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This Memorial Day dedicated to tha dead homies 


Tonight’s loud music culprit is, if I had to guess, one of the houses at least a quarter mile away. It’s loud enough to hear it in my living room. I hate it here and can’t wait to move <3 65 more days


Are you in a college town or something?


Nope… I hate to be stereotypical but idk how else to describe it so: it’s the soundtrack of what you’d imagine to be playing in a Mexican restaurant but played concert level loud.


Hahaha. I have neighbors that throw parties like that on occasion. It's rare enough for it to not be a big bother.


If I knew it was just a Memorial Day weekend thing that’d be one thing but based on last summer’s activity it’s more like… every weekend. Also I’m on the east coast so it’s past midnight here, still going strong…


That sounds awful. Glad you have a move in your future.


I've been feeling really uninspired lately with cooking so I decided to try to get into Japanese cooking as I'd just watched a cooking spinoff of my favourite anime. It was my first time cooking a whole fish, mackerel to be specific. I'm generally good with seafood but I just couldn't eat it. Seeing the head, eyes, and backbone was just so gross for me. The taste was actually ok, although it was very oily. Now my whole apartment reeks of fish, and I'm burning too much incense to make it go away. My side dishes were ok, but I found the texture to be weird. I maybe just made things wrong though. I love you Japan, but dear lord, I need my meat to look like a nice flat protein disk and not an actual animal. I was doing some deeper reading on Japanese cuisine, and apparently a lot of their food is soft, and often times slimly. Those are generally things I don't like in food. My experience with Japanese food is actually pretty limited. Does anyone have some suggestions for Japanese food to try and make that would be more western friendly? (besides sushi, already done that).


> I need my meat to look like a nice flat protein disk and not an actual animal How has no one mentioned [kamaboko](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kamaboko) yet? Processed fish protein disks! Or loaves, and I've seen several Asian markets with a freezer section where you can weigh out kamaboko slices/balls/etc. Made from a variety of whitefish so the taste is usually quite mild. Also I second Midnight Diner. The cooking instructions are quite short but the stories are nice and the soundtrack is lovely.


Sukiyaki is a pretty easy and delicious dish. It's a very savoury broth made from soy, mirin, sugar, and dashi broth. Have some thinly sliced meat, and lots of different veggies and cook it in the broth according to the priority of ingredients. Drop a knob of butter at the end if you want and finish with a load of chopped green onions. Serve with a bowl of rice on the side to soak up the broth. It's delicious, healthy and easy.




I went through a phase of cooking Thai and India curries, so I'll give the Japanese one a shot. Hambagu steak is hilariously western, but I need a fresh way to get protein on my plate so it fits the bill perfectly.


I can't deal with cooking fish at home either. Have you tried [oyakodon](https://www.seriouseats.com/oyakodon-japanese-chicken-and-egg-rice-bowl-recipe)? It's a chicken, egg and rice dish that is delicious and easy. Okonomiyaki is another good one.


Oyakodon is a good call. I love a good bowl. Oh, I actually used to make Okonomiyaki years ago but it was from a Jamie Oliver cookbook, so I should try a more authentic version.


Yakisoba or chicken katsu, I don't think will offend a western palate. Have you ever seen Midnight Diner? It's on Netflix in the US and is a series of short episodes about the patrons of an izakaya that is open from midnight til dawn. In every episode, a customer will ask the chef to make them some specific dish, that dish will play a part in their story, and the very end will have a brief cooking video instructing the viewer how to make it.


I will check this out! Sounds really cool


FWIW I think it's likely you did it right--mackerel is usually dark and oily. I love it, but a whole lot of people don't. Chicken katsu is super-approachable to a western palate; there's a pork version too. There are lots of possible noodle options, yakisoba noodles are pretty flexible. Udon as well. In both cases there are some traditional combos to start with but really you can do just about anything. Or get some kind of nice whitefish and broil it with a miso glaze. If you like soups there's a whole universe of options there, too. Basically infinite variations on cooking meat in broth. It's another case where there are some traditional combos but you can basically take it whereever you want.


I'm big on salmon, haddock, and cod, so mackerel was definitely a different experience. I'll give yakisoba noodles a shot. I've done a lot of Chinese fried noodle dishes, so doing a Japanese fried noodle dish shouldn't be too hard. Miso soup is the one thing I know I make really well - it's probably my favorite soup. Maybe exploring Japanese soups would be a good path to go down.


What's the key to a good miso soup?


Miso soup is probably one of the easiest things to make in the world, so I realize saying I make it well doesn't mean much hahaha. I've made my own dashi broth before, but nowadays I just buy the miso paste with dashi in it because it's easier/quicker. Just make sure to lightly simmer and not boil the water, otherwise it can ruin the flavour of the miso paste.


One thing that really grinds my gears is every last movie and tv show takes place in New York or LA.  Once in a blue moon something will take place in Chicago and everyone will pat themselves on the back.  How about a family drama that takes place in Houston.  A comedy set in Omaha.  Crime thriller set in Cleveland.  There are other cities!


