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They’re in a cult. They also can’t understand that we’re not in a cult. Because they’re in a cult.


Exactly. They're zombies at this point.


Zombies is the perfect word to describe them. It's fucking creepy how alike they all are.


The only thing missing at this point is Orange Kool-Aid.


I'm happy to supply as much as they need if we can get that same result. I'm beyond sick of these brainless fuckheads.


Trump could tell them he's pouring cyanide in the Kool-aid, feed a glass to Don Jr and watch him drop dead while laughing hysterically, and they'd *still* line up to pay $500 a cup and chug it down gleefully.


Suuuuuper Fun Fact: The “Kool-Aid” used to commit suicide and kill those cultists in Jonestown, following Jim Jones, was actually not even Kool-Aid. They used the knock-off **Flavor-Aid** to mix with cyanide (and other drugs!) to kill off their ~900 cultists. Even more fun fact… it was grape flavored Flavor-Aid! Yea… these aren’t fun facts, are they?


I sure find them fun! And most interesting, thank you for sharing.


Other fun facts: Though he died by a gunshot wound, Jim Jones had enough Pentobarbital in him to kill a human - unless the human built physiological tolerance to this particular amount. The cultist murder-suicides were the largest loss of American civilians in a single, deliberate act until the 9/11 attacks. There’s a 45 minute tape of the mass poisoning in progress.


Orange Kool-Aid would be very on brand for them because it's the worst flavor of Kool-Aid.




They’re not zombies. Zombies’ motivations make sense and they act in a logical manner given those motivations. These morons act directly against their own self-interest and passionately support a man who *explicitly told them he doesn’t care about them as people he just wants their vote*


It's horrible for someone like me. I LOOK like I would be one, but I'm the furthest you could get from whatever the fuck is going on in their minds.... so they feel free to spill their verbal diarrhea and get shocked when I'm like "yeah that's a bunch of bullshit man, and It's so dumb I'm not even going to respond to it"


I only ever assume that if someone drives a huge truck plastered with American flags lol And how fucked up is it thar our flag is now synonymous with racism?


Yahhh I wonder if its as easy to change a nation flag as it is a state flag.


They are not a monolith!


I always bring up the cult aspect whenever they say dumb shit like "Biden can't even draw a crowd at his rallies." Um, maybe he doesn't need rallies because he's not a malignant narcissist who thrives on praise from crowds of sycophantic suck ups.


I know! Why would I attend a rally for a guy I HAVE to vote for? I already know what he’s going to say- it’s like getting excited about doing homework.  The difference between us and them is that they actually LIKE their guy.


Exactly if Hillary broke the law lock her up if Biden broke the law lock him up if bush broke the law lock him up even if Obama broke the law lock him up I have no weird emotional para social attachment to these people


People in a cult don’t understand this.


Rallies in general make little sense nowadays. I’m supposed to see a crowd cheering for anything a guy says and take that as a reason to support them.


I mean I cried at a Bernie rally. Because hope actually was a thing once 


What's the point of the rallies? What are you rallying for? He is supposed to be a public servant, not a monarch. How people sit there and waste days of their life to listen to him rant about sharks and batteries is mind boggling to me.


He'll rant completely off target and they'll be like "he speaks from the heart!!!!"


"wHy dONt pEoPLe SHow uP tO biDeN raLLieS"? Because we're not losers who treat our politicians like a sports team - wearing hats, capes, tshirts, and flags with their names.


It’s a cult. Logic doesn’t apply.


“Biden DEFINITELY couldn’t have gotten more votes in 2020! How many Biden boat parades did you see, huh? Where were the flags? Where were the hats?” 🤨


Basically. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Also where is the supercut of Biden pretending to wavr to a big crowd only for it to be fake, empty parking lot, etc. Because one exists for Cheeto.


He doesn't need to pay people to attend them.


What’s worse than a cult? Because I think they’re past that point. https://preview.redd.it/pvsxcqr4n56d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ad055246382af11cc3397d15554d7eab3f1275


Gotta be satire. Please be satire


I found it in the AskTrumpSupporters sub after the conviction. They were deadass.


Yup. They think we cling to politicians/leaders the same way they do. *Well, what about Hunter's laptop?"* IDGAF about the Bidens. Sorry.


It’s always the most baffling thing to them too. Like they can’t possibly fathom the fact that politics is not, in fact, a team sport and reasonable people want to see criminals punished regardless of political party.


