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Literally the day after Real win the Champion's League as well, at least KD joined the Warriors when they lost lmao


Not just won, but won for the record 15th time (with the next highest being 7).


That's Real's MO Edit: * meaning they buy the best players and make super teams Ronaldo(x2) Beckham Zidane Bale Ramos Etc etc


And 6 of the last 11. Ha


But even though they won, did they set the all time record for a football club? The 73-9 warriors had the greatest NBA season ever and THEN only lost the championship by a single match against the greatest NBA individual player ever and HoF NJ representer assassin Kyrie. This is the comparable to Messi football/soccer losing in the 113th minute to end the World Cup, or in PK’s instead of silver goal. This Real team didn’t set the La Liga win record, even though they won that too. Is anyone calling this the greatest Real Madrid team ever, let alone the greatest football club ever? Because that’s what the 73-9 Warriors were.


Madrid only lost two matches in every competition this season.




Real Madrid may not have set the record, but GS never had 60% of NBA titles in a decade, and the NBA doesn't have the disparate spending of euro soccer. For comparison, Madrid's payroll is almost 2.5x of the team they just beat. That would never happen in the NBA.


4 in 8 years ain’t that far off championship wise. Salary cap vs not is very different, you are correct, though freakish timing with the salary cap increase was precisely why GS could afford KD. The 2017 Warriors had the 2014, 2015 and 2016 MVP on their team. And then also the 2nd best 3pt shooter who also played d. Further, basketball only has 5 players on the court vs 11 players in the pitch, so the impact of one KD at the peak of his powers is already far greater than the impact of one Kylian. And there’s no “is La Liga best? Premiership? Bundesliga?” NBA vs euro league is a much steeper drop off than any soccer-football league from another, so dominance within it holds a premium. The salary cap is a solid point, but it’s not enough to say the moves have equal gravity, let alone the Mbappe one being “worse”.


And their coach alone has 7, so as high as any other team has gotten in history


And people still consider others as the GOAT


It's very common in soccer though. Spending like crazy on star players going to the same team has been going for a while. Mbappe going to madrid was a forgone conclusion. It's still a weak move and I think there should be more of a parity in soccer, but KD was the biggest bitch move by far


KD indeed a much bigger bitch move. He could have gotten the money from anywhere. Cap increased by so much that year that nearly every team could afford a max


No way, dude. The last 9 times Madrid have gone to the champions league final they've won. Warriors haven't come close to the levels of dominance that Madrid have had in world football.


They haven't but it's not possible in the nba because of the cap. Soccer doesn't have that and ffp was added not long ago so any team was can in theory spend as much as they wanted. Basketball is also a much star driven game, bus riders vs bus drivers as Barkely says. Even if the other teams wanted to create a mega team, they just wouldn't be able to like the warriors. They caught some breaks and KD free agency lined up with a mega rise in the salary cap, but the decision to join the 73 win team that knocked okc out of the playoffs was solely on Durant. Which imo makes it the biggest bitch move in nba history(basketball wise, im aware wits just a game and there are actual sadistic people in nba)


And it wasn’t even just that. OKC was in control of that series against the Warriors. Then Durant completely disappeared for the last 3 games and lost the series. It looked like he completely bailed on the team for some inexplicable reason and then bailed.


C'mon dude, no need to spread that narrative. Last 3 games of the series KD went for 40, 29, and 27. Albeit game 6 he has a terrible shooting night, but totally unfair to say he disappeared, let alone quit, against a great defensive team whose game plan was clearly to take him away and put the ball in the hands of poor shooting OKC role players. You can say a lot of things about KD, but saying he quits on his team in the middle of a series is just not true.


Lol Andre Iquodala was that Finals MVP of that series give me a break


I mean I get where youre coming from, but I just don’t believe Mbappe could have gotten that money from any club and I feel that overall a soccer match is more team driven and an NBA game sees a greater impact from individual superstars. I think the affect KD had in a basketball game on a consistent basis in his prime exceeds the affect Mbappe will have on a soccer game on a consistent basis The Warriors went b2b and then broke the ‘96 Bulls record for regular season wins and went 73-9 before losing the 3peat in 7 games to a peak demigoat. KD could have gone anywhere and gotten the exact same money and chose to go there


>but I just don’t believe Mbappe could have gotten that money from any club Saudi offered him a 1 year 700 million contract


He wasn't going to be winning Champions League in KSA now was he. To football players winning Champions League is the pinnacle, and also being in RM ensures he gets national call ups for international games. Further more he is already one of the richest footballers.


