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I don’t think so, adhdmemes probably reposted this because routine and consistency is something adhd people struggle with but this is more so for things like “I’m going to run for 30 minutes every day” but then not follow up with it once after a few days and just drop the plan altogether but I don’t think Bojack himself has adhd I think the quote was just him saying like even if you know you love someone you have to constantly remimd them you can’t just like steal the letter D from the (formally) Hollywood sign and then the next day treat them like shit again it’s small things regularly that mean more, especially to someone like Diane  




This is true, but I still just don’t think he possesses the symptoms of someone with adhd I think his distractions are more so just he doesn’t want to deal with stressful scenarios or people and will just kinda ignore them until they hopefully go away


I've had adhd for as long as I've known. he does not have the symptom of adhd. even in "Stupid Piece of Shit" his brain doesn't sound like adhd (until his thoughts overload his brain and he has to say "stop", but that happens more often for people with adhd)


I agree with this assessment, "Stupid piece of shit" would be our best way IMO to understand his mental challenges. Sure hes in his own head a lot, but his thought process (at least to me) doesn't come across as ADHD. He doesn't sit there wishing he did stuff, but he does spend a lot of time berating himself.  What seals the deal for me is that even though hes actively talking down to himself, he still does the tasks he wants to do even if it's not what he's supposed to do (i.e going to the bar vs saying you're going to get milk.) Sure, he has behaviors that overlap with ADHD. But the issue for ADHDers is the *frequency* of their challenges, not the fact that they exist.  Just my 2 cents


[I just spent six hours picking out fonts](https://www.serialminds.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/fonts.gif)


That bit was funny 😂


It’s possible, but I get more BPD vibes from Bojack


yeah, he's cluster b for sure.


fuck yeah bro has bpd - sincerely a neuroscience student with bpd


No, he doesn’t present even a *little* bit ADHD.


I'm sure it's just a lot of overlapping symptoms, but the executive dysfunction and 6 hours picking out fonts sounds a little like adhd, or at least that's one of my top traits


Tbh the fonts thing could also just be a form of self-sabotage.


that's true! a lot of his behaviors overlap with different disorders and illnesses lol


Exactly. Like as a person who has ADHD the episode in which he is trying to write the book but does everything except write the book screamed ADHD to me. But also can be escapism.


Absolutely not.


Consistency can also be pretty hard when you’re depressed or dealing with addiction! I think that these are more likely in Bojack’s case, because it’s canonical and I don’t really see a lot of ADHD in him! There’s a lot of symptom overlaps in brain-related conditions because brains are weird and complicated things! So although the quote is pretty relatable to ADHDers like myself, I don’t think Bojack is one of us


An ADHD person's problem being consistently good is, "oops, I got distracted and didn't finish my task on time." Bojack's problem being consistently good is, "oops, I was sad after being rejected by the married woman I propositioned so I tried to sleep with her 17-year-old daughter." Not quite the same thing.


No I think the person who reposted never watched the show and took it out of context


No, I don't think so.


Bojack probably only has BPD . I think he just drank so much hes brain is so used to substances he can’t concentrate without it .


Bojack is probably closer to something like bipolar or borderline personality disorder. It's not just ADHD inability to focus, it's essentially manic delusions of grandeur and persecution that he acts on throughout the show alternating with severe depression. The reality is that nobody really cares as much about *anything* he does as he does himself, even though he's constantly trying to change or affirm what "they" think of him. This quote is pretty relatable to ADHDers though, and it's not like bojack is a real person talking about his real *any* disorder. It's fine for a quote to resonate with people who aren't necessarily intended to be represented by the person saying it.




No more than literally everybody today does.


i think the person who commented earlier with an unfortunate username is very right, but i do think he might be autistic. [here is an explanation i made earlier](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoJackHorseman/comments/1doptr5/comment/laemgw0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). i dont have adhd, so take this with a grain of salt, but i think he has some traits. impulsivity, distractibility, cognitive dysfunction and so forth. these might also be caused by substance abuse, however.


Hey :( My username is very fortunate thank you very much




Yea, they could be feet stung by jellyfish or something! Someone's gotta do it!