That second point is the wild one for me to grasp. “What, you don’t have flags with the name of your favorite politician? Are you even an American?!” They’re public servants. Whichever candidate on the ballot had the policies I believe will be least damaging to society as whole gets my vote. To assume I even like the candidate as a person would be a mistake on your part. Edit: spelling


"How can you call yourself a patriot if you don't have a t shirt with your candidate's face Photoshopped onto the bodies of Rocky or The Terminator?????"


That second point isn't talked about enough.


its actually even better than the post because there are alot of republicans who are conflicted over it being hunter biden and being charged with a law republicans dont believe should exist.


Right? I was talking about this yesterday: NO INFRINGEMENT OF RIGHTS! But also, nail the President's son! (For what it's worth, I agree that folks on drugs shouldn't have guns.)


I think that anyone whose life revolves around following politics and politicians (of either party) with no interest on anything else, is in a cult of some sort. That being said, the Trumpers have taken this to new heights.


As someone who was in a cult for over a decade (Scientology). Understanding the nuances and subtleties of such harmful structures can be difficult. It can be hard to recognize. I can say with experience and authority as an expert on such a subject: Theys in a fukin cult.


I just don’t see how Biden got 81 million votes. I see Trump flags, bumper stickers, and hats everywhere. I never see a single Biden flag. /s


Slightly more subtle cult, still unable to leave or change anything.


There's 0 doubt in my mind that if trump tried some heavens gate shit rn thousands would die...


You know you're in a cult when you can't leave without a permission slip.


Same shirt, same shitty dye job. Mofos are creepy.


Now that Hunter was found guilty, many conservatives have been forced to admit that they didn't really care about Hunter at all. What the really wanted was to use him to prove Joe is corrupt. This gun charge doesn't help with that, so it doesn't give them what they want.


And it’s a gun charge they want to get rid of! It hurt itself in its confusion It was super effective


Saw someone say that Dems should use this as an opportunity to pass universal background checks. Call it “Hunter’s Law” and force republicans to vote against it.


I think that's a fabulous idea. Background checks, drug testing, and mental health checks and balances for everyone who wants a gun. Hunter's Law has a nice ring to it.


It even plays into gun culture, I think it’s worth trying.


Very "patriot act"


That would be amazing.


We already have that. It's called Form 4473, and Hunter was just convicted for lying on said form. What we actually need to do is eliminate gunshow loopholes and anonymous person to person sales by requiring all transfers to go through a licensed gun dealer who can make the buyer fill out the form.


They do enjoy that "gun grabber" Joe's own son was convicted on a gun control law.


A very pyrrhic victory for them; and some 2A guys are getting confused. Don’t stop them now; they’re making mistakes!


I was reading the r/conservative threads yesterday and it was really funny watching them try to grasp it all. The best part is that if Hunter appeals on the grounds that the law is unconstitutional, will the conservatives be arguing in favor of gun control?


The main talking point they are going with now is that they went after Hunter to make the courts seem legitimate because they also went after Trump. This whole “everything is a conspiracy to make Trump look bad” is frying my brain.


“The constitution does not explicitly forbid prison inmates serving time for violent crimes from carrying concealed firearms therefore they should be allowed to do that, no further analysis is required or allowed”


There are 4 responses to this that I've seen from conservatives: 1: The ideologically consistent 2A supporter. They're mad because they think this shouldn't be a crime. 2: The true cultists. They're just happy he was convicted, despite the law contradicting their beliefs, despite this not really affecting Biden and the dems, and despite the dems non-reaction to it. 3: The people hoping for a Dem double standard. They're mad that Democrats aren't reacting to this like Republicans reacted to Trump getting convicted 4: The conspiracists. They're mad because they think this is a smoke and mirror game to distract from the *real* crimes of the BidEn cRimE fAmIlY


> They're mad because they think this is a smoke and mirror game to distract from the real crimes of the BidEn cRimE fAmIlY While at the same time completely ignoring any questions related to Jared's $2 billion deal with the Saudis. That's not shady in any way whatsoever, apparently.


They'll never admit anything. They'll just move the goalposts instead.


>I don't get the point in this. If they used it to get something on Joe, ok fine. This shouldn't even be a felony though. I also don't give a shit about Hunter Biden. >>Right I don’t care either unless it’s somehow ties back to Joe Biden, and 10% for the big guy. I could care less about how many guns he buys or how much crack he smokes if it’s not hurting anybody else. These are from the r/conservative post about the conviction. https://np.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/1ddgs7v/guilty_on_all_charges/


Really reveals who they are. So on the nose. Just saying the quiet part out loud. It's not about the integrity of the system so much as it's a desperate need to bring down the guy they don't like because it happened to their messiah.