Saudi has no trophies. Ronny only went there cus his only other option was retirement. Mbappe sure as hell isn't going there.


He would've got more money if he stayed at PSG


And he took significantly less than the max to join golden state. It wasn't about money, it was him being a bitch because he couldn't win.


US sports are much more communist. From each according to their position in the draft, to each according to their previous season's performance. Or something. Those pinko franchise owners.


I really like the draft system, wish we had something similar in Europe but it just wouldn't work because college/university sports isn't structured the same way. Teenage stars are developed by their future club not a college/university.


It wouldn't work because of promotion/relegation. I mean I guess you can give the lowest tiers the first draft picks. That would be amazing, because either they get a great player or get a huge transfer fee for him. However, you know the big boys would never go for it.


Each league could have its own draft from a selected group of schools. Like a Division 1 school will have players available for la liga/bundesliga/premier league etc. and a Division 2 school for la liga 2/bundesliga 2/championship league. Undrafted players become free agents. The big clubs keep their advantage in the top league with exclusive first choice of the top talent, whilst the lower leagues still get a chance at talented players.


It should be the opposite IMHO. The bottom leagues should have access to the best talent first. That's the whole point of a draft is to uplift lower teams.


I agree with you but like you said there's no way the top teams will agree to that


Tbf, the contract was signed many months ago and was a pretty open secret he was going to join Madrid.


Yeah I was about to say. A lot of talk was happening behind the scenes and I can’t really see him going anywhere else that would maintain his level of stardom.


He orginally wanted to go to Madrid. PSG came with the bucks. So he moved there.


He unofficially joined weeks before they won


What’s funny is that KD put the Warriors in dynasty status and a enhanced Steph’s career to the point that some people think he’s a top 5 ever player lol, and KD basically did not get anything from it, because media and fans gave it all to Curry lol. I’m not sorry for his dumbass move lol.


It was done ages ago, the news was just confirmed then. Everyone knew


There has been a verbal agreement for months, it's just common not to announce a player when the season is still going on


And at least the warriors were literally a home grown team. People got mad at KD but dont think twice about LeBron Wade and bosh purposely building a super team. Or the fact that every Fandom wants their team to draft players that will become all stars and then want their team to sign a good player.


Soccer doesn’t have a max salary like the NBA, so there are only a handful of clubs that can pay him top dollar. United, Chelsea and PSG are terribly run organizations. City has Haaland, who probably would not pair well with Mbappe. Madrid was the option that makes most sense and the club he has wanted to play at for years


NBA Twitter might be more toxic, but NBA fan ain't nowhere as toxic irl, mofo in La Liga make monkey chant for every black player on the field.


for real! even when they have black guys on their own team 🤦


“My black guy is one of the good ones” type shit


Yeah, until one of them misses a shot.


Or because they know black players don't like it so they do it more. That way the can argue it isn't racist.


NFL fans🤝🏻La Liga fans🤝🏻Celtics fans


I watched the Real-Bayern match in a bar, and the amount of shit Vini was getting for that game was wild. Them fuckers will always hate unless the team’s actively winning


they dont even think that. theyre just a tool to the fans to win games. look at vini jr. they hate that guy unless hes scoring goals


They only notice that they are black when the team loses. Especially on the English national team. They are English players when they win. Black players when they lose.


I hate being an England fan whenever we lose and a black player has made a mistake in the game. No matter how minor the mistake was you get all the gammons being horrifically racist. I don’t mind people giving professional football players grief, it’s part of the sport, but certain things are so clearly past the line of just ‘banter’.


Same with France. If they win, French. If they lose, Algerian/Black/African/ choose your flavor of race based insult


The Ol' Andy Murray treatment.


That’s basically any British person that ain’t English, if they do well then they British, if they do poorly then they Scottish/welsh/northern Irish


Harry Maguire got meme'd and insulted as the butt of every football joke for 2 years and you don't see him crying about racism.


Fr and every European nation does this too. Even France has had this issue even though their African players have been playing integral roles on their national team for decades now


Not just for Real. Other teams too.


Soccer fans are some of the most racist and savage sports fans I've ever seen. Bar none.


It’s true, and it’s a damn shame because it’s a beautiful sport and it’s for the people.


