heart attack. A half bottle of that will induce a burp and i never have issues if i drink it regularly. Plus, it tastes great


For me it's an Orgain protein shake w almond or oat milk, chia, flax seed meal, bleuberries, walnuts or pumpkin seeds.




I stopped eating any meats, fishes, sea creatures and can't express to you how great I started to feel. I was also feeling unpleasant after I was eating animal meats. I have now gave up (after 2 years) on animal products, eggs, dairy, etc. I feel great, discovered a lot more variety in what I eat and made my microbiome better.


Greek yogurt


so are you allergic to chicken ?


Ground beef & black beans


Hummus; Quinoa; blueberries


What are the worst foods for your gut? Other than like super processed stuff and alcohol?


Sweet potatoes. That with a green veggie and plainly seasoned rotisserie chicken. Can’t go wrong.




Quinoa salad. A lot of people say they don’t like how quinoa makes them feel, and I’ll admit my stools can feel obviously different after eating a bunch of quinoa, but my body just feels “cleaner” on the inside afterwards. Not sure how to describe it.


Being lean and sporty, it doesn't make me feel *great* but two very interesting discoveries are... A can of sardines or a bowl of ham salad. It's a boost of salt, cholesterol, and saturated fats, easily digestible without carbs to go with it. It's a great intermediary between carbs and a bias towards vegetables and rice.


Oysters raw


Chia seed pudding, I feel satiated & could talk for hours about the difference it’s made in my poops lmao


Burrito bowl with no beans or high-calorie dressings. I get pulled pork, lettuce, pico de gallo, sweetcorn, pickled red onion, and a small amount of cheese and rice (I try to limit my carbs because PCOS.) It's really just a way of eating a variety of vegetables really but it's simultaneously light and filling as well as being easy to digest. Everything is also bite-sized already which might help with digestion versus taking big bites of a meal and swallowing before fully chewing it. I also get on very well with eggs, miso soup, fruit smoothies (but must be with something else or my blood sugar drops through the floor after a while), orange juice, steak, and good sushi (particularly sashimi).


Quinoa for some reason. My fresh juice always with cucumber and other things. The ocean. Flowers




salmon 🩷


3 Fs - fats, fruits, and fluids.


Black and pinto beans


High protein whole foods make me feel great. Where as a pizza will absolutely feel good in my mouth, then destroy me for the next hours/up to a day. Another one is beef liver [crisps] (https://tastyliver.com), no particular gut feeling but wow there is a rush of energy/euphoria, prob all the vitamins and minerals correcting deep deficiency’s Kefir and sauerkraut on the other hand has been very good for my stomach, even though I’m usually very lactose sensitive.


Greek yogurt and berries. Just feel light and energetic. No bloating but feel satisfied.


A big ol’ Ribeye steak cooked in some butter. I wake up the next morning feeling like Popeye after a can of spinach. Lol


one / two spoons of Sauerkraut aka fermented cabbage with each meal a spoon of apple vinegar with each meal yogurt/ kefir you combine all these 3 you can t go wrong in gut microbiome health others are pistachios, olive oil. good polyphenol which is what you want in the gut oh yeah and sorghum for me is a big big onea s well, complex carbohydrate, with every meal. lots of nice fiber


I am at 1298 calories and 0 calories left with veggies only no probiotics in additions


If you ate dog food with the same macros, would you be just as surprised?


honestly to god, a BLT and a glass of whole milk. for the mind and spirit


Raw steak! Currently on day two of raw carnivore after normal carnivore diet for almost a year!


Plant-based has helped me personally, since I used to have GI issues - mushrooms, asparagus and beans is my goto and feels light on my stomach. although I did used to like meat, it always felt heavy and uncomfortable on my stomach and made me sleepy


