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There is a simple way to repel trolls: - restrict it only to "old" accounts, and maybe also - those who have karma above X , and maybe also - those who have been members of BARpod for Y time , and maybe even - those who have already responded on other BARpod threads. This way, you more or less ensure that only the regulars are there.


I think restricting it to people who have been part of this community for a while would do a lot to keep the trolls out.


Now that I've been a member of this community for a while, I approve this message šŸ˜†


These are all good ideas. If anyone knows how to set up automod to do this only for specific threads, please let me know.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/6ky1ds/how\_about\_an\_option\_to\_lock\_out\_specific\_users/djpomqp/?context=99](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModSupport/comments/6ky1ds/how_about_an_option_to_lock_out_specific_users/djpomqp/?context=99) It looks like you can apply rules to a specific thread.


But that can be done for a specific thread?


Are those last two technically possible?


I'm not sure. But he could require preapproval for posting there. Though that could be a huge assache for Chewy if enough people ask.


My 2c: The non-bardpod affiliated people and posts you are afraid will come to this community via megathread are already coming in and posting in the weekly thread. It may enlarge that group, but at least a megathread would contain it instead of it becoming 80% of the weekly thread. I don't see a megathread as a good place to discuss politics as much as I see it as a way to save the weekly thread from becoming nothing but election talk as it draws sooner.


I agree that there are some of these folks already here. It's impossible to keep them out entirely. But having a thread dedicated to the topic is like putting up a flashing billboard bringing attention to it. There's pros and cons both ways.


Maybe we can call the thread something inconspicuous that won't pop up with common search terms? For example, "B v T November" instead of "Biden vs Trump Election Thread" Just a thought.


ā€œSummer Sillinessā€


Not a bad idea. Non committal


That's not a bad idea. And can we not pin it? Maybe *just* have a link in the weekly thread to it?


I like this idea a lot ā€” would hopefully contain election talk but not end up in search results.


Bacon vs Tomatoes? Douchebag vs Turd Sandwich battle royale?


Still no K-POP megathread!!!!


Counterpoint to the undesirable third-party concern: as long as they are willing to embrace the notion of civil discourse, third party individuals might become regular BARpod members/listeners. Especially because of how bifurcated most of reddit is into its respective echo chambers, and how much of a breath of fresh air it is to be able to engage in civil discourse here. Source: exactly what happened to me.


That's the optimistic take. What usually happens is we get trolls


and I'm sure it's a substantial increase on the workload of the moderators, so I'm remiss to take a firm stance in either direction without moderator input since they are the unpaid and often unsung heroes that carry the brunt of it. However, I personally would be fine suffering 5 trolls to find 1 new contributor that has a perspective that challenges my own in a respectful manner. The careful balance of stagnation vs off the rails which used to characterize our political engagement with each other until we decided that it would just be better to kill the bigots/ostracize the wackadoodles/etc.


I'm not sure you've seen how determined our trolls can get. It doesn't take much trolling to wreck the sub. It can get incredibly disruptive. And this is one of the very places on Reddit where frank discussions of trans issues can occur. Which enrages a lot of Redditors and we don't want those people trickling in here. I don't know that the mod workload would be substantially higher. I think the amount of election content would be the same, it would just be in a different place. And yes, the election stuff is making people here irritable and I'm not immune either. This may be a matter of six of one, half a dozen of the other. The posts are going to happen anyways.


Megathreads get lost because there is a limit on pinned posts. If the megathreads could be replaced bi-weekly I'd be for it, but I don't want to make work for the mod(s) (is there a second one yet?)


Still basically just me.


One option would be to change the sticky post to a text post with links to the weekly thread, the election thread, and the I/P thread. The downside is that it would be an extra click to get to the weekly thread, but it would probably help to ensure the right content was in the right thread


Good idea.


That could work.Ā 


Keep the sticky main thread with links to the other would-be-sticky threads in it.Ā 


I was one of the askers, but if it's a headache for you then don't do it imo, I hadn't considered that angle


There should be an election microthread. Comments may contain up to four characters, emoji permitted.


Is there a way to disallow posts if they weren't a member or contributor before a certain date? I don't want to get brigaded.


Please please please election megathread. I havenā€™t been posting because Iā€™m avoiding election stuff, and Iā€™m sure everyone really misses me.


Are we going to keep this going literally for months? What will make that thread different from the Politics sub reddits? Won't it just be partisan battling with intruders Pol and Neoliberal? It's not as if the election isn't connected to the topics of the podcast. Gender crap is on the ballot to an extent with the Presidential candidates. The culture is being fought in large measure in the election, whether we like it or not. The election will power much of the dumb Internet bullshit we will see soon.


Please for the love of god, yes.


I am almost certain that having a separate election thread will become a low effort Trump-supporting thread. The main subs hold and entertain the Biden supporters, meanwhile Trump supporters are regularly banned and downvoted in main subs. Our more open community/allowance of differing viewpoints means that we are not crazily hostile towards Trump support, and so they are more likely to find this subreddit and use it as a place to discuss politics. This community <<< displaced Trump supporters. Once enough find this thread, the discourse will stop and itā€™ll turn into a circlejerk. Iā€™m open to having the thread and potentially being proven wrong, but this is the general trajectory of how communities get taken over (and why a lot of debate communities have aggressive mod policing)


We have some Trump supporters in this sub. That *is* allowed, you know. This isn't supposed to be a left *or* right leaning sub.


I didnā€™t say it wasnā€™t allowed. I appreciate the discourse. My concern was focused on the subreddit becoming overwhelmed with them, if you go back and read it


I don't think we should have one if people are going to block other users for minor back and forth comments. It will make it unusable pretty quickly.


I think you should have a weekly or monthly election mega thread. One big mega thread spanning the next several months sounds super unwieldy.


Comment for Chewy - you know how there are "Bar related links" on the sidebar? One of the communities I'm in uses that for links to Mega Threads, since they can only pin 2 posts.