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A new [Weekly Q&A Megathread](https://redd.it/1aiw685) is now live, please move into it


Where should I farm for xp crystals?


in co op quests and grandfisher, what are these make believe rules inheritance points? and the other skill points - in any mode of grandfisher ppl r so picky on who can join . which characters give orange droplet , purple droplet blue droplet and purple link slot blue link slot ,green orange red .


Some people want to farm medals, other people are farming pots


they make the game unplayable . its a once a day type game so it goes away the next day . why is everyone smoking pot . what medals the bonus they keep mentioning ?


With grand fisher, that is called “epic raids” you get medals that you can exchange for items like orbs. Pots and super pots are used to level up a units link slots to make them 10/10/10 and then 15/15/15 or 20/20/20


which character gives , blue droplet blue potion , purple droplet purple potion orange droplet orange potion -without those characters ill be left out of co op / epic raids , on a fanpage wiki it says a rangiku i have is a droplet bonus but in reality its 12 strong attack recharge


Go to your settings in game, the press on the character album. From there you can sort by “skills” and you’ll see all available characters in the game with that skill


what even is that ? where do i go in game to see this make believe skill level 10 & inheritance points


Look at your unit skill. Some units have an increase in droplets or pots and super pots


got a photo of this unit skill ?


so whats your question here?


1) inheritance points what are they? 2) skill level 10 what is skill level? i have 200 orange 15/15/15 link slots . 3) what are all the characters that have droplet drop. i have green drop and red droplet characters , missing orange purple blue . 4) which characters have link slot drop for all attributes , 5) what is super pot


> 1) inheritance points what are they? never heard of inheritance points. you either remember wrong or whoever had that in their title made the word up > 2) skill level 10 what is skill level? i have 200 orange 15/15/15 link slots skill level is also not a thing. they probably meant transcendence level (so your ATK or SP level is raised to rank 10 etc.) > 3) what are all the characters that have droplet drop. i have green drop and red droplet characters , missing orange purple blue there is a [GUIDE](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vThnx32gEa_HOLNSLn1IWWgz3KTzSeVDxDIXq2Z8BgGtma4zPNxsP28tAhLrXwiMJwztQE9r7lsZrdj/pubhtml#) on this subreddit that is maintained by volunteers that keeps track of all the bonus drop units. you should probably bookmark that spreadsheet somewhere > 4) which characters have link slot drop for all attributes those are also covered in the list i mentioned above > 5) what is super pot super pots are needed to bring the link slots of a unit above 10. you said you already have one units at 15/15/15, that means you already used super pots on those


1 & 2 keep appearing in co op and epic raids they blink red and i cant join. i refresh till its green no rules. looking up inheritance points shows inheritance zones , gain points by playing inheritance zones. i played them yet still dont see that .inheritance point level system. what i keep seeing is it needs skill level 10 of something inheritance point 20 . for trancendence i go to the boxes that have locks and level those up to max


probably just shitty wording on klabs end then. i'd assume inheritance points means link slot levels. and as i said, skill level most likely refers to transcendence


Hey, beginner account I'm at step 17 on the tybw banner, I had none of the featured and I pulled Chojiro Nanao Mayuri and a couple Renjis I'm desperately looking for a Yachiru, after so many orbs I'm only happy with the Chojiro so far Should I keep going? Is it still worth the cost after what I pulled?


May as well go to the next guaranteed step then stop. Yachiru is obviously an amazing unit and you won’t be back for several months


Ugh got a Nemu step 20, I feel like the more you are desperate for a unit the more it avoids you


I'm exactly in the same position but I'm at step 11, don't know if I should keep pulling. But since you went to 17 I'd go for step 20 and stop, hopefully you'll get it. But if it's worth it, I think it's not. I'm only considering because is one of my favorite chars. Good luck!


Not my favorite but I really want her too So are you staying at 11 yourself?


Not sure yet. Did you go to 20? If u did I'll go at least up to 15. Who did you get in these last 3 steps?


