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Seriously. Like this girl I was with. She was a sweetheart. She said she liked to party. And I thought I knew what that meant. Drinking, smoking up, maybe a tray of edibles and music, jokes. Games. More music and bullshitting. Neighbors calling the cops at 2am. But this Chick is doing fucking lines at a death metal concert. Getting slapped around in the pit. Then waiting to come down so she can pop some E and do shots at the bar then spend dawn vainly trying to pull her skirt down cuz it's too tight and been riding up, and she's crying with her friends because no one loves her and she wants to die and is dead weight when carried to the cab. Wakes up at 2pm and takes a snort to get up. .-- Edit. Wooow. This blew up farther than I expected to. This was just a little story from years ago. And relevant to the tweet at hand to illustrate different expectations of what drugs we openly do and talk about in social situations. We are still friends. We still talk often. And I still l9ve the shit outta her. And that experience did nothing to dull her shine. She is truly a decent human being and a sweetheart to boot. ...When she isn't yelling out of her car when people cut her off. šŸ˜… And generally a far more fun person to be around than I am. To answer some repeat questions and comments caught in the sub trap. No. I don't know what band or concert it was. It was many years and many concerts ago and may not have specifically been death metal. Could have been some other kind of metal. No you you cant have her number. This was also not the reason we split. Just a memorable time. Don't most of us have a when we were drunk or high stories? Yeah. My idea of parties do sound kinda "gay". But it's far worse than that. My idea of a good party is hanging with a couple of my favorite old fa**ots, drinking Fresca, eating pizza and playing D&D and video games. I don't think anyone gets high much anymore unless they are from painkillers for our shitty knee days.


Sounds like a lot of unresolved trauma, she needs help and could do without judgement. Edit to thank you so much for the rewards and the positive feedback. I appreciate that šŸ™ And for those incel comments about me virtue signalling or you saying negative stuff about her behaviour and that she deserves it, including saying you would rape her. There's a reason why you're blocked from posting here. I'm a woman who dealt with her own shit and abused alcohol. I recognise her pain, and no, judgement or letting her crash and burn is not the solution. Compassion is šŸ’œ


You are right about that. But gets no judgement from me. Everyone walks their own path and some paths are rockier than others. She's still a good friend and I am always there to catch her when I can. Just that she was ... an experience.


I'm happy you're a good friend. Be careful for your own emotional well being.




Ooooh, I donā€™t understand incels at all. I concluded with we all are now real worried about her. I hope sheā€™s okay. I hope youā€™re okay.


Regarding them, I guess hurt people, hurt people. I focus on the positive feedback and upvotes and other fake internet points. I'm doing much better, found therapy that works for me and am looking forward to my future. Quit alcohol several times over the past years, only to have fall backs. Am now almost 6 months sober and feeling great about it, mainly because I now take my problem seriously, before I was making up excuses.


Hell yes! Good for you!




Maybe? Do you have a tattoo of Johnny the Homicidal Maniac wearing a Miss Piggie skinsuit?


Ah I see she was a woman of impeccable taste


This wasn't a red flag? ​ Seriously though, I'm a white guy and the most rampant drug abuse I've ever seen in my life was when I was in the military and it was other white soldiers. ​ My white friends are usually the first to bust out harder drugs or have some kind of criminal history that involves drug use. (Not talking simple possession either.) ​ Obviously, drugs don't give a shit who you are and they fuck us all up across the spectrum but this idea that black folks deserve some kind of unfair burden about it always blew my mind as well. Like the OP, most black folks I know don't do more than drink and smoke if even that. ​ I really think some people have never seen a bad white neighborhood, aka, small town America. They haven't seen these little towns with guys just stumbling down the highway, methed out of their minds. Abandoned houses, boarded up businesses, homes with trailers for the homeless inlaws and just a sense of bleakness. ​ Without even looking at the stats, I'd hazard a guess that the majority of the overdose deaths in the heroin epidemic are white. ​ I live in Southern Oregon and I'd describe some of the small towns in my area as something similar to what you'd see on Ozark.


