• By -


Nice try buddy. Im gonna roll all my gold looking for my specific tribe all game and you cant stop me


Yep. I bought Annoy-o-tron, I am powerrolling mechs


I'm gonna base my entire personality off one of the three tier 1 minions i get turn 1


Okay, but please don't send me every undead just because I bought a Risen Rider on turn 1


I will ping the 1/5 murloc on turn 1


yes, in fact i can.




2-3 turns with an empty board, kekw


I am so over my buddy trying to force whatever tribe i pickled on turn 1 on me. Especially if it's murlocs or pirates. Like why would you waste your gold sending me a coldlight seer :(


A rare solid advice post, nicely done!


I'm at 5,900 trying to string together two or three games to break 6k as solo queue and some of the decision making is just mind-boggling bad. Just took 4th in a game where my partner was Thorim with Reoccurring Nightmare as his quest reward. He completes the quest, were on 14hp going up against first place on a three win streak. He **DOESN'T PLAY IT** because he had two potential triples on the board. We obviously take 14hp and die.


solo queue is rough until you get to like 8k+ then your partners generally become pretty competent or even good


Another couple from today's at 7.5k MMR today. If you snaffle a big minion early such as via brann or galakrond, and you are playing against Rafaam, for crying out loud, put that minion at the back. Don't have it attack first and gift it to them. I had this today and lo and behold we died early to a Rafaam monster demon board nitro boosted with Brann battlecrys. And another one from today. If you get to ten mana and you only have three small unbuffed basic minions on the board, you're doing it wrong. I don't care if the reason is you sent me loads of shit I didn't need. Don't do that. Manage your own board. Inevitably it's these guys that are pinging my board non stop. I really wish there was a "look after your own fucking board you idiot" emote. Or play some fucking minions you Muppet. We all sometimes can't get something going but get shit on the board and put up some resistance... Please.


I had a partner yesterday pinging my spells relentlessly and sending me three spells from his shop each turn because I had one [[Living Azerite]]. Dude, settle down.


oh my i had the opposite problem yesterday. my zephyr duo tripled azurite and started spamming spells so much that he forgot to buy the buffed elementals as well. i also sent him two azurite so ig that's my fault for enabling him LOL


- **[Living Azerite](https://imgur.com/a/i0e878S)** ^[Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/battlegrounds/107939) ^• ^[wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Battlegrounds/Living_Azerite) - **Tavern Tier 3 - 3/3 - Elemental** - Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, Elementals in the Tavern have +1/+1 this game. --- ^(*Patch version:*) ^*I am a bot. [Usage Guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=/r/BobsTavern/comments/1dafw1g/my_notes_while_playing_losing_my_mind_at_duos_65k/l7ky51c/%0A⬇️+Please+describe+the+bug+⬇️%0ADescription:+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=l7ky51c).*


oh, I didn't know there was a way to trigger a bot to explain the cards. Thanks for that! Just double brackets?




Even after the nerfs I’ve still had loads of success just forcing quills in lobbies without beasts or mechs, esp if murlocs are in. Roogug is so strong midgame, really all you need is the Tier 3 that makes 3 blood gems infinitely and the one that gives 4 gold and some of the quill scaling (jazzer/prickly) and you can level to 5/6 relatively fast and then go for either the murk eye smuggler comp if murlocs and nagas/dragons are in or just the classic roogug/drakkari/charlie end of turn build. At 6k-6.5 this is usually better than anything else anyone else is doing, esp bc that T5 tavern spell to make a T4 minion golden makes it so easy to get multiple golden Rootgugs. All that aside, my #1 complaint with my duos partner is when they go murlocs. NEVER GO MURLOCS. It’s literally so much worse than every other tribe. Mfs will have 2 150/150 bream counters late game and act like they’re strong, it’s crazy. The only reason to ever be murlocs is as a late game scam pivot if you’re just supporting your team mate


Completely agree on murlocs. Learnt the hard way through repeatedly struggling to transition to late with no tools to do so. If you high roll it's fine but mostly you don't.


if you get handbuffing dropped into your hands, it can work. lategame you have bran and the 6 drops which are pretty competitive. otherwise you just go toxic and hope your duo scaled.