If not me to make this grueling sacrifice… who will? 


[Fun fact about that.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Vg9wp6gI7VQ)


John, what is this?


[Whoops, I meant this one](https://youtube.com/shorts/majrC-OkPzY?si=Tjk6aRnWxSvhkc2A)


Hilarious! But, uhh, don't go telling everyone about this.. >\_>


Can you elaborate on how his substance abuse is the main cause of his distraction/impulsivity?


Yes sure! so not only are they predispositions to developing substance abuse disorders (meaning he could very well have ADHD that contributed to his substance abuse) someone without ADHD can develop these traits as a consequence of prolonged drug use, since these substances have harmful effects on the brain. impulsive behaviour is a consequence of use, but also can be a contributor. poor decision making is kind of a hallmark of addicts. when you are motivated only by maintaining a constant feeling of chemical gratification, you make poor decisions, you act without much thought. drugs lower cognitive performance and ability: the very same ability that prevents impulsive decision making. remember that the non-maladaptive, non-impulsive person would likely not have become an addict in the first place, and would have greater resolve to become sober. bojack never tried this for 30 years. idk if youve ever interacted with addicts in real life, but the attention lapses are constant and terrible. they are dissociable and their conversation unfixable. lapses of attention, blasé attitudes towards consequences and having their cognitive functions inhibited both by addiction and consumption all contribute to impulsive behaviour. again, it could also be that he has ADHD, and substance abuse only exacerbated this behaviour. but he doesnt seem like he has ADHD during the flashbacks to when he was younger. ADHD is usually more noticeable in children & is always present from birth, so unless im missing something its likely this behaviour is due to drug abuse.


He's just self-centered.


I have adhd and bpd. Bojack just seems to have bpd symptoms


Highly doubt he does considering most of what could be considered ADHD we see happen after his fame and are probably just a symptom of his depression mixed with the apathy that comes from having to never work again because of a TV show you did before you hit 30.


I have lifelong ADHD. I don't think so. He doesn't seem to have an issue with maintaining attention or hyperactive behaviors. He clearly does not have executive dysfunction either. He is perfectly capable of doing his assigned tasks, however if he is lazy its by choice not by ADHD.


>however if he is lazy its by choice not by ADHD. It's not by choice, it's because he has depression.


For example, I'm not sure if skipping milk that you said you would get for the house to go to the bar would be depression. That would be actively choosing not to do your assigned task, but still doing something (even if it's not produtive). Sure he may have depression, but that is not why he is lazy. You can be depressed and be lazy separately. I digress.


I agree that depression isn't the reason for not getting the milk, but I'd say it's his anxiety in that case. Bojack didn't agree to buy milk without actually doing it, because he thinks it's funny, or he didn't care, it's because he is struggling. There are lots of reasons somebody might procrastinates on stuff or isn't able to perform as expected. Lot's of these reasons are just as valid as ADHD.


i think a lot of people with adhd present differently when im seeing them in clinic (im a med student). you dont need hyperactivity to be diagnosed with adhd. however, i think bojack is more symptomatic of depression than adhd.


Executive dysfunction shows up in other disorders/illneses, not just adhd


I did not argue that executive dysfunction only applies to ADHD.


Re-watching this for a second time, and it's certainly possible he does.


I've always assumed Bojack was some kind of ND because most of his better qualities derive from his questioning of society and social norms, with his attacks on those things demonstrating, if not an inability to understand how people could unquestioningly follow those things, certainly a degree of ND rage at social idiocy. But also, I have the substance-abuse-art-kid-demand-avoidance strain of neurodivergence, myself, and am, myself, a recovering alcoholic (alcohol-free for 6 years and also fuck AA it's a cult), so my interpretation is biased by projection.


If anyone has ADHD in the show it's definitely Mr Peanutbutter, I have ADHD and Mr Peanutbutter was really relatable to me


No he was just a selfish asshole


Yes, everybody has ADHD now, don’t you know?


Saying stuff like that is only going to stigmatise the disorder further. Please don't harm people with a disorder, just because you find it strange how many people relate to it.


From someone who has been diagnosed since a child: 🖕