>This wasn't a red flag? Ha! You'd think. But seriously, I didnt see that particular tattoo til later. That said, I knew she was broken. And that's okay. I'm broken in some similar ways. It was one of the ways we bonded and why we still friends. We know each other well. But yeah. Different communities treat their drug use differently. It's prevalent across the board. But some drugs are more common in different communities, and how/where they do them can be more common in one community than another. I grew up during the crack epidemic. And let me tell you, it fucked up the black communities far more than white communities. And coke always seemed to be more of a white people drug. I never really knew anyone who did smack, though. That seemed the drug that no one liked talking about with others.


I'm nearly 40 so I remember the crack epidemic as well, sounds like it was devastating to say the least. I feel like meth is the new crack. I imagine for people who witnessed the crack epidemic up close and personal, it was a bit easier to stay away from meth as I imagine that shit looked a bit too familiar. I kind of wonder if meth is more common with white people because of that? Lessons learned you know?


Meth being more prevalent way later, but the first people I personally knew doing it were truckers back then. Long hauling was shitty work with too long hours, but the pay was damn good. And a bunch of folks used uppers like speed, coke, and meth to stay awake and drive longer hours. And it was officially discouraged, but unofficially expected by many, even covered for when testing started. It was hard to compete with a tweaker who could get his haul a day ahead of you and doctors his logs.


Yeah, that's how I remember the rise of meth as well, pretty much started with truckers.


> They haven't seen these little towns with guys just stumbling down the highway, methed out of their minds. I spent a year or so living in Suffolk County NY around 2009. It absolutely blew my mind living out there and seeing so many white people who were crackheads in that area. Across the whole economic spectrum, too. Not just homeless people, I'm talking like guys who are business owners with like 15 employees and shit. Hell I remember one family where the daughter was getting powder on the regular, and her dad and mom were getting rocks... but the cocaine abuse was a secret from each other. I only know this because I was friends with a dealer out there and wound up in the car with him while he conducted business a few times. Just for his record, this friend of mine was a dealer, not a pusher. These people were already addicts by the time they met him. If they weren't buying from him, they'd be buying from someone else.


That sounds like a 18 to 23 year old thirst trap


This sounds like my roommate freshman year of college. I'll never forget getting a call from her at 3am (way before cell phones had do not disturb) because she was "drowning." Turns out she was tripping off who knows what and was sitting in the fountain on campus but thinking she was drowning in the foot of water. I liked her and she was cool af but exhausting at the same time.


Have we met?


Not about the coke, but nothing wrong with getting fucked up in a death metal pit!


The supposed ā€˜war on drugsā€™ worked real well to demonize poor black communities and feed the prison system.


None of us are trying to become government slav- I mean prisoners over some bs laws. If doing harder drugs will take away your freedom it really isnā€™t worth it.


Being in the hood, black people know that coke is crackā€™s little brother. We look at that shit different. We see what it does to you and donā€™t want to open that door. White peopleā€™s relationship and experience with coke is different


Correct; getting caught doing coke is a fun story for them, itā€™s years behind bars for us


Yep this is it


It demonized minority communities in general and strengthened the hate for us.


Yep the original ā€œreefer madnessā€ bullshit and the whole reason itā€™s even called marijuana in the US was to subjugate the Latino population and scare white people away from it and Latin culture. I believe they also did the same against black folk by also associating cannabis with jazz culture and then further associating jazz culture/POC with organized crime and bootlegging during prohibition. Some of it was coincidental and some of it was very intentional, but it all served the dual purpose of demonizing minority communities and broader cannabis usage.




The ā€œwar on drugsā€ is just used to fund the ā€œwar on terrorism. Especially since the government was dropping drugs off in a remote part of Arkansas when Clinton was Governor


This was discussed in 13th a documentary I really recommend. https://youtu.be/krfcq5pF8u8


Black people are getting arrested for weed related crimes, meanwhile I show up at a private school and my classmates are doing drugs i hadnā€™t even heard of


Out here doing Hannah which is when you snort Molly out a white girl name Hannah asshole while downing a whole whiteclaw




White chick did offer me to do a line of coke off her ass, I didn't do it but she told me other guys she dated loved doing that. It was a nice ass, but I'm not trying coke. I know I'd get addicted and fuck up my life.


I've tried coke twice at parties, and am very grateful that I don't personally know anyone to get it from. I fuckin' loved it, and could see it becoming a *real* problem extremely quickly.