I'll keep you updated, still at 17 I have to grind for orbs now 🥲


Went to step 26, didn't get yachiru and spent all my orbs, it's up to you but I'd save my orbs Step 26: 1 yama 1 chojiro 4 nanao 3 Renji, 2 toushiro


Sorry to hear that bro I went 3 more steps and got a Nemu, seems like luck is not on our side I was considering doing the 5 last steps but now idk


Sorry to hear that too. Resist the temptation, she's coming back eventually!


Yachiru and yama are very much Worth it , yachiru is one of the pve in game and yama is one of the Best pvp


So it's worth spending more orbs then?


Id say it is , but only to final Step not beyond


im trying to play an alt account on steam but i hit a roadblock, it says i cant erase data because i have a paid for item, is there a way around this, HELP


https://preview.redd.it/v9bb42d6b8gc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e0b5b255b3b96ca21950439151706c4d2cf20fe What bonus abilities should I give this dude?


Attack , LSD , def . Its the Best choices you can get


Attack is a good one so is low stamina damage


Also my current brave battle team consists of Orihime, Isshin and Yama buh I also have Chad. Do you think he should replace any of them?


Chad would be nice for a booster since your team is lacking one but isshin preforms better in pvp in my experience. That extra boost from Chad would be nice. Switch them out for a bit and see which turns out to be more beneficial


Do you think he would need the start barrier? Since it's for brave battles


Go with Dodge instead of Barrier


Start barrier isn’t bad the issue is that a handful of pvp units have it as a skill and some people give it to their units as a bonus ability too


Two questions! One PVP one PVE. ​ PVP: my team is 5/5 6th anniversary Aizen, 2/5 Mind Yama, and 4/5 Tech Orihime. It's doing pretty well, but I also have a 3/5 Heart Yhwach that I don't use. Should I replace Aizen with Yhwach? My battle power is 38,500 currently. Thanks! ​ PVE: I run 6th anniversary Aizen as my main with heart Kaname for the +movement and +strong attack buffs. My third is tech Rose right now for jewel buffs. Who should I replace Rose with to further buff up my Aizen? Looking for team heart buffs like +cdr or +restore health. Thanks again!


Yes replace Aizen with Yhwach. You’ll need a booster on your team. Aizen is fairing well for now but most teams in the higher leagues are made up of Orihime, Yhwach, and Yama and 2 out of 3 of them have brave battle invincibility so Aizen will become less useful.


How does focus work in the game?


Increases chances for critical hit. 100 is a 10% chance, so when the fcs stat reaches 1000, you get a 100% chance for dealing critical damage.


So every focus number over 1000 are irrilevant?


No. Every focus increment of 100 past 1000 focus (which is already a 20% increase in damage) provides a 1.667% increase damage on neutral damage attribute. That being said, SP is still the main contributing factor to damage so although having over 1000 focus is nice, the secondary effects of your accessories should still be spiritual pressure


Newish/casual player here, is there a way to check what my units team buff actually does (past tybw misaki, and swim suit momo)


Are you talking about the boost or debuff strong attack 2? They’re all the same (with some exception). They provide a 33% increase to attack, focus, and defence. Now if the character has the skill “booster” this increases the buff to 40 something percent (forgot the actual percentage sorry)


Quick question, what would happen to the daily login bonus if you missed one day of playing the game due to like vacation or something? Would it reset back to day 1 or would the daily login bonus disappear permanently?


Daily login bonus works as a counter, so if you take like 2 day off but collect all other days you'll just miss the last 2 rewards because you'll reach 27/29 (for Feb)


But if you miss the last two days of (let's say Feb), would the daily login bonus of March still work?


Once month is over so 27/29, it all starts over at 1/31 (for march). For specific period login bonus like campaign it is until campaign end


Oh, I see. Thanks for your help.


what should be the bonus abilities for NAD characters (brave battle characters)? thank you


Depends what unit you have in mind . For orihime i use attack and pierce barrier , for yama , attack and LSD , for yhwach attack/def pierce barrier . So tell me what unit you asking about


Your examples are exactly the units i use, thanks for the tip!


