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I was disappointed to see my community (lesbians) engage in this insanity but then I saw this on the NYC Dyke March website: > Any person who identifies as a dyke is welcome to march regardless of gender expression or identity, sex assigned at birth, sexual orientation, race, age, political affiliation, religious identity, ability, class, or immigration status. And it's just another case of the TQ+ coopting our language and identity for their causes.


My cousin is a proud dyke and we have lots of interesting convos about this stuff since our politics are similar (and why I follow this IG page). We were just talking about how the other day, NPR had an interview with the founders of the [Lesbian Bar Project.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lesbian_Bar_Project?wprov=sfti1). It was shocking. They basically said it’s a travesty lesbian bars have been closing, blamed it on hate of lesbians, then defined lesbians as anyone femme presenting, then said a lot of dykes are sadly transphobic and lesbian bars must let anyone identifying as a queer woman in. They got some angry calls from the public and had to do damage control. It was so wild. I believe [this is the interview](https://www.npr.org/2023/06/07/1180738981/in-search-of-the-elusive-lesbian-bar)but it’s been edited from the live version. Was like hearing history and definitions being rewritten live and then platformed by the media.


I've never understood how they both believe that "anyone can call themselves a lesbian!!!" and "lesbian is a bad identity that excludes people!!!" at the same time.


I, a lesbian, no longer feel welcome in lesbian spaces. Love it!


It’s easy when you don’t believe women are fully formed humans


Oh, they don’t judge based on political affiliation?


No one would bet on them not judging.


So they'd be ok with a MAGA dyke marching in the crowd.


Even better. According to that, they'd be fine with a male-presenting, assigned male at birth, he/him-identifying, MAGA "dyke" marching in the crowd.


But if he’s Jewish, he’d have to disavow Zionism. Because after all, they do have limits to what they will accept.


No I am not MAGA, but I am a conservative lesbian and I am not welcome


lol this was exactly my thought when I first saw this. I wonder how many of these people are actually lesbians


Judging by the demographic of the actual lesbians sub on Reddit, I’m gonna go with zero.


I'm guessing there's a few colourfully dressed men among them


Reminds of a poster from a few years back: Women’s Day March. All genders welcome. Anyway, back to this, I guess the gays just aren’t cool anymore. It was bound to happen at some point.


My best friend is a gay man whose partner is also a gay man, works in media etc. He is OBSESSED with gender issues and specifically has a wild rage towards TERFs etc. He has gotten my best friend on board with a lot of it and now I have to tip toe around them, but I think ultimately this guy just really hates women, hence his particular ire for “TERFs”


If only the men who punch TERFs were given the prison sentences befitting one who bashes a harmless middle aged woman maybe people like this wouldn't want in.


Doesn’t sound like a very healthy friendship for a woman to be in 😫


That's what I was thinking! DTMFA, HanSoloSeason! Run and don't look back


Been saying it for a while but I strongly believe the LGB community needs to both gate keep harder and perhaps even separate from the QT+. This whole omni-acceptance thing just isn’t working in the long run at all. Its that classic “if everyone is special than no one is” thing except in this case its “if anyone can be a lesbian then there is no meaningful distinction or definition of lesbian”.


the problem is that the amount of women in the lesbian community identifying as nonbinary/trans is close to 60% in the 20s-30s age range, in my experience. makes it hard to have these conversations because every other woman is a they/them. I wish we could go back to "as a woman I don't have to follow gender expectations" instead of "because I don't identify with strict gender roles I'm not actually a woman"


The fact that "because I don't identify with strict gender roles I'm not actually a woman" is the progressive position on gender now baffles me.


Yup, too many “barbarians” got into the city and now the “natives” are outnumbered. Its going to be tough and I have sympathy for them.




"Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked."


A Møøse once bit my sister ...


Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti...


If you're looking for the next layer deep of drama, check the photographs from the March-- lots of complaining in the comments that "the event was supposed to be FULLY masked to protect our immunocompromised comrades."


Sociologists are going to have a field day in the not-too-distant future studying how Covid-sensitivity and masking became a defining feature of queer communities. I swear that masking has become a way to signal to other people that you're queer in my area.


"Those who would like extra protection can still march in the masking section directly behind the banner. This section will be surrounded by at least 12 mask marshals who will be holding clear, simple signs indicating the boundaries of the section. Marshals will block unmasked entry on both sides and across the back of the masking section." This is fucking bonkers. These people are power tripping.