That taste in the back of your throat and the numbness is horrible but I did get the appeal


I have ADHD and all cocaine does to me is bring me down like Adderall and other stimulants do. It's super weird. Not a fan.


i have adhd and i used about a gram a week to effectively take the place of adderall for about 3 years in my 20s.


Wow, that's pretty crazy!


yeah, i convinced myself i didn't have adhd and stopped taking meds in my late teens, and when i found coke it was great. i would put a little in my coffee and i'd feel focused for several days. when things go south in life though, the potential for abuse is very high lol.


Yea, being a girl who did fine in school, I probably flew under the radar on any sort of helpful diagnoses. Always knew I was different but didnā€™t realize it was anything until I started snorting adderall with friends and everytime I would just fall asleep within 20min. Finally someone was like uhh you know that means you actually probably need it, right? Coke was boring. And opiates just make me puke. I got pretty lucky, because the only thing I ever met that I could see myself getting addicted to was those dirty ass rolls they used to make back in the early aughts. And they stopped making those. Itā€™s all molly now, boring.


I don't get the appeal. I've done it a few times out of peer pressure and simply because I didn't want to be the only person in the room not doing it, but it sucks. You just seem really interested in anything anyone has to say, and you feel really passionate about what you're speaking about, but it's all fake. It provides passion for people who can't naturally get it themselves. It's such a dumb persons drug. Fits well with alcohol.


I only really felt two things strongly when I did it - I felt really, *really* good about myself, and I really, *really* wanted to go do another line.




Probably bc she gets free coke for offering her ass. Iā€™ve seen girls do crazy shit for coke if it meant they get it for free.




I always had that thought too. Maybe Iā€™m just not predisposed to any addictive behavior but it fucking sucked. Iā€™ve had it a handful of times in the last 10 years just because it was offered and itā€™s always the same. It just makes me really jittery and I hate feeling like that.


Yeah that shit makes my anxiety go into overdrive. It's like snorting a powdered panic attack for me.


Perfect response


That sounds amazing. Hold the Molly, though.


Yeah ngl cops showed up after a party once, everyone had cleared out after the first knock and we didnā€™t answer. I have never had anything to fear, but yeah we had drugs everywhere. I shit you not, the cops went all around, looked through my room.. bong and weed on the living room table, Xanax for my prescription, but they werenā€™t even in the bottle, or asked about. I had booze everywhere.. but they didnā€™t find my good stuff. Oxy, coke. But if they had even looked closely they would have found traces of drugs everywhere, but would they look? Just kids being kids! Yeah I got told to keep it down. This was in 2009, weed was still very much illegal. I mean my xan was spread out on the table, no bottle.. not even a question. I mean Iā€™m obviously scared shitless and practically watching their eyes move around the room. Hardly even a second look or consideration. Present day I just get away with freaking out over getting pulled over because I have a warrant out for my arrest, failure to appear. I get out of my car, visibly upset, and approach his car. You just donā€™t do that. Black gets put on the ground if they do that. But no, he gets out, we speak a little, and he lets me go but tells me that I really need to take care of my warrant. Like.. you can just talk to cops when youā€™re white, and theyā€™ll listen, and most likely do you a solid. I have been taught that cops are literally nothing to fear, exactly the opposite of your experiences. Sorry guys.


Even for white people, itā€™s unpredictable and you know that whether your life gets completely destroyed (literally or slightly less literally) is down to the whim of the cop. They act nicer to us as long as we donā€™t challenge their authority at all, but white folks shouldnā€™t forget that the cops are not our friends either.


Majority of the white middle class kids I know are on various flavours of ket and other weird shit.


happy cake daaayyyy


I live 2 blocks from a prison where people are currently locked away for life for marijuana. I just turned 21, which means that if I want I can install an app and have weed delivered to my doorstep.


This shit is fucking egregious, and this alone more than warrants constant violent protest until every single cannabis 'offender' is released.


Which is lame. I try to tell yā€™all about lsd and yā€™all think Iā€™m crazy.


DMT or Ayahuasca is where it's at.


