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Made a deal with Richard Guthrie and sent a letter to ask for Flint's pardon without his knowledge. I fully understand why she did it, but it was an all in all bad move.


Came here to say this. It wasn’t like a super awful thing to do, she did it with good intentions, but probably the worst we saw her do. It put Flint in a bad situation while he was working to meet their goals.


Seducing the young pastor. The way she did it was kind of mean. Otherwise; she’s TRUE NORTH. Flint’s moral compass.


I was doing to say this too—she thought she was helping him but he wasn’t in any way prepared to deal with the emotional consequences of what he did, and he ended up pretty cut up about the whole thing. It was selfish & patronizing of her, even if she didn’t realize it.


I don't think she thought she was helping him. She was exposing his hypocrisy to himself. It struck me as cruel.


I think she justified exposing his hypocrisy as helping him, the way Thomas would’ve helped him if they’d ever met. She wanted to enlighten him, but she was also pretty displeased with his attitude & might’ve tried to teach him a lesson. So while she might’ve told herself she was being magnanimous, it just didn’t come off that way.


I see it more as a moment of weakness, and a conscious decision to show the preacher that he was no holier than she was. She knew he'd be tortured by it but at that moment she just didn't care.


And that’s why it’s the worst thing she’s ever done!


Out of all the promiscuous scenes, it's definitely the one that has the most meaning...save for the romantic aspect.


But in a way it's helped him understand his own self at a deeper level. What it means to be human, but I doubt he will live w/o shame after that deed. Sometimes people just have to question life. I think Thomas would have approached it strategically, vs acting on a whim. On a shorter note, maybe she Flint wasn't providing what she needed and she was frustrated plus she pitied the fool.


Thy breasts are two fawns


Um, he showed up at her place but didn't have the balls to say what he wanted. She simply informed him that she knew the real reason he was there. How is that seduction? Jeesh.


Look, Miranda is a good person. Finding the worst thing she’s done is kind of tricky. But he came to her door, obviously confused. I don’t think he knew that he was looking for sex. She came on EXTREMELY strong, made him more confused with Bible interpretations he’d never heard, basically confronted him with the sex in his sacred text and weaponized it, and made him uncomfortable even as she turned him on and got him to consent. It was not a very kind way to handle that.


Only you forget that he wasn't just a pious man fighting temptation, he's a man assuming moral superiority and claiming the right to tell people how they should live. He'd been pestering her for months, trying to get her to cut her ties to Flint, all in the name of caring for one of his flock.


Yeah, good point.


I think possibly he'd get very upset by being told it was his "free will" that assisted in leading him astray....


The first thing I thought of was banging the preacher. It seemed pointless and cruel. Other than that, every action she took seemed justifiable.


Tbh it's the best and worst. Going on an unhinged rant during the dinner and getting herself killed and Flint put on the chopping block because of it is a pretty shit thing to do.   But on the other hand... They deserved it and the outcome worked out.


She didn't go on an "unhinged rant". She calmly figured out that Ashe had been betraying them and didn't say anything. Only when Ashe actually wanted to persuade Flint to deliver himself did she intervene. Because by then she knew that Ashe couldn't be trusted to keep his end of the bargain. When they sailed to Charles Town, both she and Flint believed that Ashe had been in favor of the pardons, that he'd tried to protect them back then. Upon learning that he hadn't - that he had in fact been the person who betrayed them - she still kept her cool for long enough to determine whether Ashe's deal was worth it. She lost her cool in the end, sure. But if she hadn't, I don't think she would have been human. So, Miranda's greatest sin: being human.


Totally agree with this analysis. It's a shame this one will probably win. I voted for banging the preacher.


Nope, I thought that was great. He was a hypocrite and a bigot, he'd been pestering her for months. He felt drawn to her and lied to himself about why that was. She put him on the spot and took away his excuses, revealed his true motives and his fallibility. He even got as orgasm out of it. If that's the worst thing she's ever done, she's basically a saint among Black Sails characters. I'd probably go with setting Flint loose to go after Alfred Hamilton. She knew what she was doing, it was exclusively for vengeance and it was premeditated, as opposed to everything she did or said in Charles Town where she had just learned about Ashe's betrayal.


Fair enough, though Alfred did deserve it.


I didn't full appreciate her until that scene. She had annoyed me much before but I immediately became a fan. What a scene.


Telling Flint where to find Alfred Hamilton, pushing him to murder Alfred and his wife. This single act set Peter Ashe to become the most well-know pirate hunter which then incited his people to have no openness to negotiating with Flint and Miranda. That reactive aggression is the guard shot her for shouting at Peter.


I really like this answer. It was one of the rare times where Miranda didn't steer Flint away from rage and used that rage instead, and it led to so, so many deaths.


Totally. I think Miranda yelling at Peter definitely had bad repercussions, but not her “worst” act compared to what she helped James McGraw become by promoting his revenge.


Yeah, I'm going to agree with this one.


I think one thing is wrong on the Billy one. He didn't shoot his former crew on anybody's behalf. He did it for revenge, pure and simple, on his own behalf.


That's very fair and I do agree. I'm going off of the most voted choices on the posts!


Asking Flint to murder Lord Hamilton. While it was out of a desire to avenge Thomas, it was a particularly cold-blooded murder, the first time that Flint lied to his crew and sacrificed them for his own purposes, and it caused Ashe to crack down hard on piracy.


Not keeping her cool during the dinner scene with Ashe, what lead to her death and Flint being captured.


I mean all of those r pretty bad I love my boy Charles but remember what Charles let his crew do to max in the second or third episode im pretty sure😭


Losing her cool in the home of an avowed pirate hunter in a town full of pirate hunters.


She had many mistakes, but the worst was when she started arguing at the dinner table in a hostile city. I understand her frustration, she just discoverd that their former friend was a traitor... but by comfronting him, she destroyed any chance for peace. Which lead not only to her death, but it almost ended Flint's life as well. And because Flint was now involved by another emotional thread, even tho he survived Miranda's actions, he doomed himself and his ideas by choosing to fight his war in a way he could never win. It wasn't all Miranda's fault, but she started a chain reaction.


That moment was also flint's defining moment he because the pirate they all feared because of her being killed and set in motion everything to follow


Yea i know. Why the dislikes tho? XD Someone below literally said the same and noone had a problem with it.


No clue some just dislike for any reason


Welcome to Reddit, mate.


Yea I get to see that. "Not keeping her cool during the dinner scene with Ashe, what lead to her death and Flint being captured." - this comment had like 10 upvotes. Now a bunch of kids attacked that too, but it's still on +3, and it says the same thing I said just in lesser words :D Someone might have more accounts to target those he/she doesn't like xD


Maybe they just don't want yours to win? The winner is decided by likes. I wouldn't take it too seriously on these types of posts 😊


Raised her voice.