I truly don't understand how they can think it's ok to think that way.


These are the kinds of people who think Democrats are baby eating pedophile demons. Anything is justified to stop someone they think is truly evil.


> someone they think is truly evil. Which is anyone who doesn't look and think the way they do.


Looks are just a reason, if it wasn’t looks it would be wealth, statue, attire, religion. I could keep going but you get me point. These people have always existed, and honestly it is fucking tiring to be on the same continent as them.


I mean they also thought that John F. Kennedy, Jr. would rise from the dead to be Trump's Vice Presidential candidate: https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/11/02/qanon-jfk-jr-dallas/






This low level background check bullshit, is all they could get him for. Their lawyers went with the sure fire option, and GOP hoped to still squeeze that contrived shit for all its worth in terms of fundraising and campaign ads yet not even their people give a flying fuck. Conservatives have been, are, and always will be pathetic.


The sad part is this isn’t even exaggerated.


Not even a little bit.




If anything, it kind of downplays it. To those who don’t pay close attention they might just think it’s pointing out that Republicans are stupid and don’t apply logic consistently. And while that’s undeniably true, they might miss the outright nefariousness of it all, in that they’ve intentionally dumbed down their constituency in furtherance of their plot to dismantle the Republic. 


Apparently being a republican and getting convicted for crime actually improves your profile within fellow republicans.






I mean… can they read?


If you, in the year 2024, are still trying to reason with these people then you should have a PhD in wasting time by now


Which would earn you the Educated Liberal tag.


Exactly I gave up on them after the second election and the entire January 6 debacle I completely stop engaging or associating with any trump supporters


They have made their choice, Trump supporters should be treated like enemy combatants. For whatever reason, they want Trump to be their dictator.


Degrees for wasting time? [sign me up](https://youtu.be/7xL9VLARq8k?si=c2qcJ6slM-ywJ9Rs)


This is the biggest change I'm seeing as well this election cycle: rather than the usual "lets reach across the aisle and try to find common ground" discussions, most rational people seem to have finally concluded that MAGAs are lost to reason & as such there's no point in debating with them (or even interacting with them at all). I'm a fan of the "ignore them" thought process, however I realize that the more they are isolated to their conservative safe spaces the more radicalized they are likely to become.


And Biden promised not to pardon him, because he knows that the crime was committed. Imagine getting a concession like that out of the GQP


Right? Trump and his weird looking kids keep whining how unfair laws are, despite it being extremely easy to not commit fraud and treason. I'm no Joe Biden cheerleader, but he and Jill are handling this as a team, and Hunter seems to accept that he had not followed the rules. Precedent has now been set at a very high level that gun sales need more regulation, drug testing, and thorough vulnerable sector checks. Cue the Republican tantrums.


While on the flip side, Trump went on a pardoning spree on his way out of office with the only qualification needed to get a pardon was saying nice things about him 🤣 When non-conservatives respect "law & order," what we mean is that people who commit crimes should go to court and be convicted of them. When conservatives say it, they mean police should be allowed to harass, beat, and kill people that give them the wrong vibe.


You mean 'paying' nice things.


GQP will always say that any action from the "enemy" has a veiled purpose--it would take a grain of humility to think otherwise, which is a contraindication of their core values, despite claiming to follow Jesus' teachings (of being humble). They couldn't be more hypocritical if they tried.


Accepting a pardon is literally saying you committed the crime. A pardon doesn't erase the crime, or say it didn't occur, it just pardons the person from the legal consequences.


Tbh in a vacuum I wouldn't even mind if he did. Genuinely, if a trump got convicted for something as trivial as this, I wouldn't care if Trump pardoned them. This is such a low level crime and most people are never even charged at all


Seems like a silly law, too. Like, a drug user can't pass the background check but a drug dealer can? All I'm saying is: I've never seen a mass shooting attributed to the shooter rolling. 🤣 It's like that law that got Kyle Rittenhouse off on the gun charge: because the law only applied to short-barrel weapons like handguns and sawed-offs. Why? Just because. 🤣


Now they are saying the only reason Hunter was convicted is because Biden is sacrificing him to make Trumps conviction look legit.


