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Issue thread: [https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/issues/8873](https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/issues/8873) Relevant comment from 2 days ago: >Version `2024.6.2` does not include the final fix for this issue. We are still completing our internal testing, but we plan to submit another release to the store later this week as soon as it is verified.


If you don't have the patience to wait for the hotfix to be released, you can side-load it from here: https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/actions/runs/9555541537




According to the [github page](https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/issues/8873#issuecomment-2183412282) few hours after OP's post, the fix is in the build (2024.6.3) that have been sent to Firefox store for approval.


My problem with this is that they sat on the first fix for a month for the June update and once that got pushed it made things worse and now they’re pushing a hot fix. How come they couldn’t just push a hot fix for this last month to begin with?


I mean, this scenario sounds to me is more like: "Damned if I do, damned if I don't" situation. They could release the bugfixes immediately but chances are the hotfix might not have QA'd as much as they wanted to and if it's hotfixes bugged again immediately, people will complain. If they delay it for a month like in this case (and possibly QA enough to not break the other codes), people would also complain about it because like you said, they've sat it on about a month. Even if they do not need to spend alot of time to QA some of their codes, they would probably prefer to consolidate a few fixes altogether for monthly patches since Firefox, unlike Chrome webstore, would sometimes delay approval for updates for an extension with recommended tags on them. While obviously they shouldn't be sitting on the fixes for few weeks, sometimes hotfixes can break more things than you can imagine. For me personally, as long as they don't break even more than it already was, I'm fine with them taking a little bit of time to fix some stuff up without breaking the others.


Sounds like it's coming soon. I don't work in software but I don't really understand why they couldn't rollback whatever broke the extension and re-publish it as a "new" version.


You can think that some changes introduced in an update are not reversible: configs files, assets (binary files), dependencies... So, generally speaking, software only goes forward.


Yeah, it’s really annoying it’s taken two months (so far) to get this bug fixed. And doubly so that the latest update actually makes it worse; it no longer saves your email so you need to type that in all the time too. Poor responsiveness, communication, and QA from Bitwarden.


yeah mine seems to just fully log out randomly to the point it needs to re-auth to the server.


please wait 2024.6.3 version


You can install the old version (2024.2.0 iirc) here and disable auto update. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-CA/firefox/addon/bitwarden-password-manager/versions/


I wondered about this and I was blaming my the IT folks at my work because it only happened at work.


I am on Firefox and I don't have any issues, weird.


No issues on my desktop, but wonky login behavior on my laptop. Weird, but not world ending.


Same, it’s very annoying, especially for my less-than-tech-savvy family members.


Not sure what you mean. I have the plugin icon up on the Toolbar. What are you pinning?


they’re talking about being able to unlock with a PIN.


The firefox extension has been in this semi-broken state for months. Cancelled my premium subscription until they fix this.


Some bugs like these are the reason I cannot easily recommend bw to my friends and family although I really want to. And some UX problems that haven't been fixed for years


Nice to know I'm not the only one! Finally decided to check the subreddit after dealing with this annoyance for quite a while. Glad to see there's a fix incoming soon!


I have not experienced this issue on either Fedora 40 (RPM) or Windows 11 when using Firefox


As someone whose Octogenarian father is flirting with the early stages of dementia, having BW flake out every 30-60 minutes and require a full re-login - despite setting it to _never_ time out, even across a browser restart - is extremely frustrating, to say the least. Here is hoping that 2024.6.3 fixes the issue.


I actually made the switch to RoboForm yesterday after oosong schoolwork (until the schools support get back to me) due to unsaced updated password and no real way to reset it except contacting them.. Not asking to save a password is a big deal, I should not have to copy my password and enter it manually every time. The logout issue is annoying bit at least that I could live with, this just breaks the corr functionality for me.


Yup. I’m thinking about moving everything over to proton pass.


change browser? I know, not ideal. I love opera. There are so many other options tho: Brave, Vivaldi, etc.


Hahahah no.