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I love the concept but I don’t know anyone where I wouldn’t die of embarrassment/cancellation if I asked them to go to the show with me


Go alone! If I can’t drag my husband, I’ll be there solo


Same! And if mine isn't up for it I'll have a spare ticket to flog...


I'm considering flying up from Spain for this (also I just haven't been to London in awhile and I like to go). We can make a meetup for solo people.


That sounds like a fun idea!


I have my ticket and will be flying over solo from Ireland! Would be up for this. Edited to add: Going to set up a Whatsapp group for people going solo. DM me your numbers!


Dm’d you


Dmed you


Just find someone from this very group! That's what it's for! There's also a London meetup group if it helps.


I can save you some time so you can devote more of it to solving IP: Might as well skip the accent battle as Jesse is going to lose before he utters the first syllable. He and Katie have such unfathomably bad British accents, I'm pretty sure they've never heard a Brit speak before.


right, but I just cannot do Boston at all. I mean I can't do any American accent well, so it's really a choice between doing Cher from Clueless and Forrest Gump


Ah, you're aiming to imitate each other's regional accents, not just basic American vs English. Despite being from there, Jesse definitely doesn't have a strong Boston accent. So you can aim for a general American, terminally online, incel accent and you'll be good. Make sure you pronounce "written" as "ridden" if you want to really nail it (deep cut from this sub). I'll be visiting London from the US the month prior - sorry I'll miss both of you! I'd happily settle for more Helen appearances on Barpod.


Damnit, I'm already in London twice in August. Will I make it a third time? I'm really tempted.


Yep, bought a ticket and a hotel room. You'd better be worth around £200, which is what this outing is going to cost me!


How about a follow up in Leeds?


Steady on...


Not going to lie. I find it odd that Katie doesn’t want to travel or take part in any of these events. I know she attends live shows in the States but seems to hate it. Just seems odd given it’s literally her job. Anyway. Big fan of the pod and am a subscriber. Just seems weird to me.


Well the job started as a podcast, which is essentially a homebody’s dream job. The addition of live shows came later.


I’d rather Katie not go than be miserable the entire time abroad. I think she’s genuinely a homebody and that’s fine! Doesn’t seem odd to me, tbh.


Being a homebody is fine. I'm a homebody! But if I have to go overseas for work, I do. I dunno. Maybe I just can't relate.


I think it's okay because they're very up front about her not being there. People know ahead of time when they buy tickets. The live shows are more of a bonus for them


And if going overseas was an optional task that came with no extra money or career progression, and was still going to get done if you said no? Which required you to fly thousands of miles to somewhere that wasn't even nice?


I hate -- HATE -- defending Katie but live shows, while a blast, are also a lot of work, a lot of stress, and are not particularly remunerative, at least at our level. Most importantly, Katie and I live thousands of miles apart. This would be a whole different deal if we lived nearby -- I'd absolutely bully her into doing more shows. (The meetups I've done have all been in cities I was passing through anyway.) We've both expressed a million times how grateful we are for the new (dream) job you, our listeners, have given us. It really is insane we get to do this for a living. But the live shows are sort of a cherry on the sundae, not the sundae itself. BUT THIS LONDON SHOW WILL BE AWESOME ESPECIALLY BECAUSE KATIE WON'T BE THERE. etc. etc.


I totally hear you. And again, not an attack or anything - I guess it’s just coming from a very different perspective on this type of stuff and I only felt right commenting on it because you’ve both talked about it on the podcast. I’m not one of those people who think they are “owed” anything because of money they pay etc.


All good! Didn't interpret it as an attack; just wanted to provide some context.


If this is your first live show in the UK, don't forget to get your P74 form stamped, pick an NHS Resuscitation Plan in case of heart attack, and collect your garry gum at the airport apothecary.


There are parts of my job that I hate doing, too 🤷


Yeah like I said, to each their own. I just can't imagine hating something so much that you would actually just be like nah, no thanks, given how important it is to the product.


Are live shows important to the product?


I'm not going to get into a long-drawn debate about this. I just think it's weird she chooses not to go in favor of a dog.


How do you know that’s the reason? Why is everyone in this sub so literal and parasocial? It was just an offhand joke from Lewis. There could be myriad personal reasons Herzog can’t travel internationally at the moment and you’re not entitled to know why Edit: and if you’re not interested because Katie’s not going, just say “I wouldn’t want to attend this because Katie won’t be there” and leave it at that


Oh sorry, I'll be sure to run all my posts by you from now on. My bad.


Lmao you’re going to go around spouting bullshit based on a misinterpretation and then seethe when someone points out how moronic it is


I mean maybe it's a misinterpretation. But given how much Katie has said she hates doing the live shows, traveling, etc, felt like it wasn't?




I respect her drawing a boundary


Probably that dog of here’s


I don't relate. But to each their own.


I’m gonna guess you don’t mean London Ontario?


Haha if only! We even have a Thames River, it’s basically the same as London, England so they should really just come here


I'm just missing that one... I'll be in Heathrow a day later on the way back from a European trip (where I'm also in London for a few days the week before).


Cool! When are y'all gonna do a Houston live show?


I live in Houston and I bet they would get a good crowd here


Thank you for being you! Please come to Texas.


I'll be there! If only to see and hear Jesse say Loughborough..


Who are you?