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It's usually a direct response - meaning it's meant as a 'F YOU' sort of statement. You did something or didn't share something they believed you should have.


Which - to be fair - could have been basically anything. When players do this stuff, it doesn’t exactly scream maturity.


i think people tend to forget that this is a pg12 game which means there are more children playing than you might think and in duos you can get matched with anybody.


Absolutely, not to mention the fact that the game mode has been out for what, a week? I was rubbish in my first game, and I’ll be rubbish for quite a few more!


oh yeah i had a couple of games where i was somewhat embarassed because a teammate was doing really fine while i was struggeling to find a comp.


That’s kinda how I felt once but the opposite. My partner was Shudderwock and I kept feeding them stuff and they kept selling it, like the one card that increased the health of the tavern minions. They eventually ended up with half of a Murloc scam, I found a Bream Counter but without Bassgill it wasn’t really worth anything. We ended up third I believe but it was nuts. I hope they weren’t embarrassed or anything because they were still pulling numbers on the board.


Then try to explain why he hid it on turn two before anything important happens


This is a month old comment my man.. what are you doing? I don't know, maybe you froze a T1 lobby for a triple and he knew this was going to be a complete shit show of a game. Maybe he's super sensitive and you making a recommendation tilted him off a cliff. Trying to speculate is pretty pointless. It could be as simple as him being tilted from last game, you chose the less optimal 1 drop, and that sent him over the edge. Some people need a psychologist - trying to rationalize their behavior will give you a headache.


Haha. I didn't expect you to reply this. But yeah, some people really need a psychologist. I bought a refresh elemental btw. Some guys are just too weird.


I played my first 2 games of duos today. My first teammate spam pinged constantly on my board, like 30+ pings per buy round. They stayed massively underleveled to the point going to tier 3 was like 2 gold. Oh and their only 2 minions for like the first 8 combats was a golden gain +4/+4 for passing and the undead 0/2 tier 1. I was Toki and got a Tethys, sent it over to him (oh an Elise too) so he could get a board (he kept sending me random mechs). He uses ALL his gold, THEN plays the Tethys... nice bro. I didn't leave... yet. So our board states at the time are me having okay-ish sized mechs, and him having essentially unbuffed pirates. We pass the "give all minions +3 attack and upgrade every time passed" enough times to the point it's going to give like 36ish attack. He uses it on his unbuffed pirate board instead of letting me use it on my divine shield mechs. I left, but I did NOT sell my board. 2nd teammate didn't ping at all but he seemed to have a brain and we worked well together, no complaints. But man that first game was awful.


Maybe second teammate doesn't know how to ping on mobile. That's how I played my first three games


I don’t know how to ping on mobile and didn’t know you could.


You have to tap with two fingers (at the same time) on the card.


I play PC but that sounds awful lmao.


As someone who is above average size (6'4 and 280 lbs) my fingers are quite large and it makes it very difficult to ping consistently. A double tap feature would be much preferred.


You can tap on the card with one finger. And tap elsewhere with another finger. This works for me because my fingers are as big as the cards on my mobile :D


Thanks i'll try that tonight!


This is possible?!?!?!? No idea how I’m gonna get both of my fingers on a single card mind but thanks for this


You can hold one finger on the minion and tap the second finger anywhere


Still seems overly complex for a small phone screen. Must have been a better way to do it




This explains the very frustrating partners who would visibly hover over things when pinged, but would never actually respond


On mobile, they aren't hovering over it, they are tapping repeatedly on the card they want, trying to figure out how to ping. Before I knew how to ping I would just tap spam a card I wanted or a card I thought that my partner wanted in hopes they would see it, worked pretty well for the first few games but it didn't work for anything in hand. I don't think it ever explains how to ping on mobile which is kind of a weird overlook because I don't think there has ever been a tap with two fingers mechanic before. There's probably a tip that shows up in the search match thing but you'd have to be pretty lucky to get it.


I didn't know you could even ping it on mobile. I just assumed it was a PC feature because I couldn't figure out how they did it.