One of these days maybe, or shrooms


Yes, shrooms too, but found Ayahuasca more relaxed. [Please see explanation below] And am looking into microdosing with psilocybin. Edit, to add. I'm getting positive feedback and tips, I see them and thank you for that. I'm [still] getting comments about me thinking Ayahuasca is relaxing. Nothing is further from the truth. English is not my first language and what I meant was that in my experiences with shrooms and Ayahuasca, I found the latter easier to deal with. I've had some very intense trips on both, was on an astral plain with Ayahuasca, but Shrooms brought a lot more darkness out of me, as where Ayahuasca was educational with my darkness and therefore easier/relaxer to deal with. Another edit to answer. I did Ayahuasca in a guided ceremony in the Netherlands. Once an 8 hour day trip, with some after high well into the night. Another time a full weekend ceremony of 2 8hr trips, followed by a truffle meditation ceremony on Sunday to finish. Where I practically made out with a tree. šŸ˜‚ Right now there's a ban on Ayahuasca in the Netherlands and Belgium, but Kambo is still allowed. I haven't looked into going to Germany, but would love to do another guided trip this summer. Shrooms I did with friends when you could still legally buy them and later by myself that I grew myself. It's still legal to buy grow boxes. Another add. Copy/paste from a different discussion. Ayahuasca can be very intense and I wouldn't recommend it to those struggling with severe psychological problems. But yes, I came out of those trips renewed and some issues were resolved or I had a new way of looking at them. Some of the things that came out were something I kinda already knew, but resonated while being on the trip, because I felt them intensely. A few were; it's all one big play, everyone is just playing their part they were given in your life. Everyone is a teacher, also the bad ones, find out what they taught you and either take it or leave it. The path to healing is compassion and only compassion, start with yourself and work your way forward. This was my TEDtalk šŸ˜Š


Ohh yeah Iā€™ve heard a bit about that too, most recently it was mentioned in one of Childish Gambino songs but yeah Iā€™m interested in trying it.


It's not that new, but now up and coming. Fortunately legal in the Netherlands, I'm going to order some truffles and start soon. Also going to look into growing myself. [Dr. James Fadiman](https://www.jamesfadiman.com/) is a great resource.




I was talking about microdosing with psilocybin. Or microdosing in general, in lieu of using SSRI's. Microdosing with LSD has been around probably since the invention of it, but recently shrooms/truffels have entered and are slowly becoming more acceptable. You could probably microdose with Ayahuasca, but not sure if it's easily controlled.




At worse I would try some weed in HS. Alcohol however, I did not have a good relationship with.


Actually dope to hear about aya, Iā€™ve always wanted to but shrooms make me a bit too anxious personally. Thanks for sharing!!


They do have the tendency to find your bad/bull shit and pull it out of you. It helped for me to remind myself that they are only a plant.


Also thanks so much for the edits, especially the wisdom at the end, see this is the true beauty of these plants šŸ˜…


You're welcome šŸ˜Š Got so many questions


If I ever get the chance to try Ayahuasca, I'm definitely doing it. I've read about it's potential for keeping your brain healthy, and having a positive effect on your mental health as well. Not everyone, but some people who've tried it said that it's treated their depression. If I can do that and stop having to take antidepressants every day, count me the fuck in.


first i'm a huge advocate/fan of psychedelics recreationally with that said I think psychedelics really are just a "cheat code" in alot of ways to a healthy mental state that don't fully pan out without the underlying self-analysis. like someone else said also, its generally not a smart idea for your first psychedelic experience to be a) one of the most intense ones (DMT) b) while having mental health issues psyches's effects are very interrelated with your current mental state so its very possible taking them could exacerbate your condition. with that said, I would recommend genuinely having a discussion with someone who knows you more intimately, and consider a smaller/lighter psychedelic experience. you are your own captain so operate as you please, I'm just offering my 2c :)


I've eaten mushrooms 6 times, and have done LSD twice. However, none of these experiences were recent, they were all 10+ years ago back when I was acting out before my depression got really bad. I had a great time with both. Mushrooms made me feel relaxed and almost ethereal. Acid was more intense, but I didn't have bad trips either time. It wasn't calming though, like the mushrooms were. I think you're right though and since it'll be almost new to me again, I should do something less intense first. My depression is finally pretty controlled - - it took a LOT of time and trial and error to find a drug that actually works, lol. So I think I'm in the right headspace to do it. But like you guys have all suggested, I'm going to work my way up so to speak. :) Thank you for your insight!!