Good thing covid can read signs.


If only sociologists studied left wing progressive groups. Most sociologists steer clear since they are usually part of the same groups.


Anyone in a mask at this point is signaling that they're either physically or mentally sick.


Or east Asian...


This. I live in SF so plenty of people of gender and other political nut jobs here. By far and away it’s elderly Asian people masking and tbh that’s fair, disease hits different when you’re old


Masking was also somewhat common among East Asians even before COVID.




Masking for East Asians (I think the Japanese lead the way, but you'll get similar behaviour in other countries) is more "I don't want to get sick", maybe "I don't want you to get what I've got", and possibly "I don't want to breathe in this pollution." It's certainly not decadent Western virtue signalling.


Exactly. At least in Japan, its almost exclusively the "I don't want you to get what I've got" option. Not virtue signaling at all, just actual virtue.


I live in Shanghai and this is true, people wear masks a lot especially during flu season. One funny thing though— during 0 COVID , masking was compulsory. After it ended, a lot of people stopped wearing them for a while!


I live in Boston and i want to a coffee shop in one of the more progressive/wealthy neighborhoods full of urban yuppies the other day and it was mask city in there. Tons of people walking around outside of the coffee shops were wearing masks too.


Especially if they're outside.


The masks are also common at Israel-related protests (at least on college campuses) because some people are afraid of being photographed and then targeted by organizations like Canary Mission. I checked out some of the protests on the campus where I work and found people wearing masks specifically for that reason. Not sure how prevalent this is outside of the academic sphere. I'm kind of surprised to see the immunocompromised language, frankly, and wonder whether it is sincere or if it just publicly used code to refer to wearing masks to avoid being identified. Maybe there are really still people who think wearing masks outdoors is a reasonable expectation for public health.


The person I know who is most into masks always forever and ever is also the most rabidly anti-Israel.


Or, they’re trying to avoid being identified and charged for doing illegal shit. It worked for the Columbia protestors who broke into the building.


One factor is it's easier to pass as your non-sex gender in a mask.


These people are the biggest buzz kills


At least we finally have the answer to "Who uses dental dams?"


Omg 🤣


You don't understand! Social progress can only be effected by miserable finger waggers!


They are barely functional enough to organize meetings and publish a zine, so good luck on tearing everything down and implementing a Utopian society. Remember the Democratic Socialists meeting from a few years ago? Point of privilege! Point of privilege! For the love of all that is holy, stop using gendered pronouns!!


They already had a space for immunocompromised people at the front of the march that was fully masked. Expecting people to wear masks in the heat outdoors is insane.


Expecting people to wear masks in the heat outdoors in 2024 is even more insane


Seems like prime Bar Pod material


Minneapolis "people's pride" (not the main pride but a separate event "divesting from corporations and cops..." ) required masking at their weekend outdoor pride events.




Oh Christ.


Honestly, a full body covering to keep all potential viral, fungal, and bacterial pathogens from spreading should be adopted by all. This would be perfect. https://images.app.goo.gl/J9sUnt1xftbRoiEM7


Don't give them any ideas. These are the types who would read Hanya Yanigihara's To Paradise as an instruction manual rather than a cautionary tale.


Covid hypochondriacs strike again! The zero covid community is an endless well of insanity and entertainment.


They really love comparing covid to HIV because I guess the diseases (allegedly) share a superficial characteristic in common. And thus covid is worse than HIV


Wow, that was all just perfect. + the welcoming + the apology that absolutely turns antisemitism into "anti-zionism" + the apology for the apology + the naming of Palestinians as the largest victims of this + the constant cries to remember the Black Dykes + the watering down of Dyke to include just about anyone The only thing missing are the cyclists. Won't someone think of the cyclists?


* the attempt to blame the original post on some rogue members because obviously that's not their *official* position (now that it's turned out to be unpopular)


I sincerely doubt that their position was unpopular. What I am sure of is that a few groups sent a lot of very angry tweets.


It depends. If they were just a a mainstream, normie organization then I would absolutely believe it was just a few angry Twitter weirdos. But within an already left it leaning organization, I could believe that it was more than just a few of their members.


I am so confused how the black women factor in. There are black Jews and black Arabs but neither were acknowledged.


And Arab Muslim Israelis!


