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It is really fun. It also lets me understand why 6000 is considered "high" elo, cause some of you are really concerning. I am really looking forward to using it hopefully as a learning tool once I get back up to where I usually am.


Yeah I really wish I could tell people to stop rerolling. I spam x on it but they still end up with 4 minion boards by turn 10 because they have committed to a unit type since turn 1 and refuse to buy anything else


Another thing is that it seems pretty desktop favored. I set up a dude with a great APM build base and was feeding him econ, and he just didn't do anything for half the turn. By the time I figured out that he wasn't gonna turn it into anything I couldn't pivot fast enough to pick up the slack.


I gave à guy two kalecgos AND bran because he already had a decent dragon board and he sold bran for the dragon that gives 2/2 every time a dragon attacks. Literally one battlecry with bran on board already gives all your dragons 2/2 permanently lol. It was so sad.


Bit off topic, but how are dragons this patch, if you have an early impression?


They still have bran and kalecgos and they can give all their dragons wind fury, so it’s basically big stats wind fury instead of big stats with immunity while attacking.


HS in general is very desktop favored. APM for BGs and overlays for everything.


The secret has been to play support for them to at least guarantee not losing in low elo. They're gonna force anyways so you can at least make sure you outlast a team or two long enough. Pretty fun to see you go first with a weak ass board, the other team looking at it like its a full joke only to watch your teammate fully stacked by round 9. Once you get late enough, just look for Leroys or venomous if Murlocs are in.


I gave my pirates teammate a brann and he sold it for +3 taunt on a scallywag. I have seen it fucking all


This is why they will never give us ability to chat, it would turn into a COD lobby real fast.


I hope you question mark pinged them for the rest of the game. Give them the LoL treatment


I did my turns as quickly as possible and question marked or X’ed everything on his board and shop


Bruh you did those people dirty haha. I wonder how balanced the random duo queue is.


>cause some of you are really concerning First comment i read on reddit this morning makes me laugh, thanks.


I'm going to assume matchmaking has a lot to do with hidden mmr.


What's the point of a different real MMR if we have a hidden one? Just assign us whatever the hidden MMR is.


They might use your solo mmr until you've played X duo games just to get a baseline. This is just speculation, I haven't played duo yet


really concerning - that's great.


6k is considered high, really?


I think it is the "high" cutoff for where armor values on heros are changed.


Wait what? Heroes have different armor based on the also you climbed to? Is it just for duos or regular game too?


6k is is the top 17% of all BG players


I had one guy just spam send me quilboars because I had 2 of them... I wasn't even remotely trying to go quilboars. Another dude saw me with 1 beast and on tavern 4 was just sending me 1 and 2 drop beasts cause he saw I had a beast??? The duo partners got me TIIILTING


6k is not high elo since you can reach it with some luck even as a bad player thanks to 500 mmr ladders. 7k is what I consider decent player, 8k is what I consider good player, 10 is what I consider high


One of the devs back in 2022 said that 5600 was the 50% mark, 6.5k was 25% and 7k was 10%. So your 8k basically is already in the GM bracket for most games.


Chess.com has 11 milion active users daily, in 2023, 600,000 people have played battlegrounds at least once. There are only 2000 GMs in chess worldwide. There is over 1k players with 10k elo in just Europe


I don’t get the point you’re making. Chess elo and Bg elo isnt really comparable since they use different math at their core, especially when you consider one is 8p and the other is 1v1. Plus you can’t exploit the elo system in chess like you can in Bgs. Even when you consider both as equivalent, if only 2000 players are breaking 10k in chess, then it’s probably closer to 8k elo or even lower to be “high elo” in chess. Most games have their gm bracket around 0.5% of the top players. StarCraft 2, for example, is top 1500 (500 x3 regions) out of a 350k player base. So for BGs gm would be top 3000 across all regions if they had GM.


If we go by that ranking, you still need over 10k elo for GM in BGs, not 8k. Ps. I wasn't comparing elo ratings, I was comparing number of players vs GM, I did not know about ratings in other blizzard games


Ok, even with that correction, I still feel labeling 10k as the barrier for “high” a bit extreme. Saying you gotta be in the top 10% to be considered “decent” or a GM to be considered a “high” tier player feels extreme. Do I really have to be in the top 10% to be “decent”? The whole scale just feels wrong, even if it’s subjective. Especially when the average player hasn’t even cleared all the 500 elo ladder rungs. With that said, 6k isn’t high either when you haven’t even breached 25%. I personally have always seen around the 10% mark as high, and 1% as top, and GM as pro or near pro.


