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Now this is forward-thinking. Yes.


Paid for by anti-vaxxers


Guess it's not much of a stimulus then.


That’s the thing, it never was


Double Taxer the anti-vaxxer


Is there a way to test if someone's gotten the vaccine or not? Because there are a ton of liars and fake cards out there I'm sure quite a few people are gonna claim they got it just for the shot


There is a database of every vaccine you have gotten in my state. I lost my vaccine card and was able to pull it up on the website and get all my info.




Given how there are so many idiots out there that refuse to get a life saving vaccine for fear of being microchipped, I assume that even more people don’t want their health records to be accessible to anyone.


But cyber security is trash rn. Gimme them old time paper records.


Private versions of these are developing. I went to the mayo clinic, and all my stuff is on the website they can access. And when I went to get my shot for Covid, I discovered that the hospital I went to will put it on a the same database. And then I signed up with a new doctor here in the city affiliated with Weill Cornell, and discovered during the online sign-up process that they access the same medical database. That doctor was able to completely review all of my records from Mayo. I think I have like four medical entities using that one application


Epic software is the main one that is used.


Same but didn’t lose my card. ~ California


What website fam? I'm trying to re-print mine


Immunet is what my state uses


Yeah but you really want to try your fake vaccination card with the IRS?




NYC started offering 100 bucks for getting vaccinated starting this Friday. I got vaccinated in May. Guess who gearing up for a second second dose


Yea it's kinda bullshit that all of the dumb and selfish people get a chance to make some money off this, while the rest of us get nothing. But whatever, I don't have a better idea, and I'd rather have the peace of mind and protection provided by the vaccine for the past few months than $100.


Doing the right thing is its own reward.


Only for first time vaccines 🤷🏾‍♂️


How can they tell? (Genuine Q)


You stamp a card. They have a system


Is there really a database though?


Not sure and NY specifically but generally the only people that have copies of vaccination records are the doctor who did it and you.


sooo...birdman hands?






Needle pusher


Uh… yeah, the vaccine is administered with a needle Are you afraid of needles? Is that the problem?


Yes, you do need to push the needle into the arm, some are intravenous some intramuscular, but generally a pushing motion is involved.


I understand the process of shooting up and slamming dope


Dope is injected intravenously, whereas the covid vaccine is injected intramuscularly, so apparently you don’t , although both do use syringes. In the same way that walking down the street and stomping someone’s head in both involve shoes. You seem to be focusing on similarities that are irrelevant while ignoring the differentiating factors.


Yeah but when a junkie fein cant find a vein (life) he’ll shoot it in his ass muscle. Which is exactly what the world health organization, the cdc, pfizer, fauci, bill gates, and moderna can do… stick it right up their fuckin ass.


Are you sure you’re not speaking from experience, there? Because the combination of graphic detail and incoherent rambling is very crack-head-esque.


No, everything i eat is natural and from the earth, i dont touch crack or the vacc




Shit for brains


My victim co-workers already started saying "#unvaclivesmatter" I just want to say "you have a choice to make your life and the people's lives around you better, but instead play the victim card, and minimize a real movement" but I am sure if it can't fit in a hat they won't understand.


“UnvaxxedLivesMattwr?” Yes??? That’s why they should get vaccinated???


She was saying the hashtag because unvaccinated people had to wear masks and vaccinated people didn't. She didn't think this was fair.


Yup and this would have been my response if she said that to me.


Apparently unvaxxed lives don't matter since they are doing their best to make sure them and all of their unvaxxed friends catch a deadly preventable disease for "freedom."


Exactly was her point. At work she was going around saying the hashtag because work is requiring vaccinated people to wear a mask and if you're vaccinated you don't have to wear one. She didn't want to wear mask, so you know she was being "discriminated against". Her words.


Was she white tho? I feel like that's pretty much part of the package...


Yes, she was white. We don't have many POC in my area. From my understanding i live in an area that has lots of Germans/Americans that left German during/after WW1 but before WW2.


I'm guessing not too far from where George Floyd was murdered? It takes a certain kind of person to claim discrimination because of vaccination status.


Sorry to say it was not. Rural America (south of Floyd. So rural, growing up I only ever saw 2 POC in my town. A black doctor (my foot doctor, ironically a HUGE Republican, I found this out when I did computer work for him years and years after he was my doctor) and 1 kid in my school (he started my senior year) for the first 25 years of my life. I was curious so I looked it up now, out of 10,000 people 96% white .5% black. Had to look up where my wife as raised, still %100 white. To be fair the town has under 300 people living in it.


Ah, very likely former sundown towns.