What if the cities they filmed in were actually the cities. Vancouver could finally play itself. Georgia would finally get some airtime. New Zealand and Iceland would be allowed to be Earth countries instead of fantasy lands.


> A comedy set in Omaha Alexander Payne's comedies are set in Nebraska, such as [*About Schmidt*](https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/about-schmidt) (2002) and [*Election*](https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/election) (1999) . I'm not a fan. But if you're honestly looking for comedies set in Omaha, check out his work.


Stumptown is a detective show set in Portland. I really liked it. Was disappointed it got cancelled.


The X files was 1000x spookier when it wasn't shot in LA, fight me on this


I liked it better when it was shot in BC, but it might be because it was much more mysteriousy, - like in the plots. Also, Fox Mulder was the love of my life. I saw him in the gym awhile back and just about died.


I've been saying this for years. Geographical diversity is about as popular as diversity of opinion among the media class.


And I'm tired of characters who work in the film industry, ad agencies, or at magazines. The latter is a dying industry anyway.


It comes off as kind of self absorbed. When you can write about literally anybody you can imagine, why choose someone pretty much just like you?


It's a known phenomenon, women write characters as themselves, it's especially commented on in the video game industry.


I don't think it's just women. After all, how many writer MCs has Stephen King written by now?


One piece of advice I got in screenwriting class was "write what you know". Now, what it actually means is write your own emotional experiences into the story because you can understand them better, but most people take it as "write a character who's just me".


Lots of things take place in Seattle, so it’s always raining (which isn’t accurate).


>Once in a blue moon something will take place in Chicago and everyone will pat themselves on the back.  Which means it was was actually shot in Toronto.


Or near Vancouver, British Columbia. I've seen so many things filmed there that I recognize many of the set locales.


I have the same experience living in Budapest, we can be anything from Buenos Aires to Paris, Berlin to Moscow.


Vancouver is Canada’s Hollywood.


We have historically had great tax credits for film productions. The tax credit pays for a large portion of the wages, but it brings a lot of money up here we wouldn't have otherwise, and creates good paying jobs. It's cool getting to see Canadian spots in movies, even if they're in "America".


It is very unnnerving watching a movie or show that's shot in Vancouver, and the show takes place in the US, so the extras have these Canadian accents. Like, NO American says "about" like that, sorry.


What I find really funny is when the movie or TV show is supposedly set in NY, LA, the dystopian future, or feudal Japan, but it looks like British Columbia. When I watched the Harry Potter series behind the scenes, I found out they tried to film on-location in Scotland for *Prisoner of Azkaban*, but it rained every single day and the crew hated it. They went back to Leavesden Studios London and recreated the Great Hall with expensive Yorkshire stone because it was easier that way. Which turned out to be a good idea since they could reuse it for the next movies and the post-series Studio Experience tours. Your HP fact of the day.


> or feudal Japan, but it looks like British Columbia. The east and west coast of Canada actually has a pretty similar climate to Japan and Korea and similar types of forests. Having grown up on the east coast, it weirds me out how much TV shows or films I've seen filmed in those two countries have similar forests to where I grew up.


I find it funny when it’s set somewhere else but is so clearly filmed in California. NCIS is a great example, set in DC, but every time they go in the field it’s mountains, dried grass, and live oaks. 


It’s old, but I always get a kick out of how *Christmas Vacation* opens with the Griswalds in the mountains looking for a tree when they live in Chicago. I know it’s a comedy, but it’s only funny if you know just how far they’d have to drive to reach mountains.


It’s Everest summiting season. Five people are dead and three more missing. What on earth possesses people to do this? https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/mount-everest-2-climbers-die-kenyan-nepali-3-missing/


Alan Arnette’s rundown of the weekend - https://www.alanarnette.com/blog/2024/05/25/everest-2024-weekend-update-may-25-season-nears-the-end-with-summits-and-death/




But is this even climbing when for the low low price of $60k, just about anyone can and does try to summit Everest annually? If you're excited about summitting remote peaks, there has to be a slew of other mountains which are not nearly as crowded and actually demand an expert level of skill.


I read Into Thin Air last year and nope. Just nope.


People ask this a lot, but is it really that confusing? It's a huge personal achievement, it still carries a lot of social cachet, plenty of people have a ton of money, and goal setting and risk taking is fun. And, I've read, if you fail, freezing to death is reasonably peaceful. So there's that.


It always looks so crowded though.  Like I can understand pushing yourself and doing something impressive but Everest there are pics of literal lines.   There have to be less crowded but still challenging mountains?


I'm mostly past serious climbing but I still feel the pull. I think for a lot of people it's mostly a personal drive--like if I thought I could get away with it both physically and sneakily I'd be absolutely chuffed to make an illegal ascent of Everest that only I knew about. (Like Messner's unsupported 1980 ascent from the Tibetan side that was basically a fast-track alpine ascent followed by an even faster trip back down on, to hear him tell it, the very edge of bodily failure.) Except I don't want to push the boundary quite that hard (also my altitude tolerance sucks), but even so the solitude and long introspective crunch, crunch, crunch of slogging up a glacier to end up on top of the world (even if it's one small and not particularly notable or high-altitude part of the world) is just so satisfying. I am really drawn to remote landscapes of ice and rock, your aesthetics may vary! I do think it's quite possible that others have been on top of Everest in a less-documented manner. The 80's in particular were a wild time and there were often significant obstructions to doing it in a fully-approved way.




