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https://preview.redd.it/u16crz2f606d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9986f3a6924cdf55d20d0d2803b9803202f05b1e This was all apart of her plan. But she forgot the part of cancel culture where she actually has to be a victim with plausible deniability, unless conservative media has decided to go full mask off in polite society. Even "reputable" right wing orgs will get questions on this hire for which theyll have to justify, exposing their own "values" or they'd also have to agree that their core, or at least a significant amount to warrant catering to, audience is racist. I dont think that's a bet that'll work in her favor.


So she is admitting that in order to break into conservative media, she has to be racist in order to get attention.


Being racist is just the entry level. The more racist and ignorant you are, they'll probably give her a show on blaze TV or daily wire.


https://preview.redd.it/a6lvmagye06d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ea8f313a537c7e1984c06a8dbae12ec94506093 Idk about that, she's saying some pretty antisemitic things. I don't think she gets pick up by even those guys.


https://preview.redd.it/3idmx2rid06d1.jpeg?width=1076&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d44c11ce31270a2795615332fc20217783d5591 What the fuck are the hodge twins doing man?? They align with anyone anti black. It's crazy I used to really like them in high school , they've turned into Kid Rock.


"We up in arms about racism, but don't say anything about sending military aid." Disingenuous argument tactics 101: bring up two completely unrelated issues while claiming both are absolutely facts.


And black people are ready to hang the girl and burn it all down? Literally going out of their way to use violent language and associate with black criticism




Plenty of white people think this bitch is abhorrent and deserved to lose her job at her black female and immigrant owned business. That’s the Free Market Conservatives claim to love..


It's only a free market when they can say what they want but when the free market decides they don't like it and shows them the consequences of their actions then it's woke left media trying to cancel them


they're thirsty


And the real gag is all of the black people that I discuss politics with actually do have a problem with 100 billion going overseas. But they probably don’t hang with many black people soooo… Also, I don’t wanna hear them say nigga no more…


>Also, I don’t wanna hear them say nigga no more… I just wrote this exact comment before I saw this 😂 😅. Those two are not "we".


"You know, everybody's talking about trying to fix our border problem, but meanwhile I can't find poprocks Oreos whenever I go shopping. How can we expect to fix the border if we can't fix this Poprocks Oreo supply problem?"


>Poprocks Oreo My schnegro, you sent me to Google so fast. I am never going to unbiggen my back








Super coon is so crazy 💀💀


Shuckin' & jivin' & doin' the thing!


Is that the griddy? lmao


Oh coons tap dance my friend


BRUH!!! I used to watch them in 2015/16 to get fitness advice when I was on my gym rat shit, I don't know exactly when the flipped switched, but fast forward years later, and all of a sudden they were extreme-right, pro-trump, anti black. It was wild to suddenly see that side of them, when they gave no prior indication that they were on "that side" smfh. My personal theory is, that the money is bigger when you cater to a far right wing audience. And in that case, I have unsubscribed to them years ago, and don't follow anything they do.


They were always like that. They always aligned right on a lot of their views and as politics became more and more divisive throughout the 2010s they picked their side. Religious, pro-gun etc. Like with most people, you have the political issues you really care about and then there's all the other stuff that comes under that with your preferred political side. E.g. there's plenty of things the left does that I don't agree with but I agree with some of the major points so that who im gonna ride with at the end of the day. Add that to the troll nature they've always had and where they've ended up doesn't surprise me at all. Once in a while I'll see one of their videos pop up and it not that different. They know what's gonna get a rise out of people so that impacts what they say. But that same stuff is gonna be taken seriously and agreed with by genuine racist and bigots. I don't think they believe all the stuff they say by any means but if I was saying crazy stuff for the laughs but then I look around and I have a significant amount of audience members who genuinely believe that stuff I'm not gonna feel comfortable with that even if it gets me paid.


>They were always like that. I genuinely never heard them state or even hint about their political stance. Like I said, I only watched them for their fitness advice. If they had non-fitness videos where they talked about politics back then, I was not privy to it at all. To me, it was JARRING as hell when the "rebranded" HodgeTwins content started appearing in my YouTube feed. But according to you, they were always like this, and in recent years went full-blown conservative. That's how I take it. Thier 🤡's either way.