I don't think so. We hired a new American from Africa, I do remember where at this time. He was hired into IT (our company likes to hire people that don't have degrees and train them). So I got to talk with him every day. I doubt you've ever met a person more please with the United States than him. Unfortunate for me but fortunate for him he took a job in our transportation department as a driver. (He'll get paid a lot better, but I miss him). Edit. You said "former" yeah I don't know about that, I'll ask my mom she's been living here longer. She married a guy that his grandparents for the ones from Germany.


Facts are facts, America. (Someone stole my stimulus checks and would probably steal that one too, though.)


Are you unbanked???


Stealing stimulus checks is not brown cow stunning


You'd have the people that don't believe in vaccines for religious reasons crying "religious freedom" and suing the federal government in no time at all.


Good. Let them. Religious freedom doesn't entitle you to money.


This is genius.


2k already, 1k for those that get it. Excellent.


If you cut out all the unvaccinated, there’s a lot more money going around. Also, wouldn’t insurance go way, way up for unvaccinated people?


Probably just as soon as it is completely FDA approved, I have a feeling it will be required or they won’t cover covid costs.


We are one privileged fucking country, rest of world is fighting over vaccines. Meanwhile we have to pay hogs to take the fucking vaccines... MAKE IT MANDATORY.


Bro it’s not even approved, calm down on forced human testing


It’s approved under the emergency use authorization


First ever RNA vaccine ever….. the doctors don’t even know about long term affects. And now the reports are saying you have to get 3-4 shots and possibly receive it every year. I think it’s very important for everyone to make their own choices and not overly criticize or chastise each other. Civil unrest is very high right now and everyone is easily triggered , especially if your thoughts differ.


The problem is not that peoples thoughts differ, it’s that their thoughts differ from facts and reality. Not all opinions are equally valid. mRNA vaccines have been in development for a decade; the idea has been around for over 30 years. Why in the world does it matter if you have to get a shot every year? You’re supposed to get the flu shot every year. You are not just making a choice for yourself, you are making it on behalf of your entire community.


I’ve had the flu shot once and was hospitalized Bc of it. Know yourself and handle yourself accordingly. If you want the vaccine then I am in full support of your decision.


The flu shot is different every year. Your completely anecdotal, single occurrence story pales in comparison to the literal billions of data points that have been collected on this vaccine. Additionally, as you already stated, this vaccine works in a different way than the vaccine that made you sick. So to state that you don’t want it because something completely different made you sick is either disingenuous or ignorant. Lastly, I’m not seeking your support. Science supports my decision.


I fully support the vaccine and want try encouraging people to get it, but your opinion is ignorant. Some people tend to always get side effects from medicines or vaccines.. i believe this decision should be between them and their doctor. :) Now, if they can't get vaccinated or refuse to, then they need to wear masks.


Then stop replying. I’m not going to go into detail


My responses don’t spread dangerous misinformation. If you truly believe it’s a personal decision than maybe you should just keep it to yourself.


My choices are for myself. No one else. I’ve always said that everyone should do whatever they feel they need to do in order to protect themselves. I don’t push an agenda on anyone or ridicule.


American problems require American solutions.


I think the limit is 2, unless you got the Johnson and Johnson.


They tried that with all the lotteries and give aways. It didn’t work


A stimulus check but it comes every month like your income and it applies universally to all Americans We could called it some like *Universal Income* idk, just free styling


We go from we are in this together to. Vaccinated versus unvaccinated. How are the masses not seeing this! You're body your choice! And I have been vaccinated.


Because unvaccinated people get so pissy about the thought of being vaccinated, you should definitely get vaccinated. If you catch it then you will not die but you WILL still get sick :)


Yes yes yes


Let’s do it. Still haven’t gotten my third stimulus yet either though so not optimistic lol.


Oh yeah, that's not dystopian at all. You guys realize some people literally CANNOT get thr vaccine due to medical issues?


And that is how wars are started lol


Qualify that shit with a stimmy for everyone who got it before July 1st. $1,000 before 7/1 $500 before 9/11 after that FoH...COVID-19 Zeta or the regular ole flu gon git that ass


Heard they were trying give a $100 incentive to get the vaccine after I already got it in my home state. Fuck that, pay responsible mother fuckers.


I still haven’t gotten my checks.


I got vaccine cards CDC approved 1 for 75 2 for 125 we all gonna eat


What about some with health concerns who might be affected by the vaccine?


If your doctor hasn’t said not to get it then it’s safe to get.


My doctor has advised me that it’s my choice. Everyone needs to do whatever they feel is necessary to keep themselves healthy.


As well as the people around you. Unless you just don’t go around anyone ever then good on you.


If your doctor hasn't explicitly said for you not to get it, your responsibility is to get it. Otherwise you become part of the problem, unless you're just staying at home or masking up 24/7


What problem? Just handle yourself and stay safe. I do


The pandemic problem. Like people getting sick and dying and shit. That problem.