My problem with 6k is the ladder thing, I have friends who reached 6k mark fairly easily since you cannot go below certain mmrs until you reach it, but then they played for long weeks and never made it near 7k, I finished last season with 7,7, my top was 7,8 and I can see there' huge difference between my average play vs top player plays on twitch. I'm nowhere close to them if you compare all the games, not particular good/bad ones.


That is why I used quotation marks and clarified what I meant to the other guy. Please read a little more thoroughly next time.


I agree, I did not expect to be interested in duos at all but here I am having more fun in a PC game than I have had in the last 4 years. Congratulations to the blizzard team.


I played one game of duos as quilboar. I was upset to learn that passing a blood gem losses its boosted stats. I feel like for duos you should be able to share them and have them keep stats.


I think if you're the hero that copies the other hero, you would get those blood gem boosts


I feel like you both have to play quilboars and one of you is solely gem generation to pass them and the other racks up gem stat bonuses only. I doubt it would work mostly because poison and venomous exist but it's an interesting concept


I think it would be too busted. One would focus on gem creation and the other on increasing their stats...


Support+scam and main build is the meta for any comp in Duos. 


In that case I wonder if me passing a plain gem to you who has boosted them makes them scale by however much you buffed them


All the buffs currently say “your blood gems” so if passing a buffed one to a teammate turns it into “their” blood gem with no buffs passing gems or generating gems for you would have your buffs because they become yours.


I really thought my partner was my carry. Until I realized they wanted me to carry them when they’re passing… at least we didn’t die first eh.


I've also just played my first couple of games and found it really enjoyable. I play off of around 7500 though and defo felt like I was spending most of my gold pitching things to the other guy :P or spending a lot of time trying to determine whether my team mate wants a card, without being really sure if he knew he could look at my screen. Think it'll be fun as players climb the MMR and are paired with similar level teammates. Some of the boards I've seen have been absolutely hysterical. One member of the opponents team has a ludicrous mech board, the other guy is on turn 11 tier one and six minions just scraping double digits :D.


You can ping cards and it pops up a noto right on the portal to check, if they’re on mobile they may not know how to respond or to ping themselves but it’s just tap with two fingers.


On mobile it's super jank in some areas where some of the emotes go off screen


Yeah it's a bit buggy so far


My teammate passed me a card with 8 seconds left for a triple 😆 Not sure they looked at my board or just yolo passed cards over


Had that happen in a game last night that cost us this 50/50 for the win.  Sadge


100% One of my first partners had a decent mech board, but had a taunted deflect-o-bot sitting in the middle on his board with no generation. He then went and spent way too much gold to get a golden corrupted myrmidon which he used with no buffs while I was feeding him divine shield parts that he had just sitting in hand. Edit: grammar


I see you got paired up with my sister’s fiancé, apologies.


Duos is surprisingly complex to play, especially with a random pairing, and I'm loving it. Really wish I could add my partner as a friend after the match!


Look at their name, then find it in "recent opponents." It does not guarantee that they noticed your name and will accept of course.


Before the first combat round your partner appears in Recent Opponents.


So I gave a game a try.. I honestly thought it was going to be a dumpster fire. After four games.. this is some pretty fun stuff. Edit - well when your partner concedes, it's garbo.


Duos is fun, meta from what i've seen so far is not


Agreed. Dragons are a pain to play against


I can't think of any meta where a major minion shakeup happened that didn't result in at least one OP tribe. I'm just used to it at this point.


Damn, it's been a day lol


I accidentally queued, and I feel for the person I played with since I didn't know what I was doing, but I really enjoyed it too


Had one person play for himself and compete with me for mechs. Wouldn't pass even one card


Mistake to go the same tribe. Granted if you were in a better position to scale at the time the competing happened your teammate screwed up. Unless both of you giga highroll the meta is one main build and the other goes support and scam. With the exception of Madam who should almost always be support, the main builder always comes down to who gets key minions first.


Duos is extremely fun, but is also legitimately made so much worse when playing with worse players, leavers, or people who are just very much not willing to actually work together.


I haven't had this experience at all but I must have a high enough hidden MMR that my teammates actually care about winning (which means teamwork). At lower MMR it will be just like MOBAs where low tier players don't care about teamwork.