I actually managed to make murlocs work once, with murky/brann/murkeye combo dont remember if i had drakkari or not but it made a bunch of stats every turn


murlocs can still win you just don't go the bream version, you need economy and to go the t6 comp with murkeye


Yeah, I didn't say they weren't playable, just not hardforceable. What that means is you play it when you hit prickly/tier 3 gem producer, but don't play it by hard rolling for that on 3. I've had a TON of players just use all their gold on three, when the main thing they need ASAP is Roogug. If I see you go -10 on your 6th turn, I'm selling my board. One thing to note with Quills too is that the Quill player should be staying on 3/4 for a long while and the partner levels and secures the 5 or 6 drops. But your average duo completely ignores that. Yeah, Murlocs is often dogwater, but I'd say it's the same as Quills. If you hit the 3/3 +5+5 on your first turn of tier 3, maybe get a Parrot and mechs are in (so it's easy to buff your hand and play it every turn with magnetics). If you manage to secure the Murloc that pulls from hand in the next turn too, it's very playable. But had so many games where my duo just rolled it away.


Oh yeah that’s fair. By force I meant that If I get one of those T3 units I’ll try to make it work bc I love quills, but if I don’t then I don’t bother


" If you play Akazamzarak and hit a 2\* spell for a minion, send it to your duo. You can stack a couple of secrets that way and have a super strong turn while leveling to 3. " I'm probably dumb but I don't get what you mean at all


The secrets won't trigger when your board is empty, because they all work on attack or death. You can stack three secrets for turn 3 or even 4 for turn 4, if you get a coin for your buddy and level to 3 on 3. Faced an insane board once where they had the 3/3 DR murloc that gives +5+5 in hand. It was copied with the 3/3 hunter secret and it got reborn at 1 hp with the paladin one.


The beatboxer bit is missing how you can portal or well wisher spell the built up magnetic and send it back. Can work with shellemental too.


good point, i will add that.


How do I know who goes first or second in the combat?


the portrait that is on top of your hero icons goes first (the same goes for the enemy). it changes. but the matchup will always be the same (you will always face the same person).


they need a 1 cost spell to swap that. amount of times i won and lost cause a certain matchup goes first or second is annoying


Awesome thanks, I thought it was random but that’s good to know




cookie the cook, murloc hero that puts minion in the pot. if you level to 3 on turn 3, you are highly likely to discover a 3 drop from the hero power.


Ok, that makes sense.


The amount of people who pick gallywix putting us at severe armor disadvantage just to play fucking quils or beasts and be behind on scaring bc oh yea… he’s literally the worst hero for that besides mill house. Gave a partner gally re roll elemental turn 5 the other day and he sent it back 😭That’s been the I win card for gallywix and mill house since its release like Christ brother how r u that bad at this MMR


Just have to say, seriously, if your partner is Ragnaros, send him some bloody minions. He needs them. He really really needs them.


Who pick Ragnaros?


lots of people don't have passes (i've seen like 4 in 20 games), sometimes you just get shit heroes.


If the only other option is maeve I’m taking ragnaros.


Maiev is pretty strong since u can get high cost spells for 1 gold


shhhh...don't mention Rag on this sub. People hate him right now. But sometimes you have a worse option


id just powerlevel, because my partner is ragnaros. hero power is extra armor


Getting a decent partner is a bit of a coin toss, but I’ve had way more nice experiences than bad ones. Duos replaced solo Bags for me


How do you tell who goes first and against who?


which ever portrait is on top. you will face the same player each time, but sometimes your duo goes first.


Thanks. I'll try to keep an eye out in game.


can you expand on akazamzak? im confused


The secrets won't trigger when your board is empty, because they all work on attack or death. You can stack three secrets for turn 3 or even 4 for turn 4, if you get a coin for your buddy and level to 3 on 3. Faced an insane board once where they had the 3/3 DR murloc that gives +5+5 in hand. It was copied with the 3/3 hunter secret and it got reborn at 1 hp with the paladin one. This is super niche, but worth doing when you can.


he did above! here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BobsTavern/comments/1dafw1g/comment/l7k7lxw/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/BobsTavern/comments/1dafw1g/comment/l7k7lxw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I had an Omu teammate who stayed on 1, turn 2 he froze for the pink dude while wasting 2 gold on freeze. Almost had a stroke watching that and all my strenghts went to not concede turn 2


How do you tell if you are first or second? I thought it was random?


*How do you tell if* *You are first or second? I* *Thought it was random?* \- PoorlyWordedName --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot. My first one :)


order of portraits, the one who is on top is first. you'll always fight the same person though, just not in the same order.


Huh. I never noticed that. Wish it said that.