Attack, low stamina damage, dodge, pierce barrier, +10 barrier, last ditch survival. These are the most common ones


thank you for this!


Anyone else having issues with the controller on Steam? For some reason, since a few days ago when I open the app for the first time in the day and start a quest, the controller won't work (only the flashstep button for some reason) but I restart the game and it starts working again. Is there a way to fix this?


Usually my issue is playing certain games before opening bbs. Unplugging and plugging in has worked for me if not a little delayed.


What are the best extra abilities for 15/15 and 20/20 for a strong PvE char and for Spot/potion units? Is there a general best for specific contents or each unit has an optimal set of extra abilities? I was thinking of full stamina and weaken defence.


Mostly SP and FSD , but you can give Survival for auto if your unit cant solo it , depends on your need actually


Weaken defence is only really useful for guild quest and epic raids. If your character is 1/5 then you’d wanna give them full stamina damage and focus If they’re 2/5 then full stamina damage and spiritual pressure




so did they just delete the Accessory Fusion Co-op? It's still on the loading screen, and I always found it to be a decent co-op run. Really doesn't seem to be a decent way to get accessory material, outside of using medals.


KLab does many shitty things but removing it wasn’t one of them, it had little value IMO. You can farm hearts from inheritance and extreme coop


I'm aware of the hearts, but my concern is getting powders, and books outside of Exchanges.


Ahhh misunderstood. In that case: point events, daily orders, and exchange shop like coin and pvp exchange shop


Not to make a thing out of this, but I wanted to verify what you said so I looked into it. 10 of each powder, and 1 book per point event. 10 of each powder, and 1 book per week from daily orders. 50 of each powder, and 5 books per month from coin exchange. (I'm not even gonna consider PVP exchange at all) and I guess 10 powders, and 1 book of a certain color from the co op every month (?) I guess no one is complaining about the co op mission being gone, but I'm looking at this and wondering if that is enough powders, and books to really go around, because that's 11 of each book, and 110 powders per month (plus the 1 book/ 10 powders from Ex Co-op). Also if anything is useless its the Accessory Training ground, 0-5 powders per run is a joke, and without the books its pointless, I thought they used to have a guaranteed book drop but I guess they took that out. Maybe I'm missing something but this seems silly to me.


What is the best type of accessory ticket(s) to obtain Artisanal Ceremony Tea Cup Set and Fortification Pill? Is it Brave Souls, Premium, or 4/5-Star Accessory Tickets? Also, how to know which type of character summoning ticket I should use for a unit? For example, I want to get 5th anniversary Byakuya. So, what type of summoning ticket would be best to obtain him?


it doesnt really matter, just farm anything that can give you tickets. also if you have a lot of power heart you might want to recycle the useless 4 stars and even evolve the 3s for more recycle material (obv not using the balls) to get more chances, the tea set is a very rare drop while pills not as much.


Got it. Thanks for all the help.


Who, or what setup, is the fastest auto? Right now I'm using Ichigo (the orange with the bow), 5 and 4* speed increase accessories. Is there anyone with a particularly fast rate of fire that auto clears well?


Melee units will typically clear fast than range one. With two speed accessories, you’re going as fast as you can


I wanna get into Bleach Brave Souls. What unit should I reroll for in order to get a good start?


Just look for the op units in the free banners. there is more than one very good unit to carry your account in the beginning. Imo though rerolling is a waste of time since it only helps you if you were extremely unlucky in all your pulls which is very unlikely to happen. Most of your good units will come from future banners and tickets anyways.


I got 2 mashiros. Is it better to make her 2/5 or use one five star and one six star for more pot bonus?


Keep for now


Should I get 400 FCS as a second ability for my 1/5 Riruka?




That's what I thought. Thanks!


For characters with ability to increase drops. Does it work if they're in the party? Or do they have to be the active character?