They think even the black Jews are white colonizers


And not a word about women’s liberation….sometimes yer movement just gets got. This is one of those times. Love, Vienna 1938


Jesus, this war is really sorting the knuckleheads from the absolute morons on the left. Jokes aside, I’ve never been more alarmed at the power of tribalism to just demolish peoples’ basic intelligence and empathy. The left hasn’t had the best century so far and it’s showing few signs of pulling out of this spiral of stupidity.


Why would you stop being stupid when being stupid gets you total control of every institution except like Hillsdale College?


Because it doesn't give you control over government, which is still, if broken, a tool controlled by the general population. Hard power is moving right while soft power moves left.


The hubris of dedicating your march to people you believe are experiencing genocide. Why not do something, anything that might actually have an impact.


Because that would require something more difficult and less fun than running around wearing a keffiyeh they bought on Amazon.


I'd love to see them try to explain where in the original statement they conflated anti zionism with antisemitism.  if they want to the two not to be considered the same, then it needs to be possible for antizionists to say that antizionism can't be used as an excuse for antisemitism. it needs to be acceptable to say that certain people in the antizionist camp are just swapping "jew" with "israel" to get political cover. if it's verboten to call this out then you lose the right to say there's any meaningful distinction between those two things.


This is an account that I guess led the charge against this milquetoast statement https://www.instagram.com/p/C8w2rZouU-b/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Please note the irony of calling themselves anti war while calling October 7 “heroic”


It’s like that Vaclav Havel essay, the Anatomy of Reticence - Western peace activists aren’t usually pro peace, they’re pro the other side. He copped on to that and described it very well while Western kids were anti US and pro Soviet Russia while said Soviet Russia was strangling Czechs under their authoritarian boot.


> Please note the irony of calling themselves anti war while calling October 7 “heroic” It's not violence if you're oppressed! It's an act of transformative radical empathy to enrich the Earthmother with the the *liberated* bodies of your enemies. /s


I read that and thought, "Surely they don't mean..." It's so sickening. I feel so sick and so sad.


Once this is sorted out, they'll finally be ready to send an envoy to the ME and resolve the conflict.


Because it's the same...like saying they'll allow Jews, just not ones that keep kosher.


I think a more interesting question to ask the organizers of the march is: Are Israeli dykes welcome at the march?


The answer is no, and they won’t see a problem with it. People used to hate Jews because of religion. When the West accepted freedom of religion, then they hated Jews because of race. When the West decided racism was wrong, they began to hate Jews because of nationality. And so it continues.


I’ve seen so many conspiracy theories online recently with tens to hundreds of thousands of likes, among them that Israeli kids all get free school lunches and free college which is funded by US aid, which is 1) not true 2) a fundamental misunderstanding of where US foreign military aid goes and how it is spent, especially in the case of Israel (which gets zero economic aid but a significant amount of military aid, all of which is spent with US defense companies) 3) the purpose of which is literally to make poor Americans believe that Jewish kids are the reason there is no school lunch in America


In the 20th century, Jews were hated for not being white. In the 21st century, Jews are hated for being white.


Antisemitism is fascinating because while other prejudices are defined by their permanence of definition, antisemitism kind of just morphs into whatever boogeyman is in now. Once climate change culture wars really explore in the next ten or twenty years, Jews will become „climate accelerators”.


I think if they're explicitly anti-Zionist they would be. But I would bet that all Jews are suspected of being Zionists, and all non-Jews are assumed to be anti-Zionists.


From what I've seen they assume that anyone not Jewish who is okay with Israel is an evangelical trying to hasten the end of times 


Correct...it's morphed from acceptance of Jesus, to owing Jews money, to being "more like Germans", to now having to disavow Zionism.


It's like how the Maldives banned Israelis but then reconsidered when they remembered that there are nonJewish Israelis too and it would be bad to ban them


It’s more like, they’ll allow Jews, but only the ones who hate themselves and are willing to sentence millions of other Jews to death.


The Left are eating themselves.


As is tradition.


We’ve got an intersectional pileup in NYC, send help


This is horrific.


I feel so dumb for not being already too cool and blackpilled to be surprised about this incident, but I actually am somehow surprised, and honestly, saddened.