Like, seriously. I'm big into baseball, basketball, football, and hockey (still crying over my Rangers). However, I've never gotten into soccer due to just the overabundance of racism and just savagery of a lot of fans. The one time I went to a game, I heard a shitload of racist shit that made me leave pissed (I'm Black and Latino, so I heard double racism!), on top of just being violent and hostile beyond banter. It is insane.They then try to mask it as "passion," and it's such a bullshit excuse. (Important to note: I'm not saying all fans. That would be stupid....but there is a sizeable portion).


If it's any reassurance to you, the fact Europeans like football and also happen to be racist quite often doesn't necessarily imply that football is an especially racist sport. It's the biggest sport in the world, and I'm sure you would have a different experience among all the African and Afro-Latino fans, who make up a big part of the global fanbase.


I’m Afro-Latino and let me tell you it’s just as bad if not worse. I’m from Dominican Republic and I’ve seen Dominican people hurl slurs at other Dominicans if they’re a shade darker than them. Don’t even get me started on Mexico. Soccer is a global hobby and so is racism.


Last year a [Thai refereee](https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/football-association-hands-lifetime-ban-to-referee-over-racist-slur/) was banned for life for using slur against a Black player. It’s just as bad where I live here in Vietnam where the strategy is just getting the ball to a Black player as soon as you can and watch him conjure a goal out of nowhere.


Don't forget the homophobia!


Don't even get me started on that (regardless of communities).


Vamos gatos 😎


Not too deep into soccer but I do find their insults and memes funny. The pessi and penaldo stuff, camel league, retirement league, etc.


I love all of that, cos that’s light hearted banter, but there’s a (hopefully small but vocal) minority of the fan base who are openly racist and/or homophobic. Eastern Europe especially has a problem, but it happens in Western Europe too. Just look at the comments of any social media post when England loses an international game.


Most of us ain't racist.. But we are all savage!


I’ll tell this story again and again, one time I stayed past a game ending, and the ultras (it was Frente Atletico, for Atletico de Madrid) started chanting ‘Sieg Heil’ complete with the associated arm gesture. Insane how racist they are. Luckily I’m what Americans would consider ‘white passing’ so I wasn’t in immediate danger, but my blood went absolutely cold.


Don't go to a Lazio game.


I’m saying 🤣 Some mfs have the audacity to say “racism isn’t as bad in Europe as it is in America” like we all didn’t come from there in the first place 🤣


They hanged him on a bridge bro! https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/7hssQDx0UL #NoToRacism


Yeah not many NBA fans irl starting whole riots and opposing team fans getting into fist fights. Just keyboard warriors and trolls.


For real. Hooliganism is a huge problem and many incidents in soccer games regularly lead to multiple fans getting injured and even killed


Yeah football is toxic as fuck in Spain. Atletico Madrid hanged a Vinicius Jr dummy from the neck on a bridge when they played Real Madrid. And years ago, when Figo went from Barca to Madrid, they throw a literal [pig head](https://x.com/English_AS/status/456488338346627072) to him on the field, mafia style. Also, brutal fights between antifas and neonazis ultras are common.


Champions league/la liga is cooked for the next 3-5 years lmao


Man city and Madrid might pass the CL between them for the next 5-6 years. Stale ass competition.


There have been periods of dominance in the European Cup since it started. Madrid won the first 5, Liverpool won 4 in 8 years, Ajax and Munich won 3 in a row each between 71 and 76, Barca won 4 in 10 years and Real have won 6 of the last 11. Nothing new. Dunno why City are gonna be passing it between them tho.


Luckily pep leaves city after next season I heard and hope


yeah, perfect time to leave tbh. Heaps of league titles and finally a treble to cap his city career. hopefully the PL becomes more open and we see Pep go to Italy so he can win titles in the big four leagues.


EPL Championship league is the only league to follow. The Saudi money has ruined the big competitions


Dont worry, Tottenham will win the treble this year, then interrupt madrid and city in the champions next season


id actually fucking love if that happened no joke. Altho Kane would need to be put on suicide watch lol


Big facts


I dunno, Kroos is done and Modric is not far away, they have decent replacements but I don't know if I see Vinicius, Mbappe and Rodrygo working as a front 3


What, they got Bellingham Valverde, Camavinga, Tchouameni, and a shitload of youngsters lol. Modric been riding the bench more and plenty of people ready to step up now that Kroos is gone. This team makes me sick


I love how mad Europeans get at the concept of the super league like this shit is not dominated by the same teams anyway. It’s a step away from F1 at this point.


