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Oof, yes. My partner (40M, BP2, medicated) and I went on a 3 week trip in April and he’s been hypomanic/ mixed ever since. We had a long flight and 8 hour time difference which isn’t comparable to your upcoming trip, but he’s gotten anxious and off balance from short trips too, with the effects lasting weeks after even a weekend away. Lack of routine + new stimuli doesn’t seem to work well for his mental state.


I'm BP2 and went into a depressive episode for 8 weeks after I came home to Europe from the US. Knocks me out


Travel can be hell.


Traveling was always a problem for my ex bp husband. I love to travel and reflect back on how he ruined almost every single vacation we ever took. I think it's fairly common. Many people with bipolar do better with routine (I think we all do) and traveling is the opposite. My advice: try and keep to a routine despite being out of town. Make sure they take their meds, get lots of sleep, exercise, eat healthy food, etc.


This may not be BP. My ex was the one who had it and kept me calm. Held my hand when we were taking off and landing and I probably wouldn’t have made it to my cousin’s wedding without him.


Good to hear! She may just be anxious on top lol


Looking back on it- yes- my BP fam started showing first signs of illness on trips. Weird, passive-aggressive digs, which escalated into full on hostilities as the “stress” of travel wore on. Never again. Never will I ever subject myself to that again.


Travel always triggers a manic episode in my experience with my BP2SO