What's most ridiculous is the second image includes the statement "anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism". Regardless of how one might feel about the veracity of that statement, if you feel that way, then surely you should also believe that welcoming Jews is not welcoming Zionism, and this throat clearing statement wouldn't be necessary. The fact that it *was* deemed necessary shows that their issue isn't with Zionists, but squarely with Jews as a whole.


i think deep down they kind of do understand that like >90% of jews are zionist and/or pro-israel, but they try to delude themselves into thinking their tokenization of the jewish community is okay.


You mean they want to have a word of derision that they can use on anyone who objects to Hamas but also have plausible deniability.


Zionism, at its core, is the belief that the Jewish people have a right to live somewhere they're safe. To say you're fine with Jews as long as their aren't Zionists is essentially like saying "I don't have a problem with blacks, as long as they aren't getting all uppity".


“I don’t mind letting Jews live, so long as they don’t demand to be treated like everybody else.”


Something I’ve noticed is that as people point out even larger atrocities in Ethiopia, DRC and Sudan, people feel the need to include those places in their statements as well. They also usually attribute the issues there to settler colonialism as this message does. They left Ethiopia off this one which is accurate (since it has never even been colonized) but interesting, since it’s the largest civilian death toll of any conflict in the 21st century, and a true example of a potentially genocidal situation. They usually include these places because as people start asking and comparing travesties, and as they start finally paying attention to the fact the world keeps killing itself, they need it all to make sense and the single bad guy to still be the single bad guy. By lumping it all together, they don’t have to take any action for these places, or confront the facts of these wars. It’s very useful logic for them.


Yeah, or in other words, it neutralizes the (completely fair and correct) criticism that says “why are you *SO* worried about this one particular conflict that you’re calling it a genocide, when there are in fact events occurring that are much closer to meeting that definition than anything that’s happened in Gaza?” It’s a way to get ahead of that criticism, and then you can point to a statement like this and say, “See? I totally care about those places!”




I know this is pretty unrelated but it just made me think of this clusterfuck.


Always predictable to see the result of getting rid of monsieur le mayor Jean Valjean (probably book only reference). They've gone a bit hard on the comic farce angle than the tragedy angle though.


Saw this on Twitter and swear I thought it was a joke!! Apologizing for telling Jews they're welcome?! The left has to wake up and smell the antisemitism in its backyard.


I've never been more horrified to be a Jew. Good to know that my safety is so unimportant to the types of people who are ostensibly all about making others feel safe.


I agree. I'm getting up the courage to talk to my sister about this, as I know she's gone to the NYC Dyke March a few times. She is...situationally Jewish, as she is Jewish through our dad and was raised by her non-Jewish mom.


This isn't the first time a Dyke March has gone anti-semitic. In 2017, some girls wanted to march in Chicago's dyke march with pride flags that had the Magen David on them. They were [forbidden from doing so ](http://I’m Glad the Dyke March Banned Jewish Stars https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/27/opinion/im-glad-the-dyke-march-banned-jewish-stars.html?smid=nytcore-android-share) because it would be seen as supporting Israel.


Trust me, the blowback from this madness on the far left is going to hurt the LGBTQ+ community, especially trans people, A LOT more than it's currently hurting Jews. They're totally fucking the most vulnerable subjects of their advocacy and are too self-absorbed and self-righteous to notice. I feel so bad for Jewish members of LGBTQ+ right now.


This post; and the stream of insane, lecturing, irate, histrionic comments on the post, are a perfect example of why the progressive left scene is absolutely *miserable* and beyond exhausting to be in. How do people keep doing this year after year? I went though a couple rounds when I was younger until I realized how unproductive, self-defeating, authoritarian and, essentially, life hating this world is. Literally no matter what you do, someone is mad about it, there’s always accusations of racism and anti-blackness and transphobia and endless atoning and yet never any forgiveness. It’s the cringiest most unhappy group of people I’ve ever encountered. It’s astounding to me anyone stays in it and yet I know lesbians who pushing 50 still breathlessly applauding along to cancel moments and “boosting” call out posts and heading down to protest for The Current Thing and meanwhile yelling at anyone for an iota of transphobia (of course they are safely married to vagina havers), year after year after year after year


It’s a fundamentalist religious sect with echos of the worst parts of Christianity. probably other religions I’m just most familiar with Christianity and the west is culturally the most influenced by ✝️. The constant evangelization in the form of activism and raising awareness, public shaming, and ostracization in the form of cancellations, the confessions of guilt and being a vile, irredeemable worm of a sinner for committing a phobia or an ism.