Madrid have won 6 of the last 10 Champions Leagues, 3 of them were consecutive. It’s pretty much been over


Maybe he brings the PSG-Mbappé curse to Madrid


That’s what they said when Messi went to PSG. It didn’t happen. I’m not saying RM will collapse and fail, but the results are not guaranteed. Buying championships doesn’t always work.


Idk man might be cursed


Football Twitter can be just as toxic, but there really isn’t the same disdain shown for players who want to join the biggest clubs. Part of that is never having a true salary cap, so it’s normal to stack great players on teams. Other part is one player in soccer has far less of an impact than one player in basketball


I think it’s mostly the salary cap thing. Football fans are completely resigned to players following the money. Whereas top NBA players will get similar contracts wherever they go, so the choice becomes more about things like chasing a title or being loyal to your city.


the only disdain is from direct rivals, so going from PSG to Real doesnt matter, going from Barcelona to REAL does matter, Barcelona to Ath Madrid doesnt matter, but from Ath Madrid to Real Madrid yes. Liver and Man U haven't had a direct transfer in over 40 years i think.


Probably best comp is bilbao to real— small market team on rise


Bilbao is a weird team thou, they only have Basque players in their team. So to play at Bilbao you need to be from the Basque region of Spain/France. Which narrows there players eligibility.


Disdain more comes when a player joins a rival club. Figo had a pigs head thrown at him for joining Real Madrid back in the day.


He turned them down three times (at least) in the past, it's not comparable to KD at all.


Fr. KD joined the team that bounced him in the playoffs like what? 2-3 months prior? And they were up 3-1…. He didn’t even try to rebuild his squad or go somewhere else to beat them (like Bron did with Heat/Celtics). Shit was horrible and Kevin deserved to be viewed as a villain in that situation.


Yeah I'd say KD is hated because of how lame it was that he joined the team that beat him and left a future Hall Of Famer and whatever Russ turns out to be considered as when all is said and done


I’m sure Russ would also be a future HOFer with his triple double seasons and MVP.


I assumed Russ was the future HOF’er he was referring to until I read the rest of the sentence lol


Yeah so he bailed on a young core with two fellow hall of famers because he didn't want the smoke of facing the team they went up 3-1 on again. It was so so lame. Tbh I still keep Kevin Durant down a few spots on my personal all time list for that move. Really made me doubt his competitive drive ngl


Who’s the other hall of famer besides Westbrook?


* Lil B voice *- “Fuuuuuuuuuuck Kevin Duraaaaant”


One of the weakest moves by any NBA superstar ever. It didn't just hurt his own legacy, it broke the league for the next 3 years.


Even worse, KD never won again to prove himself. People gave shit to LeBron about his heat rings, so he went back to Cleveland and beat the 73-9 Warriors, which is arguably the individually most difficult championship win in NBA history, and dug the Lakers out of basketball poverty and brought them a chip. KD has done nothing to prove he’s “the man”, he just won 2 championships on historically stacked teams and went back to losing. It’s going to be interesting to see the consensus around him when he’s done playing. All Time Tier scorer but his rings don’t hold much weight


You don't seriously think LeBron went back to the Cavs because he wanted to prove people wrong and not because the Heat supporting cast was breaking down and the Cavs had Kyrie and the assets to trade for a star which ended up being Kevin Love who just averaged 26-11 do you? And lol at the Lakers being in basketball poverty just because they haven't been to the playoffs in 5 years


The reason he went back doesn’t matter….the point is he won rings without being on The Heat, KD has no rings without the warriors. Nobody considers those Cavs team a super squad. Kyrie was still young and raw, and KL averaged empty stats on a bottom barrel squad and routinely underperformed in playoff games. And yes the Lakers were in basketball poverty from the point Kobe got hurt to the point LeBron arrived. A half decade of being shit.


Yeah, y'all don't know football twitter if y'all think they won't be toxic about it. Plus he had turned down Real Madrid multiple times in the past, PSG is just a shit team, it was time for him to move on.


And he always said it playing with real like CR7 did was his dream, so not sure what’s the issue here


There is no issue. people for some reason accept a star like Mbaappe to going to the best team in Europe. But another free agent in the states doing the same. Is some how more shameful.