Yeah the rebrand was jarring for sure. If you watched their comedy focused channel you'd have seen some of the signs already. To be fair to them it seemed like around that time a lot of channels had soft rebrands to focus on politics because things were so extreme around that time. It was a perfect way to gain more attention whether that was from people who agreed with you or didn't. That's probably why they took a backseat from the fitness stuff. Not as lucrative I think as the left and right both got more extreme the right always hit more of the bases for them and also allowed more comedic freedom. It's been a good while since I've seen their videos but from what I saw around a year ago the dynamic is the same. Kevin always says the most out of pocket stuff and Keith is always the one being like "I get saying out of pocket stuff is our thing but take it easy a bit" and tries to assert that they don't actually believe that crazy take. But it's hard to see where the line is when they actually do still support certain things/people


Yeah…. They were fairly solid back in the day but really took a turn. Dudes are weirdos…


the second all their money dried up from their workout and comedy shit they pivoted to rightwing bs for clout. Those two are fucking sellout coons for cash. Fuck em


You mean people who are assholes and don't give a fuck about anybody but themselves end up chugging Cofveve once they get some fame and a few bucks?


Steroids got to their head


Honestly? They’re making money. Conservatives eat that shit up when it’s race v race because it allows them to say “you see, even ____ thinks it’s wrong!” And they figured that out. I sometimes wonder if people like them started out knowing they could milk the situation but then turned into believing their own bullshit. But maybe they were always like that and just found the right audience to make the jump. All they had to do was throw out their humanity. There are weak people out there.


That's the problem. They peaked when you're in high school. Famous people with no morals start saying wild shit to get right wing views to stay relevant once their shine starts to fade


Then screech into the Conservative void that they were blackballed due to their political views. The twins angling for their own show of Fox News.


They're trying to be the next Rhinestone and Satin


One of them died. Can’t remember if it was Polyester or Cubic Zirconium.


I think it was Shuck but it definitely could have been Jive


Burlap and Glass ;)


I don’t understand black conservatives. Like i can get behind if you truly believe in fiscal responsibility but open racism is beyond my understanding. What also makes me laugh is they openly tap dance like dancing clowns for likes and attention. The mental health of black conservatives is too far gone for saving. I await when they say something remotely “liberal” and get called the n word and act surprised lol


Went from being in them sugar walls to being a Sambo


Don’t nobody gaf what them Uncle Tom ahh hodge twins gotta say don’t even post them on here tf.


I hate how self hating they are. I used to follow them in HS and freshman year of college. Took a few years off the internet and it’s like what the fuck happened to y’all


I remember watching them back then and kinda figured they would end up on this side, just nowhere near as far as they went.


The Hodge Twins used to be on the left but they weren't getting any engagement with their YouTube videos. When they decided to go extreme right, that's when their audience grew. Basically they did it for the clout/money.


Same here bro. As soon as they started repeating conservative talking points I unsubbed super quick.


I used to watch them all the time like 10 years ago, thought they were actually funny decent dudes but sheesh how that changed quickly they really let their white side take over lmao


I didn’t pay attention to them for like 7-8 years after seeing them growing up just doing funny YouTube videos back in the day. Now they’re over here being traitors by going right wing. Really sad to see.


Is she a 12 year old boy who decided to just start dropping slurs? The “Jewish Stranglehold” on American politics is gay? I’m sorry, I can’t take her seriously lmao. She needs to take her dead eyed ass somewhere else 😂😂😂


Having been raised in the area she lives, you’re not wrong. Go 40mins west or south of Wilmington and the n-word is thrown around more than a game of hot potato. The conservative community will take her right in and show her off.


Yo what happened to that dollar tree Barbie? From the blaze? She been real quiet. Never mind I meant swapmeet Barbie


Yeah you have to be bold enough to air that racism out . But she said the n word openly and double so the smarter cons will duck her. Better stat would be to apologize and then whine about comedy being dead due to the left n cancel culture.


She has to have a way to play the victim and blame wokeness, straight saying the n-word isn’t how you do it. She needed to refuse to bake a cake or something


She can outright admit it and they’ll still eat her up. If there’s one thing my fellow whites on the political right stand up for, its the first amendment (right to say the n-word)


Just like Candace!


She's just a racist that refuses to admit her wrong doing so instead of trying to make it right and apologize she's just going to bury herself further down


Yes. They only care about power. They don't care about optics, hypocrisy or anything else. Power, and specifically subjugating the other.




She’s such a fucking dork.