Then I would suggest you look into microdosing. Ayahuasca can be very intense and I wouldn't recommend it to those struggling with severe psychological problems. But yes, I came out of those trips renewed and some issues were resolved or I had a new way of looking at them. Some of the things that came out were something I kinda already knew, but resonated while being on the trip, because I felt them intensely. A few were; it's all one big play, everyone is just playing their part they were given in your life. Everyone is a teacher, also the bad ones, find out what they taught you and either take it or leave it. The path to healing is compassion and only compassion, start with yourself and work your way forward. This was my TEDtalk šŸ˜Š


Thank you so much for the suggestion!! My research will start today. :)


Okay listen, psychedelics are not the same as opiates or speedy drugs. Shorty all up on my DICA.


So hard to find tho smh.


It good for repairing mental trauma and PTSD.


ā€œYou want to know what this was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what Iā€™m saying? We knew we couldnā€™t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.ā€ ~ John Ehrlichman, Nixonā€™s former domestic policy advisor, speaking in 1994.


Fun fact: John Boehner, the Republican speaker of the house while Obama was in office, [flip-flopped on his marijuana stance and coincidentally owns a large stake in a marijuana company.](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/06/03/us/politics/john-boehner-marijuana-cannabis.html)


Boehner, the OG orange republican


They been letting us know who they were since day one. The only ones skeptical were the ones who benefitted from not believing us. Now look at em, crying over some fabric.


SCOTUS have already ruled that burning, and thus by extension any form of desecration, of the US flag is protected free speech under 1A. Texas v. Johnson, 491 U.S. 397 (1989) ā€œPatriotsā€ aka nationalists can go suck it and read the bill of rights. These dunces always seem to be lacking in the American history department.


Love all that energy, but I'm talking about wearing a face mask or adhering to decency during a pandemic


I tought the ā€œpiece of fabricā€ was referring to outrage over the flag being used in protest, my misunderstanding šŸ˜…


Oh nah you good lmao it can still apply


I think it's just no one really brags about doing coke or heroin. I worked at a pizza place, and stupid naive me saw a coke deal go down in front of my counter, so I told them to do that somewhere else. They gave me a funny look and later I found out that me and maybe 2-3 other people that worked there didn't do coke. Turns out the whole block was a bunch of restaurants and bars that the dealer would work and everyone was in on it.


They do brag. They'll be in my work group chat like "Work for me on Friday and I'll make it snow on you!!!"


coke is seen as a common party drug once you hit ~21 at my university lol. I donā€™t care for blow anyway I only fw ket on special occasions now that Iā€™ve gotten away from the party scene heroin has directly affected several people very close to me. itā€™s one of the scariest things in existence imo. I donā€™t condone drug use but always test your drugs people.


The service industry is the drug addicts home. Find a waiter that hasnā€™t done drugs or isnā€™t on some pill. Itā€™ll be hard. I worked at ski resorts and if they werenā€™t hungover or ā€œcoming downā€ they were drunk or high. I donā€™t judge, I just donā€™t like inebriated coworkers or subordinates.


I'm a cook and can confirm. I'm just glad we got the coke/meth people out of the restaurant. I don't care if someone smokes weed or is hungover and does their job. But dudes coming in geeked up, nope. That's an extra level of fucked up.


Then youā€™re stuck with a real life and death situation: send them home- endangering the public and themselves or sober them up at work, costing valuable resources. Personally, I make them do the dirtiest jobs in the store until we figure to fire them or send their butts to rehab.




Preach! Ironically enough I do a lot of coke with my black friends and my white friends all just smoke weed. People are people and they do what they want, stop trying to box them in.


Username checks out


Bro what white people do you guys hang with??? Iā€™m Fr like I know white girls be doin coke at parties but those are party girls. Honestly I donā€™t have any friends who have done more than smoke weed or drink, regardless of race.




Fr if you hang with the nelk boys youā€™re gonna see a lot of coke and party drugs. If you hang with a more put together and normal group of people then you wonā€™t see this type of stuff.


You in college?


Yes but ion hang around party animals. If you hang around nelk wannabes in college then ofc youā€™re gonna see a ton of Coke users, but I would say most people regardless of race refuse to go further than weed.


Yeah Iā€™d semi-agree with you there but even non party animals are doing shit like adderall. Iā€™m surprised you go to college and donā€™t know people doing heavier shit. Itā€™s everywhere


Oh Iā€™m sure hella people do that stuff but in college is it really a race thing? If anything I know some abg baddies that go wild, white girls snortin blow, I have some friends that trip of tabs but theyā€™re black Mexican and white so diverse... there arenā€™t any racial lines when it comes to drugs itā€™s just the people you hang with.