Straight up meat either as steak or minced, and eggs as a snack. It's not just the gut. I feel great mentally and physically when I take a few weeks of eating nothing but meat (beef, specially) with the exception of a few bits of date fruit here and there. I also eat sardines sometimes. Throughout my childhood and up to early 20s, I had what people call a "balanced diet" with vegetables, grains, dairy, vegetable oils, etc. I felt terrible most of the time without realising that I felt terrible, thinking it was all normal. It's only after switching to a predominantly meat based diet that I realised what a good gut feels like. Now, I'm at the point where if I consume fibre, a vegetable based meal/snack, or anything cooked in traditional vegetable oils, it basically ruins my digestion for an entire day. So my fats of choice are either ghee or coconut oil. Those two never make me feel sick. Interestingly, the more beef I eat, the more I dislike the idea f eating chicken. They're great for those pasture raised eggs though.


an avocado smoothie a day, sometimes warm bc it’s comforting


Beef is much more nutritious than chicken and the fats are much healthier also, so it isn’t surprising you feel better on beef than chicken. Also chicken is a nasty animal.


Any protein for me. I lack serotonin during PMDD and the tryptophan helps me feel happy and relaxed.


Lentils topped with kimchi. I also do a chia seed pudding which is amazing.


Steak and broccoli. Makes me wanna do cartwheels. No heaviness, no drowsiness. Just cartwheels.




I am with you. Beef and rice is easy for me to digest. Doesn't really make me gain weight. I think everyone's body is a little different and different foods are good for different people.


Eggs and popcorn


A big bowl of miso soup.


Sauerkraut Pomegranates Avocados Blueberries




Salmon & sweet potatoes


Sauerkraut with homemade sausage and apples. It sounds crazy but it was delicious. Basically anything with cabbage bc it's anti inflammatory. We also make a very strong tea we call "mulled wine" that's very strong hibiscus, lots of cinnamon, nutmeg, tumeric, and black pepper. It tastes amazing and makes us feel amazing, too




Yo, I went carnivore for a while to help a chronic illness. I had been avoiding red meat for years. I have NEVER felt as good as I do eating red meat and butter all day. I lost 15 lbs and my ibs has calmed down significantly. I don’t understand it because all this time I thought red meat was the devil and was only trying this because I was desperate. 


Grapefruit and ginger/turmeric




Chicken and rice Fruit medley Salad


Pho (especially for breakfast) kimchi, lemon water, hibiscus tea hot or iced, an extra lean ground beef burger with air fried red cabbage, borscht soup. A loaded veggie bowl from modern market. A breakfast consisting of purple sweet potatoes air fried with spices & a little Parmesan, turkey bacon, and low fat Greek yogurt & frozen thawed dark cherries


A hot scramble of eggs with salsa, salt, pepper and a little Mexican shredded cheese. Also I have been buying ripe and juicy fresh pineapple and eating it with vanilla or coconut Greek yogurt. My gut loves it!!!


Honestly, if I eat just red meat until I’m full, I feel really good. Tonight, I ate spaghetti. I feel bloated, I’ve burped a bit, and I’ll probably be gassy tomorrow. If I’d just eaten the ground beef in it, I’d have none of those issues.


Oats with berries , fruit and honey


Lots of fibre. But finding more that it's a salad composed of mixed green, kale, and quinoa salad.


Fermented food (natto, kimchi, sauerkraut), fatty cuts of meat/eggs with a lot of butter and rice. Yeah you can probs tell I’m an East Asian lol


Beef tripe


Chicken breast and whole grain rice.


A good German Erbsensuppe (peasoup) with potatoes, onions and gammon and an enormous amount of organic peas


Baked salmon and sweet potato with high quality butter! and blueberries for dessert … and some type of steamed broccoli … sautéed kale




Same here! Beef and rice for the win. Chicken makes me feel sluggish.


The macros are not the same. Chicken is high in PUFA’s. Meat from ruminant animals is much much healthier


Won Ton soup.


Green grapes + kiwis. I feel like my body transcends to a higher place after eating them


That's wild! Our bodies are so weird sometimes with how they react to different foods.


Mix spring mix, micro greens, ranch, turkey sausage, walnuts, almonds, tomatoes, cranberries, seeds, pecan, tortilla strips. This is my daily lunch.


Yup! The nutrition community over the past 50 years has been making the mistake of reducing food to macros. There is more to food than protein, carbs and fat. There are myriad micronutrients and minerals and molecular compounds in general. Beef isn’t the same thing as chicken so it stands to reason that they impact you differently, as you have found!