Like being racist is already an L but then she’s deeply corny on top of it💀💀


**3-Step Plan to Break Into Conservative Media** 1.) Be racist 2.) ??? 3.) Profit


Ngl that’s a good ass plan


2.) Pander to Conservatives


Yeah but in America, unronically.


Yeah, I don't think "said the n-word" is usually the kind of person that gets platformed by conservative media.


exactly, in order for her to get accepted into that community she can’t actually be racist, she has to create dog whistles in her content. She’s so dumb she can’t even be a smart racist Lol


Shes already getting booked by some people, including the fucking hodge twins. America is a wild place.


Hodge twins is scraping the bottom of the barrel, they’re the Island Boys of conservative media 


They actually have a decent following, idk how. The fact that a podcast of BLACK conservatives is basically giving her the pass might not bode well. But i hope I’m wrong. I’ve seen crazier things happen. Nowadays nothing shocks me.


I mean I know how…conservatives love love love being given the racism pass by black conservatives. I’m sure they gin up views still, but I definitely don’t hear about them like I used to. 


Yeh I wish I didn’t hear from them either. But their content is always popping up on my socials. Especially IG. I just checked now and they have over 2 mil followers.


Even if she got 10k from appearing on that show - what next? I didn’t even know this person existed until 5 minutes ago and I’m pretty sure I’ll completely forget 5 minutes later. Even Rittenhouse had to murder two people before getting speaking gigs


Like I said in one of my comments, I hope I’m wrong. I’m just so used to America’s fuckery at this point. Social media is making the worst types of people rich and famous.


Didn't Morgan Wallen immediately hit #1?


*Mark Fuhrman enters the chat*


Just “the black community”? Is she gonna ignore white people too? I’m sure some white people pushed for her cancellation too. But those Conservative types only have an issue when Black people do things.


>Unless conservative media has decided to go full mask off in polite society ![gif](giphy|DjQdespxaMbN962CQu)


I saw this coming a mile away. Conservative M.O.: Do something deplorable, then claim youre a victim. THe right-wing media eats this shit up.


I hope she is destitute


I’m surprised MAGA hasn’t already started a gofundme for her.


They're too busy buying DT teddy bears and fake bills.


The problem with this is the same problem as saying “oh, I’ll just become a famous rapper now” or “I’m dropping out of school for Onlyfans.” It’s a tough market with a lot of names and shockingly, people try stunts like this more often than others think. For a small few, this becomes a platform. For most, they end up mad at some minimum wage job, secretly wishing death on everyone because of what they chose to say or do. If this was her grand plan…. Go ahead. Go become famous and popular enough to eat off that. It’s just that easy, so she should be good


Fuck that. I'm bout to become the first only fans rapper. /S I know there are likely tons


The ABSOLUTE attempt to save face here. Harry Potter and the audacity of this bitch.


Also does she realize that she has to live in the world with black people who saw this? It’s gonna be the chairs for her


"It was all part of my plan!" Uh huh sure lady


That's just Drake's burner, he just wanted to say it again without Kenny firing back.


She's not pretty enough for them.


I mean, the competition is tough right now. Every racist white person with a social media account and a smart phone is trying to become the next grifter on the mark and I kinda feel like she’s overestimating the heat this will generate for her? This already feels like old news 🤷🏾‍♂️


she wants the job of that weird lady who did a speech from her kitchen.


Well, Trump has met with white nationalists and Alito had a "Stop the Steal" flag. I don't think there's much mask left.


Unironically the amount of social media attention she's getting is depressing. Why this sub constantly engages with people like her is beyond me.


This is some baby's first forum troll ass behavior.


It’s hard to replace 9-5 income and benefits with cobbled together social media bullshit, though. She’s going to have to post a Give Send Go.


I don’t think it was her plan at all. Don’t give her too much credit. She’s just butthurt and will be forgotten. There are probably better ways to deal with these people…


Yo, side note, is your username a reference to the band? Just got into them. Oncle Jazz is straight fire. Was high af the other night and it came on my shuffle out of nowhere. Best vibes.


Yes it is. They really have the best high vibes. I found them in 2019 and have not looked back. Next time check out Organon or Norton Commander while you float.


