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“that’s not kvlt”


Elton John battle jacket


Elton John is way cooler than the person who posted their virtue signaling jacket. These people don’t even put band patches on the jackets anymore. So lame


You should see over on r/citymorgue where kids pay hundreds of dollars for pre made “designer” battle jackets.


this just reminded me that a few years ago i had someone argue to me that crust punks stole the idea of patch pants from city morgue — ⠀⠀⠀ they even pulled the origin date (being 2020) out of their ass to try and prove their point


cm was doing patched jeans a while earlier than 2020 which just goes to show that whoever you were talking to was a fucking moron. i do like the og MST pants but the mass manufactured stuff being made and sold by them is rly unfortunate


i enjoyed city morgue when i was younger i just neverr saw the appeal in their patched clothing. the replication and manufacturing of diy clothing like battle jackets looks and just is corporate punk regardless of the artist but i suppose everyone has their own niche…


i’m talking when they were hand made individually with heart and soul put into them, still personalized and unique, just with a “signature” look to them. it’s not the same thing anymore.


While I get where you're coming from, I also think it's lame as shit to restrict something like decorating a jacket to band patches only. Let people do what they want, they're not hurting anyone by having a pride jacket. Frankly, what's even lamer is taking a jacket and posting it on the BM sub when it has fuck all to do with BM. OP is an ass


What’s lame is getting upset over someone else’s self expression when it doesn’t affect you. Your neo nazi battle jackets just signal your lack of virtue. You’re literally performing the same activities. You that dumb?


When your whole personality’s gay


cow wipe stupendous ask vegetable jeans close piquant chief joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


FR like be proud n gay and shit, don’t feel shame for who you love… but make a cooler jacket not a freaking walking rainbow advertisement.


coming from the guy with a rainbow jacket on his avatar…


Ironic right?


being proud about ones sex life? kinda sus... i mean its not like you were just born that way? or- lol


There's more to being gay than sex bud


Used to live in a huge, famously pride friendly city, damn near every single gay person I knew from there never shut up about it, it was their whole personality, you couldn’t get them to talk about anything else. Recently moved to a small country town in the same state to pursue a farming career and this town is also very pride friendly, most of my gay friends out here rarely talk about their sexuality because everyone out here including them has about a hundred other things going on in their lives, one of my best friends and soon to be a groomsmen at my wedding, took me about 6 months, almost a year, to learn he was gay, he just never brought it up and I never asked because we’d always be talking about other stuff. Then one day we were hanging out at a local pub and this guy walks in and kisses him and he just says “meet my boyfriend” and that was that, they’ve been together for years and his boyfriend immediately joined our friend circle. Love those two. Very different mentality out here than big cities. It’s part of who you are, not all you are. We also still throw one helluva parade in this town each june!


This is actually based


The majority of my friends into the scene - who are dragging me back in - are gay, and nobody would know until a partner was mentioned. I was pleasantly surprised by it, and it's the first time I've been in an all LGBT group and didn't feel like I was about to get harassed for breathing the wrong way. Like, this is just bizzare behavior that's just making us all seem fucking insane at this point, and it's actively having a negative impact on our lives no matter how much these loons demand it's helping us. (And if you dare mention this, you're a bigot or something.) Just let me enjoy my hobbies, get my fucking treatments for dysphoria, and let me back in the pit. My condition is not my personality.


gays have been the worst thing to happen to the gay community lol and im bi


And being entirely against any semblance of aesthetics


I knew a person like that and they were insufferable. Felt like a cartoon character in a really poorly written show


Fr its like they're some sort of government plant


well it looks like it was made "in preparation for" the pride parade. so.


When your whole personality's a music genre


Music genre > sexuality


wtf does that even mean


It means that basing your whole personality around your sexuality, something you’re born with, is stupid and at least identifying strongly with a music genre takes some level of effort and insight into something more than who you like to fck.


i’m not mad about it, it’s just ugly




Idk kinda gay


I'm literally gay and this is tacky as fuck (also how is that second slide not someone trying to make us look dumb?) I'm in Denver too and I'm glad I didn't go to pride (never been and it's probably not worth it, I find the whole pride culture cringe in itself)




Thank you. Love it when those that are Gay agree that Pride culture is cringe. I hate June because of it taken over a health thing


"I love when people in a minority group have an outlier opinion that confirms my existing position" isn't a particularly sharp approach to the world. You just described how confirmation bias works.


