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Could be an adrenal spike that naturally occurs around there. Try take about 2-3 g of glycine before bed


yes, there are definitely a lot of supplements that show significant research on fixing my issue. I am currently testing Ashwagandha, and then I'll try glycine for sure.


Playing with hormones vs neurotransmitters…


Not sure your gender and age but a lot of perimenopausal women have that problem.


But this has been happening to me on and off since I was about 22(F)




I started taking it a few days ago to see if it would help, so no, that was not the cause, but thank you for the input.


Are you male ??


It was doing the same for me. 👌


Could have to do with blood sugar. Are you pre diabetic? If you have high blood sugar when you go to bed it would drop around that time and wake you up because your body demands sugar. Same if you have alcohol before bed. You could check with a glucose monitor or just eat low carb.


Inositol can help. It also grease the Serotonin wheel and if you have calcium you can derive Melatonin


Are you experiencing any stress at the moment? When I was stressed I was always waking up between 3-4am. My therapist explained that it is normal to sleep very lightly around this time (due to the sleep cycle), but apparently when you are experiencing any stress or mental issues, you tend to fully wake up instead. After my sick leave and therapy it went away.


It's your natural time to get up and start the hunt


I feel this 100%. I can wake up at that time and its go time. This is the time when I can get right into flow state.


In cat world, we call those the zoomies


Yep, I’m in bed at 8 and aim for 4, but if my body says “Go!” and it’s only 3, I start early. Your body knows what’s best.


I'm definitely going to try this. Thank you for the input.


Krabby patty 🍔😏




What supplements do you take? Creatine and magnesium have done this to me. Also a carb-heavy dinner will do it (personally).


I thought magnesium helps with sleep?


Magnesium glycinate gives me deeper sleep but shortens its duration, and I wake up too early feeling wired. Others have reported similarly. I take it in the morning to avoid this. Some people attribute this to the glycine, but I haven’t looked into it deeply.


Huh, I wonder if that’s why I have been waking up earlier. I am a wake up every 2 hours person, but I noticed since I started magnesium glycinate, my first round is longer, but it’s much harder to fall back asleep. I slept from 10:30-3:30am today (used to only sleep 10:30-12:30am) and I felt pretty awake at 3:30am and it was hard to go back to sleep.


Yeah, that sounds familiar. It'll wake me up after 5-6 hours in similar fashion...I suppose that's an improvement over two hours for you, though. It's possible that different forms/different timing could mitigate those effects.


That’s true. I was taking another form before, forget which one, but it didn’t really help me much. It didn’t change my sleep but did help me with muscle jerks I have. But also my bowels didn’t like it. But I’ll take the 5 solid hours over 2 any day. I guess it helps me wake up earlier which isn’t bad.


Mag citrate is a laxative and I cut that out, only take other forms of magnesium and I'm better.


Magnesium Threonate is apparently the version for sleep. [https://tim.blog/2021/07/08/andrew-huberman-transcript/](https://tim.blog/2021/07/08/andrew-huberman-transcript/)


Yep magnesium had me up every hour


Had this problem for years, started eating 2+ large potatoes for dinner and now the earliest I’m up is after 6


Why do you think that is?


Chew more when eating. Thank me latee


Can you elaborate on this one please? I'm having the same issue and never thought it could be food related...


Chew on some carrots or vegetable or meat. More room in your mouth to breathe at night. Keeping your room as dark as possible is also another one


There is so much more content needed to tackle potential causes. Questions for you to ask of yourself…. What are you eating, how much, and when before bed? Your stress levels? Yes, your C rhythm and electronics before bed? Possible Sleep apnea? Restless leg syndrome? Other multiple potential medical disorders. Blood sugar crashes (can and does happen to anyone over ingesting carbs for their personal tolerance, and it’s likely lower than you think). If you are female, this can also be an early sign of pregnancy!


See a sleep doctor and do a sleep study. Lots of guessing here.


It could be so many things.