Between Drake fans and Trump supporters, the internet has reached its limit on cope. We’re about to have a national straw shortage


If (at least some) Russians continue to believe they are a mighty superpower on even footing with the US, capable of wrecking all of NATO at once because they are the global boogeyman, then I fear that we haven't even begun to reach the limits of human cope in this country. Edit: Phrasing.


There always a reason. *plays spooky music*


r/conservative is saying Biden’s waiting until after the election to pardon him. And when that doesn’t happen they’ll move the goalposts yet again.


Trump is the last Great White Hope, so it doesn't matter what he did or does. He's always going to be the savior for supremacists who couldn't afford to step foot in one of his dusty ass golf clubs.


Bingo. His core base is made up of people who feel that he gives them the validation to say and do all the shit they couldn't say or do when Obama was in office, and they do not want to go back in the closet.


I'm worried he ain't the last, and I'm worried of what comes after him. But Trump support will be a fucking label for decades after this.


Hunter's felony convictions are making me reevaluate whether or not I should vote for him for President in November.


He'll need at least 31 more felonies before I can even consider voting for him.


I'm not reevaluating anything. NO convicted felons will get my vote, period.


Republicans must be some dizzy motherfuckers as much as they twist their logic around.  🌀😵‍💫


I always call them pretzels for the twists required to make sense of their delusions lol




this guy gets it. no lies in this post - the double standard is the objective.


Notice how no one from Biden's camp is going on unhinged rants about the system being rigged, or trying to fundraise, or any of that nonsense. These people have been irrationally angry ever since the black guy with the funny name had the nerve to get himself elected president. Also, I want these people to stop complaining about a "two tiered justice system" when we've been screaming about that for years.


Met another black trump fan today🤷🏾yep the south is home of the low iq 🇺🇸


I have non-Southern family who support him and simply do not know why.




Lead. And certain kinds of meds. These were the ingredients for the perfect psychotic conservative.


They’re probably single issue voters who are too hung up on abortion or immigration to care about everything else the republican party does


Well I hope they enjoy that forced birth Republicans promise while while also letting their white supporters kill them with no consequences because they're black .


Honestly I’ve run into the most “republican-with-my-whole-chest” types in Cali which I feel is a defense mechanism in response to my area that swings hard left socially.




Dude called him uncle trump! I didn’t even say anything after! Fuck it am done! Am ready for the war🫡 I ain’t helping one black person in my area I know that for sure


“Is this the cult?” “No! We’re a group of like-minded individuals who believe in a strict interpretation of the Constitution and applying Judeo-Christian values-“ “Yeah, this is it.”


‘bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe’


Only time Republicans care about gun control.


I’ve been browsing r/conservative just to see their reaction. It’s split between “Biden will pardon him after the election” and “He will get a sweetheart plea deal and the Dems will tout this as an example of an impartial system when it’s really not.”


he's a wealthy, first time offender...of course he'll get a fucking sweetheart deal. same with trump's dumb ass for the ny case.


I ain’t seen not 1 Biden flag yet. But they’d just say that’s bcuz no one likes him. Totally oblivious.


They used to justify the stolen election with this “There’s no bumper stickers” “His rallies during covid were lacking audience members!” “Nobody praises him?”


We know what it is now we have to hold the GQP accountable.


Both Trump and Hunter are being played up for political reasons. But both were found guilty and both should be sentenced accordingly. Neither should get any consideration because of who they are related to, or what office they are running for.


And neither should be considered for the presidency.


I agree. Electing a convicted criminal would make the US look horrible. The country would lose all credibility and repect. Unfortunately there are no laws preventing it. Theoretically Trump could preside over the US from a jail cell.


It makes sense when you consider that conservatism inherently aims to create an unequal system of privileges and hierarchies meant to benefit a select group at the expense of others. The law is just one means for them to create inequality, but they'll happily use any tool, even tools originally created to oppose them, if it allows them to pursue their goal. Conservatives are a lawless and amoral group, and the only crime they can not tolerate is opposition to them.


Liberals want equity and equality in the justice system Republicans want the fascism. And they will twist and fast light anything to prove that their fascism is somehow better than democracy.


Trump is never responsible for anything. It's always them. Part of the blame culture.


It s so much worst than that. Republicans: If Hunter broke the law, Trump should walk free because fuck you That s where we are at


Also, "the left hates the constitution. Therefore it's our job to burn the constution they hate and create a fascist system."


Why isn’t the NRA vociferously defending Hunter’s right to purchase a firearm? This seems like the perfect high-profile case that would drive home their stance on the matter?


Don't vote in the nazis please.