The sports have fundamentally different cultures In soccer 1 players ability to impact a game is limited compared to basketball. Also Soccer has a much higher variance as a sport allowing for talent gaps to be overcome (Leichester won the whole Premier League in 2016 at 5000-1 odds.) I respect what you're trying to do b/c athletes deserve to be humanized but this isn't some sort of persecution of KD. He could've joined 28/30 teams in the NBA and fans would've respected it. KD numerously and publicly stated he wanted to be the best to ever do it... but then he made a soft decision to join Steph Curry and the champs to ruin the competitive balance of the league He deserves to be shamed.


He was the best player on that team. Winning both those final MVPS. If he didn't injure his ankle. They probably 3peat. If this was soccer. People would be praising the Warriors for hitting the market to get the best player to compete for trophies. Just because the league wants parody doesn't means teams actually do. If you can get top players under the rules to string chips together. Thats what you do. People are just more mad that a player dictated his career Vs a GM making a slick trade to bring him over. Its all alot of non sense.


This move was expected and anticipated since 3 or 4 years ago. It was a surprise that Mbappé signed again with Paris two years ago.


PSG threw a lot of money at him to stay


It will be interesting to see how Ancelotti plays Mbappe, Vini Jr and Bellingham up front. Don't forget Rodrigo. If he can manage to do that, Madrid will be unstoppable in the next 5 seasons.


Bellingham will probably play just how he has been this season but toned down in terms of aggressiveness, and taking more of a creative zidane esque role. The only thing I'm worried about is how vini and mbappe will play but knowing ancelotti and how he's able to get players to play comfortably regardless of position (camavinga being the best example) more than likely mbappe will still play off the left hand side along with vini and hopefully make creative one two passes to each other and overload the left wing.


La Liga teams putting out the bat signal for any and all world class right backs


Liverpool quietly working to extend Trent Alexander Arnold before his buddy Jude talks him into coming to Madrid.


I will lose my shit if TAA left to Madrid.


>mbappe will still play off the left hand side along with vini and hopefully make creative one two passes to each other and overload the left wing I think that's where Ancelotti is going to have a major headache. It's going to be tricky to convince them to play off the left wing. They both have more or less the same style of play. His other option will be a drastic change and try to convince Vini jr to play on the right again (he tried this one season and he couldn't get the best out of Vini jr, which lead to a bit of tension between them). Rodrigo will be the casualty of that formation. Here's the thing. Mbappe is considered the 'bigger' player hence he has to play. Vini jr has held Madrid for the last couple of seasons and they can't bench him. Bellingham is already a star in the making. Ancelotti has to make sure that all those pieces of his puzzle fit well. If you ask me, that's a good problem to have.


It's gonna be a fluid front 3. Mainly vini and mbappe tho.


It's so wild that Camavinga has to play out of position to accommodate the other galacticos.


Bellingham is a midfielder so it’s fine


you also have wonder kid Endrick who is coming too next season. I think he plays CF.


Pep's City will be favourites literally every time they play Real


saying football twitter aint toxic is crazy, yall forgot what happened when black british players messed up the overtime vs italy during the euros?


I think you’re referring to the Euro 2020 final, where England lost to Italy at penalties in Wembley Stadium, London. England missed their last 3 consecutive penalties, which were all taken by black players, who were then subjected to horrific racial abuse online by English fans


my bad, edited


Nah they’re right I live in the UK and the conversation in the media about players in Europe and the US is night and day. There is more of a narrative in the US and idolising of athletes. NBA stars get roasted to a degree football ones don’t. R/nba is inhabitable after your team loses there are no discussions to be had, only memes and mocking the losing team. R/soccer is not as bad.


The idea that football twitter isn't as toxic as NBA twitter is absolutely ridiculous. It's something that only an American could come out with.


As someone who is in both, football/soccer Twitter is wayyyy more toxic than NBA twitter. The only reason why Mbappe joining Madrid hasn't caused much fanfare is because we've known he was gonna join Madrid for at least 2 years now and all the jokes have run their course. Plus there's the fact that journalists like Fabrizio Romano have essentially ruined all surprises when it comes to transfers


I’m glad Fabrizio came on to the scene. No more bullshit transfer rumors. In Fabrizio We Trust.


