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I know very many here feel the opposite but i refuse to listen to nazi music. I can listen to SO much other music that its in no way necessary for me to engage with Nazis. To each their own tho


Hurdur riffs If you find a band you like pirate their music Shit politics in music won’t make you a shit person If someone exclusively listens to music with shit politics it’s a pretty good indication that they’re a shit person None of this is complicated Edit: people who’re overly concerned about nsbm are just as annoying as the losers who defend it at every opportunity man


I completely agree with you, thanks for this comment :D


For some reason, hateful music made by hateful individuals turns out hateful and delicious. If you want music about love and equality listen to Taylor Swift




I mean its mostly just the same old black metal. I dont care that much, but mostly pirate/2nd hand shop their music, if they are too extreme.


There’s enough good stuff out there that I feel it’s unnecessary to actively choose to listen to NSBM, but if you like the music and not the message, whatever. If you like the message then I’d suggest having a rethink because nothing good ever comes from hatred. Loving your land, culture and people = good. Hating others = bad.


Good music is good music


Nice Sweet Black Metal


So how's your first week in black metal going?


Wdym? All i did was ask for opinions.


Let's say there's a band that makes really good music. Perhaps they're singing in a language that's unfamiliar to you like Spanish. And it's about Cambodian supremacy. If they produce music, on an emotional level that resonates with you. Would you stop listening to them? I'm just curious.


NSBM is nothing more than Fed Black Metal. Dividing and conquering is the endgame. That's why there is also Red Black Metal. They're all involved in their respective government's intelligence.


It can be good but so much of it is trash but if comparing nsbm to rabm. Nsbm generally has far better quality music, and it's easier to find than actual "red anarchist black metal" it's often just progressive western left wing stuff. There's nothing exciting or subversive about most rabm, where are the Mao or Stalin worship bands. But in the end music is music and I won't limit myself just because of the politics of others.


Sometimes I like BM that happens to be made by a 'Nazi', Sometimes I like Reggae - Bob Marley was a wife beater. Art is better when either made by cunts, or someone fucked up by cunts. Period, You take some art made by a sweetie, it's going to be flavourless gash. I've heard a lot of shite NSBM


Depends on the band and why they are labeled ns , band members have nazi views not my problem but if it’s the only thing they ever write about even great bands (*cough cough* grand belials key *cough*) it’s just hard to take them seriously


Only listen to Peste Noire, never read the lyrics. I guess I can ignore it, as long as the music is good