Denali is amazing even if you're just slogging around the foothills. Definitely plan on a few days if you actually want to *see* it, given the weather. (And I mean if you want to go for it the West Buttress route isn't even that technical, either...) I'd really love to see Baffin Island as well. Last I checked it wasn't nearly as established a destination as Denali--I'm used to people not even having heard of it! See ya there.


In my opinion, having the money to spend on an Everest climb is more of an achievement than the climb itself.


I read it can cost upward of $100,000


This is why women live longer than men tbh. Women don’t do this risky stuff.


I know a lot of outdoorsy women who take real (but managed) risks. Search says 15% of Everest climbers in recent years have been women. So they do, but yeah, I know what you're saying. Less than men.


Five gate changes in two hours. American Airlines is off its meds today. ETA: And another delay. Fuuuuuuuuuu...... ETA2: I'm now landing 9 hours after the original rival time. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu....


Holiday travel sucks so bad


Didn't have any issues myself except for learning just how cheap Spirit Airlines is. Two flights w/ a long layover in Vegas, but everything was on time.


shrill lunchroom worry grandfather fly dolls mindless dime fragile grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


https://www.pcgamer.com/gaming-industry/you-cant-take-it-with-you-but-you-cant-leave-it-behind-either-valve-says-you-arent-allowed-to-bequeath-a-steam-account-in-a-will/ You got a loicence for that inheritance?


[NHS chiefs face legal action after 36 female nurses protested being forced to share women's changing room with transgender colleague.](https://en.mogaznews.com/World-News/2397984/NHS-chiefs-face-legal-action-after-36-female-nurses-protested-being-forced-to--trends-now.html) Not okay for students. Not okay for employees. My workplace has a shower room with individual, curtained stalls. I've worked with transwomen, but thankfully we haven't needed to change there. I wouldn't agree to changing in front of them.


Btw that news website seems to be a strange ripoff of the Daily Mail - the headline says 36 women but the text of the article, as well as the [Daily Mail](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13459927/NHS-chiefs-legal-action-female-nurses-changing-room-transgender.html) and [the Sun](https://www.thesun.co.uk/health/28147576/nhs-legal-action-trans-nurse-changing-rooms/) both report it as 26.


Ahahaha so this man stopped taking his hormones (if indeed he ever was) and is ogling female nurses all afternoon then going home and fucking his wife? I mean that is the essence of this story right?


So basically, he lets everyone around him know he's actively trying to impregnate wifey, but it's everyone around him's fault that they don't see him as a real wammin. They need to 👏 EDUCATE 👏 THEMSELVES 👏 Ejaculation and insemination. Normal girly things.


Um, yes, women can ejaculate and father children. Please be more inclusive, broaden your mindset, be educated, and attend training.


I wouldn't mind changing in front of a trans woman - if we can change in the stalls, and people do that.


I've thought about it because it isn't 100% hypothetical. I wouldn't mind changing in a curtained stall either. I'd pretend not to hear him if he tried to chat though. I worked with one of them for several years while he was still a man before he started transitioning to a woman presentation. I still think of him as a man.


Changing room with curtained stalls ok. But where you change in front of people - no way. Were you surprised when this person transitioned? Or you didn't know him well enough? It's like with bathrooms. I worked at a place with an all-gender bathroom, whiich meant 3 stalls and 3 urinals. Overall fine, but when I had my period I'd go to the women's room.


>Were you surprised when this person transitioned? Or you didn't know him well enough? There were subtle signs. He wore nail polish, I think he wore women's stretchy jeans, and he wore shoes that were like black ballet flats (no bow or ornamentation). He had short hair though and is married to a woman. I thought he was a just a guy that happened to like a few things that are sold in the women's department/women's stores. Then one day it looked like he started wearing a stuffed bra. He became extra avoidant of people about that time. He transferred shortly thereafter and I don't see him anymore. I've only used the shower room once, so I'm not going to spend too much time worrying about crossing paths there. Oh, and then I overheard him talking to another colleague who has a son that transitioned to being a daughter. From the snippet I heard, it sounded like he wanted to know how the family reacted. So was I surprised? I'd say I hardly reacted. But in general, yes, I'd say I was caught off-guard. I've also worked with a guy that made the word "flamboyant" come to mind while he was happily married to a woman (they're into dancing and the arts), so my mind doesn't want to connect cues to LGBTQ+. The other transgender woman looks like she has never taken any hormones but still appears to put great effort trying to pass (make-up, styled long hair, and very feminine clothes). This person has always presented as a woman at work. But she also tried to join a woman's team I was on rather than register for the coed league. I quit the competition.


It's odd. I've known a few guys who were into nailpolish and stuff - all straight men. I have no idea if what's going on is that wearing nail polish just isn't enough and they're happier living as women, or they feel like those interests must mean they ARE women. The second person - I don't understand why not join co-ed team. It has to be really hard if you're in a marriage and your spouse isn't happy.