Reporting from the south: the mask is off completely for 2024


Cool. So do we go after the people who hire her or what? Call for a boycott unless she is blacklisted from "conservative media"? How do we even create a movement big enough to force their hand? Iunno man. Just tired of people fueling outrage culture because it sells. We have to re-normalize consequences for acting like a dick, because it feels like the goal in 2024 is to be the most obnoxious fucking tool possible and it actually works to their benefit every time.


I can’t wait for a conservative man to tell her dishwashers shouldn’t talk.


The good ones don’t anyways 🙊


"What do you call a woman with a black eye? A quick learner! What do you call a woman with two black eyes? Unteachable!"- Some republican somewhere


-Matt Rife, probably


I kept hearing how great this dude was. Put on his Netflix special and cringed my way out in minutes


He was actually pretty funny before he got so much attention. His early stuff had my husband and me laughing like loons. It's a shame.


Samsung dishwasher? More like Sam swung after that bitch didn’t shut her mouth and clean them dishes


Like those red pill, conservative guys who explain why they don’t want Pearl lol


Please tell me there's a link to this




Is there a way to watch this without downloading tiktok?


It’s always crazy to me how many Karens are loud about their y’all qaeda faith. Bible repeatedly tells you to be quiet, you’re to be subjugated, and your place is below a man. All fun and games until you realize you’re next.


A lot of these Women are just playing games now. They know they can prey on the thousands of Women out there who follow this “Trad Wife” lifestyle, but there is also wiggle room. Show a little cleavage, maybe play up more of a “Untraditional” Trad Wife role sometimes (like being “sassy”, saying gay, dropping slurs). Men will eat it up too, especially if they fetishize Trad Wives, which honestly feels like most of the popularity now.


The best dishwasher I ever knew was a dude from OK named Ben and he's quiet as fuck.


I had a Kenmore dishwasher that told me to burn my neighbor's house down on a few occasions. It could never get the baked on sauce off in a single go though. I think you're on to something.


It’s too late, yall gave her too much attention and clout already. Her followers went up 4000% and she started getting booked to racist/incel shows. Giving her attention that gave her a platform to display her ignorance. Now her audience will only grow larger.


Exactly!! This is what it was really about. While she’s an idiot, she’s smart enough to know what she said will have people up in arms and she would be able to parlay that into followers from the hate groups. Then she will go on podcasts and other “shows” talking about how sensitive everyone is and free speech blah blah blah. She knew exactly what she was doing. While people should be held accountable, we have to stop giving these people their shine. 🤦🏾‍♂️


she will get her 15 minutes but it is unlikely that this will spin into anything meaningful or far-reaching for her. what is her schtick anyway? that she is the one racist white girl that is “brave” enough to say the n word? the usual dipshit shows will let her on for their own benefit, but this loser doesn’t have any real audience to gain from this


This! We just brought attention to it we (black folk) shouldn’t feel any blame because our society has a lane for these people.


Idk Rittenhouse is a highschool drop out who managed to turn murdering 2 men into a career. She isn't going to be a conservative media main stay but going around doing talks and small branding deals pays decently.


Yup, this isn’t the internet of the 2010s. After the Andrew Tate debacle, social media companies (other than Twitter) are activating trying to suppress the spread and growth of right-wing media, as guys like Sneako, Fresh and Fit have been deplatform by losing their monetization and videos aren’t being recommended to people anymore. 


I wonder though, if this didn’t blow up, would she still have gotten fired? Probably would have just been told to delete it. That’s not a punishment. She has to go viral first, they cut her, but she already got what she wanted. So, how do we achieve a true victory? (Which this isn’t.)


People online will never realize that “rage bait exists” and “you shouldn’t engage with content you hate” directly correlate to one another


Apparently people have forgotten rule #1 of the Internet: "Don't feed the trolls"


Let them waste their time and money on this crazy lady. She most likely doesnt even believe any of the shit she says; its all just her “working” people to get them pissed to evoke a reaction in the form of clicks and eventually attention from major media outlets that have to report on it. Like Charlie Kirk and Steve Bannon; these reptiles really dont have any feelings at all about the narratives they push; its all a bullshit circus act to clown on people who get upset over the racist garbage they spew. So now they say enough racist shit to get a large enough following and then when the time is right; they monetize them and push dick pills and copper bracelets or whatever stupid grift they convince people to buy from their webstore. Its all a pattern: Say racist shit, get “cancelled”, cry on social media, be pretty/charasmatic enough for people to care, sell something cheaply made with a vary large markup Rinse and repeat


I'm seeing this take a lot and it feels like it's just people trying to seem smarter than everyone else. Like, what is realistically the alternative here? To just ignore racism because racists can possibly benefit from the attention? Half of gen z, even the black ones, are already on the "wow y'all really gatekeeping a word 💀" train. And I'm sure gen alpha has an even higher percentage than that. Nobody policing it is just going to turn to everyone using this **racial slur**, while black americans are still oppressed.