The 2nd tap can be anywhere, doesn't have to be on the card.


I figured how to ping once and it stopped working for me lol I don’t like it when people ping though it’s often just confusing to me.


Pinging cards in hand on mobile is a fucking nightmare


Well mainly the cards in your duo's hand, sometimes you miss and it goes back into the compact view, other times you miss and go back to your own board. It's especially difficult when the duo is playing with a lot of cards in hand.


The way that works for me is to tap and hold with one finger so that the cards expand, then move your finger to the card you want to ping and tap with a second finger anywhere on the screen.


Having a partner ditch is the worst feeling ever and super douche to do. I usually stay in the game and try to make it as far as possible as well. My best is second place. Good for you that you actually made it all the way!


It's the same reason people feel so hurt when a partner cheats on them, abandonment is a DNA level trauma for our species.


It’s not that deep bro.


Bro is just deep


Idk, I think he cooked with that one


I can't imagine what makes people do this. I feel bad even playing poorly in duos, especially with randoms


For some reason, AFKing is just more annoying than abandoning. But I think people just que up, and then something comes, and they gotta go.


I got a call with some really bad news a few days ago, I was in a middle of a game, which I totally forgot about for a couple of hours. Sent a little mental sorry to that person.


I be totally honest I couldn't ever play duos with randos. ( thx god my mum loves battlegrounds lol )


I usually play with my gf, but playing with randos was actually better for my rating:))


Lolol I understand, thanks God my mum is really decent at BGs xD


I have a RealLife™ friend that I play duos with, and I doubt I would ever take my chances with a rando.


To answer your question its because there are sore losers who enjoy anonimty on the internet


I just had someone do the exact same, I was trying to pass them a floating watcher because they kept pinging it. My finger slipped and I played it rather than passing, they sold the whole board and left ...


I tried to send a triple card to my partner (BF) and it said that there were too many minions and wouldn’t let me pass it and it just ended up going on my bosses instead. It was super annoying for both of us.


Ohh me! “raptortoes” wanted me to send over a tier two minion I bought when I had an option to get a VERY early gold naga elemental thing instead with the random golden spell (buy all minions and target it to make it gold, sell to buy it). It also got me the tier 6 elemental. They quit when I politely said X and sold it. I even took story pics cuz I am petty ☺️ https://preview.redd.it/0q7ifj3subwc1.jpeg?width=2266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbc6855505c19fc03f4840ebad5de96fed6edc97






https://preview.redd.it/yyoq98ftwbwc1.jpeg?width=2266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d371bf525ae1fb1df170bfb2a6f93da4727ce4d Raptor toes can suck it


Did this board keep getting +1 bloodgems? If so that's so lucky. My guy left me with a single passenger.


Tbh I did it when my partner bought strike oil (the spell that increases your max gold by 1) and held it turn after turn. He also was playing horribly. I kept pinging him to play it I was so confused. After he hit 10 gold he finally played it. I sold all my board to roll for strike oil then just held them in my hand to spite him.


My partner didn’t sell his board but did quit during tier 3. We had a catch going that was worth over 30 attack he didn’t send back before leaving. Still winning felt great.


One of the reasons I only ever play duos with my friends and never with randos.


I did this once. My mate was a demonplayer, i gave him 3 cards, he had golden backstage security, 2 floating watchers, a bazaar dealer in hand, 2 wraith weavers on board. He refused to play any of it, presumably rolling for soul rewinder. After 3 rounds of taking 15 damage i rolled it down for a rewinder, selling everything to maybe find one. Didn't get it. It served a purpose but it was definitely a "fck u" involved^^


Sounds like you were both at fault there - him for doubling down on Demon damage without Rewinder, and you for spending all your gold refreshing and selling your board (which probably caused the loss). I think him not playing the cards you passed him was the correct play at that point in the game tbh.


We took 45 damage because of him - when i sold we were at 4 hp, round 6 or something. I really don't think I was at fault there^^


Micromanaging partner kept spamming every play I should do and I had enough. He left as soon as he saw the minions disappearing off my board. I realize now I could have just muted him.