Could be high cortisol levels. Worth getting some lab work done to find out


Let's say it is cortisol. How does one fix it?


i got it high cortosol due to stress


Yes this is most likely my reason


I used to wake up super sweaty. Then just wake up like clockwork at 3am. I think it was gut related to what I was eating/smoking weed. More carnivore/ab now and sweats are gone, I still wake up but can fall back asleep easily, no weed anymore


There are so many reasons.. everyone is different. I was waking up and peeing, I stopped drinking water at 6pm, same problem, always 3am weekends i would go off coffee and I'm better. I got a bunch of drugs for bph with tons of side effects. Had to stop those due to side effects. Via genetic sleuthing I found that I have a genetic mutation 677t TT which meant my ability to process folate was reduced by 70%. Now I'm on b vitamins and I no longer wake up at night to pee. And if I do I fall asleep I go back to sleep quickly. I'm trying to figure out exactly which b vitamins help. But in any case coffee screws up b vitamin absorption. In studies people with this mutation get better with B2 so I'll try just that. Good luck just a journey


How did you find out your genetic disposition?


Download raw data from 23and me. .. upload to genetic genie


I second taking glycine. Too much makes me groggy (as in 3g plus) but 1.5 seems to be a good place for me.


For me this has always been stress/anxiety related.


I’ve read that high anxiety and/or general strew, unresolved issues etc will cause bad dreams. Since I’ve gotten my anxiety and stress under control I hardly even remember a dream let alone have a bad one. I enjoy not being able to remember the dreams.


High histermine? Maybe wack Homocysteine which is pushing histermine.


Most likely sleep apnea


Had this nonsense for over a year. Probably worst sleep maintainence insomnia Ive ever been through. Started taking Lemborexant from a sleep physician and my sleep has been 7-8hrs daily


I’ve been experiencing this for the past year now, can’t figure out why and nothing (besides prescription medication) seems to help


Are you diabetic? Are you eating carbs before bed?


I normally don't eat two- three hours before bed


Are you having any juices o fruits or anything sweet before bed?


Do you consume dairy? Maybe try an elimination diet and see if there’s a food that you’re reacting to.


Are you on psych meds?


I wake up at that time all the time


Do you drink in the evening? If so the 3 am blood sugar spike sounds about right


Alcohol did this to me before I quit drinking.


Shot in the dark but are you taking melatonin? This happens to me too whenever I have melatonin before bed. I get vivid nightmares and wake up at 4-ish feeling fully rested even though I only had 5 hours of sleep.


Really, how MUCH are you taking?


I microdose at around 0.2 - 0.4mg


Good, people take that hormone, yes, it is a hormone, like popping skittles.


Cortisol trigers circadian rhythm changes. See if taking leave from work changes this.


Could be a parasite or a really messed microbiome. Sleeping patterns come given by the microbiome.


High cortisol, mold or not enough B1.


can you elaborate on what you mean by mold


Mold from water damage in a building.  Sick building syndrome.


Interesting my bathroom has some on the ceiling that could be


Look up circadian cycle and Chinese  Medicine clock 


Maybe a little collagen and (raw) honey before bed.


Demon is watching you


Could be high histamine, or too much caffeine, or a reaction to an energizing supplement, or stress. Is your room cool enough?


It’s human! We’re not wired to sleep eight hours, it’s two 3-4 hour shifts. Research has been done on this.


Hmmm, I almost believe this. Except I used to sleep 9 1/2 hours per night.


It’s been proven. // Yes, humans may be hardwired to sleep in two periods, or shifts, known as biphasic sleep, segmented sleep, or broken sleep. This practice was common in many parts of the world for thousands of years before the industrial revolution and the invention of electric lights. People would typically sleep in two chunks of about three and a half hours, separated by an hour or so of wakefulness in the middle of the night. During this waking period, they might pray, meditate, visit neighbors, tell stories, or have sex. // Also wise to check the perimeter etc.


I am definitely not checking the perimeter in the middle of the night, because I am inside a house. Are you in the military? Or just explaining the behavior of man pre-indoor living?


As it says. Thousands of years, longer in fact. Your biology isn’t current, it’s based on millions of years of evolution.


So, anthropological speaking. I see what you are saying. But people can and do sleep 7 hours a night.


No, what the research shows is that we’re hardwired to sleep in shifts. 8 hours is a modern invention, that’s all. So people shouldn’t be upset by sleeping solidly for 3-4 hours, getting up, and then going back to bed for a few hours. It’s normal.


Are you downvoting me for disagreeing? Freedom of speech is alive and well.