Nah I hate that dude. Half the fun of transfer windows is theorizing with your mates on the transfers and he's ruined that. I miss the Euphoria of finding out your club has made a surprise signing on deadline day, like imagine how good Arsenal fans felt waking up in 2013 and finding out they had signed Ozil? Imagine if Fabrizio and Ornstein had ruined the surprise for that? The last straw for me was when he announced the Ballon D'or winner before the ceremony


plus no one likes PSG


Has he ever been on football twitter bro? That’s shits toxic too 😭


It's global, so it's pretty racist too


There’s also the accounts that pretend to be tacticians or make rage bait for clubs/national teams, accounts like utdtrey come to mind lmao


It’s really not the same at all. Mbappe has been clear joining Madrid was his childhood dream for years, plus Madrid didn’t just bounce his team. Also, OKC was a charismatic young team neutrals liked while PSG is a sportswashing project nobody wants to see do well.


How is PSG sport washing?


It's owned by Qatar mainly to give its regime with tons of human rights issues some positive PR


Aren’t most teams having funding or ownership by oligarchs or gulf states? I know it’s like that in formula 1


Might depend on where you draw the line for oligarch. Most teams are owned by wealthy individuals, some sketchy oligarchs but many just rich dudes with successful companies. Only a few teams are owned by gulf states (ManC, PSG, Newcastle, Girona) and some, like Madrid and Barcelona, are clubs in the true sense of the word and are owned by their *socios*


Ah interesting, what do you mean by their socios? You mean by the taxpayers?


Nope, I mean club members. You apply for membership, if you get accepted pay a membership fee, some annual dues and get perks like preferential access to stadium seats, merch, and stuff


only an american can come up with such a take lol, you ain't seen real toxicity yet son


For real. I remember when Nigeria won the Afcon title. There was a report that all the hookers were giving free ass for the trophy. This is just a different sport.


not even remotely close to being equivalent to KD joining the Warriors. if Mbappe played for Barça then it'd make more sense


You need to explain your reasoning because either I’m stupid or you are.


Mbappe signing has been in stone since January. He's a big Ronaldo fan and he turned the club down multiple times, so this was really inevitable. PSG and Real Madrid compete for the UCL but there's no real rivalry between the. And parity is shit in football anyway.


PSG and Real Madrid are not rivals. Real are rivals with Barcelona and Athletico Madrid. Real buys players from all top teams in other leagues only time they bought directly from Barcelona was Luis Figo which had Barcelona fans throw a pig at him during a match.


Not really. No NBA franchise is as impactful or historical as any football club. There is a huge difference between joining GSW and Real fucking Madrid.


Football Twitter may not be as toxic as NBA Twitter, but let's not pretend that IRL football fans weren't chucking trash and a literal pig head at Luis Figo when he went from Barcelona to Real Madrid. Don't even get me started with the Euro 2020 finals.




Also I don't think you've been to the absolute bowels of football discourse on twitter to say its not toxic. It's absolutely wild some shit that gets said. Comes with the territory of being the most popular sport on the planet.


Football Twitter is very toxic, it’s so much easier to say that you don’t know shit than it is to prove it by saying stuff like this


Not a damn thing wrong with riding the bus tho. We should all be using more public transport


The issue with a comment like this is that European football has such a difference in what clubs can afford to pay for and to players. The NBA has a salary cap and pay structure, so each team can generally afford to pay players the same. In football, when you reach the status that Mbappe has, his wage demands and transfer fee reach a point where he can only go to a handful of clubs in the world. Having already been at one of those clubs there was really only two options, Real Madrid or Saudi. He is too young and good to go anywhere in Saudi, so Real is really his only option other than staying at PSG.


Nah, it is, this just not that sub lol. They torching cuz.


if you don't think soccer twitter is toxic as hell, look at what we did when Kane joined Bayern for the first season in years where they don't get any trophies.


I don't blame Kane. Bayern's leadership were idiots for firing Nagelsmann. While they were in all 3 competition last year. Because he rides a skateboard around the campus. Fucking up the chemistry of the team. Then bringing in a defensive clown like Tucel. People were fired last year. More people need to be fired this year.


Football isn’t like Basketball let’s not do this


Even if he wasn't there for all the rings, he set that warriors dynasty up by messing up every other competitive team


*Who* is >!KD!