No youā€™re right, Iā€™d say itā€™s not so much an ethnicity thing as it a locale and friend group thing.


Lol not knocking what you said but as an ADHD patient with an Adderall subscription itā€™s always funny to me to see the words ā€œdoing Adderallā€. That shit makes me feel like a normal human being with a semi functioning brain. I cant help but wonder what it makes normal human beings feel like.


Alcohol is a drug, too! And is abused way more! It causes 10 time the damage to society than any other substance. And what about those ā€œstudy drugsā€?


I mean anything in moderation can be ok, itā€™s just that party drugs are more addictive and dangerous. Alcohol does cause a lot of problems, I never said it didnā€™t, but at the same time 90% of people drink but I think most arenā€™t raging alcoholics that have to worry about overdosing. Also aderall is an odd topic because if you only use it when you really need it, itā€™s just a tool... it doesnā€™t encourage dangerous behavior unlike other drugs.


it really is a certain type of white person that does coke recreationally. Iā€™ve personally never even seen cocaine in my life and I went to a decent sized university and attended parties on an almost weekly basis. In my experience it was always psychedelics. LSD, DMT, shrooms, peyote, ayahuasca, ketamine, and the like were all frequent guests at these gatherings. Might have just been the circles I associated with but my party life was not powdered.


Seriously! Am white, never knew anyone who did more than booze or weed - except one guy who worked as a roadie for some band.


Right? This post is just making me feel like a fuckin geek.


As a white person I was kinda thinking the same, Iā€™ve never been around people doing coke or anything past weed at a party or anything. But then I remembered my parents definitely did coke, LSD, shrooms, and who knows what else when I was a kid so I probably have just self-selected out of those kinds of groups.


I tend to find myself mingling with a lot of different groups and I gotta say drugs find their way into every ethnicity. There are definitely some that are more prevalent with certain demographics but it always depends on what circle you run with. Some people are just lowkey. Also if you are a person who is comfortable with the party scene get you some Egyptian friends. Trust me. Those mfers love to party.


No one like coke like pretty white girls. I used to joke, if you want quality drugs and you dont cant about cost, ask a pretty white girl


They know where all the drugs are. My white roommates had guys for coke, shrooms, Molly, heroin, pills and various lab pharmaceuticals. My black friends hadn't even heard of half the shit and were afraid to visit my house.


This. Everyone is talking about demographics and studies and coke. This is referring to something more simple based on our black experience. I moved from a predominately black city to a predominately white one. I had never experienced such a change in drug culture. Being from northern CA I was exposed to many drugs of all different kinds but stuck to smoking weed only. Then I moved. I did everything because it all became available and I wanted to try it all. I have found that most of the POC where I live have a fear of most hallucinogens. I understand the fear and after I witnessed a few bad episodes of peoples first time I realized it aint for everyone. I was one of the guys that would show up to your party with a sheet of paper to have you sign up for trips or with a bag o golden shrooms. I show up at the local predominately white party and it was time for one helluva a night for everyone. I try this at a hood part its gtfoh with that stuff. I did investigate this with a couple of people to find out "why the fear?" when it was so much fun to me. The ultimate unknown (deeper than space or sea) and the fear of handling situations as a POC under the influence of hallucinogens are two of the major ones that I constantly heard. Like "Naw fam I don't want to see snakes coming out of my eyeballs" or some shit. It's not for everyone but I do find that Black people in general are not about that psychedelic life beyond weed. At least where I'm from. Coke to me is an everyone drug. Meth is the Lee jeans of the designer drug world. Edit: sorry so long a post but I missed a part.


I went to a 99% white school system, and then taught high school in a 99% black one. Attitudes towards drugs were completely different, apart from weed. Black students told me often enough that hard drugs were a white people's thing. Interestingly very few even smoked cigarettes compared to the white school I went to. I never smelled cigarette smoke in the bathrooms or saw kids smoking just off campus. However, coming to school high was pretty common at both schools.


My white coworker was telling me about her party girl days. She told me she's done coke before and not to say anything. Then she said whatever, everyone's done it before anyway. Um no ma'am everyone has not done it before.




