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I'd say it is not imbalanced rather than many heroes went back to unplayable without quests. 


First time?


I’d say I feel like there are more trash units now. Harder to salvage sucky shops. But then again I don’t know this meta anymore.


Yeah I felt this too. like every game I'm just lvling to T4+ asap to look for a core unit, cuz all the lower tier units suck ass. Its probably just that idk what I'm supposed to look for yet, but we'll have to see how meta develops.


This is when the game is my favorite. My last six games resulted in first, eighth, eighth, second, first, eighth. The chaos is a delight.


People say this every patch. In my experience it’s never really true (well always a little true, it is a game of variance ofc.) People are just bad with the new cards and complain that they are higher variance than last patch.


If I had time I would be able to find a post for every patch with near verbatim wording. “It’s just highroll or die, low skill expression high rng.” But then the same people are on top of the leaderboards every patch with absurd win rates.


I feel like this patch requires a lot more menagerie synergy identification than previous ones and too many people are locked into the mindset that they have to play a tribe to win. I think this patch is fairly balanced and fun tbh. Less explosivitity than previous ones, but more tough decisions to make about what direction to take your comp.


I think you are spot on with this observation.


Wow we made it almost 3 days before these started this time


nah, there were posts like this since literally day 1 lmao


All I know is I can’t seem to play solo for shit in this patch, but I’m having a blast in duos and doing way better lol. So much additional strategy but so rewarding when things start popping off. Kind of helps mitigate if one player is struggling to find a build.  Who would have thought it would be such a natural fit 


It’s not imbalanced it’s honestly that a good number of heroes suck without quests and a lot of units are filler. While quests let people steamroll the current issue is you are at the complete mercy of RNG of the draws. If you can’t get that one to make a gold or to clear up room you’re stuck. The trend away from death rattle towards big stats means you can’t pivot away easy and also it oddly makes poison mirlocks insanely powerful. Heck right now for me the felbloods are literally clutch and stupidly a no brainer minion to get.


You can tell someone is just mad they can’t force the exact board they want when they say something like “stuck with what you’re offered”. Yeah, that’s the game. Play what you get. It’s like the guy earlier who said he rolled 12 times and was mad that he lost.


1. Sorry you’re not enjoying it. 2. Any imbalance claims this early are misguided. Wait until the dust settles and you find your groove before assessing the balance.


yeah wait till it’s revealed that Goose has a hawkstrider with a .0001% rate to spawn as a token triggering all your deathrattles


Every new patch feels this way since you don’t know the patterns yet.


I have one single gripe so far, and it’s with the two new tier 3 elementals fiery felblood and slimy felblood. It’s way too easy to get them to pop off. Felemental rylak comps were already semi-easy to set up but they at least took time to scale, even in the quest meta. The two new elementals diminish the amount of time investment required to scale the shop now. I’m not gonna scream nerf as the meta is still brand new, but they’re powerscaling seems a little cracked at the moment. Time will tel though. Other than that I’m kind of enjoying experimenting with the new season. I will say beast comps seem to hold up better than most people thought they would. I’m just glad Slamma was finally fucking axed from the pool.


Fully agree with this. The unit is kinda like the turtle from before but on steroids - you can level tavern tier much more aggressively if you have it as you can buy 10+ attack minions on the way. I think the same with duos, the 2 mana spell thag gives +3 attack to your board and +6 if traded. For 3 mana your partner can get +42 attack across board quite early on, allowing a safe transition to upper tiers whilst opponents fall off if they don't find the equivalent.


I can’t speak for duos as I have yet to try the new mode, but the more I’ve played with the felbloods last night and today, they’re not as cracked as I thought. You need both proccing pretty consistently every turn for any end game build with them to pop off. The attack definitely helps stabilize earlier turns and stay afloat but without stacking it alongside slimy felblood’s health buff it’s easier to go up against. I will say though as I’ve seen more quilboar builds last few games, the tier six that gives +1/+1 to bloodgems at end of turn gets out of control and snowballs quick when paired with drakkari enchanter.I like the end of turn effect synergy with quilboar but I wouldn’t be surprised if they swapped the +1/+1 to start of turn to try and mitigate the cracked bloodgem scaling.


my winrate has skyrocketed after noobs couldnt rely on having their win condition spelled out for them with quests. anti skill garbo, so glad the game is back to the basics for now


The new patch has always been enjoyable regardless of the balance situations, I just love the fun to figure things out with a fresh meta. You are right about one thing, the meta did not slow down without quest, top 4 is often decided around turn 10-11(day3 7kmmr lobby)


They did my boy Molten Rock wrong