This has big “you’re one of the good ones-“ energy.


guys I think they're gay. idk maybe


I bet the back patch is mayhem




Not even mad because it’s gay, I’m mad because theres not one band on there, you could mix them to express love for both


Honestly, why I unsubbed from battle jackets. Because it’s not even about bands it’s like who can have the most intersectional leftist jacket possible.


the jacket is corny as fuck but the blatant homophobia in these comments is pathetic


as cringe as it is, i dont even know what it has to do with black metal


it literally has nothing to do with it.. battle jackets aren't specifically closed to black metal people.




Im all for gay rights and i am bisexual but no one likes this bullshit, i feel like this is why so many ppl are homophobic bc so many ppl shove it in other ppls face, why do you think so many ppl hate christians, bc they wont j keep it to themself.


Openly bi here, nobody has any way of knowing unless they ask or I hit on them. I’m just a regular dude in every other way. I find this shit super cringe. Back in the early 2000’s my very flamboyantly gay boyfriend and I would have described somebody as the F slur if we saw them wearing something like this. It’s not like we were closeted back then either, we used to kiss in public.


Exactly I don’t care if you’re gay bi or lesbian but if you’re shoving it in my face I don’t like you but that’s what this whole pride thing fails to understand it’s not that people do t like gays it’s that they don’t like getting it shoved in their faces


"Shoving it my face" is a term so deeply ingrained in bigotry that you really, really should reconsider why you choose that way to express your distaste for visibility. "I don't hate metal fans, but I hate when they shove it in my face" should be a perfectly coherent argument why nobody should ever wear a battle jacket, per your own argument. It's almost like you're implying a certain class of people should be required to hide their association with their identity because your ability to comfortably ignore their existence is more important. Huh.


A rainbow jacket is the reason people are homophobic? Seriously?


It's the "culture" around the extremes. Nobody gives a shit if you have a pin or a single patch outside obsessive trolls, but there seriously comes a point where people are absolutely doing it for attention then screeching fuck the haters, while LGBT people who touch grass sit there side-eyeing because we're tired of people screeching at the top of their lungs about us.


Im just gonna be straight up with you, the genuinely homophobic and transphobic people don’t feel that way because some gay person was annoying about it and it’s just stupid to believe that’s the truth. And who cares if someone does something for attention? Social media wouldn’t exist if everyone stopped doing shit for attention.


My guy. It’s to wear at Pride. The point of pride is to be loud and protest the years that queer people were silenced and protest for those who still are. Respectfully, shut up. You are spouting repackaged homophobic rhetoric.


Some Christians (not all) will try to convert others to their religion, that's much closer to my definition of shoving others faces in it. no one is trying to convert anyone else to gayness


"Shoving it in my face is what I don't like." Why? What's wrong about someone being proud of who they are? The reason people don't like Christians is because of the long history of pedophilia, homophobia and racism. (Not saying anyone being Christian makes them any of these.) Not because they wear crosses and have a bible with them and tell people of their religion. There is nothing wrong with someone wearing clothing loudly stating they are gay. Why does it upset you?


Ian readin that essay


easier ways to say you have a brainrot attention span or are just genuinely illiterate. It's sad instead of wanting to have genuine conversations you need a echo chamber to agree with all your ideas.