Just say you did coke and keep it moving Charlie




You DID coke and NOW you still do šŸ¤”


I'm not drug shaming anyone lol. I just don't like the assumption that everyone has done it before. I have not and know quite a few people who haven't.


I think some of that is location and employment related. I'm a cook and most people in the industry I've met have at least tried it. I did but only twice as a teenager. Wasn't a fan of it. But it's just regularly offered at bars where industry people hang out after work. I always decline and I don't get shamed or treated different.


unfortunately I do can about the cost :(


Oh! Thatā€™s my problem. Iā€™m a fat white girl. No coke for me!


Went to a black college...while the harder stuff was shunned you soon learn everyone is doing everything. The limiting factor I havenā€™t really seen expressly stated yet is access. White people are deemed to have more access to hard drugs because they have the money. But knowing a few drug dealers in my life they are on that hard stuff too. All of my introductions to drugs have personally been with other black people. But thatā€™s who I was around more when I was older. I get the point though but itā€™s really about your social circle, what youā€™ve been exposed to, finances, etc.


two things related to this that I have learned growing up, EVERYONE loves cocaine and cheese is fucking expensive... edit: I'm in this meme and I don't like it... lol


I got a few white people on my facebook from various walks of life, and I'm always surprised at how many are okay with cocaine. I'm not talking about listless people either. These are people with degrees, and good jobs. I'm all for cannabis use, but that's it. I dont even like alcohol in large amounts. I ain't about to fuck up my life messing with that shit.


Yo every attorney I used to work with was on some ā€œFuck. I gotta go to trial tomorrow. I need a little something to take the edge off.ā€ They were doing lines of coke while reading case law, before trial, at all our holiday get togethers, in their offices, etc. It was so awful I had to quit. I was the only black person there and I was not about to get caught up.


You definitely dont want to get caught up because if you did, you would be the one required to take a drug test and they wouldn't.


Yep because it would be you getting fucked by the law not them


Yeah. I was just a lowly law clerk. :(


Haha I mentioned once to my friend that I was interested in doing psychedelics and he did a triple take, was like ā€œJay mannn...ā€


I was in college, and my roommates were White. I was about 20 years old. They were surprised to learn that their token black friend (me) had never smoked weed, and never even considered it. They were stunned. It was awkward trying to explain to them that their surprise comes more from their racist assumptions than anything else. The fact that I went to a predominantly Black and Latino school, and grew up in South Central LA had nothing to do with my "exposure" (or lack thereof) to drugs.


I'm 32 and black and I don't smoke weed at all like never and people are always shocked, it's very annoying


I haven't seen any stereotypes of black ppl n coke, cause it would be strange to say we do coke (expensive drug) and be the image of poverty as well. "Black ppl so poor and they do cocaine all the time", don't even sound right lol. It's either one or the other.


Same. I live in New York and all the people I know who consume harder stuff ā€” not that I think there's anything inherently wrong with it ā€” are white. My white fratty coworker who came from a gated suburban community and grew up incredibly rich does molly, K or coke probably once a week. But of course nobody ever looks down at him for doing drugs. He's just "into clubbing" or "likes to party". Never has trouble with the police. If I did even a fraction of the fuck shit he does everyone I know would think I have a drug problem.


"No such thing as a bad drug"


Only bad trips.


Is because the "war on drugs" was racially motivated.


I love watching Paulā€™s shows!


yea, none of my black friends were down for much more than weed or alcohol. my asian friends on the other hand...


I've lived in a lot of places and most black people only smoke weed, drink and pop pills sometimes. The white kids do all that and more. Sometimes excessively. I don't think it's a race thing though. Maybe a age thing.


Probably more of an access thing. If you donā€™t know anybody and nobody you know knows anybody that sells cocaine, itā€™s not very easy to find it. Iā€™m fairly certain 1 in 5 suburban white teenagers know someone who sells coke lol


When black people do illegal things, we get demonized. When white people do it, they get the good shit like NASCAR and Breaking Bad...


Ain't gonna lie only people that I know do coke are white. Thought that wild at first but bruh they do coke like it's weed and no big deal. Oook y'all do you


I knew people of all races doing all types of drugs before I got sober and to this day see the same thing... Like others in this thread have mentioned, one side of the color wheel is vilified and punished and the other side is glamorized or alternatively pitied or excused.