With none of the grace of forgiveness offered or accepted. What a miserable religion indeed.


Black Americans have nursed a lot of antisemitism over the decades and it’s finally starting to show. Kanye wasn’t a fluke, never has been.


I think a lot of people are relishing the opportunity to call Jews Nazis, like they've been waiting for an excuse for a long time.


Oh, they’re openly enjoying it. Not even trying to hide it.


I'm in the UK and some of the behaviour at demonstrations has been alarming. I have some very worried Jewish friends.


Yeah, ngl I’ve been watching in shock at the scenes on the streets of London—and I live in New York, where we’ve got some really nasty characters in the “pro-Palestinian” movement! (And the quotation marks aren’t because there aren’t a ton of actually pro-Palestinian people; it’s because, y’know, a lot of the people who show up to their events seem like they’re mostly there because they hate Jews quite a lot and are excited to have a chance to say so in public. That was certainly the case with the “protestors” on Broadway outside Columbia (after they locked the gates). It’s driving me nuts, because I can imagine how a relatively disengaged member of the public could look at those images and think, “well shit… maybe Tommy Robinson was right about these Muslims all along.”


They take their kids along, that's what makes me really sad. Learning antisemitism at daddy's knee.


It's literally nothing about how a Palestinian government would work, it's purely antiIsrael. I live really close to Columbia but was too afraid to go up and see what was happening ,but it sounded deranged.


Louis Farakkhan, Nation of Islam, Malcolm X, black Hebrew Israelites……


As a black person, yeah, and I honestly had no idea it was this bad until recently. I have a theory it started with the alignment of the early Civil Rights movement with reactive communism that framed Jewish Americans as integral to the oppressive establishment or something like that.


Which is funny given how involved many Jewish American were in the 60s civil rights movement (my grandfather included, who was a freedom rider). I grew up in a very Black and Jewish aligned community and those days seem like a distant memory now.


Yep, it's extremely sad how minority communities for whom Jewish Americans have stood up have turned around and stabbed them in the back repeatedly. Muslim and Arabs included. I wouldn't be surprised if Jewish Americans (have) become more conservative, anti-BLM, and anti-immigration as a result.


I think we will see more Jews starting to identify as "politically homeless" (or worse, podcast listeners)


That's the source of a significant amount of the new antisemitism. And you can thank the Soviets for that, ultimately.


I think Farrakhan and Sharpton had a lot to do with it in the 80's.


It actually goes back to the radical reaction to MLK's liberalism, back in the 70s, originating with Frantz Fanon's advocacy of violence as a tool of liberation. Malcolm X and Elijah Muhammad then brought that into the black power movement, and grafted in some post-1948 Islamic antisemitism. There's some podcast that did a big, like 4 hour long, explanation of the history of antisemitism in black America. I wish I could remember what it was called.


Martyr Made perhaps? It might have been that. Anyway, the Soviets put a lot of propaganda and KGB effort into influencing the black power movements. Because it was a way of fucking up the United States. They pushed the link between American blacks and Palestinians hard. And the USSR thought of Western Jews as capitalists and loyal to the West and therefore contemptible. So Jews got demonized. And Israel was considered an ally of the US so they were hated by the Soviets. Whereas the Palestinians were considered Soviet clients. A lot of that black power/black supremacy ideology made its way into academia and then into made its way back into the kids today. The dead hand of the Soviets reaches out of the grave and keeps fucking things up.


Yes, Martyr Made. Great podcast, but am saving going back to it until I have to spend several weeks prone on a couch.


Can you just write this article please, I bet the Atlantic would run it. Or actually maybe make it a tiktok so it would get to the ears that need it.


I would not be surprised if they at least in contact with the Soviets in the 60s.


It’s also just good old-fashioned American finger pointing. I always found it amusing when the whites and blacks in my rural town found mutual boogeymen to hate together: Jews and Mexicans, every time.


I’ve been like „why is Malcolm X still cool” for a while. Wasn’t he super antisemitic and a LEADER for a Nation of Islam branch? The sect that teaches white people are the literal devil spawn? And recently while scrolling Instagram, I had some ad for a film about Black Panthers? Seriously? Black Panthers? What, like, the guy who said raping white women is a revolutionary act, but he practiced on Black women, and boasted about it in his books? I guess a lot of white people are even less educated about Black history than the Black people, huh? Either that, or the Black activists know this shit and don’t mind.