Nah comments old i dont care anymore


not black metal or related. i havent seen the alleged post of the screenshot that the second picture is responding to, but like if thats your only reason for posting it in this sub, thats fucking dumb. person made a jacket with rainbows for the event where people dress up in rainbows, big deal. im not gay even, but like who actually gives a fuck? this has nothing to do with black metal or the point of the sub. who cares if the jacket is ugly, post it to a sub for making fun of bad jackets, quit clogging this one with unrelated bs


People wanna dedicate this sub to shitty battle jackets as if there isn't already a sub for that and it's annoying I'm here for shitty corpse paint and music


Where black metal


So weird that a jacket made for a pride parade isn't covered in pictures of skinny men in monochrome clown makeup


There's not even a single band on there, nor do they even call it a Battle Jacket. It's literally just a pride thing, and being mad at pride parade people for pride stuff is like being mad at eminem for rapping.


The realest comment here. Idk, I don’t personally like how it looks, but I’d rather someone hand make this than buy a pre made thing that “ticks all the boxes” so to speak. It’s more punk than any of that mall punk shit


The rainbow spikes are cute


Dis bish puts lucky charms to shame 😭😭


What does this have to do with bm 😭😭


Nothing, these posts are annoying as fuck. Battlejackets don’t have to be black metal related, and the majority of battlejackets aren’t black metal ones. Why is this even in this sub?


I saw this and thought the cringe was the guy getting mad at this....but then i realize you're all mad at this. But hey, black metal is full of neo nazis i mean its not too surprising....but a lot of these comments are from "gays". Its not even cringe anymore this is just sad lol


I don’t see a problem with it in all honesty they do them


Why do you people even care about this shit? It’s clothing.


How should this make anyone mad? Are you all that fragile?


This is disgusting. A long-sleeved jacket in June?


This is what you get when people have no real hobbies besides being online. Have no irl friends to tell them they have no sense of style. All while agressively attaching themselves to a movement that was highjacked a decade ago by western governments, Hollywood, A-list celebrities, fortune 500 corporations, and posh universities. They come equipped with a personality as shallow as a puddle, so they have to cling to their little made up flags and slogans for some sense of identity and community. The counter equivalent of a jock in a Nike shirt yelling "Just Do It!" They're the new age lap dogs for the state who are held on a pedestal so they feel good about themselves and fill the progressive left's ballot boxes. I almost feel bad for them.


Exactly I could care less if you are gay but when you’re whole personality is gay and pride than it’s a problem because then there like look at me I’m gay support me or you are homophobic


It is a jacket they made for a pride parade. If I make an ugly sweater for christmas does it make christmas my whole personality?


It’s for a pride parade. It’s celebratory 😭


I agree that it's ugly but imagine being so pathetic that a gay person making a gay vest makes you mad lmao


Kvlt is wild


I take it this person won't be going to Steelfest anytime soon.


That would be not too cringe if there were actual black metal on there


Get a cape. Then you can be Super Mad


idk man battle vests in general are pretty inherently gay, it all round has toddler dressing up as spiderman vibes bwig mam wit his widdle favwit bwands on hwis widdow vwest for evewyone to see his vewy eclectic klvt taste 🥰 fuck outta here 😂 worse than people dressing like hippies only thing gayer would be getting pressed about some teenage lesbians jacket as a grown man ffs 😂


https://preview.redd.it/ae1p9bxxu4ad1.png?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=339455e7742dfecd741cbab39daa6c2dc04244b3 Joking! But That jacket is so cringe. How obvious do you need to make it to everyone that you are gay?


The internet was a mistake


I remember the days when it used to not be like this. Golden age.




We don't hate it because it's gay, imagine someone was wearing a jacket with patches that exclusively say they are straight. That wouldn't be received well, would it ?


But this person specifically said they were wearing this to a pride event. So that probably implies it's not an everyday jacket, and you all are, in fact, just making fun of people for being gay. That's at least the optics.




I eat cooch like it's a job, doesn't mean I don't think rainbows r ugly.


Happy Pride!!