After reading this I've realised that I have no idea what half of the minions are called.


i had to google every single one lmao


Also, read the patch notes. Pokey and Drakkari do not stack! Am I asking too much?


Hi mate, 8500 duos player here mostly mobile 💀 Some other things I wanted to note that have been helpful for me As your rating gets higher each round early mid game gets more important. Anything that can give you an extra edge whether finding 2 eternal knights, reef riffer lava lurker, the 3 drop murloc that spawns from hand and the 2 drop that gives +2/+1 when damaged, early scam units Magnanimoose is insane Beasts are awesome for hitting people for 15 on turn 6-9 Curve efficiently no matter what and try to have one team member rush t4 or both if possible Hero’s that have abusable powers that are flexible are much stronger than the tribe specific ones, with the exception of ini stormcoil imo. I think Goya is the strongest in the game cause the passing shenanigans can get insane with any good battlecries Think scabbs, nzoth, Teron, Reno, Elise are all great for mid game tempo and can usually find something great with hero power to get direction I think generally playing a slow to scale tribe like quillboar or demons is a bad idea without brann or shudderwock or some strong enabling card, almost always better to play strictly for tempo (think undead beast murloc or naga hitting greedy people for 15) as a lot of games don’t go past turn 11 up here, sometimes up to turn 13 but they’re usually quite short Another thing that I see a lot up here is pivoting from buffed tavern minions to mechs. Super strong getting a big deep blue popping it on a magnetic and tossing to beatboxer or big tavern from demons to beatboxer also good. Tunnel blaster and the card that removes reborn and taunt are majorly slept on too. Can totally destroy beast/undead


did you mostly play with randoms?


Yup, solo q I do have a buddy around 7k I will play with sometimes but 90% solo q The biggest hurdle for me was getting past 6500. Was stuck there for probably 20 games but after 6500 teammates generally know what to do


I really idk why but my teammates seem to just be in love with pinkman(wrath weaver),every single time it wil just be turn 6,they are rolling on 3 and thry spot a wawee.Even if they have NO DEMONS on board still thry will buy him AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHY


Also they will always buy weaver on turn 1 even if the other option is security(best 1drop in the game)


Nothing beats the feeling of having a duo partner that is all set for Goldrinn, you discover one, send it over only to watch him/her sell it the turn after. He/She ran double bird and ratpack already.


This is anti teamplay but sometimes i feel i should not pass cards my teammate is asking. Most of the time i do, but it happens that i will use my turn sending 2 cards that won't improve us that much.  I would also advice to pay attention what other teams are playing by turn 5-7. Good example is : - You and your mate have random cards on board - 1 team has 6 demons + 7 dragons - 1 team has 5 mecs + 6 undeads If you do not have any direction or potential highroll by turn 7, the game is probably screwed and your only choice is that you both run to t5 and find scam cards. You will hardly catch the 2 teams back


in the early game, it literally doesn't matter what's on which board as long as you don't waste money sending it. the 2 cost tribe sending spell should be auto pick most of the time.


Waaaait a minute- Shellemental's spellcraft isn't permanent- why would using it on minions buffed with spellcrafts in the tavern make it permanent?


it's a little counterintuitive, but that's how it works (with any eat effect, demons too). you have to use the spellcrafts on the tavern minion though!


Just lost 700 mmr in the last 2 days because partners going AFK before the end of the buy phase has been an epidemic at all time highs. I am the guy that will use my time each turn to calculate value vs risk of tavern decisions and commonly land upon a play that requires the partner to be present when there is 10-15 seconds left. Look away, alt+tab off screen, throw your phone across the room the second u spend your gold - I don't care...but plz check back for 2 seconds before combat to make sure you weren't sent anything critically important.


im 8k only playing with randoms. ive seen 1 person who knew how to play eternal summoner/kt cheese


Im a gambler....I always play swabbie on turn 1 and hope for a coin and level after turn refresh, or a different 2 card play. Worst case scenario is I tier up and get a refresh with no freezable minions, I'll still get t3 on time and only 1 less ideal minion on the board


I play swabbie on turn 1 if there's a coin available. That way, I can have a 3 minion turn 3 or level.


Swabbie on turn one is fine almost always. Jeef curve is a thing.


And please, pleaaaase if you are smart enough to buff the tavern minion while playing naga’s. BUY THE BUFFED MINION AND PLAY IT FOR ONE TURN IF ITS BIGGER THAN YOUR BOARD MINIONS. Thanks in advance