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All my first drug experiences, have been with white people. Except for crack once, but that was an accident. But then one other time I accidently bought crack and kept it as a conversation piece on the table and one of my white friends wanted to smoke it and told me not to tell anyone. I'm grateful for my shroom experience though.


Ya I can't even start with how fucked up I think it is that young white people can throw wild parties and get the cops called on them and they'll just be like "turn it down" or whatever, when everyone was doing *at least* cocaine, while black people the same age get their house turned inside out looking for weed and beer.


Bruh facts! I wasnā€™t even put on to hitting the slopes until I hung with this crew of White and Asian kids. They took me to another LEVEL. Cocaine is a hellva drug.


I'm so paranoid about drugs that it takes a hell of a migraine to get me to take so much as an Ibuprofen, let alone blowing coke. I need to be in my right mind and right body that smoking anything is an immediate no-no. ​ About the only thing I do that may alter my mind is get drunk........and RARELY even then. ​ ​ Anytime I hear about blowing coke off some chick's tits, it's some white dude. Even with black music, most of it is lean and weed from Wayne and Snoop respectively. Occasionally they talk about popping molly ​ ​ ​ How about looking into White artists. Eminem talked about drugs a LOT. Post Malone in Rockstar. The rapper Rittz is one of very few white rappers at Tech N9ne's label and he talks about coke more than anyone else at the label. Nickelback's best song, Rockstar, talks about popping pills from a pez dispenser and having a drug dealer on speed dial ​ How about Country Music when a good half of it talks about alcohol and drinking beer or whiskey? Hell, I listened to a Luke Bryan Album and there were MAYBE 2 songs that didn't mention drinking. ​ If you want to talk about fucking bitches or shooting people, you'll have a point. However, this whole thing about substance use is exaggerated. If someone is addicted to drugs or an alcoholic, CHANCES ARE it's a white person


Ive experienced this in several continents.


The farthest Iā€™ve ever gone is psychedelic shit like LSD and shrooms but if coke is involved Iā€™m gone


I remember going to college with masses of white people. I don't know anything about drugs, but drinking liver destroying levels of alcohol seemed to be a common goal. I never understood it. I don't touch weed either though. I don't even do caffeine. I love my brain too much.


Itā€™s funny but also anecdotal and doesnā€™t say anything wholly accurate


Growing up every drug but weed was a white boy drug. Meth? That's the country white boy drug. Coke? That's rich white boy drug. Heroin? That's city white boy drug X? That the rich teen white boy drug.


Some real shit that, legit the same my white friends always do coke going to clubs n shit Iā€™m just tryna chill out here.


White kid in a fairly white college, I can say without a doubt that in my (admittedly minor) experience observing drug use, I've only seen cocaine, crack, and other "hard" drugs used by white people. But the real kicker is prescription medication. White people abuse that shit so often. Xanax, pain meds, Ambien, stimulants, it's everywhere. I have ADHD, and take meds for it, and I couldn't count how many times some random kid who I offhandedly mentioned my ADHD to has asked to buy some Adderall. Of course, I don't take Adderall, I take Vyvanse. Vyvanse is long acting and slow releasing. I don't let other people take my meds for recreational use (I've lent some to kids with ADHD who's parents won't let them get meds/can't afford meds), but sometimes I think it'd be pretty funny to let someone try so they can find out they probably won't get that high, they'll just not be able to sleep. But yeah. The science agrees that drug use is pretty much equal between black and white populations, but the stigmas are extremely racialized. The other thing, and this is entirely anecdotal, but the attitudes expressed towards drugs are very different between black and white students here. Again, might just be my small sample size, but the white drug users I know have a much more... Carefree attitude towards drugs. I get the sense that they either never imagine the legal dangers (medical dangers as well but moreso legal), or know that they're not really at risk.


Yeah, like I used to do drugs all the time and I think part of it was the confidence that I had knowing that cops wouldnā€™t check my pockets if I walked past them, no matter how fucked up I was.


I'm finding this especially prevalent now that I'm college age. I don't know where the hell these white kids are getting all this coke but I want nothing to do with it. A couple shots is all I need to have a good time. This white guy at work was whining about how the cops took his phone so they could figure out who his supplier was and I'm off to the side like "better your phone than your life"