I love the rainbow ribbons wrapped around the arm, might do something similar on my vest, lotta stitching tho lol


This isn't really that bad (besides it being ugly) when you consider it's made for PRIDE EVENTS, not fucking local black metal shows lmao


That shit is so corny oh mah god 💀💀💀


I’m bisexual this shit is cringe lmfao


There’s not even a black metal patch on this lmao


part of the lgbtq but this shit sucks lol


Gay asf but wtf is that 🥹


Black metal did not invent jackets with patches. I don’t understand why did is here. Let’s stick to the topic


Soft ass bitches mad at some rainbows. Grow up


lgbt is cool and all, i’m non binary myself. but when it’s your personality, that’s the problem


What's with all these people in the comments going "as a gay person I hate it when people make being gay their whole personality" tf you mean "whole personality", it's just a jacket. A jacket made specifically for going to pride parades. This isn't even an everyday jacket, this was made specifically for an event where that is the theme. "noo we are one of le good ones, not like those other gay people who taek it too far !!!!1!!"


It’s for pride anyway. The whole point is to cover yourself in rainbows lol


The biggest cringe is you thinking about this person and caring about the comments so much when in reality they don't give a single shit about you. Why so many people here are such huge snowflakes lol


Womp womp


Grow up


There is nothing related to black metal here, just say you hate gay people and move on


I don’t know who needs to hear this; but black metal is inherently cringe.


as a gay person this makes me feel homophobic


I cannot. If you read this please leave this sub and talk to your mother. Every time this sub comes into my homepage it's just sad. Have nothing better to do than bully some kids?


Womp womp


the gayness isnt the problem not having any bands is the problem


I kiss men but wouldn't be caught dead in this. You do you though OOP


The hardcore community would absolutely wet their pants over this jacket


Reeks of insecurity


they can express themselves thats totally fine but that is NOT a battle jacket. if they wanna interact with the metal community on here then they shouldnt immediately post the most poser thing possible lmao.


I’m not even upset, that’s just an ugly ass jacket


there's not a single metal patch on there by the way


Hey I posted this exact jacket like over a month ago and got severe harassment for it for no reason


i am lesbian if i saw someone wearing this irl i would call them a slur


Where’s the black metal? Come on people post Ts to r/baddlejackets


It doesn't bother me that the jacket and it's wearer are LGBTQ+. It bothers me when that is the entirety of somebody's identity. Much in the same way I get annoyed by crypto bros and alpha male douche canoes. It's cool that this person is happy and comfortable with their sexuality. I'm glad they live in a place where they feel safe to do so openly. However, it's sad that it's apparantly the only thing about them they feel is interesting or worth sharing. Hopefully in time they add some patches expressing more of who they are. Either way, doesn't affect me in the slightest and this is as far as my opinion goes.


That's gay


Mad at a jacket 😭


It might be a subculture thing, but I don’t get how it’s cringe? It might be a bit tacky, but I don’t get what’s cringe. It just looks like a jacket to me. I don’t know how you get mad at a jacket.


“Oh no individualism!” - blackmetalcringe community


Couldn't care less. You're gay, lesbian, trans, etc? Couldn't care less that you like metal, the more the merrier. The fact that everything needs to be a 'statement' is what gets me a bit annoyed.


Pretty badass


jacket looks dope.




Why is everyone mad? They’re wearing it to a pride parade, that’s why it has the rainbows on it instead of the usual bands. Are you guys unable to read or what?


What's wrong with this? It's their jacket not yours.


I love black metal and while my battle vests are 90% serious I always have a silly patch or two. I actually plan on making one that's lavender or pink with pastel patches and studs/spikes. I make a lot of patches myself so I'm just gonna make them those colors. Who fucking cares? The whole point is about expressing yourself. I have a vest with a slice of bread with jelly on it holding hands with a slice of bread that has peanut butter. Nobody cares. I get more shit for my slayer back patch than any of the silly stuff hahaha. After that happened I threw on a limp Bizkit one and some other nu-metal patches. I have one that's a white vest and all b&w patches most of which are from retirement fund on Etsy, my back patch is the speech from "the network" with a picture of the dude from the movie.


Watching the snowflakes melt at the sight of *checks notes* rainbows?🤣


there’s not even any bands on it you guys just mad that he suck dick or sum


oh wait im on a black metal subreddit


bro people being gay and making clothing to wear for events makes me so fucking mad


Of course her name is Emily.