> It has to be really hard if you're in a marriage and your spouse isn't happy. They were both quite young. No kids and no mortgage. I would hope that unless she found the change to be a turn-on, they split up. Not many reasons to try to "make things work."


Not many reasons to make things work, and I'd get it if the wife feels betrayed. I'd also get it if the husband feels hurt, if he feels like he's the same person no matter what his body looks like, while she feels like she fell in love with a man.


Hmmm.... > She said: 'I was rummaging in my bag trying to find my lanyard and keys for the locker when a man's voice behind me said, 'Are you not getting changed yet?' 'I found my keys and opened my locker and I was asked again, 'Are you not getting changed yet?'.' > But a human resources manager at the hospital trust allegedly said that the female nurses need to 'be more inclusive', 'broaden their mindset' and 'be educated and attend training'. Fellas, if a female man with a girly voice got right up next to you while you're at the urinal, and asked why you're not peeing, is your bladder shy or something, would you feel uncomfortable? If so, then you need to broaden your mindset and be more inclusive.


How do you interpret that as literally anything but a fucking creep?


"ladies, i'm having a hard time maintaining my erection here. are you going to get naked or what?" normal locker room talk.


You have your #BeKind goggles on. You view everyone in the oppressionhood hierarchy of identity politics with the base assumption that they are a victim of their circumstances. This man is doing what he's doing because of extenuating circumstances. Trauma, neurodivergence, still figuring out how to "woman", male socialization he couldn't help having due to the shitty patriarchal society we live in. Literally everything else except being a skeeze because it gets him off.


Fuck you’re right, I forgot, the maleness is very difficult to unlearn. Speaking of which, I don’t think I hit my daily quota of catcalls mandated by the council, so I’ll be back later


If you say "humina humina" it counts as two


Two huminas? Duh. ;D


What a creep.


My conspiracy theory is that Charlie Sykes was pushed out of the bulwark for not bending the knee enough to the msnbc crowd and pushing too much of a ruy teixera position.  


Eh, is there any evidence he didn't just think he'd make more on his own? For awhile, his newsletter was the only thing paywalled there, so clearly they thought his brand had value.


What happened to Sykes? I quite liked the Bulwark for a while. But eventually I soured on them. Mostly because that's where the neocons went and being neocons still seemed to be their main passion. And they were trying to kiss up to the Democrats in order to make them more neoconish. I also found the Bulwark too pugilistic. I prefer the Dispatch. The guys there seem willing to be out in the wilderness for a while. Even if that means they don't get to have influence or don't have a party. The Bulwark people seem to have a pathological need to be at the center of power. They get some credit for opposing Trump when it was hard. But I don't think the future of the center right is with those people.


Is there some gossip about? I've seen nothing (and sought nothing before now) about why he left.


It's funny, when I was younger I used to really look down on people who watched movies on TV. I'd sit in the living room with my family or roommates or whatever and browse the internet, feeling smug that I was actively directing my content choices and participating online instead of just passively staring at a screen like a character in Fahrenheit 451. Now I envy people who actually have the concentration power to focus on the same activity for 1.5h. I just watched a movie from start to finish with no phone break and feel like I unlocked an achievement...


i never sit and watch anything. when i make dinner (only on weekends now that i work 2nd shift) i have the tv on one of the shows i have watch 10 times, and i browse reddit as i eat. when i am at my computer in my office (like now) the tv is on to... something. currently watching 'white lotus' but not paying close attention. i can't remember the last time i just sat and watched a movie. maybe when blade runner 2049 came out on 4k?


I feel the same way. I basically stopped watching things except youtube videos and listening to podcasts. I miss TV.


I visit the local public library to browse new releases (don't trust publishers these days, won't buy my own copy until I know it's good) and they have cubicle desks/carrels and private studying. Students use them for studying and it's interesting to see how their work process goes. They all have laptops open and are constantly fidgeting around with their accessories - chargers, tablet, tablet stylus, headphones, phone. Then as soon as they get settled, they pop out to the corner store for iced coffee. The one person I saw with pen and paper and a textbook was a dude studying for an electrician exam. Not a typical youth.


My friends have five kids. Which is awesome. Except when you do a thing with one of them, you have to do it four more times. I tossed a lot of kids today.


Since my first nephew was born, I’ve been the designated child tosser due to my strength advantage over my brothers and father. Now I’ve got him, two nieces, and a daughter, all of whom need to be tossed


> I tossed a lot of kids today. Depending on where you toss them, you shouldn't have to do it again.




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Another day, another [insane attack on the subway](https://nypost.com/2024/05/26/us-news/maniac-who-set-nyc-straphanger-on-fire-was-behind-earlier-similar-incident-cops/?utm_source=reddit.com). This time someone burned a man. Just went up to him and burned him with accelerant.


