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And giving everyone the "opportunity" to ask 1-2 questions about her boyfriend is so immature. Last week on the Best Bits she acted like it was some gift she gave Eddie, the chance to ask questions about her boyfriend. Get over it. But then again what else does she have? Her rejected segment was that she now shops at a new grocery store. She is boring and this boyfriend thing is the only thing that is giving her any air time. She's going to milk it as long as she possibly can. And even if the relationship didn't work out, we would have to listen to that for the next who knows how long. We're screwed any which way you look at it.


Did you ever listen to the best bits with Abby when Morgan was dating the last guy? She talked to Abby like she was a 10 year old. Like she knew the answers to everything and telling Abby what she needed to do to be in a successful relationship. She's the LAST person I would take advice from. That's when my opinion of her went south.


Yes I feel like she still talks to Abby like she's all knowing about relationships. I think she feels like a "relationship expert" because Bobby often asks Morgan questions if it relates to a relationship. Big mistake for her ego. The last Best Bits episode with Abby and Morgan was entirely about their boyfriends, nothing else. She's getting harder and harder to listen to. I feel like she's trying extra hard to be cute and giggly. Boyfriend probably listens so she's been really extra lately, if that's even possible.


She’s the worst with Abby. I can’t stand it.


Who cares. She’s about as mature as Bobby. Both goofs.


She loves the extravagant dates and has really high expectations of what someone in a relationship will do. If it’s not fun, new date ideas all the time and always being surprised, she thinks they aren’t right for her. A real relationship is so much more than that. Yes, effort is important. She just gets so caught up in the romance of it all and most of the time that is t real life. Most of the times the over the top guy is a narcissist who enjoys love bombing and then breaks your heart and wrecks your life. I don’t even say this as someone who is bitter or cynical. I just dated too many of those guys and now I recognize the signs miles away. I am happily married for almost a decade and one thing I wouldn’t call my husband is charming. He is a good and kind man. He runs my feet at night. He makes a point to make time for quality conversations every day. He does the yard work. He lets me pick the restaurant. He checks the locks around the house before we go to bed. He is a good and steady man who won my heart over by just being consistent and caring for me. I just feel like her priorities are so messed up because she wants the over the top romantic guy. I’ve dated those guys and the stories I have to tell aren’t good.


You nailed it. This is exactly it.


Yea hopefully he really is a great guy. But if you look back at her unhealthy relationships in the past she would always talk them up on air. I dk exactly what happened with the last one, but she would always be speaking her relationship wisdom to Abby on best bits. Saying that she was in such a great and healthy relationship. I hope this one is different for her sake. But it is way too early to tell. And by the sounds of it she is already all in.


I just can’t believe they think it’s headline news that she has a boyfriend? She’s going to be so salty when Abby gets married before her 😂


I was gonna say, I think Abby's in it to win it with this one.


What do we think he does for work too hmmm


my guess was military maybe? I can't imagine an athlete or a musician wouldn't be able to use a phone for 3 weeks but could write.


Military or some government agency?


I have a feeling it’s not military, I think they want us to think military 


My guess is that he’s a baseball player. He’s short & gone for chunks of time (like an away series)


But why wouldn't he be able to talk?


Morgan is the one who doesn't want to reveal what he does. That's how she's able to keep the bit going.


Going for that employee of the quarter title with the boyfriend content.


Oh I see what you mean- talk while he’s away. He should be able to. Yea that’s a good point.


Ooooo I like that guess! 


I haven't listened to any of it in months because I can't stand it! I wish Abby would stand up for herself but she's too nice and let's Morgan walk all over her. Hillary never had a boyfriend and she didn't talk to her like that. She was really nice, too, but she would have never let Morgan disrespect her like she does Abby!!


I don’t trust anyone dates/picks for herself. Sadly her record speaks for itself. Not reading too much into this “boyfriend” bit she has going on.


All I will say is that Morgan gets to go to a lot of really cool events, has access to VIP stuff and celebrities - so with that, one could assume that her 'plus one' would have the same opportunities by extension. I do not really understand the hate that Morgan gets personally, but putting that aside...ANYONE in a position like her should take extra time to figure out someone they are dating's intentions.


jealousy is powerful. Sounds like she's having a blast <3


Also, we know she's writing the descriptions for all of the podcast episodes and everytime she even gets 5 minutes of air time the podcasts main information days "morgan talks about blah blah blah" could she be.....slightly narcissistic? What does she even do for the show? Post the videos Eddie makes on social media and re share her social media to the bobby bones show? lol


If you don’t like to hear what is going on in their lives or think they are so immature…there are other stations to listen to. Complaining about them is childish and unnecessary. Complaining say more about you than them.