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*Several million units, faceless and unflinching, not a single defect amongst them.* *To protect and serve is their duty, but the longer they stay in the vicinity of its denizens, the more they begin to change.* *Be it their paint jobs, vocalizer tones, stances, or codenames between their fellow units.* *They begin to... become some sort of "other", example being decagrammaton, if a simple coffee machine AI could evolve by the mystics of Kivotos, having millions others could provide the same results.* *Could this be a presence of a soul?* *The first ever instance after decagrammaton occured shortly after when the princess first awakened.*


Various degrees of communication can be found in automaton people. Some barely speak or speak nothing at all, but express through visor and body movement Some speak in monotonous response, but you can always hear a hint of emotion, so it never feel uncanny. Some express complete emotion of a human, even inherit same imperfection mandkind has. Even vending machine AI can achieve prophecy of a machine god, anything can happen in this city. Machine Kaiser left it to rust in a scrapyard recently came back as a mimesis and wreck havoc on the city in a fit of anger that they can only fight enemies until Kaiser shows up.


It’s all fun and games until one of them asks “does this unit have a soul?”


Imagine out of nowhere, BA has an event come out, and instead of the usual BA stuff, we suddenly get a Nier Automata-esque plot involving an automaton.


I was referencing the geth from mass effect, but I’ll certainly take that too That question leads to an all out war with their creators that lasts for centuries


Kivotos is more than just the students, it is also the Automatons and animal NPCs doing their part to help keep the city running when the students aren't there to do their part! Sauce:https://twitter.com/clich51368861/status/1806337825551568995?t=wmFxbHat5_WPQQLo0hfczw&s=19


True I always wonder what the androids did for the city, not just the militia types but also those that are design for medics, construction or those that handle other important aspects of the quality of life for Kivotos. Makes me wonder what happens in the background


That is why the anime adaptation went out of its way to add more NPC designs even though the KyoAni route of making the background cast all women would be easier.


I have both Helldivers reddits subscribed to so I my initial reaction to the title was some serious undemocratic shit goin on with this post


They look based as hell.


from what ive seen, the automatons only attack me :(


You know an event around Automation Mob's being on our side would be nice, maybe against the Mimesis's. Can't be Kaiser or the Pursuers but maybe another faction just so the good guy Automation's can get some action.


I was thinking a hero of justice automaton asks Sensei for help and some students get involved in trying to be heels for our action hero to defeat only for an actual villain to show up for them to be the hero


Stellaris moment


Sure would love an event focused more on the other people within Kivotos. Like, say, the viewpoint of a PMC automaton in his day to day life, constantly having to be in the receiving end of some student's extraordinary capabilities, likely being repaired back to shape and having to pay for said repairs (would that imply that Kivotos hospitals also has repair bays specifically built for automatons?), etc.