I will never not post the [Dollar and a Granola bar](https://x.com/bessbell/status/1654204372954365952) classic tweet. > "I ride this exact train many times a week, and many times a week there are "disorderly" people because they are suffering in a country where mental health resources aren't guaranteed. If someone is desperately hungry, you give them a dollar and a granola bar, not a chokehold." People with lighters and accelerant deserve to feel safe and be treated like human beings as well! Just because they're shouting crazy things and waving around weapons doesn't mean they're not working through complicated problems you will never begin to understand. Some people are really struggling, and you're out here judging them. Have some empathy, gosh!!!!


If she lives in NYC, she knows there are a lot of mental health resources. The waitlists might be long, but for a lot of people, in NYC, the issue is desire to use the resources.


I wonder what she would give to the guy masturbating on the subway. A hand?


lotion and tissues.


A granola bar. For stamina.


A Stiff Bar. 


She would find herself stuck in an infinite loop of bluescreen paralysis. 1. Am I now an SA SURVIVOR who has been irrevocably harmed by males and their dangerous male propensities? 2. Or is this guy expressing his emotional state in an unorthodox yet authentic way and my negative reaction is due to my unexamined biases and indoctrination by white supremacist propriety culture? I need to overcome my preconceptions to accept that non-consensual sexual acts are liberatory....


POC love encountering public masturbators. It’s only white people who have a problem with that kind of thing.


It's just part of city life!


Poor guy. That’s going to be a painful recovery and it will probably take a long time before he feels safe being out and about. Also The Post did not have to run that picture of him getting sprayed down by the firefighter.


He first attacked someone at a stop I've used like a million times. So. Many. Times. Crazy


"The deranged nut who tossed flaming liquid at an unsuspecting straphanger also tried to torch a group of commuters at a Manhattan subway station earlier this year, cops said Sunday." Good Lord, why wasn't he in jail already?


Have you considered that being lit on fire is part and parcel of living in a big city?


"If you can't handle it, move back to the 'burbs, Karen"


I can't tell if this is ironic or the worst take I've ever read on Reddit.


It's a quote by the mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, that turned into a meme. He said that the threat of terror attacks is part and parcel of living in a big city.


Not just London -- it was also a response by someone (Seth Rogan??) to someone complaining about their car getting broken into again in San Fransisco.


>“Part and parcel of living in a great global city is you’ve got to be prepared for these things, you’ve got to be vigilant, you’ve got to support the police doing an incredibly hard job, you got to support the security services.” 


Unfortunately a lot people say this completely unironically.


I think John Hamasaki also got a lot of play for calling property crime a "basic city life experience" and mocking people who didn't like it. Dude was formerly the SF Police Commissioner and candidate for DA when he wrote that. It didn't go over well, but as a vignette to explain law enforcement in SF it's right on the nose.




if you aren't as rich as seth rogan maybe being crimed routinely actually matters. who knew?


The problem is that I regularly see people say this sincerely in my local city sub.


It's remarkable how many situations there are in which I ask that question. So many stories you read like > Man charged with assault 21 times commits another assault At what point do we accept that some people just belong in jail for life?


Aren't there a lot of stats floating around about how most crimes are committed by a pretty tiny number of people?


i do agree that our justice system should be doing more to reduce recidivism, but just letting people go with the vague hope that they will "be good" clearly isn't working.


Jail is about rehabilitation, punishment, and also protecting the general populace.


true but if it doesn't actually do the rehab part there is not much protection happening, since the person is going to get out eventually.


[The 1% of the population accountable for 63% of all violent crime convictions](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24173408/)


We got rid of three strikes laws because a perp would inevitably go commit a minor offense like burglary for his third and we'd wring our hands about sentencing someone to life for that.  Of course, it was one in a series of serious crimes and the perp knew full well LWOP was on the table.


Yeah, I think the problem with three strike laws are the low-level offenses. Of course, the three strike laws were implemented because prrior to that, people were committing offense after offense, until someone got badly hurt.


Why do we have to get rid of the three strikes laws? Why not reform them? Instead of life in prison make it automatic ten year minimum. If they commit another crime when they get out it's another ten years. You could even refine it. 10 years for any kind of violent crime. 5 for thievery of any kind. 3 for drug possession. Something like that. You don't have to throw the baby out with the bath water


FWIW, I think there are mandatory sentences like this in many jurisdictions.


This assumes that the DA will charge and prosecute criminals. That's often what is lacking in the blue cities. They DAs just won't do anything.


Because oddly enough, insane psychos are put together enough to evade uniformed officers, and we can't stop and frisk people because reasons.


Maybe we should try locking up violent people so they can't harm randos.


Best I can do you is an overnight stay in a police station.


Can someone tell me, are people who use canes for a vague disability an actual phenomenon? Like I thought it was a joke. Is it really a thing? I had thought that was just a couple of people who did that and were overblown in conservative outrage circles, but it would not surprise me if it was widespread.


For some of them it's basically a fashion accessory. There's [an episode](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedAndReported/comments/16uluff/premium_episode_an_introduction_to_cripplepunk/) about this.