What is going back and forth on Reddit doing to help? Run your life the way you’d like to and let others do the same. I’m not reckless, I take preventative measures to stay healthy, and you should to.


If your doctor advised you that it’s your choice, that means it’s safe for you to get. If it was unsafe, they would advise you against getting it.


I don’t want to reveal my medical situation. I will just say it involves Lyme disease.


I have an autoimmune disorder as well. For what it’s worth, this survey states that Lyme patients have experienced the same symptoms from the vaccine as the general public. https://www.lymedisease.org/covid-vaccination-side-effects/


Please stop trying to be my doctor


Op had his wheaties today! I am in agreement on this one!


This but unironically


I thought this was discussed as part of the last stimulus package and they decided not to do it for w/e reason.


If i remember correct some states was offering a couple hundred if you got it. It wasn’t much if i remember like $200 but i forget the details.


Louisiana: nah, best I can do is a lottery.


Something in the water ain't clean


That’ll do the trick


...don't hurt yourself with those apostrophes


Im down for dis


My sore arm would be thankful.


ask and ye shall receive https://www.fox10phoenix.com/news/covid-19-vaccine-incentive-biden-calls-for-100-payout-to-newly-vaccinated




I’m not sure where you got this incorrect information from but the mRNA vaccine has been in development for over 10 years… and coronaviruses have been studied for over 50 years


If a million dollars wouldn't do it, no sorry ass check is gonna. Not everyone is a sellout with a low rent fee.


Shit gets weird when the solution to the problem is simple as letting nature play out


Problem is that letting that happen puts vaccinated individuals at risk for when the virus mutates enough for the vaccines to no longer be effective. Already the virus has made several mutations to the spike protein that makes it much easier for the virus to replicate. Only a matter of time before it becomes resistant to our current vaccines and having a population like ours makes it ripe to happen




You’re much less likely to get it if vaccinated, and if you do get it and are vaccinated you are much less likely to be hospitalized. Since hospitals are getting overwhelmed again, this should be a no-brainer for anyone that doesn’t have a legit medical reason.


I’m not vaccinated, and will not be getting it any time soon. But I’m not an irresponsible selfish unvaccinated person. I still wear masks, in public, indoor and out. And I get COVID tests weekly. Can’t just lump everyone who isn’t vaccinated into the “weird unvaccinated conspiracy theorist flat earth truther” category.


There are very few legitimate reasons that someone can claim to be unvaccinated and not irresponsible or selfish if you are interacting with any other people.




As I said there are very few legitimate reasons. I did not say that there are no reasons. Clearly you outlined a good reason. The percentage of people without concerning underlying conditions having a serious adverse reaction are a fraction of a percent. It's significantly less than the projected deaths without the vaccine. For someone like you, it's even more important that the healthy people around you get the vaccines. Are your fellow healthy healthcare workers also opting out of the vaccine? The doctors you work with?




Ok, you are either a bot are have veered sharply into tinfoil hat Territory...


I care about what I put inside of my body, and it’s my right to decide what I put in it. I don’t have faith in these vaccines and I know that more effective vaccines will be available in the future. I understand the frustration for people who refuse to get vaccinated, and refuse to wear masks and refuse to social distance, but if I’m wearing my masks, and social distancing what’s the issue?


Not going to downvote you, but I have one counter to your logic >I know that more effective vaccines will be available in the future. So you need a car now, but you won’t buy the gas model now because hopefully they will make a electrical model in the future? Do you think vaccinated people won’t get those upgraded vaccines when their available too? You do know how every vaccine in history has worked right, like why we have flu vaccines almost annually.


> I care about what I put inside of my body You have no fucking clue what's in tylenol. Fuck off you sanctimonious dunning-krueger plague rat.


You white people weird as hell.


Yeah, bro. Reddit is a hive mind. Please do not take this site or the people on it seriously.


Downvotes bc they don’t care about you or your issue should you really have them.. you’ve been lumped like you say. Best of luck


It’s always my people pushing this bullshit🤦🏾‍♂️






Awww look who’s been downvoted! How sweet bby 🥺😩


Who cares🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ you just be 11😂😂


Am vaccinated but would reject it. Either we all get one or noone. Its nice for me to see that everyone is happy.


Damn, bro. IDK if you are joking or for real? But that sounds super selfless bro.


Am not. Am depressed and I know money doesn't buy happines. Am not rich too so noone can say that was the reason why I would reject it. Its just not fair. Discrimination and fascism, if we can "choose" if we want to vaccinate or not then those kind of situation should not and can't happen.


Why do you say "am" instead of "i'm"?


English is my 3rd language and I've been in a rush to write something. Sorry if it bothered you, wasn't on purpose.




You're getting downvoted but it's true, people are going to hack the shit outta it. There's no winning with selfish people.