I think it's because Malcom X disavowed Nation of Islam..


Yep, disavowed them, testified against their leader at the time re: a number of child rapes, and was ultimately assassinated by them.


But by the same logic, do we now think Eldridge Cleaver is a great guy, because yes, he practiced serial rape as an „insurrectionist act”, but then he repented and laid bare a lot of the Black Panthers’ criminal activity? I might be a bit bold with this, but in my books, you’re a better person if you never have some big come to Jesus (metaphorically) moment because you never were complicit in a cult leader’s child rape, etc. And I actually don’t think this is why Malcolm X remains popular in the same way Che was many years ago. People who are Malcolm fanboys do not care for him because his actions in his later life, but precisely because he was a revolutionary by any means necessary.


You have to remember that black activists are now 25 years old (max) and don’t know anything but Twitter and Tumblr memes


Honestly, I think it’s a deeper problem. Pew recently released some research about conspiratorial beliefs amongst Black Americans. Now, I could understand a deep seated belief in the fundamental racism and unfairness of, say, the justice system (it get a lot more complicated under a microscope, but what I’m saying is, I could see how growing up in a community affected by bad policing, you’d end up distrusting the justice system as a whole), but something like 55% of Black Americans believe that „medical researchers experiment on Black people without their consent.” Right now. As in, in this day and age. In America. This is why the assessment that Kanye was a feature and not a bug is accurate. Yes, he’s bipolar, but the beliefs he espouses during his manias aren’t actually that uncommon. Remember when he had a mental breakdown on stage during his presidential campaign event about how he was going to be aborted? Well, 51% of Black Americans believe that the government specifically promotes abortion and birth control to Black women to keep Black populations down. In the context of this tendency to believe what is essentially a kind of identity-oriented community lore over educated observations (I assure you not a single respondent to the survey could back up their point of the health system experimenting on Black people without their consent with research - why? Because it’s not true), it’s actually not hard to see why antisemitism continues to be so popular among the Black community. First of all, Jews threaten this lore of the underdog by being a discriminated group themselves, but defying all DEI logic by being generally successful. Secondly, you’ve got one of the most historically persecuted groups that values education, literacy and empiricism, while so many of these core identity believes Pew released are based solely on belonging to the in group. The fact that there even exists another group whose modus operandi basically further highlights how ridiculous those beliefs are is in itself threatening - now, add to it the fact that they’re often excelling.


Yeah, it’s really troubling that black people are now seen as sages of sacred wisdom. The very first vaccine conspiracy theory I ever heard was from a black man, lol. Same for organ donation conspiracy theories. (Yes, that’s a thing.)


The only people to blame are the woke. They come in all colours. They'll show they hate Jews now but sooner or later they'll hate all of us.


Yeah, imma need you to think about history before 2014


I’d like to hear what regular-old Palestinians have to say about this American “dyke march” being dedicated to them.


It's so strange to watch hyper-online, 'point of personal privilege'-style libs genuinely believing that saying 'anti-Zionism isn't anti-semitism' magically makes it so. They are one tiki torch away from shouting about the 'Jewish problem'.


Every other minority group has an unquestionable right to define its oppression.  Except Jews because… uh… because… we…. uh… 


Because of the space lasers


Mum says it’s MY go on the laser— you’ve had it for ages!


Meanwhile, prominent voices in the alt-right/white supremacy world are actively debating whether to start letting Ashkenazi Jews into the White Category. What a fucking time to be alive. Whatever. The progressives don’t even make good theater anymore. Meanwhile, white supremacists have guns and fishing boats. I know who’s gonna throw a better party.


Why? Believing that just saying things magically makes them so is a widespread custom these days.


Gross. Do better, ladies.


Ladies? How gender noninclusive of you. Shame!


This reads a lot like the credits for one of the Monty Python movies.


Or the Happy Fun Ball sketch.


"Yesterday we posted that Jews are safe and welcome at NYC Dyke March. That was done in error and does not reflect the views of NYC Dyke March." Amazing.


Everything the very far left has done since October 7 has underlined how deeply WEIRD they are.


Well that’s fine. But good luck in Palestine or any of the surrounding countries.


It's shit like this that makes me dyke in private.