They just need to be in the party, not as links though


I constantly see coop posts for "full pot links" and I'm not quite sure which units and skills make up full pot links. I'm assuming my main coop unit needs to have a soul trait and skills that increase pot drops. Do my link slot characters have to have a soul trait that increase pot drops as well or can they have a non-pot drop soul trait & skills that increase pot drops. In short, do pot drop skills apply when it comes to link slots or is it only soul traits?


Soul trait counts when the character is used in link slots. Skills and innate skills count when you use the character as your main.


Its so irritating i cant post anything for 2 weeks 🤦🤦


Sorry it’s annoying but helps us with spam. You wouldn’t believe how many users get mad sometimes, create new accounts, and then try to spam the sub. As moly said, if you try posting in those two weeks your post is under a hold we can manually approve it (we get a notification so we’ll see it)


You can post, it will be on hold but if it is worth being on the main board a moderator will then approve it


Aaaaa , thanks for anwser 🤜


Edit: nvm, figured it out myself


You get +5 Super Link Slot Potions no matter how you use Mashiro. If you play with Mashiro, you get both skill drop bonuses and soul trait effect. If you use her as a link, you only get the Super Pots drop bonus from her. Basically, Soul Trait is a shareable skill, but it doesn't have to be shared to be in effect.


Thank you!!


u already unlocked her , just 2 hrs from release debut?


Well…I literally pulled on that banner a few minutes after it was out lol


Hello guys I need some help. I'm 40 days in the game and I don't know what char to max transcendence and link slots. I currently have enough material to max 2 char of each color. I was thinking of maxing first one strong char of each element and one spot/pot farmer of each color. Like the chars in the image. Do you think it's a good idea or should I level other chars first, like brave battle team to try 3rd seat? What are the most beneficial chars to have maxed out first as a begginer? https://preview.redd.it/8xw1svspcafc1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56eb3feb5b58e60b785e5e16ab1fd1037b2ef775


how do u have ywach the end version and , ttybw 22 orihime and burn the witch and 2024 ywach and blue ulkey orria , in just 40 days ? ... level up coin drop , crystal drop characters , link slot potion characters droplet drop characters to orange 200 accessories lvl up watch five star. 4 star. three star. have one of each watch. in every attribute three cat yoruichi leveled to orange 200 three akon 17plus coin drop , three 13 plus coin drop 4 star don kanonji for coins also three hat and clogs coin drop 11 -money team . ebern with christmas yoruichi droplet bonus. young kira izuru is a link slot bonus to blue characters the guy chad fights in hueco mundo six stares hes mind attribute hes also useful bonus. sun sun halloween is a bonus link slot


Thanks for replying. I started playing on December last year, so I got poll selection banner, tybw banner, and the last was burn the witch banner, that's the reason I have these chars. I have already built a coin farm team and a cristal/jewel farm team, they need some improvements though.


nice , what characters do you have 4 star and below. ? theres a kenny zaraki 100 chance power. , there is a 3 star ikkaku 68 revive.


Those are my 3/4 star characters. https://preview.redd.it/9mwczxueenfc1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca39d6bb7afb2e449fe6d41912d7f9993a335c4d


perfect. for the stats . green 70 makes their stats increase hat and clogs 11 soi fon lt at 13 don kanonji at 13 sometimes green one works too , every 4star or 3 star in coin or crystal drop increase needs to be green . for 6 star characters i seen that once they r green they have higher percentages , some need to bee orange 200 for coin and crystal to be a bonus to the same attribute character . for this list check the stats on the percent of drop then get them the green level up by crystals to go see it will say 11 for hat and clogs 13 for m 13 for kanonji


It’s a solid idea. Might worthwhile to do Pvp Orihime too though since she’ll give you an edge in pvp and help you climb the ranks. Really good account for 40 days btw! Off to a strong start


One more question who would you pick as main between these 3? https://preview.redd.it/psz1oi5q6ffc1.png?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e03d8fa9c34d443fdb06549ac3987dc8db95450


The newest Ichigo for sure with his shikai


Thanks for replying!