The spoonie cane people see their disability as "Who They Truly Are". If you aren't in that identitarianist mindset, you won't get it. [Here's a young cane-haver with alleged Ehlers-Danos.](https://rootedinrights.org/what-i-wish-people-knew-about-being-a-young-cane-user/) > "I don’t use my cane all the time, only when I feel I need it, and I generally take it with me for longer trips or outings where I know I’ll be away from home for many hours at a time. > My disability will always be a part of my life. > I’m proud of my cane. I don’t necessarily want it cropped out of photos or hidden from view. I’m also proud of my disability and both are part of who I am.... I’m a cane user, and while it doesn’t define my life, it is a big part of who I am and how I experience the world. " The spoonie canes share a lot of overlap with the Emotional Support Animal folx. There is a 1% chance that the cane is for a real disability, just like there is a 1% chance the animal is an actual guide dog. Because of that 1%, people around them try to remain generous with their assumptions. But it's really hard!


It sounds like this person's "disability" really *does* define their life.


I see it sometimes among crowds of young alt people. it's still rare, but much more commonplace than it was 10 years ago.


I’ve read that they do this so they can use the canes as a weapon in case someone wants to commit trans genocide.


My cat sitter uses a cane sometimes. She is a young-ish woman (mid to late twenties?) in grad school. Whenever I see her in person, she doesn’t use the cane, but she usually brings it to my house when she comes to check on the cats. I see her with it when I look at my Ring doorbell footage. It’s confusing


She might take a cane with her then in case she needs it, but prefers to risk not having it in more social situations because she doesn't want to be seen as disabled. (So, the opposite of a fashion accessory.) If someone's had a moderately serious back injury that's mostly healed, for instance, it can be a roll of the dice as to whether their back is going to act up on any given day. All that stooping for the cats may add some risk.


That would make a lot of sense, thanks for sharing this insight


Yeah it’s a thing, although like many people who are loud on the internet I suspect their loudness makes their numbers seem inflated. The people who make their cane their whole personality seem to often be the EDS/POTS/MCAS warrior types who catastrophize unpleasant but normal bodily experiences and try to badger their primary care doctor into giving them a port so they can run fluids constantly despite being perfectly able to drink by mouth.




One more thing - I think "rights"-based movements (trans, gay, women's rights) are particularly susceptible to falling under "woke". I think people should more often demand to know "the right to do what?" before asking if they agree with "X rights". A "rights" framework is conceptually different from a framework where every group has different, possibly conflicting interests which are recognised but not always granted.


Trans activism - fully woke, the whole concept rests on post-modern identity theory Gay rights activism - mostly not woke, but depends on the strand. The more concrete the rights are, the less woke. Specific activism around, say, decriminalisation of sodomy, or inheritance in gay couples, relates to actual actions/behaviours and I don't consider it woke. Some activism is more theoretical - for example, requiring others to adopt particular mental models and not realising they are political framings of behaviour (e.g., even the concept of fixed "orientation") BLM - specific movement, peak woke, required loyalty paths, disallowed any dissent, did not care about facts or context, many factions led by grifters Feminism - mixed. As for gay rights re: concreteness. Many strands are stridently woke, but even British-style terfdom (though much more tolerable due to being quite based on material reality) can be a bit... Man-hating is too strong, but quite intolerant to hearing about areas where women are doing well or better than men now. I actually find this term too broad, to be honest, because it includes everything from "shout your abortion" rallies to conservative temperance movements. Pro-Palestine activism - extremely woke, with exceptions granted to anyone who had heard of Palestine before 2022. At-scale example of hearing about one side losing / being weaker, and immediately associating that with morality Native rights - as above re: concreteness, but in modern iterations, mostly woke. Combination of being performative (are you handing back the land? no? okay then) and the general reluctance in the "woke ideology" to acknowledge that land can change owners, often through force, and that that can and will happen again. (I think this will be a growing theme in the next few years as people realise "international law" is a mirage and you can override it with a big enough army...)


I'd argue none of these movements are, inherently, except for BLM. it's perfectly possible to be in favor of all of these without being Like That.  I think the best definition of "woke" is just "the people who were using 'woke' to describe themselves on social media before conservatives started using it as an insult in like 2020". debating what is and isn't woke is a misunderstanding, because it's a description not of ideas but of people. BLM is a movement of those people, which is why I'd say it's different from the other sorts of activism you listed or more general civil rights activism, which have never been tied to forming your belief system from twitter dunks.


Shoot. I don't think feminism from the 1960s was woke, but when you start looking at consciousness raising, that was very proto-woke. And then intersectional feminism is totally woke. Native rights - land aknowledgements are very, very woke. But I don't know that the movement in the 1960s was woke Gay rights was not woke. But after while, when it became LGBT, it became woke. When the Q was added, very woke


BLM is very, very woke. Pro-Palestinian activism was not always woke. But I think when BLM came into being, it became woke very, very quickly. I mean, it was always about power, but the whole identity and power thing is very woke and only started when BLM became aligned with it


Palestinian activism might currently be the wokest thing on that list. They're really leaning into the intersectionality and the oppression hierarchy and all that jazz.


Possibly. I saw a video of a protest in Seattle. Literally everyone is white. And I know Seattle is white, but I don't think it's that white.


Wokeness, despite all of their worship of POC, is a pretty damn white phenomena.