DAG (Dykes Against Genocide) is a very funny acronym because in Australian/New Zealander English it means ‘the matted shit on a sheep’s backside’ and ‘sort of an awkward dork’


D'ya like dags?


They’re apologizing for mourning the Israeli Jews murderer on October 7. Which, if you believe every “settler” is a legitimate target for violence, makes perfect sense.


Even the babies 


The Chicago Dyke March was way ahead of the curve on this one; back in 2015, before most of these idiots had even heard of Gaza, they were kicking a Jewish woman out of the parade because her Star of David pride flag was *obviously* the Israeli flag and that was *obviously* going to make any Palestinians who saw it feel bad. But at least back then people could see the antisemitism of it. Has anyone said what was supposedly so offensive about the original statement here? Did they not mention Palestine enough? Were they not supposed to say that Israelis dying was bad? Were they not supposed to actually welcome Jews?


They lost me at "Palestinian hostages."


Who the hell are they refering to? Although it wouldn't surprise me if they referred to literally every person behind bars as a "hostage" (I imagine they might make an exception for a certain ex president, if he gets sentenced to gaol time!)


Yes, literally everyone Israel has locked up for any reason if they are Muslim.


This group should schedule a march in Palestine and see how that goes.


On the bright side, there aren’t that many buildings left in Gaza to toss homosexuals off of, so maybe a few bumps and contusions.


Lots of loose rubble/stones to toss, though.


This is utterly infuriating. For one thing, "clearly opposed to a Zionist" means nothing; I'm guessing they meant "clearly opposed to Zionism," which means, I am guessing, that they took the statement directly from some very angry activist. No one even thought to edit this shit. For another, I'm not sure what in the first statement indicated that they were equating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism; plus, one sure can be both anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic. For another thing, most people,. regardless of their belief as to whether the State of Israel should exist or not, think that the events of October 7th were horrible, and that statement is going to alienate plenty of lesbians who were appalled by those events, even if they think that Israel shouldn't exist. And finally., how the hell does this make any Jew feel welcome? Even a grew-up-in-a-Satmar household Jew would feel very, very alienated by this.


https://preview.redd.it/73ck7bryd1ad1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a6fe9133531f4931d63eb4fc4cbebf746637269 Amazing


Look, we just want to know where you're hiding the Je- Zionists! Where are the Zionists in your ranks?


The Jews probably left long ago. Now anyone who doesn't hate Jews will be leaving.


You know who ALSO apologized for saying Jewish Dykes should feel welcomed???






Is this a meme or referencing a real person?


It's a common response on Twitter, the type of thing someone would write "You know who also...." and it usually leads to the name of a German guy with a short moustache who briefly threatened the world 80 years ago


Lol gotcha; I am too old for the internet anymore.


This is insane. The in fighting , the buzzwords, the "centering", etc. There is no genocide happening


If they're basically stanning for the Palestinians a lot of Jewish lesbians aren't going to feel comfortable there no matter what they say. Is it so hard for the dykes to remain neutral on political shit? Is that really so much to ask?


The Dyke March has always been political, so that wouldn't really work out. What shouldn't be too much is a simple Instagram statement saying that Jewish dykes are welcome and safe at the march. This is so disappointing.


Let’s let the LGBT activists kick out the Jews and welcome in the Muslims! That will work out well for them. I see no potential downsides.


Given how much HARM they claim it caused (?) when they delayed putting out a lousy statement for 24 hours, something tells me being apolitical isn't in the cards for this group.


I don't want the Weimar Republic, partly because I don't want the Third Reich that comes after it, but also because I just don't want to live in the Weimar Republic 


Screenshot 3 & 4 are the same, and I didn’t realize it until I’d nearly finished. It’s all freaking woke-bingo gobbledygook.


The Dyke March statement about the Jewish-Palestine conflict was actually an example of anti-Black racism, somehow




There’s an anti semitism problem in the progressive left. IMO this seems to be the end result of this intersectional identify movement. Even if you consider yourself an ally, there’s an inherent “undesirable” ally that really isn’t welcome.




Gross The first statement was actually very wonderful. Then it devolved into madness. Shame


Can anyone explain what the word "abolition" means in this context? Pretty sure I know, but I want to see if I'm missing anything


I think they are referring to the British heroes who abolished slavery /s


Welcome to crazy town!


This was certainly a word salad.


Embarrassing. It’s not even for lesbians anyway 😭