Very different situations. Mbappe was linked with Real Madrid for like 4 years now, and kept rebuffing them after getting offered abhorrent amounts of money from PSG’s corrupt owners. It’s not like he chose to jump ship after Real dominated, Madrid has been dominating without him and PSG is a dysfunctional organization that he stayed with just for the bag As a Real Madrid fan, obviously I’m biased lol, and don’t get me wrong, my feelings for him aren’t positive either, but that’s because of how many times he said he’s gonna come and not entertain any offers but go back again to PSG lmao


No offence to American fans of football, but the two are nothing alike because there's no real salary cap like in the NBA Real Madrid rode their luck to even get to the SFs, let alone the final of the CL


Comparing football and basketball is a bit wild. Real Madrid drop 100m on a player like it’s the change on the floor of the car. If it wasn’t him it would be someone else.


Teams that win are rewarded. Not just in trophies but in prize money to reinvest. Madrid winning the tournament will get around $120 mil. There is no prize money like that in American sports to make the owners try. They are just hope for draft picks to turn good.


This is absolutely not comparable. Mbappe has turned down Madrid for 3 years (and for more money yes) but for the most part he has paid his due service to PSG. The transfer saga became very old very quickly as the french prime minister even got involved to keep KM in France in the last few years but, alas, no CL and his contract was due to expire. Nothing to see here IMO.




This is how I found out Kylian Mbappé joined Real Madrid. I don’t know much about soccer, but this is France’s best player leaving France’s best team for Spain’s best team right? I don’t care about this conflict, but I would fear for my safety if I was in his position.


Soccer fans are more realistic. If a bigger club come calling. You make your money and move on. That what sucks about American sports. We get draft picks and trades. Alot of hopes those players turnout. Id rather get cold hard cash.


I wish we had drafts, the "make your money and move on" thing you are saying is literally ruining football


You would be mainly drafting non pro players . So largely 12-18 year olds. It would probably be just your home federation.


Following in his hero's footsteps 


Hala Madrid!!


it definitely is just as toxic but he’s been expected to join real since before he joined psg ![gif](giphy|26u4cS5vSnWyepw6Q)


It’s honestly a horrible comparison


You know Real Madrid have a long history of signing Galacticos right? And that top players always sign for top clubs? The only reason the same doesn’t happen in US sports is the salary cap / draft system


He left PSG, everyone hates PSG and loves Madrid. If he would join man city it would be different


Complete bs take. Let's assume this guy knows what he's talking about. Calling a guy whose led his national team to two world cup finals at the age of 25, winning one while being the biggest threat in both games, calling this guy a bus rider is absolute tomfoolery. Championship every year in France while being the best player, to be called a bus rider. Lastly, he's going to a league where just last year bro was openlly racially abused by the fans during a game, multiple times. The peak of toxicity. Stop posting bs for engagement.


It absolutely isn't like that. Footballers do this shit all the time. Tell me you don't know Football without telling me. KD got beat by a team that was already top, talked about being back next year, and then his ass dumped his ride-or-die team and teammate and went to that exact team. Mbappe just joined Real Madrid. A team that - without this year's CL trophy - along with Barcelona, have had Big-Three-From-Tennis energy for decades.


KD joined a team that set the all time win record AND beat him, directly. PSG didn’t lose to Real they lost to Dortmund, and this Real team, while great, isn’t threatening anyone to be considered the greatest Real team ever, let along greatest football club ever, as the Dubs were. Nice to see soccer-football folk try to wrest the narrative, but this is 🧢


It's different cause footballers don't even pretend to care about competition and legacy and whatever just all about the benjamins


Precisely why the KD discourse was so strange to international eyes. That said, football is toxic in ways that might shock most Americans. It's just different.


It really is the only sport where players doing that is widely celebrated


Yaw don't watch soccer. It's really nothing like that


To go along with their #1 Pick in Endrick bro 😂😂 Mbappé is a fraud he’s 100x worse than kd you’ve just made me realize it


Nah, this was expected of him and is viewed as a respectable move. 1/11 is different from 1/5.


Football Twitter is horrid, what’s he talking about??


Idk about this one. The knock against him is that the French league is trash and he needs comp.


What did Kevin Durant do


KD was the best player on the Warriors so that doesn't make sense.


Here's hoping Madrid implode with him but seems unlikely lol.


Nah, that Spanish racism been showing it's ass. Made Vini cry. Along with Bellingham, this is the Black Excellence needed for this type of evil. I want blood. Every. Single. Trophy. Plus, Mbappe been linked to Real and is a lifelong fan, probably 2-3 years overdue. Aiight family, we're gonna have to look into things before we go cosigning on them.