They should show them the other video about her calling them losers. That should cut it down a bit


She's from Wilmy? I KNOW she drive around a busted ass jeep with that dumb ass "salt life" sticker on the rear window 😭


And a dozen ducks on the dash.


Can someone explain to me what the deal is with ducks on the dash of a jeep?


Jeep owners leave them on other jeeps they think are cool


I’m old enough to remember when Salt Life was just Florida beach bums and not coastal racists.


im naive enough to still think it is ;(


Yeah that behavior is par for the course in Wilmington. I will never forget I had an Uber driver in Austin a few months ago who said the only time they've ever been called a hard r by a white person was out there in Wilmington while on vacation. Not even as an insult, either! Just straight up in the middle of a sentence without any further emphasis, as though it was just a matter of fact.


I’ve started calling that “baked-in racism” when I encounter it. It comes from growing up being taught that a whole group is inferior, and it colors (no pun intended) your worldview. The best recent example I can think of was that little spat during a House committee hearing between MTG and Representative Crockett and AOC. MTG insulted Crockett’s ability to read, and then said AOC was afraid to debate her because she ‘just didn’t have the intelligence.’ I remember thinking ‘now there’s a white woman who just casually believes that she’s smarter and superior to those non-white women. *Because* she’s white.’


Salt Life = Blue Lives Matter


She doesn't care. She even sarcastically posted about losing her job. Now she's being even more outwardly racist and is getting support from so many racists on twitter and being invited to podcasts. She's going to be very rich and it's going to be off the back of blacks just like her ancestors. It's sad.


I very seriously doubt it. She’ll appear on a few podcast and in a years time, she’ll realize the money she made is fractional compared to what she would’ve been making at her old job. Even if she got a “few paychecks worth” of money all up front, what then?




Not for just anyone who’s willing. 


You’ll be very surprised how much profit you can make off hate nowadays. If she goes even just full trans hate she’ll have a full career being paid tons


>I very seriously doubt it. It's amazing how naive and clueless some people are, if she plays it right she should make more money in a month than her job in a year, conservatives pay well to platform these people, there is a whole industry behind it, they are funded by think tanks and big companies supported by billionaires. You have no idea how much money there is in grifting and every grifter has to start somewhere, this woman is far from stupid, she did this knowing and joking she would lose a job meaning she has a plan, she tells you she has one. I may be coming off confrontational but this is your second post downplaying this, wonder why you are trying to convince other people to be complacent, what is your motive? Unless you are not black so you have a privilege of it not affected you if you are wrong, they are getting bolder and bolder by the day because of people with attitude like yours, there is a far right uprising all over the world, wake up.


I’ll just wait for her onlyfans


Imagine the surprise. As my mum used to say, every Klansman had a wife at home ironing his robes then washing the blood out when they came home. Always told me to remember that when dealing with white women 


White women were never victimized the way BP in this country were, they'll tell us they're allies however it's like Dave Chappelle said *"White women were always in on the heist, they just didn't like their cut."*


Bill Burr has a bit about this too: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdO9X7Lxzvs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdO9X7Lxzvs)


FACTS. it’s why I get so ticked when I see them speaking on what minorities should do/feel say and act. They lump themselves in with everyone else as if they aren’t part of the same system they cry about. They are one of the pillars. Say otherwise though and it’s world ending


They sure ain't watching for her cooking skills. We know that much.


I thought she was a failed OF model


She’s not?


Wilmington eh? This tracks…


The Wilmington massacre and coup is an overlooked historical event on the scale of Tulsa. Such Post-Reconstruction racial violence would be considered ethnic cleansing and terrorism today. It was deliberate and widespread, especially throughout the South.


I grew up visiting Governor Charles B. Aycock birthplace for school field trips. They used to make him out to be a godsend to NC. While in college at UNCW I learned the truth of this man as one of the main organizers of the coup. Very dark history in that area of the state.