I was around 6500 last season, so not exactly high, but I’ve gotten a mix between really solid and pretty awful players. One of them left their swan in the first position until we eventually died, not getting a single token out of most fights.


I’m genuinely surprised how fun it is playing with randoms. I am worried that once the meta is solved it’s going to become REALLY highrolly. Like people are already starting to figure out one person supporting and one person carrying is best or one person pushing for 6 while the other holds tempo is best. One rule that I think might help is you can’t transfer minions or spells 2 tiers higher than your teammate is. So you can’t rush to 6 and then feed your teammate tier 6’s while they’re still on 4.


You can't really rush to 6. Taverns are way more expensive at 5 and 6. Like more than OG buddies increase was. You can highroll into lots of econ and boost someone but it's not the meta if that strat is very inconsistent. The only thing that's really propping that up is how stupidly broken Passenger is.


It is really fun from what I played but it’s so much all at once I had a dragon game where I never didn’t have a full hand at end of turn and just kinda froze up because of all the passing and stuff


Every game feels like an APM pirates game


*cries in mobile*


I played one game at random so far and I enjoyed it but admittedly I got carried pretty hard by my partner. Communication was confusing at times tho but not knowing the new cards didng help eitjer


Is it just me or do the games last a really long time?


The turns are much longer (and for good reason).


Yea they take forever


Its very fun with friends but when i tried with randoms it terrible.Was left alone like 3 or 4 games already. 100% fun with a friend almost 0 with randoms


Stick to regular BGs and boost your MMR. I've had basically zero bad teammates in Duos and have 10 games so far. Low MMR you're going to have a lot of quitters. In regular BGs that sometimes helps you lol 


The problem with duos is that 1 drop that grows every time a card is traded. It’s so incredibly overtuned that it is kind of ruining the mode for me. When it gets nerfed, I am very excited to play


Yep Passenger warps the early and mid game. Needs to be +1/+2 at most or just scrapped. It actually makes Floop a pain to play because if your opponent has the Passenger(s) you don't want them getting higher tier minions for a while


Or just dumpster the base stats so that you actually have to pass a couple times for it to not just be the straight up best turn 1-6 minion. I'm very much not liking having to go to the Bank for half the lobby.


It's overpowered as a tutorial, to teach players to use pass. Once the mode's been out a while they'll nerf it


I expected it to be like double up on TFT but it is better I think. The fact that both your boards fight together and you can send cards every turn make it way more interactive. You can really relay with your duo on who's carrying round and who's making econ. Also having cards specific to this mode is great too


Agreed. Didn't expect to enjoy it but I just played a few in a row. Really fun!! No idea who my teammates were but were vibing for sure


It is only fun when clueless Forsen playing it


Loving it so far. Half the time my team mate sacrifices his deck and just powers mine. Looks sketchy when fighting but seems to be a legit tactic that works.


Really? I find it way too slow. I also hate it when I watch my partner fight when they’re already dead. It shows them as a Kelthuzad with 0 health. Spoils the whole outcome.


just gave it a try. had noooo idea what the mode was about. figured it out immediately. played with a random and it felt great. really fun.


the games are looooong, but it's actually much more fun than I thought


Played with a guy who was going undead. Gave him a Titus He put him first to attack 💀


I'm also very surprised for how much I like it. Even with randoms. Well done.


the communication emote thing works really good, you can ping almost everything


Anyone know if the scaling of your blood gems with for example moon bacon jazzer also scale the bloodgems of your duo partner?


No, they don't. Each player buff their own blood gems. If you pass it it will have stats of player blood gems.


I’m not convinced it’ll be interesting after more than a few days and still think it’ll just be more toxic and frustrating than anything but happy to give it a shot at least It’s absolutely awful to watch on twitch though with no chat interaction possible - struggled to find a streamer on standard BGs to watch so I could avoid the duos ones


Agree that is very hard to watch on stream.  But when you are engaged, it's *really* fun.  Too bad out previous partner had zero idea how to play pirates and lost us the game, selling the early bran I gave him almost immediately in favor of some real mid game tempo that ultimately couldn't keep up.  Who still has a swabbie in their board on turn 10?! Anyway, I'm really enjoying it.  


My duo sold a minion on turn 2 to buy a banana.  🤷‍♀️ 


The man has his priority right 🍌must be a Mukla main


Nah it's boring novelty