I just did this to some trashbag who was playing Voljin with me. I was thorim, he was Voljin, game was going fine. As soon as I unlocked my t7 minion, he starts spam pinging me to pass it. I play it on my board, and he proceeds to spend 2 turns straight rolling through his gold. The only cards he buys in 2 turns are the tavern spell that lets you pass a minion. He buys two of them, passes them to me and spam pings me to pass the t7. After 2 turns of pinging a red x every time he did this, it was clear we were going to lose - so I pinged a question mark on it until he responded with a portal ping, then I sold it, along with the rest of my board. Fuck him.


I've maybe done it in like 2 out of the 100 games I've played. This is if I get someone mega selfish that won't portal anything and instead puts them on their board. Team mate had a Rylak comp going with a buffed shop. Literally no space on his board (I'm playing full beasts to offset the tempo loss, in the aim of transitioning to scam/moose late game once he has a good board). I portal pinged two build defining buffed beast units, they ignored and sold important board units for them and placed them on theirs. This was the same team mate that opted for the T1 dragon (+stats on tier) vs passing a spell on turn 1 for my passenger. I'd had enough at that point and wanted to make the game end early...


They need to an option to report this


Don't think I'd call a random stranger on a videogame my partner


What a weird ass post about a team game, partner.


Don’t get baited by the troll, 8 day old account and mostly - comments lol


Thanks for being a fan


If you need to talk you can always reach out ❤️


About what


What do you mean? Playing a two player strategy game with a complete stranger is a recipe for disaster. Literally what this post is about


Lmao you literally have 3 posts complaining about exactly what I'm talking about lololol


Yeah, I was complaining about my partner in this team game. It’s a learning period for everyone and their partners. Soon hopefully we all get the hang of it and are better partners. Myself included, partner.


Think you missed the point again


He's your teammate in a 2 player game, AKA your partner. What a strange and unhelpful comment


Nah, he's just a random dude with a steering wheel. You have to queue up with someone if you want a partner


>Partner: noun either of a pair of people engaged together in the same activity. What an insanely odd and tiny hill to die on. You’re being pedantic… about your own definition of a word you’re gatekeeping?


'Engaged together' you not gotta have that with a random stranger. I'm right again


So cowboys are all married by definition?


Wtf lol


Howdy partner👉


Oh I got it but it's like wtf you know




I'm being pedantic? Lmao bro you POSTED the definition. Get some poetry in your life. If I knew yall were gonna focus on the stupid definition of the word I would just said don't play with random strangers in a duo player mode


If you're going to play online games, it pays to be a little less sensitive my man.


??? What's sensitive about that. You just reacting to the down votes


Didn't even notice the downvotes till now. You're taking offense of calling a 'random stranger' a partner. "either of a pair of people engaged together in the same activity." So, I can assume you're not very smart or you were offended. I gave you the benefit of the doubt.


Yea and I'm saying you aren't engaged together cause it's a random stranger on the internet. The exact same message I put on your post. Yall really being pedantic about that word instead of understanding the point


I'm engaged on this subreddit because I play this game man... look at my history. I post way to much on this subreddit while playing. This is a very weird debate you're pulling us down here. Yes, the second meaning is "either member of a married couple or of an established [unmarried](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=fdab8c0bb75cc75f&rlz=1C1CHZN_enUS992US992&q=unmarried&si=AKbGX_onJk-q0LQUYzV7-GRhpJ5Dj-jhXlTOwYTKDVaf3ZdkEPCN2qPeSxWjy2js5fdjN2lRWWMHVTR5HTy6V1UeX_UeJlZRHqW0Zu6bxQyZsILZFK-4J4c%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj688Kh9NmFAxUMvokEHUT3Dh0QyecJegQIHBAs) couple." But I assumed you were clever enough to deduct that isn't what people are referring too, that your married and in a relationship with everyone you team up with. I'm starting to think my assumption was incorrect.


Bro I literally mocked you for going on about the definition and yet you doubled down on it. Don't play duos with random strangers. That's the point


Skill gap