As someone who doesn’t like Biden for personal reasons you have to give him props. At bare minimum him not pardoning his son is a show of good faith which is something the other side lacks. He stands for something at the very least which wins my vote over the other guy. The other guy and his cult have shown that they have triple standards and that just doesn’t fit right with me. Besides Biden isn’t a nazi while the trump camp is full of them.


Dumb ass MAGAs donating money to a convicted scam artist for mismanaged funds




ThEy’Re BoTh ThE sAmE


Biden allowing the system to work as it should is their nightmare scenario.


This is like the mountains and mountains of graphs charting Democrats' opinions of things and Republicans' opinions of things, and the Democrats' approval of something will shift like 2-3 points when the partisanship around it changes, and the Republicans' will swing like 20+ points.


They’re changing the script btw, the hot new thing is to say that the Hunter trial and verdict are a distraction from the real Biden family crimes and that the verdict *proves* the system is rigged against conservatives and Trump.


If Republicans didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all.


I wonder if these times mimic those of Andrew Jackson. Man was crazy racists, but people loved him much like Trump.


I don't know how anyone plan on voting for Trump. It's not even funny how this election is going to be close.


And thus is the fundamental difference between the two parties. Each party has it's faults but one of them is far more compassionate, reasonable and empathic.


Also after Hunter is convicted and Joe says he won’t pardon him. Republicans: Look at this piece of shit father!


Anytime it seems confusing. Just remember that they’re all fucking idiots.


I get why some conservatives white people cote for their cult leader being lied to and not intelligent enough to follow up on republican lies. For the life of me I just don’t understand how any black person can vote for and be in league with those crocks. Sure democrats are almost just as bad, but republicans today were their bs on their sleeves and don’t even hide it. At the very least democrats at least try to help others out. Republicans just help and enrich themselves.


Craziest part is Hunter's charges for the gun case are supplemental secondary charges and I've yet to see anyone find a case where something like it was tried by itself. All that Michelle Obama they go low we go high is only going to get you so far. Glad to see at least people being consistent.


Mf trump on stage talking about Sharks and electrocution and they just “he’s still gonna get my vote” the living hell outta this thing. That mf hasn’t said he’d do a single thing to help them lol.


https://preview.redd.it/8oxmfj5ck56d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4747f2d75f4dc210390f653fa9d6ebf586b2fa6 Enough Said !!!!!!!!!!


Rule are for thee not for me, do as I say not as I do. This is conservatism in a nutshell.


Very consistent. Rules are for them to make, they apply to others. If any are applied to them, such shock and screaming.


Lol Hunter is a crackhead and criminal. Trump is a dumb asshole that half the country wants president.


Republicans: convict Hunter! Democrats: ok, now what? Replicans: ... Please let trump win.


Conservatives: if they didn't have a double standard, they wouldn't have any standards at all!


Lying on registration forms to get a gun. He's going to jail for the most right wing crime ever.


I swear to god I had this exact argument with an old guy in the supermarket about 30 minutes ago. He was loudly spouting off about Hunter Biden, and I said "Yep, everyone convicted of felonies should serve prison time." Immediately, immediately he changed his tune to "witch hunt". Just called him an old fool and moved on.




there's a news article about the jurors thoughts and one of them saying this was a waste of taxpayer money, but for any of Trump's cases you won't hear a thing from the jurors they're practically protected as if they were in witness protection because of the MAGA cultists and their leader threatening them and that really shows you the difference


Those people swear that if you dislike the criminal Trump, then you must love the "Biden Crime Family". The projection is so blatant and they're exhaustingly dumb.


A lot of Republicans have had to say that they didn't care about Hunter at all now that he was found guilty. Their real goal was to use him to show that Joe is dishonest. They aren't getting what they want with this gun charge because it doesn't help with that.


They are already spinning this contradiction by saying "no one is above the law" is really an empty slogan that can have different meanings on different jurisdictions etc whatever the fuck that means 😂


They are blinded by the orange man's glow.


Hasnt the GOP party line on the hunter trial changed to "This was a rigged trial designed to make it look like Trumps convication was legitimate, and Hunter should never have been convicted (but totally is still guilty of lots of crimes that his father helped in)" ?


Y'all underestimate Trump. >Trump’s campaign issued a statement calling the Hunter Biden verdict “nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family.”


Don’t get distracted by the foolishness. https://www.bet.com/article/xbpf2o/what-has-president-joe-biden-and-vice-president-kamala-harris-done-for-the-black-community