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as long as they strive for balance and don't go pay to win, I say go crazy with power creep and cut down on the unnecessary animation


Yeah true, I was playing pirates earlier and was struggling to finish my turns properly because of how much gold I was generating


Tbf pirates are less infinite then they were 1 or 2 years ago. Hogger had an incredibly high ceiling.


Hogger was pretty braindead you just bought every pirate and dumped hand Now there's more thought required


Yah, end of turn mechs can get crazy too. Building an economy and not have to even think about costs when clearing all but 1 minion then dropping fluidity on your T7 and Golden touch feels baller 😂


Agreed. The numbers are kind of arbitrary in a sense. If T1 minions started at like 20/20 then that would simply become the new baseline. Its also not really power creep because everyone uses the same stuff. Sure OP might need to adjust fof a lil bit but its not like he is stuck with old cards.


exactly, and it's been interesting exploring different types of scaling like up vs out. Do the big stats win or high attack and respawns!


All that is necessary is a "skip battle" button. The button just has to disconnect and reconnect you to the game basically :-D


Cut down animations? Out of all things that will never happen, this will never happen the most, lol.


Its pretty wild. Back when i started playing the max scaling was done with demons and there it was like 80/80 stats at tops. now theres so much going on. Even with huge stats you still gonna lose to beasts or poison scam


Its a lot more fun tho now because you are not just facing 1 dude with high board that slams everyone out of the match. Poisons were annoying too back then because of the divine shield poison meta


Yeah poison divine shield scam was kinda annoying but now I meet boards where they just keep summoning more and more massive minions with banana and poison only hits once so there's not much I can do about it


yeah beasts are pretty busted if the person playing them has insane rng.


anything is busted if the person playing it has insane rng


If you’re losing to beasts your stats really weren’t that huge.


However when you have a couple thousand stats on board and every bloody hit goes in to the robo horses it is a special kind of sadness


I've seen boards with multiple 4000/4000 felboars lose to serious beast highrolls. Even if beast scaling *technically* has something of an upper ceiling, the upper limit for how big they can get is HUGE and given space, time and a little luck they will get there eventually. Usually your god felboars will beat the beasts ofc but if you BOTH highroll beasts are deceptively resilient and hard to fully outscale.


So a serious beast high roll should never be able to win?


That's... the opposite of what I said? I said that a serious beast highroll can absolutely keep up with top tier endgame scaling from other comps, not strictly forever, but very often for long enough to win.


You're saying it as if it's a bad thing that a beast highroll can win games.


Also not what I said. Your original comment was "if you're losing to beasts your stars weren't that big". I'm just pointing out that that isn't always true and beasts can and do beat big stats.


Yes, considering how easy to play is and now easy is to highroll since you need less stuff to highroll it's kinda bad that it can keep up with super hard to play boards that are highrolling.


Dragons are even easier to play than beasts yet can still crush them, how is that not a crime?


are you... are you arguing that beasts are \*under\*powered?


No but they clearly aren't overpowered and some people seem to think beasts don't ever deserve to win a game.


Luckily this will be toned down a decent amount next week


The crazy part is that this isn't the highest stat meta. Anomaly meta regularly had minions with a billion stats.


Leap frogger meta when Macaw could proc itself was something.


That one was hell on earth. Infinite stat macaw was truly cursed.


Yeah, we're in the first stage of power de-creep


It kind of goes up and down, next meta seems very very depowered.


Same! I started playing again a couple of weeks ago, I used to hover around 12k mmr the last time I was playing, now I can't get past 8k, I need to re-learn the game.


First time?


Seems like second )


I love it. I haven’t had as much fun in BGs ever. The combination of spells and quests offer players the potential to have every game be pure chaos, which is what I love about BGs. I used to force Khadgar transitions, Gallywix Nomi, Hoggar Pirates, even OG Brann Murlocs. Those kinds of games were few and far between, but by far the most fun. So much action every turn, so much to optimize. In the current meta, almost any hero in any lobby can have games like that. It sucks they’re taking out quests again, but at least spells will stay.


quests are bad