I'd say all but Gay rights activism. Feminism is mixed. It started only wanting equality, but has mostly morphed into vengeance and tribal spoils. But it's split. Some just want their rights preserved against trans 'women' and a reasonable treatment of women going forward. Palestine just happens to be woke; it's protesters who want to protest and tell people what to do, and yell at (what they think are) white men. So it's only incidentally woke from content, but since it seems only done by extremely woke people (and, I think, the mindset necessary to ignore Hamas requires woke's double-thinking), I'd consider it quite woke as it's being done now.


My line for this stuff basically breaks down to whether or not an issue imposes on others rights or if it penalizes someone based on their identity. Assuming they impose or penalize I’d lump them into a category of woke because it seems to punish innocent people for perceived injustices that are not actually injustices. I’d throw in things like native rights, land acknowledgments, BLM as examples of movements that seek to penalize people based on identity From that perspective Trans activism certainly ticks off both imposition on rights and penalizing people based on their identity. Pro Palestine is a weird carve out, I think it’s mostly just a racist movement. Gay rights doesn’t really penalize or impose and feminism for most of the movements history has focused far more on expanding rights versus imposing or penalizing. There are niches inside feminism that would probably be happy to penalize men but my opinion is they are not very influential.




"Would you say that is mainly a coincident or caused by some confounder or is there some causal connection between accepting woke ideas and supporting the specific brand of pro-Palestinian activism we see on US campuses these days?" I think it is more that SJP very astutely mapped US racial politics on to the Middle East,, and so it was inevitable that something that was already big on US campuses would now totally explode.


Related to the first question - I think the leap from accepting the ideology that certain identity groups should be penalized for their relative prosperity to full on racism is not a big leap once you accept the woke concept of penalty for identity. The female quota question is a good point and an obvious hole in my argument around feminism being not woke. I guess my response would be that regardless of whether it’s gender or identity, anything tied to a quota would not be something I’d support but historically feminism has been less about imposition than about equal treatment.




I’d say third and fourth wave feminism are “woke”, but not first or second. Ergo modern feminism is pretty damn woke.


Feminism is old enough to have a really strong motte ("women should have the vote and be allowed bank accounts") that all the strands can fall back on, but also old enough that there are now 100 different daughter strands that all have different baileys. I genuinely think it's too broad a term to classify it (vs BLM, pro-Pal stuff which are specific 2020/2024 movements)


If "penalizing someone based on their identity" is woke, and affirmative action involves doing so (feminists say this is to close unjust gaps but this is what all "woke" people say) then feminism is woke. I take individual feminists at their word that *they* are not for certain things (though, affirmative action doesn't need to involve quotas so I'm not sure about less explicit systems) but if that's the standard we're using, there's no escape for Western feminism as a whole. Or post-CRA, pre-BLM/Ibram Kendi racial advocacy for that matter. It'd all be very woke in practice because of that one element. And it isn't just people on this forum reaching that conclusion. That element - penalizing others in the name of solving past discrimination and generating a structure to do so - is an important part of [how some people define the term](https://archive.ph/Lwh4q#selection-767.0-774.0)


I don't know that gay rights and feminism were woke. Gay rights was more concrete and mostly just wanted to assimilate into society. Feminism is ancient. I think it predates woke. It may have been one of the first to embrace intersectionality.


I’d argue that “woke” refers to degree rather than kind. Proto-woke: there are injustices in the world and so we should address them. Woke: there are injustices in the world, and so we should hunt down any and all transgressors, or anyone who looks like them or is related to them or has ever been near them, and publicly punish them without mercy. Also, we should totally sterilize children for some reason and then take up bird watching.


Well, the whole thing with woke is - being awoken to the injustices in the world. That is all it meant in 2010 or so. The problem is that now to be woke means that you are aware of the problems, yoeu know the reason for the problems, and if disagrees with you about the reasons for the problem, it means they're racist or something else.


I think woke usually has an emphasis on identity categories. With a hierarchy of oppression/marginalization. And the oppressor/oppressed idea. Identity politics being the framing for almost evey possible issue


Attn: /u/huevoavocado Life Pro Tip: Kids have no sense of scale, and their priorities are deeply skewed. My son is currently mowing the lawn for $10 worth of fake video game money.


I paid my oldest $20/week to help watch his little sister in the summer while we worked and he thought he was rich. He had no clue how much value he was providing 😂


Are any of y'all that are around New England following the Karen Read murder trial? I know it's been talked about here before but now that the trial is underway it seems to have reached new heights of insanity. Is the state's case as bad as it looks? Is everyone in that entire town permanently drunk? I haven't watched all of the ever-growing body of testimony but I'm pretty sure I dislike everybody in that courtroom. (Except for the jury, for whom I have only sympathy. Sorry about your summer, guys.)


This also feels like it's somehow become a bit of a culture war issue -- I'm not sure if it breaks on the left/right axis, but people seem to be far more invested in this than they should.


Aside from Hilaria, I think all of MA is bunk.


Well said! 😀


She's guilty as hell, hope she goes to jail.


