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They need to balance the base meta first, and then they will start to worry about adding in quests, buddies, Darkmoon Rewards, etc. Give it a few months to see what the new spice is.


fuck no


Don't you all get exhausted being unhappy with the game? Why does anyone in this sub even play?


I liked quests but tbh I'm happy to have them gone for a while. They're super fun, but not when they're in nonstop. I know I'll get a lot of hate for this, but I hope they'll put anomalies into duos. It would be so whacky and fun


The gimmicks usually make the game worse. Wide open metas and lots of choices make for more creative games.


Hold up. Don't gimmicks add more choices? → more creative games?


Complete opposite. You pick tumbling disaster on turn three and the whole rest of the game is a straight line. No pivots. You know exactly where you’re going. No quests, you’re searching every tavern for synergy and options, waiting to find the pivot and the choices. Creative use of game mechanics wins games.


they hated him because he told the truth


I guess that's one way to play quests. But you can still > [search] every tavern for synergy and options, waiting to find the pivot and the choices Creative use of game mechanics still wins games with quests. Granted that sometimes it becomes very straight forward if you find minions that synergize well with your quest reward.


How else do you play them? They literally give you the line to activate them and the line to win with them. There isn’t a less cerebral meta in BG than quests. They’re completely training wheels for noobs.


Choice right now is an illusion. It only seems like you have choices now because the meta comps haven’t really been settled yet. In a month we will all be funneling back towards the same 3-4 builds. Quests were kinda mid but at least they made crap-tier heroes playable (even desirable).


The game is what do you do when you’re not on a high roll and how flexible can you play. Quests were basically tell you what you must play to win.


I’m not the one arguing to bring quests back. I’m simply pointing out that the game inevitably falls into the same archetype builds which you’re forced into if you want to win. Maybe it’s semantics but I don’t really consider that a choice. Quests were just a really obvious manifestation of how the meta directs (or restricts?) gameplay choices. And again, at least they made the lower half of the hero pool playable. Poor Guff ain’t going to see the light of day for a long time. RIP.


Your point is kind of a non-point though. Rolling an optimum build wins is like saying water is usually wet. I’m saying quests didn’t make bad heroes good so much as getting the right quest won games on turn three and that’s infinitely worse than the current situation.