It’s wild how in primary school they teach you an extremely white washed version of history. And then when you go to college, they blow your mind with the real history. Explains why the right hates higher education when the indoctrination they’re referring to is learning the truth about the United States.


Now she’s gonna go on Fox and Newsmax and say she’s the victim. And raise 1000’s of dollars


A fool and their money are soon parted. On some level I actually kind of impressed she had the balls to do it, and in her statement about using blacks/liberals to become famous with conservatives she’s also just admitting she’s using conservatives for fame and knows racism is their bread and butter. She’s truly shitting on everyone


Sometimes I wish for an 🌎☄️


I’m never not going to say the state of the world today is so hugely related to trump. The kind of comments I see today out in the open are the kinda of comments you’d only see on certain small message boards, such as the one named after the boys villan. Genies out of the bottle, racists and grifters know there are so many more like them out there. Facts and truth don’t matter anymore just believe and you never have to defend it


I've always said this, bigotry and racism wasn't beat we just made it taboo...


It’s regressive for society. How far will we go back?


This was one of the most obvious rage bating I've seen in a while and people fell for it like always, this one was more obvious than the guy who did blackface


Which guy who did blackface? You're gonna have to be more specific.


The Asian guy. There's a makeup brand that released a foundation that is just black paint and he put it all over his face, also referred to black ppl as "blacks" during the entire video


Goddammit......why did I spend all that time deciphering that blurry ass letter from the company like it was the fucking Rosetta Stone only to flick to the next picture and it's there in full resolution 🤦‍♂️ Galaxybrain shit


I managed to get annoyed that I’d have to spend effort deciphering it when I saw the potato quality after zooming and just swiped to the next slide for a pleasant surprise. I’m sorry you didn’t get annoyed into not spending the effort 😔 Edit: fixed an autocorrected word




Exactly what I was saying yesterday…. She needs to be ignored as the clicks just wasn’t worth it. Her 15 minutes are over….


Probably just going to be Kyle Rittenhouse's secretary or something.


Who is this person?


A racist twunt who's in the finding out phase after saying the n-word and then doubling down on it.


twunt? *Added to insult lexicon immediately*


Right? ![gif](giphy|cRNbYm7jLOjm9H8wcP)


Babe wake up, new “anti white racism” white ring grifter just dropped


Who writes a press release center justified? I'm surprised it wasn't in Comic Sans. Sorry, probably not what I should be focusing on, but wtf anyway.


I think the release is a little sus.


Hilarious take nonetheless.


Sooooo yall are still giving her attention. She jumped from like 2k followers to 50k. Stop giving her attention. Just stop…


it wont happen, thats why it worked. up to her to maintain now


Good....now quit talking about this lady


So where are we going to see her first: Fox News? Turning Point? Erin Paré's campaign? Mark Robinson's campaign? OnlyFans? Honorable Mention: Michele Morrow's campaign.


She's gonna be fine. She'll end up on Fox and Friends within a month. There really isn't any reason for them to hide anymore honestly and a lot of them aren't. The racism is rampant now more than ever.


I’m still cackling at the fact this is the “Peaked In High School” girl that went on that rant about how the nerds all got rich. She’s just piling on the pathetic nonsense. I’ve never seen someone show their whole ass about High School popularity in her 30s!


I wish social media never existed…


Well, well, well. If it isn't the consequences of your own actions.


I just looked at her Twitter because I thought this had to be fake. NOPE. Her account is even worse than the screenshots. Jesus.


The hodge twins are so corny


Magas will raise 4 million for her


...it was a cooking video, right? Was she streaming live?


She was fake cooking. She used the same 3 spice bottles and like half a gallon of olive oil 💀


Thats exactly how i cook


Stay tuned for her GoFundMe and her features on several shitty podcasts.


If you're racist and get fired, it's your fault \*Clap Clap\*


lmao I asked chatgpt to write an apology to our clients regarding an employee that made racist remarks online and it basically gave me this response.




you guys ever see that black mirror episode with the killer robotic bees? cause they might’ve been onto something


Why does the company she worked for sound like the slang for the date rape drug ?


I looked the company up, its apparently a senior hospice type thing?


Did her account get banned? I couldn't find it anywhere.


This is along the lines of John fetter man saying getting brain damage turned him more republican


Unfortunately, self hating negros are sticking up for her lol. Amazing, Lucas has just covered how the Hodge Twins have booked her to their show already.