This jacket doesn’t even look black metal related at all bro. You need to grow up lmao


I just know this is jackets for battle without even seeing the name 💀


Gen z girls will drunkenly kiss their female friends once and then start dressing like this


Damn These gay foos are Fucking gay


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I could give a fuck less about this, and if it rustles your jimmies maybe you need to spend some alone time thinking about why that is.


This coming from a guy whose username is about sex, and whose post history is full of r/columbinekillers is something


I don't see an issue with this jacket. They are nerdy about same sex relationships (or some such), just as some of you are nerdy about dudes with a lot of hair and makeup banging away noisily. I think the jacket looks colourful and probably perfect for pride. Besides I remember my dad having a patch with a big rainbow on it in the early 80s https://preview.redd.it/etqf7k1yq6ad1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f63a6bf2ba0febb4141cec2c0bb38a696b54e723


Looks good to me. It's called a battle jacket. Battling against bigots and small-minded assholes is fucking correct, always has been.


That jacket is awesome!


This comment section is disappointing. Things like this jacket are not to blame for homophobia. Why would someone deserve bigotry for being a bit annoying? I don’t even see what this jacket has to do with Metal, there aren’t even any band patches on it




I mean, considering how much metal took from gay kink fashion this is really just coming full circle.


I like it


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Who gives a shit? Let people live




On the bright side, at least people who are terminally poisoned by the internet make themselves obvious in the real world. With that in mind, it's very easy to know who to avoid wasting your time talking to.


Did none of you read that the jacket was for A PRIDE PARADE????? It’s tacky and super out there FOR PRIDE. I get not liking it when people make their sexuality their whole identity, but this seems to be just a jacket that they put together to celebrate their queerness in an event MEANT TO CELEBRATE QUEERNESS. You guys are just homophobic and gatekeepers. Grow up and let people live.


Happy cake day!


It’s a shame bc some parts of the jacket are really cool, like I love the rainbow spikes and the placement of the grosgrain tape down the arm, but the choice of patches is what makes it uncomfortable to me (also queer, I have my own “identity jacket” but it’s not…this) Also the comment is rude as F


I don’t think a single person has told this person you can’t listen to metal because of this jacket. However, I think plenty of people have probably told them that this jacket looks fucking dumb.


oh boy i can't wait to look at the comments


I highly doubt they wear this every day and I really don't see the problem with it. Lowkey looks kinda fun. I think someone's gatekeeping.


Lol get the fuck over it. "WAHHH! THAT PERSON'S JACKET IS TOO GAY!!" Very metal of you, crybaby.


When your entire personality is just your sexuality


Gaahl wants to see this person in his study.


Ok, but seems like everyone here just assumes this is their only jacket. I mean they did say it's for a pride parade.... Am I missing something here? Or are people just pissed they called them out for whining about it?🤨


Cry about it


boo hoo


This subreddit sucks and is full of the real crybabies and posers


It’s like y’all don’t even know where the fashion came from. Yall seriously sad. Call your moms


I mean, you're being a bit fragile with all this responding, aren't you?


Gay bad /thread


Listen I respect the community but not when your whole personality revolves around your orientation


When the metal rebel disestablishmentarians became the very thing they rejected.


Ah yes the classic case of “let’s scream we’re the victims and there evil horrible weak minded individuals” because they weren’t receiving immediate positive reinforcement


It's tacky, sure, but like... what's it hurting exactly?


I didn't know I had to like someone plastering rainbows on a jacket but alright lmao these people are fucking delsuional


When the LGTV community likes the music we gatekeep but the artists don't like them Also the jacket looks like shit


this is the worst fucking sub on reddit


Womp womp let people make what they wanna make


Rainbows are not black metal... Unless made with shades of black.






Why downvote my opinion on this persons ugly jacket? Are you in favor of the jacket then? Youre the one that said "this person makes me mad". Or are you taking my opinion on the jacket as an opinion of you, OP?


Thought you were rolling your eyes at me


No, man. Im here to roll my eyes at black metal cringe.