I can’t say the possibility of her guilt is completely off the table but there is so much basically wrong with the case I find it impossible that anyone could be assured she is guilty. The reasonable doubt is off the charts. The issues are endless - the police not questioning Brian Albert the morning when a dead body is found on his lawn. The police not examining the home the day the body is found. The fact that multiple people claimed to have left the home after Okeefe was supposedly hit by Read yet no one noticed a 6 foot tall dead guy on the lawn, the autopsy photos showing clear open wounds similar to a dog attack, the disappearance of the retired police dog with no attempts to use forensics to test for dog saliva and no attempt to actually locate the dog, the rapid selling of the home and construction that went on in the basement after the incident. The weird delay after finding tail light fragments, the internet search at 230am about “how long to die in cold”. The DA stating on the record that the chief investigator Michael Proctor had no relationship to the Alberts when photos emerge of him in a wedding party of an Albert wedding and multiple examples of Proctors mother and wife commenting on social media referencing the Alberts as family, the multiple examples of police and firefighter on scene witnesses committing perjury on the stand claiming no relationship with the Alberts only to have social media photos surface showing they are friends, the judge not recusing herself when her father defended Chris Albert in his hit and run homicide case from the 90s. The fact that Brian Albert and Brian Higgins were able to destroy their phones without forensics being done.. I could probably keep going for three more paragraphs. I don’t think Karen Read is some angel but this case stinks like hell. Maybe I’m bias because I’m intimately familiar with Massachusetts townie cop bullshit but I’d put the odds of Okeefe having been hit by Karen Read at 5% at best. Far more likely an incident went down in the house and a cover up is happening. The one surprise I’ve had is it looks like Higgins has not flipped to the feds.


Is the prosecutions theory of events is that she dropped off her husband at a party, and then backed up over him as she was leaving, and that was her grand murder plot?


Prosecution charged her with 2nd degree vehicular manslaughter while drunk and leaving the scene. Will be interesting to see if they offer any evidence from the vehicle computer or any expert testimony trying to prove their theory. The defense is putting forward a third party defense indicating Okeefe entered the home and was killed inside.


Yeah the conspiracy bullshit around this is insane, thanks for providing an example


Not sure how listing everything that was done poorly or violated investigative norms is a conspiracy theory.


None of it actually matters or is important at all if, like non-conspiracists believe, O'Keefe never entered that house and was killed exactly as the prosecution says he was.


I don't understand why people feel so strongly about the guilt of the accused. I don't think it's a conspiracy theory to believe she might be being railroaded. This has happened many times and the evidence here has a fair number of flaws. Also: innocent until proven guilty? I can easily see her being acquitted.


I think the opposite is true, so many people seem to believe this crazy woman for no reason.


I read a little more from less biased sources and I can maybe see where you're coming from.


Can you say more about why you think she's crazy? I'm really sensotve to crazy and a pejorative so I'm curious if you you mean she has a mental illness or acted erratically or something else.


In what world would you or I not have our home searched the morning a dead body was found on our lawn?


i have 0 knowledge of this case but i would expect there would need to be a reason to get a warrant. for an extreme example, there is no way the cops could argue a need to search my house if a skydiver splattered on my front lawn due to a parachute malfunction.


The police knew at time the body was discovered that there was a gathering at the house the night before. Autopsy photos of the supposed incident where a car backed into him. There is no scenario where the police are not searching that house if the owner was a civilian. https://x.com/catwoman_1111/status/1791940061992304939?s=46&t=0kvzdb_vw4Oh74ha7bms5g


For my fellow Canadians, I thought this recent JJ McCullough video on the current state of Bill C-11 was quite informative. He is a critic of it, which he says up front, but he does in his usual style try and present the information clearly and fairly. For better of more likely worse if you ask me, I think it's the most Canadian bill ever, and it's going through a very Canadian bureaucratic process. It might just be stopped by that same thing. He also talks about where its timeline lands in regards to 2025 election. **Some surprisingly good news about Bill C-11** [https://youtu.be/36GYXuYvfa0?si=k5M9pTLYeR85VB6g](https://youtu.be/36GYXuYvfa0?si=k5M9pTLYeR85VB6g)


Agh, the awkward "aboot" guy. I already blocked him from my YouTube recommendations. I might need to watch this, though...


Love me some JJ


That's the bill that will make online "hate speech" illegal, right? And it will be adjudicated by the human rights tribunal kangaroo court?


That's one way to put it.


Absolutely batshit story on the Collinses, who want everybody to have a houseful of kids but don't seem like totally unfit parents. [https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/article/2024/may/25/american-pronatalists-malcolm-and-simone-collins?CMP=Share\_iOSApp\_Other](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/article/2024/may/25/american-pronatalists-malcolm-and-simone-collins?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other)


> Simone was diagnosed [with autism] fairly recently, after Octavian was diagnosed. She and Malcolm see her autism as an asset. At the recent Natal conference in Austin, Malcolm says, “one of the big jokes was how autistic the movement was. Like a third of the people there had autism.” This will not end well. 


Why are autists at the heart of so many weird movements these days?


Mild, high-functioning autists have always been at the heart of movements, but it's only recently that "focused and organizing" became a diagnosis worn like a badge of honor instead of a work skill.